
Trigger_Happy_92 wrote:

france is the weakest. go to www.google.com and type in "frech war victories" then click "im feeling lucky"
Go read some hostory please. Do you know a guy called Napoleon???? Although we stopped him (Russia) he was still one of the greatest military leaders in the world even your own General McArthy would be a little shit next to him.
Next the guy who showed the picture of Hitler in Paris, why don't you search for Hiroshima and Nagasaki and see how proud that is going to make you. And what is funny U.S was telling everybody that U.S.S.R is the evil and they are so called "freedom" and here we go 2 bombs on innocent people. U.S.S.R never did this kind of thing.
And if you read some history you would see that Japan sent a treaty a month before the bombs. U.S denied it dropt the bombs and signed the same one after that.
And now U.S is wondering why everybody hates them, look at you uneducated barely know your own history and all you do talk shit about everybody else. But still every year hundred of thousands of you come to Europe.
+0|6945|Hellsinki, Finland
Yeah, we (the U.S.S.R., I am Russian) only killed 1000 times more people in Gulags.

Besides, it can be argued that the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki prevented the need for invasion of Japan itself, which would have surely been much more disastrous in the long term.

Oh, and comparing military leaders from different centuries is inane. Plus, it is kinda foolish to use an arguement that amounts to saying that because France had a great military leader in the 1800's they are military geniouses now. Dude, honestly.

leTus wrote:

Trigger_Happy_92 wrote:

france is the weakest. go to www.google.com and type in "frech war victories" then click "im feeling lucky"
Go read some hostory please. Do you know a guy called Napoleon???? Although we stopped him (Russia) he was still one of the greatest military leaders in the world even your own General McArthy would be a little shit next to him.
Next the guy who showed the picture of Hitler in Paris, why don't you search for Hiroshima and Nagasaki and see how proud that is going to make you. And what is funny U.S was telling everybody that U.S.S.R is the evil and they are so called "freedom" and here we go 2 bombs on innocent people. U.S.S.R never did this kind of thing.
And if you read some history you would see that Japan sent a treaty a month before the bombs. U.S denied it dropt the bombs and signed the same one after that.
And now U.S is wondering why everybody hates them, look at you uneducated barely know your own history and all you do talk shit about everybody else. But still every year hundred of thousands of you come to Europe.
What a tool.
i enjoy bashing the french and thier propensity for surrender but militarily speaking they are capable.

as far as military goes i'd put them in this order


the only reason canada is even in the g8 is thier allies and that gerald ford asked to have them included when it was the g7..

leTus wrote:

... look at you uneducated barely know your own history and all you do talk shit about everybody else...
Woooo, settle down buddy.  Yes, we dropped some a-bombs on the Japanese, and it save millions of lives on both sides since we didn't have to invade their country.  Even most Japanese will admit this.

Well second thought, Russians just slaughter their own and killed as many people as the Nazis did, but since it was their own I guess they are just a SWELL-GOLLY-G-GREAT country.

Last edited by JAMER (2006-03-09 10:59:25)


Spark wrote:

We all seem to have forgotten a guy called 'Napoleon Bonaparte'...

Not that long ago.
Not a Frenchman by birth, Napoleon Bonaparte was born at Ajaccio on Corsica (Italy).

Asmodeane wrote:

Yeah, we (the U.S.S.R., I am Russian) only killed 1000 times more people in Gulags.

Besides, it can be argued that the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki prevented the need for invasion of Japan itself, which would have surely been much more disastrous in the long term.

Oh, and comparing military leaders from different centuries is inane. Plus, it is kinda foolish to use an arguement that amounts to saying that because France had a great military leader in the 1800's they are military geniouses now. Dude, honestly.
I am aware how many bad things we did, how many people we killed and how many were sent to Syberia for no reason. That's why I don't write everywhere that we are the best and all others are just some tools and talk shit about them. Every country has it's one skeletons and people should know about them before criticising others.
The point I made about Napoleon was that somebody wrote that if you search you would see that France had no military wins although this is not true. And I still think Napoleon was a genius. He made the best use of what he had.
The sinews of war are infinite money - Marcus Tullius Cicero

Why would you judge a nation purely on its military strength, some say the pen is mightier than the sword i'd agree if the pens signing a cheque book. In the Napoleonic wars (since people are bringing up Napolean)  England continuly financed other continental powers (mainly Austria, who kept loosing in spectacular fashion! ) to wage war on France. And at the outbreak of WW2 look how fast cash transformed the small and ill equiped American armed forces in to a first rate military power.

What im trying to say is money is more important than a military (that cost millions and does little in peace time) as when the time comes cash combined with a countries capacity to create weapons of war is what counts. Also a strong economy (Like Americas) will lead others to support you as there own economies rely on yours.


Last edited by Jepeto87 (2006-03-09 14:37:35)

PV1 Joe Snuffy
+78|7071|MA, USA

Jepeto87 wrote:

The sinews of war are infinite money - Marcus Tullius Cicero

Why would you judge a nation purely on its military strength, some say the pen is mightier than the sword i'd agree if the pens signing a cheque book. In the Napoleonic wars (since people are bringing up Napolean)  England continuly financed other continental powers (mainly Austria, who get loosing in spectacular fashion! ) to wage war on France. And at the outbreak of WW2 look how fast cash transformed the small and ill equiped American armed forces in to a first rate military power.

What im trying to say is money is more important than a military (that cost millions and does little in peace time) as when the time comes cash combined with a countries capacity to create weapons of war is what counts. Also a strong economy (Like Americas) will lead others to support you as there own economies rely on yours.

Excellent point.
PV1 Joe Snuffy
+78|7071|MA, USA

<{SoE}>Agamemnar wrote:

chitlin wrote:

the only reason canada is even in the g8 is thier allies and that gerald ford asked to have them included when it was the g7..
Wrong noob.

At the annual summit in Puerto Rico in 1975, it became the Group of Seven (G7) when Canada joined at the behest of U.S. President Gerald Ford.
Um, what is the difference between that and what he said?  Apart from the minor error of calling it G7 when it wasn't yet?

<{SoE}>Agamemnar wrote:

And yes, Canada is the only country part of this "elite" group to have a positive budget, and no national deficit.
Not hard to do when you have a tiny population, a tiny military, and enourmous natural resources.  If you want to impress me, show me a budget surplus after the oil runs out.
+156|6941|space command ur anus

leTus wrote:

Trigger_Happy_92 wrote:

france is the weakest. go to www.google.com and type in "frech war victories" then click "im feeling lucky"
Go read some hostory please. Do you know a guy called Napoleon???? Although we stopped him (Russia) he was still one of the greatest military leaders in the world even your own General McArthy would be a little shit next to him.
Next the guy who showed the picture of Hitler in Paris, why don't you search for Hiroshima and Nagasaki and see how proud that is going to make you. And what is funny U.S was telling everybody that U.S.S.R is the evil and they are so called "freedom" and here we go 2 bombs on innocent people. U.S.S.R never did this kind of thing.
And if you read some history you would see that Japan sent a treaty a month before the bombs. U.S denied it dropt the bombs and signed the same one after that.
And now U.S is wondering why everybody hates them, look at you uneducated barely know your own history and all you do talk shit about everybody else. But still every year hundred of thousands of you come to Europe.
Napoleon was stopped at Waterloo.
the same as the Abba song
PV1 Joe Snuffy
+78|7071|MA, USA

<{SoE}>Agamemnar wrote:

Oil is not even close to Canada's main export but ok.

Btw nice stats lol.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_Canada wrote:

Canada is unusual among developed countries in the importance of the primary sector, with the logging and oil industries being two of Canada's most important. In part because of this Canada is highly dependent on international trade, especially trade with the United States.
Oil is like free money for your economy.  It is probably the best thing to happen to the Canadian economy in years.  You probably wouldn't have a surplus without it.

So, what is Canada's main export?  Wood?  Somehow I don't think that adds as much 'pop' to your economy as the oil.

Re: Stats.  Somebody takes down your crappy arguments so you dis their stats?  Childish AND lame.  Maybe you should spend more time reading and less time playing BF2.

BTW, You didn't say where the other guy was wrong about Ford getting Canada into the G6 (thus making it G7).  Care to?

Last edited by whittsend (2006-03-10 13:32:49)

+105|6945|Lexington, KY

leTus wrote:

Trigger_Happy_92 wrote:

france is the weakest. go to www.google.com and type in "frech war victories" then click "im feeling lucky"
Go read some hostory please. Do you know a guy called Napoleon???? Although we stopped him (Russia) he was still one of the greatest military leaders in the world even your own General McArthy would be a little shit next to him.
Next the guy who showed the picture of Hitler in Paris, why don't you search for Hiroshima and Nagasaki and see how proud that is going to make you. And what is funny U.S was telling everybody that U.S.S.R is the evil and they are so called "freedom" and here we go 2 bombs on innocent people. U.S.S.R never did this kind of thing.
And if you read some history you would see that Japan sent a treaty a month before the bombs. U.S denied it dropt the bombs and signed the same one after that.
First, why should I even listen to your facts.  You can not even spell history properly.  Second, where is your proof about the treaty?  We asked more then once for Japan to surrender, and they turned us down.  Also, we are not proud about the A-bombs, that is why we tried to stop Russia.  I hate when people who dis-like America try to bring this up.  We learned from our actions, and tried to make for sure no other nation had to go through the same thing.
Assuming you're talking about a country's ability to fight a war on its own, I would say canada by far.
Evidently the strongest nation is Wales, with its vast army of sheep it would be able to conquer all who stand in its way.

Oh, not a real country you say?

+3|7016|Essen - Germany

dubbs wrote:

leTus wrote:

Go read some hostory please. Do you know a guy called Napoleon???? Although we stopped him (Russia) he was still one of the greatest military leaders in the world even your own General McArthy would be a little shit next to him.

And if you read some history you would see that Japan sent a treaty a month before the bombs. U.S denied it dropt the bombs and signed the same one after that.
First, why should I even listen to your facts.  You can not even spell history properly.  Second, where is your proof about the treaty?  We asked more then once for Japan to surrender, and they turned us down.  Also, we are not proud about the A-bombs, that is why we tried to stop Russia.  I hate when people who dis-like America try to bring this up.  We learned from our actions, and tried to make for sure no other nation had to go through the same thing.
Actually he can spell "history". Ever heard of so called "typos"? That means an error was made while typing. Happens to everyone from time to time.
Last time I checked "dislike" was written without the "-"

Since leTus wrote "we" when talking about Russia I assume that he is either russian or of russian heritage, therefore I also assume that english is not his native or first language. (Contrary to popular belief by some, english/american is NOT the language of the whole world) And disregarding his whole post that is written in such good english for a typo is just silly.

How many languages do you speak and write flawless, dubbs?

On topic:
I would almost say "Germany", since I did my mandatory service and I know how it is (the morale, the equipment).
Germany might be good when it comes to "peacekeeping" or "humanitarian missions" but I really doubt the combat efficency.

liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6988|Canberra, AUS

dubbs wrote:

leTus wrote:

Trigger_Happy_92 wrote:

france is the weakest. go to www.google.com and type in "frech war victories" then click "im feeling lucky"
Go read some hostory please. Do you know a guy called Napoleon???? Although we stopped him (Russia) he was still one of the greatest military leaders in the world even your own General McArthy would be a little shit next to him.
Next the guy who showed the picture of Hitler in Paris, why don't you search for Hiroshima and Nagasaki and see how proud that is going to make you. And what is funny U.S was telling everybody that U.S.S.R is the evil and they are so called "freedom" and here we go 2 bombs on innocent people. U.S.S.R never did this kind of thing.
And if you read some history you would see that Japan sent a treaty a month before the bombs. U.S denied it dropt the bombs and signed the same one after that.
First, why should I even listen to your facts.  You can not even spell history properly.  Second, where is your proof about the treaty?  We asked more then once for Japan to surrender, and they turned us down.  Also, we are not proud about the A-bombs, that is why we tried to stop Russia.  I hate when people who dis-like America try to bring this up.  We learned from our actions, and tried to make for sure no other nation had to go through the same thing.
The treaty made TO JAPAN was rejected for one reason.

There was no safeguard on the emperor. End.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
blue frog
As far as military goes Japan seems real week but they are really strong
They got enough power to defend them self. Ill have to say Italy is the weakest. But i still love the country!!
I do admit that the first bomb may have helped milions of lifes. Although America could have droped their bomb some where alse. Eg middle of the sea near Tokyo. But Second bomb was totally useless. It just killed soo many people while Japan was thinking whether they should accept the terms or not.

<{SoE}>Agamemnar wrote:

chitlin wrote:

the only reason canada is even in the g8 is thier allies and that gerald ford asked to have them included when it was the g7..
Wrong noob.
At the annual summit in Puerto Rico in 1975, it became the Group of Seven (G7) when Canada joined at the behest of U.S. President Gerald Ford.
The original Six were France, West Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
The 8th country to join was RUSSIA, in 1998.
Quit making up bullshit to sound intelligent.

And yes, Canada is the only country part of this "elite" group to have a positive budget, and no national deficit.
Comon, Russia has a positive budget too, they're growing like hell
Raiders of the Lost Bear

blue frog wrote:

As far as military goes Japan seems real week but they are really strong
They got enough power to defend them self. Ill have to say Italy is the weakest. But i still love the country!!
I do admit that the first bomb may have helped milions of lifes. Although America could have droped their bomb some where alse. Eg middle of the sea near Tokyo. But Second bomb was totally useless. It just killed soo many people while Japan was thinking whether they should accept the terms or not.
Nudge in the right direction maybe?
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6988|Canberra, AUS

polarbearz wrote:

blue frog wrote:

As far as military goes Japan seems real week but they are really strong
They got enough power to defend them self. Ill have to say Italy is the weakest. But i still love the country!!
I do admit that the first bomb may have helped milions of lifes. Although America could have droped their bomb some where alse. Eg middle of the sea near Tokyo. But Second bomb was totally useless. It just killed soo many people while Japan was thinking whether they should accept the terms or not.
Nudge in the right direction maybe?
One of the more interesting terms in the treaty:

Japan is to never build up a military force again, or show military intentions.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
Italy rocks I've been there and everyone I met was nice.  I'm not gonna post my idea on who is weakest cause I don't really care I mean they are the G8 so everybody on the list is good.  Just cause one isn't as good doesn't matter, they're still among the top countries in the world.
+0|6924|Paderborn, Germany

vonSteuben wrote:

Germany might be good when it comes to "peacekeeping" or "humanitarian missions" but I really doubt the combat efficency.
Yea, this job also has to be done. Personally i'd better help people than killing them, which leads me to the question, what "weak" or "strong" means. The initial post never said it was meant military.....in a prior post it was said, that in case of war, not only the army, but also money is of much importance.
Maybe strength is good education and science, or medical provision?
After all i think, none of the G8 is weak, because i belief that real strength comes from friends and if one of this countries ever will be attacked the others will help. So we can be glad, that the USA has a good military, Germany good humanitarian capabilities, Wales many sheep and so on, because in the case of emergency, we all would work together. (And the Italians support with Pizza on Vespas)

So this thread isn't about which country is weak, but about the strong points of everyone :-D

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