+231|6513|Kyiv, Ukraine
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/co … ml?sub=new

"Al-Qaeda will have to support McCain in the coming election," said a commentary posted Monday on the extremist Web site al-Hesbah, which is closely linked to the terrorist group. It said the Arizona Republican would continue the "failing march of his predecessor," President Bush.

The Web commentary was one of several posted by Taliban or al-Qaeda-allied groups in recent days that trumpeted the global financial crisis and predicted further decline for the United States and other Western powers. In language that was by turns mocking and ominous, the newest posting credited al-Qaeda with having lured Washington into a trap that had "exhausted its resources and bankrupted its economy." It further suggested that a terrorist strike might swing the election to McCain and guarantee an expansion of U.S. military commitments in the Islamic world.
Cute, wasn't one of our wingnuts just asking a bit ago why terrorists always seem to like Democrats?
+3,611|6761|London, England
I was thinking before, the only way McCain would win right now is if the US suffered a terrorist attack

Keep your eyes open
+2,382|6818|The North, beyond the wall.
It's clever, they're just after their own goals (coalition outta the middle East.). Best way to do it, get people saying Terrorists support McCain so he loses. Obama wins and we leave Iraq too early.

But I'm just a conspiracy nut...
+231|6513|Kyiv, Ukraine

usmarine wrote:

Thats what I get for being away from the forums for a few days.

Ah, good ol' reverse psychology.
+240|6805|Austin, TX

GorillaTicTacs wrote:


"Al-Qaeda will have to support McCain in the coming election," said a commentary posted Monday on the extremist Web site al-Hesbah, which is closely linked to the terrorist group. It said the Arizona Republican would continue the "failing march of his predecessor," President Bush.

The Web commentary was one of several posted by Taliban or al-Qaeda-allied groups in recent days that trumpeted the global financial crisis and predicted further decline for the United States and other Western powers. In language that was by turns mocking and ominous, the newest posting credited al-Qaeda with having lured Washington into a trap that had "exhausted its resources and bankrupted its economy." It further suggested that a terrorist strike might swing the election to McCain and guarantee an expansion of U.S. military commitments in the Islamic world.
Cute, wasn't one of our wingnuts just asking a bit ago why terrorists always seem to like Democrats?
Nice, they know how to try to manipulate the public to further their own goals.  They do like Democrats better, that is why they are stating they want McCain.  They know if they say they like him, some Obama-supporters will post it on the internet to try to use it to tweak McCain supporters or try to shock them into changing their vote.

Last edited by imortal (2008-10-23 12:04:09)

+231|6513|Kyiv, Ukraine

imortal wrote:

GorillaTicTacs wrote:


"Al-Qaeda will have to support McCain in the coming election," said a commentary posted Monday on the extremist Web site al-Hesbah, which is closely linked to the terrorist group. It said the Arizona Republican would continue the "failing march of his predecessor," President Bush.

The Web commentary was one of several posted by Taliban or al-Qaeda-allied groups in recent days that trumpeted the global financial crisis and predicted further decline for the United States and other Western powers. In language that was by turns mocking and ominous, the newest posting credited al-Qaeda with having lured Washington into a trap that had "exhausted its resources and bankrupted its economy." It further suggested that a terrorist strike might swing the election to McCain and guarantee an expansion of U.S. military commitments in the Islamic world.
Cute, wasn't one of our wingnuts just asking a bit ago why terrorists always seem to like Democrats?
Nice, they know how to try to manipulate the public to further their own goals.  They do like Democrats better, that is why they are stating they want McCain.  They know if they say they like him, some Obama-supporters will post it on the internet to try to use it to tweak McCain supporters or try to shock them into changing their vote.
So by that logic, Faux News was releasing stories for years about terrorists endorsing Democrats just so they would be elected...and now they switched tactics just to fuck with us?  Man, this shit is complicated, I'm so happy imortal could set me straight.
+240|6805|Austin, TX

GorillaTicTacs wrote:

imortal wrote:

GorillaTicTacs wrote:


Cute, wasn't one of our wingnuts just asking a bit ago why terrorists always seem to like Democrats?
Nice, they know how to try to manipulate the public to further their own goals.  They do like Democrats better, that is why they are stating they want McCain.  They know if they say they like him, some Obama-supporters will post it on the internet to try to use it to tweak McCain supporters or try to shock them into changing their vote.
So by that logic, Faux News was releasing stories for years about terrorists endorsing Democrats just so they would be elected...and now they switched tactics just to fuck with us?  Man, this shit is complicated, I'm so happy imortal could set me straight.
Glad I can help.  Just let me know if you need help tying your shoes.

Seriously, Al Qaeda has been trying to get the Democrats in office over the years in order to get someone in office that would take pressure off themselves, get the US out of the Middle East.  Which was one of the things Kerry was running on.  The situation has changed now, with the economy.  They get a two-fer.  They get to scream that it is all Bush's fault (which is what they have been ranting for years, and also allows them to get a lot of people around the world to nod their heads in agreement- 'hey, these people are starting to make sense!'), and suggest to US voters that the Republicans are not only to blame, but McCain will make it worse.  Also, this election is running pretty close.  If some of the less sophisticated voters hear about this and take it at face value, it could erode some base support away from McCain. 

Yes, they want Democrats in office.  Historically, their lives were a lot easier with a Democrat in office, and the noises a lot of politicians make in DC can easily lead them to believe that they will have a field day again if Obama gets in office.They simply altered their tactics a bit.  Just because a lot of them live in caves does not make them unsophisticated, or uneducated in world affairs.  Remember the Spain bombing just before the election changed the results entirely.

jord wrote:

It's clever, they're just after their own goals (coalition outta the middle East.). Best way to do it, get people saying Terrorists support McCain so he loses. Obama wins and we leave Iraq too early.

But I'm just a conspiracy nut...
Both presidential candidates know they can't pull out of the Iraq war in the next 10-15 years.
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

Didn't they pull the same thing in 2004? Their goal was to get Kerry elected, so they "endorsed" Bush.

How'd that work out for them?
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

FEOS wrote:

Didn't they pull the same thing in 2004? Their goal was to get Kerry elected, so they "endorsed" Bush.

How'd that work out for them?
No, your thinking of the French. They endorsed Kerry.

Didn't work out for them, either.

12/f/taiwan wrote:

Both presidential candidates know they can't pull out of the Iraq war in the next 10-15 years.
actually 2011.  My friend over there has not even fired his weapon in about 10 months.
O Canada
+1,596|6545|North Carolina
Regardless of whether or not they actually support McCain or Obama, it remains true that Osama got what he wanted after 9/11 -- tricking the U.S. into pissing off most of the world by going on the warpath.

Turquoise wrote:

Regardless of whether or not they actually support McCain or Obama, it remains true that Osama got what he wanted after 9/11 -- tricking the U.S. into pissing off most of the world by going on the warpath.
so its was just the US?  i guess you think very little about canada or the UK for example.
O Canada
+1,596|6545|North Carolina

usmarine wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

Regardless of whether or not they actually support McCain or Obama, it remains true that Osama got what he wanted after 9/11 -- tricking the U.S. into pissing off most of the world by going on the warpath.
so its was just the US?  i guess you think very little about canada or the UK for example.
Hey, good point...  because the U.K. was duped as well, but Canada actually stayed out of Iraq.

Turquoise wrote:

usmarine wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

Regardless of whether or not they actually support McCain or Obama, it remains true that Osama got what he wanted after 9/11 -- tricking the U.S. into pissing off most of the world by going on the warpath.
so its was just the US?  i guess you think very little about canada or the UK for example.
Hey, good point...  because the U.K. was duped as well, but Canada actually stayed out of Iraq.
well not afghan.  which is a war.  and can be considered on the path right?
O Canada
+1,596|6545|North Carolina

usmarine wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

usmarine wrote:

so its was just the US?  i guess you think very little about canada or the UK for example.
Hey, good point...  because the U.K. was duped as well, but Canada actually stayed out of Iraq.
well not afghan.  which is a war.  and can be considered on the path right?
lol...  Ok...  let me rephrase...  Invading Iraq.

Turquoise wrote:

lol...  Ok...  let me rephrase...  Invading Iraq.
oooo.  replace the nucks with australia and spain then.
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

TheAussieReaper wrote:

FEOS wrote:

Didn't they pull the same thing in 2004? Their goal was to get Kerry elected, so they "endorsed" Bush.

How'd that work out for them?
No, your thinking of the French. They endorsed Kerry.

Didn't work out for them, either.
AQ, France...it's all the same.

And it actually was AQ. Not saying it wasn't France, but UBL certainly did.

Last edited by FEOS (2008-10-23 18:41:02)

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
not fulla schit

for all the Obamamaniacs enjoy your leader..
O Canada
+1,596|6545|North Carolina

usmarine wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

lol...  Ok...  let me rephrase...  Invading Iraq.
oooo.  replace the nucks with australia and spain then.
Hey, I take issue with a lot of countries, not just America.

We can run down the whole list of countries in the Coalition of the Willing as ones that were either duped or seeking to stay on our good side for economic interests and the like.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6830|Tampa Bay Florida

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Ah, good ol' reverse psychology.
Funny, don't recall you saying that during the dozens of times other members have posted topics saying such and such middle eastern whackjob group wants the Democrats to win. 

I could be wrong though.

Spearhead wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Ah, good ol' reverse psychology.
Funny, don't recall you saying that during the dozens of times other members have posted topics saying such and such middle eastern whackjob group wants the Democrats to win. 

I could be wrong though.
It wouldn't be reverse psychology then... 
  AQ want's the candidate that's softer on dealing with them(Obama)... so they can do their thing without interruption...
so they say they hope McCain wins... hence, reverse psychology.... lol
Love is the answer
+5,233|6669|Global Command
I think Osama Bin Laden might have done a better job running the U.S. than the pack of parasites and criminals that passes for leadership we have now.

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