pics or it didn't happen

Jenspm wrote:

Vote Obama if you want Europe to like you, tbh.
this is America.  we don't give a shit about what other counties think.
haha jk...but really though
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6700|NT, like Mick Dundee

Kmarion wrote:

Flecco wrote:

Unrelated: HOLY CRAP, the Dems candidate for State Rep where Kezza lives...

His name is almost identical to mine.
Jebediah Clampet?
State Representative for District 67

The nominee for the dems, his name is Richard J. Jackson.
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.

I don't really have anything constructive to add, other than you spelt tomorrow wrong in the title.

+3,611|6656|London, England

God Save the Queen wrote:

vote for mccain so you could be a part of the bradley effect.
Bradley effect, and you thought there was nothing that could destroy your love for the IFV
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6700|NT, like Mick Dundee

My Dad was having a drunken rant last night and said he thinks Obama will win the popular vote, but never get sworn in.

Idk, maybe it was the whiskey talking.
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6636|132 and Bush

.Sup wrote:

lol sucks kmar. I wouldn't make voting ?paper? in any other lingo besides English if I were making the constitution-if you wanna live and vote here you can at least learn the official language! Right?
It doesn't bother me. We are a mixed bag. We have no official language.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Kmarion wrote:

It doesn't bother me. We are a mixed bag. We have no official language.
Yes you do. It's English. Stop trying to pretend the British didn't give you anything you ungrateful bastards.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6636|132 and Bush

ghettoperson wrote:

I don't really have anything constructive to add, other than you spelt tomorrow wrong in the title.

What are you talking about?

An illiterate with a voters card I am.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6636|132 and Bush

TheAussieReaper wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

It doesn't bother me. We are a mixed bag. We have no official language.
Yes you do. It's English. Stop trying to pretend the British didn't give you anything you ungrateful bastards.
Spanish has been spoke on the continent much longer than English . Especially in FL.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6636|132 and Bush … ack-obama/
Wow.. just wow. That is a whole lot of "why nots" against Barry. Unfortunately I've got nearly just as many against McCain.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

TheAussieReaper wrote:

FEOS wrote:

TheAussieReaper wrote:

Reaganomics have failed.
Only if you don't know what Reaganomics actually are.
Don't you? Here, I'll describe them for you: … 4#p2350084
I'll see your quote and raise you one: … 3#p2350133

So clearly don't know what Reaganomics actually are.

TheAussieReaper wrote:

FEOS wrote:

TAR wrote:

The bailout plan saw the Republicans and Democrats only work together when they were trying to fight the disaster "after" it was caused by a non-regulated economy.
So give Democrats unfettered power in both the Legislative and Executive branches so they don't have to worry about working together. Great plan.
They'll still work together. Have you not heard some of the names Obama has nominated to be his top advisers? The list includes people such as

"He (Powell) will have a role as one of my advisers. He has already served in that function, even before he endorsed me." Obama said on NBC's Today show.

You've completely missed the point. Powell will be working for the Executive branch in that instance. The "working together" needs to come in the Legislative and between the Legislative and Executive branches. If both are controlled by the same party (with the Legislative having a filibuster-proof majority), it's the same song, different tune from 2001-2006. Unfettered spending by a Congress that rubberstamps the President's spending proposals.

TheAussieReaper wrote:

FEOS wrote:

TAR wrote:

The disaster Bush's term has been, is going to continue with McCain and Palin.
Based on what?
Oh, I dunno. Maybe because he's supported Bush "actively and very impassioned"

He's campaigned for Bush. Voted for Bush. Stood by Bush time and time again. Has never spoken out about the Iraq war. Or any conflict the US has been involved in.
And he's also parted with his party on key party issues. Name one that Obama has done the same on.

Look into the history of LBJ and his positions as a Senator vice his positions as President. When he was President, he had free reign, Party-wise, to implement what HE wanted. When he was a Senator, he was bound by what the Party wanted.

TheAussieReaper wrote:

FEOS wrote:

TAR wrote:

The Republicans are going to stare down Russian, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan and who knows where else by increasing the military budget. Your already in huge debt.
Obama hasn't said anything about cutting the military budget, either.
Obama opposed the war in Iraq from the start.

Think Biden is for or against the war? Watch this, direct from the Senate:

They want to be more cooperative with Pakistan. That's a known fact, probably something you've even argued they shouldn't be doing. In my opinion, it's better than raiding villages for AQ, crossing into Pakistan and killing civilians and\or getting shot by the Pakistani's trying to defend their borders.

McCain won't meet Russia, Iran, North Korea, anyone, without pre-conditions. I don't think many are going to even come to the negotiating table if that's the case.
And all that has the square root of fuckall to do with the size of the military budget.

TheAussieReaper wrote:

FEOS wrote:

TAR wrote:

You need to raise taxes for the highest income owners, increase bank regulation until the financial market stabilizes, ease taxes on the low income earners to promote spending.
The top 10% already pay 70% of the taxes. The top 5% pay more than 30%. How much more should they be taxed?
The top 10% have over 70% of the wealth. Ease taxes on the low income earners will promote spending and speed up the economy.
Those with the bulk of the wealth also do the bulk of the spending. 

TheAussieReaper wrote:

FEOS wrote:

TAR wrote:

Only Obama has a plan for stimulating an economy that doesn't result in another budget deficit.
No he doesn't. He's the only one who hasn't provided any plans for spending cuts to offset his $800B+ spending initiatives.
Spending cuts isn't going to help the economy, it will worsen it. Slower productivity and less Government created jobs will result in higher unemployment. Refer to here: … 4#p2350084 once again.
Are you out of your damn mind?! Decreasing government spending will lower the deficit, and get us back to the 90's trend of budget surpluses, which will eventually lower the debt.

The Government doesn't create jobs. The private sector creates jobs.

TheAussieReaper wrote:

FEOS wrote:

TAR wrote:

And he believes in global warming + finding a solution.
So does McCain.
McCain's so called solution, is to cut back the reliance of fuels from the Middle East, by investing in green technology, but by also drilling the oil reserves. He's sitting on the fence on this one.

Palin however, well, she speaks for herself:

Global warming isn't man made? How is that finding a solution, if you don't understand the cause of the problem?
Last time I checked, the President made the policy, not the VP. McCain's plan is clear, and it's not all that different than Obama's.

TheAussieReaper wrote:

FEOS wrote:

TAR wrote:

Evolution should be taught in schools. Not creationism. State and Church kept separate. Republicans will introduce intelligent design and dumb down your whole nation.
And so McCain is advocating for a federal requirement to teach creationism? Didn't think so.
Haha, is McCain advocating a federal requirement? Not yet. But they WILL. With Republicans like this...

^That was from the GOP debate

And again, good ole Palin:

ANCHORAGE -- Soon after Sarah Palin was elected mayor of the foothill town of Wasilla, Alaska, she startled a local music teacher by insisting in casual conversation that men and dinosaurs coexisted on an Earth created 6,000 years ago -- about 65 million years after scientists say most dinosaurs became extinct -- the teacher said.
Ah, clairvoyance must be such a burden. What in McCain's extensive Legislative record leads you to believe he will advocate for teaching creationism in public schools? Nothing, that's what.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Kmarion wrote:

Spanish has been spoke on the continent much longer than English . Especially in FL.
And French, and Dutch. The Caribbean was even brought the language of Africa through the slave trade.

Kmarion wrote:
Wow.. just wow. That is a whole lot of "why nots" against Barry. Unfortunately I've got nearly just as many against McCain.
none of that is true... how dare you question the Messiah... beg for forgiveness.... lol
Love is the answer
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6636|132 and Bush

TheAussieReaper wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

Spanish has been spoke on the continent much longer than English . Especially in FL.
And French, and Dutch. The Caribbean was even brought the language of Africa through the slave trade.
Spanish surpasses them all in terms of European languages. The oldest city in the United States, St. Augustine, was settled by the Spanish.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

Kmarion wrote:
Wow.. just wow. That is a whole lot of "why nots" against Barry. Unfortunately I've got nearly just as many against McCain.
In fact, if Obama wins on November 4th—and serves one full term in the Oval Office—the Presidency of the United States would be the longest consecutively held full-time job he has ever held without seeking another.
That's an interesting stat. First I've seen that.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

FEOS wrote:

TheAussieReaper wrote:

FEOS wrote:

TheAussieReaper wrote:

Reaganomics have failed.
Only if you don't know what Reaganomics actually are.
Don't you? Here, I'll describe them for you: … 4#p2350084
I'll see your quote and raise you one: … 3#p2350133

So clearly don't know what Reaganomics actually are.
Your haven't address that the Reaganomics have caused the current financial crisis. You keep going back to how they worked then, and also point out that the deregulation was nothing as widespread as it is today. My point, that you keep missing, is that the Reaganomics today have failed.

FEOS wrote:

TheAussieReaper wrote:

FEOS wrote:

TAR wrote:

The bailout plan saw the Republicans and Democrats only work together when they were trying to fight the disaster "after" it was caused by a non-regulated economy.
So give Democrats unfettered power in both the Legislative and Executive branches so they don't have to worry about working together. Great plan.
They'll still work together. Have you not heard some of the names Obama has nominated to be his top advisers? The list includes people such as

"He (Powell) will have a role as one of my advisers. He has already served in that function, even before he endorsed me." Obama said on NBC's Today show.

You've completely missed the point. Powell will be working for the Executive branch in that instance. The "working together" needs to come in the Legislative and between the Legislative and Executive branches. If both are controlled by the same party (with the Legislative having a filibuster-proof majority), it's the same song, different tune from 2001-2006. Unfettered spending by a Congress that rubberstamps the President's spending proposals.
"Unfettered spending by a Congress that rubberstamps the President's spending proposals" is what you need at the moment. I'll point out why as I address another question below. But govt. spending on infrastructure creates jobs.

FEOS wrote:

TheAussieReaper wrote:

FEOS wrote:

TAR wrote:

The disaster Bush's term has been, is going to continue with McCain and Palin.
Based on what?
Oh, I dunno. Maybe because he's supported Bush "actively and very impassioned"

He's campaigned for Bush. Voted for Bush. Stood by Bush time and time again. Has never spoken out about the Iraq war. Or any conflict the US has been involved in.
And he's also parted with his party on key party issues. Name one that Obama has done the same on.

Look into the history of LBJ and his positions as a Senator vice his positions as President. When he was President, he had free reign, Party-wise, to implement what HE wanted. When he was a Senator, he was bound by what the Party wanted.
Here we go. The "maverick tag". A maverick is not going to be a stabilizing factor that you currently need as President. You want someone who will listen to the advice given and not just stand against it to look good.

You wanted one example of Obama not sticking with Democrat convention? Fine:

"Barack Obama's August 1 speech outlining an aggressive anti-terrorist policy is part of the Illinois Senator's larger campaign strategy, demonstrating his willingness to break from liberal orthodoxy -- defying teachers' unions, proponents of racially based affirmative action, and Democratic constituencies wary of the use of force."

Oh look, source is from the Huffington. You know, the right leaning Republican source? … 58815.html

FEOS wrote:

TheAussieReaper wrote:

FEOS wrote:

Obama hasn't said anything about cutting the military budget, either.
Obama opposed the war in Iraq from the start.

Think Biden is for or against the war? Watch this, direct from the Senate:

They want to be more cooperative with Pakistan. That's a known fact, probably something you've even argued they shouldn't be doing. In my opinion, it's better than raiding villages for AQ, crossing into Pakistan and killing civilians and\or getting shot by the Pakistani's trying to defend their borders.

McCain won't meet Russia, Iran, North Korea, anyone, without pre-conditions. I don't think many are going to even come to the negotiating table if that's the case.
And all that has the square root of fuckall to do with the size of the military budget.
Do you understand what staring down a diplomatic rival entails? How about an arms race, increased military presence, more troop deployment, economic sanctions, all of which McCain has said he will do.

FEOS wrote:

TheAussieReaper wrote:

FEOS wrote:

The top 10% already pay 70% of the taxes. The top 5% pay more than 30%. How much more should they be taxed?
The top 10% have over 70% of the wealth. Ease taxes on the low income earners will promote spending and speed up the economy.
Those with the bulk of the wealth also do the bulk of the spending.
No, they don't actually. Why? Because they have all the tax breaks. The consumer that drives the economy, is the average income earner. You know, the 100's of millions who consume every day products, buy cars, housing (oh look, there's a housing crisis at the moment because these people couldn't afford to pay their mortgage)

FEOS wrote:

TheAussieReaper wrote:

FEOS wrote:

No he doesn't. He's the only one who hasn't provided any plans for spending cuts to offset his $800B+ spending initiatives.
Spending cuts isn't going to help the economy, it will worsen it. Slower productivity and less Government created jobs will result in higher unemployment. Refer to here: … 4#p2350084 once again.
Are you out of your damn mind?! Decreasing government spending will lower the deficit, and get us back to the 90's trend of budget surpluses, which will eventually lower the debt.

The Government doesn't create jobs. The private sector creates jobs.
The Government doesn't create jobs? That's ridiculous comment. They do create jobs. You know, like public works projects? Where do you think most of the infrastructure money is coming from when roads are built, schools, public hospitals, etc?

FEOS wrote:

TheAussieReaper wrote:

Global warming isn't man made? How is that finding a solution, if you don't understand the cause of the problem?
Last time I checked, the President made the policy, not the VP. McCain's plan is clear, and it's not all that different than Obama's.
Yes it is. McCain's targets for reduction are far more into the future than Obama's are.

FEOS wrote:

Ah, clairvoyance must be such a burden. What in McCain's extensive Legislative record leads you to believe he will advocate for teaching creationism in public schools? Nothing, that's what.
Did you not look at any of the above I posted. The Republicans are representative of the religious right. Guess what, the Religious right are pushing for creationism, and if more likely to get it with McCain\Palin than Obama\Biden.
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

TheAussieReaper wrote:

FEOS wrote:

TheAussieReaper wrote:

Don't you? Here, I'll describe them for you: … 4#p2350084
I'll see your quote and raise you one: … 3#p2350133

So clearly don't know what Reaganomics actually are.
Your haven't address that the Reaganomics have caused the current financial crisis. You keep going back to how they worked then, and also point out that the deregulation was nothing as widespread as it is today. My point, that you keep missing, is that the Reaganomics today have failed.
And the point that you keep missing is that the economic policies today are not Reaganomics. They are an altered form of the policies, with the alterations being the key problem areas: deregulation of the financial markets and mortgage markets.

TheAussieReaper wrote:

"Unfettered spending by a Congress that rubberstamps the President's spending proposals" is what you need at the moment. I'll point out why as I address another question below. But govt. spending on infrastructure creates jobs.
No, unfettered spending is the LAST thing we need at the moment. Obama isn't planning on spending the money on infrastructure...he's spending it on social programs. And the private sector still creates the jobs for those government contracts, btw. It's private companies that employ those workers, not the government.

TheAussieReaper wrote:

FEOS wrote:

And he's also parted with his party on key party issues. Name one that Obama has done the same on.

Look into the history of LBJ and his positions as a Senator vice his positions as President. When he was President, he had free reign, Party-wise, to implement what HE wanted. When he was a Senator, he was bound by what the Party wanted.
Here we go. The "maverick tag". A maverick is not going to be a stabilizing factor that you currently need as President. You want someone who will listen to the advice given and not just stand against it to look good.
Way to marginalize and completely oversimplify McCain's record. Don't bother actually researching it or anything. Too damned inconvenient.

TheAussieReaper wrote:

You wanted one example of Obama not sticking with Democrat convention? Fine:

"Barack Obama's August 1 speech outlining an aggressive anti-terrorist policy is part of the Illinois Senator's larger campaign strategy, demonstrating his willingness to break from liberal orthodoxy -- defying teachers' unions, proponents of racially based affirmative action, and Democratic constituencies wary of the use of force."

Oh look, source is from the Huffington. You know, the right leaning Republican source? … 58815.html
Speeches. How about legislation? That's what lawmakers are supposed to do, you know. Actions > words.

TheAussieReaper wrote:

Do you understand what staring down a diplomatic rival entails? How about an arms race, increased military presence, more troop deployment, economic sanctions, all of which McCain has said he will do.
Yes. None of those things listed involve the military budget, either. You know, the original point you were trying to make that somehow Obama was going to cut the military budget? None of that supports your argument.

TheAussieReaper wrote:

No, they don't actually. Why? Because they have all the tax breaks. The consumer that drives the economy, is the average income earner. You know, the 100's of millions who consume every day products, buy cars, housing (oh look, there's a housing crisis at the moment because these people couldn't afford to pay their mortgage)
Sure, if you consider paying the vast majority of the income tax paid in this country having "all the tax breaks". The bulk of consumer spending comes from the same group that pays the bulk of the taxes. That's a fact. They also provide the majority of the jobs of the other 90% of the income earners in the country.

TheAussieReaper wrote:

The Government doesn't create jobs? That's ridiculous comment. They do create jobs. You know, like public works projects? Where do you think most of the infrastructure money is coming from when roads are built, schools, public hospitals, etc?
Those are projects that are planned out years and years in advance. They don't create new jobs, they utilize the existing labor force...which is employed by private sector companies. The only jobs that the government actually "creates" are those that are paid government positions.

TheAussieReaper wrote:

Yes it is. McCain's targets for reduction are far more into the future than Obama's are.
According to whom? Obama, right?

TheAussieReaper wrote:

FEOS wrote:

Ah, clairvoyance must be such a burden. What in McCain's extensive Legislative record leads you to believe he will advocate for teaching creationism in public schools? Nothing, that's what.
Did you not look at any of the above I posted. The Republicans are representative of the religious right. Guess what, the Religious right are pushing for creationism, and if more likely to get it with McCain\Palin than Obama\Biden.
No, the Republicans are representatives of the conservatives in the country. The neocons are representative of the religious right. McCain is not a neocon, and he is a strict Constitutionalist when it comes to those types of issues. He would never support a breach of the First Amendment like that.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

oug wrote:

FEOS wrote:

1. We have had at least one governor (state executive) from a third party (Libertarian). The reason the other parties don't do well is that their "big ticket" concepts typically get adopted by either the Dems or Reps as platform planks.

2. There is a HUGE difference between the two parties, at least philosophically. The neocons have hijacked the Republican party at this point, which explains why many are disillusioned with them. Generally, the Republicans are for lower taxes (both individual and business), smaller government, fiscal constraint, community-based social programs. Democrats are for increased taxes (particularly on high earners and businesses), larger government, fiscal largesse (using increased tax revenue), government-based social programs.

So yeah...just alike.

Seriously, if you're going to make definitive statements like that about US governmental issues, you really need to learn more about the US system of government and the actual platforms of the major political parties.
1. So what did that ever change?
The government of Minnesota, for one.

oug wrote:

2. I know all this. But bottom line is that both parties adhere to the same set of basic principles.
No. The bottomline is actually the exact opposite of that. If you truly knew all that, you wouldn't say otherwise.

oug wrote:

Proof is that we've reached 2008 and still talking about universal health care and other major reforms that would have been implemented years ago if the Dems at least fitted your description.
No, that's not proof at all. The universal health care proposals put forward by the Dems have been completely unaffordable and unworkable. That's why they didn't pass. Additionally, the margin of majority is key in getting proposed legislation out of committee and scheduled for a floor vote.

If they were truly the same, as you assert, then all proposals by both sides would sail through the House and the Senate. Pretty sure that happens rarely enough that it's considered the exception rather than the rule.

oug wrote:

Truth is that by universal standards the Dems are a right-wing party. That leaves the US with virtually no left wing representation - save Ralph maybe... As far as the two major parties are concerned, it is a corporatocracy - to use a popular term as of late.
Just what "universal standard" would that be? Are socialists considered right-wing by this undefined "universal standard"?

And if you think for one second that the businesses of Europe don't influence law makers of all parties over there, I've got some prime beach property in Arizona for sale...
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6636|132 and Bush

There is still long lines at my precinct.
Xbone Stormsurgezz

So have you voted then? Or by the lines you mean you haven't because you can't be bothered to wait for ages?
be nice
+2,646|6488|The Twilight Zone
I like the looks of that neighbourhood. Nice place you live in it seems.
Dropped on request

.Sup wrote:

I like the looks of that neighbourhood. Nice place you live in it seems.
lol, whats it look like where you live?
now say you sorry
+34|5883|one windy city
O Canada
+1,596|6440|North Carolina

Kmarion wrote:

Tell me why I should vote for either candidate with out attacking the other.
Vote for Obama, so that Diebold has to spend a little extra time changing your vote to McCain.
Пушкин, наше всё
+387|6359|New Haven, CT

Kmarion wrote:
Wow.. just wow. That is a whole lot of "why nots" against Barry. Unfortunately I've got nearly just as many against McCain.
The disdain for the heartland is a bs reason, and at least three others cannot be considered why-nots with McCain's involvement in them. I don't think its really as convincing of an argument as it could be.

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