Murdering? Insensitive? Mutant humans (wat)?IRONCHEF wrote:
Life starts when cells combine, technically since it is "growing." I personally and spiritually believe that around 2-3 weeks into it when the heart beats, you have a living soul.
As for the poor scriptural reference citing the first souls who God gave breath and created living souls, that is unapplicable since children are not created that way..they are created in utero.
As for those with experience, mothers, they KNOW when there's a life in them if they're sensitive to it. There's no mistaking the moment when the spirit enters that tiny little embryo and gives it life. But murdering, insensitive, mutant humans who don't regard life with any sanctity need the child to survive on it's own, or count to ten before it's a viable life form. THis is a sad world. Under any other condition, that little life has meaning, purpose, and should be protected at any cost...except if it's in some stupid slut who got knocked up again and wants it out of her.
As for "choice" to protect their bodies and choose for themselves what to do, they made their choice when they had unprotected sex. After that, they are including another life and are therefore MURDERING a life. It's that simple.
You don't think the mother has any rights, or a rape victim. Who's the insensitive one?
Go abortion.