Hey sorry if this has been talked about already. I didn't find anything with the search. I was wondering about the helicopter badge. Do you have to be flying to get it? My buddy and I found this spot where we get in the enemy helicopter and gun then down at their own spawn point. Would we still get the 15 minute badge if we don't lift off? I'd like to know because I can't fly the effing things to save my life.
No, you get credit for time flying and kills made as a gunner.  You don't have to be the pilot.
Mod Incarnate
you dont even have to be in the air. As far as i know you can sit on the ground in the gunners seat for 15 minutes and still qualify.
Moderator Emeritus
+76|6922|London UK

yeah as long as you are in a helicopter, it will still count.
Groovy, thanks guys. Now hopefully I can find a server where no one cares that I'm sitting around in a heli/plane doing nothing. Bah, I need to learn to fly!
when Hell is full...
singleplayer helps....
Usque Ad Finem
i hate you all
This sounds like  a terrible idea

Last edited by Fredrik (2006-03-08 06:07:31)

when Hell is full...
sitting in a chopper 4 15 min and doing nothing is kinda gay nah?
Usque Ad Finem
just be commander and sit, not to mention you will get heli kills from arty
+0|6834|Canada, Ontario, Kingston
I'm pretty sure that you dont even need to be in a attack chopper...

TeK||drake666 wrote:

sitting in a chopper 4 15 min and doing nothing is kinda gay nah?
It's not doing nothing. The heli is positioned at the enemy spawn point so you can be a spawn camping whore and blast away while earning your bagde. Now arguing whether spawn camping is gay is a whole nother topic!

I'll practice the flying in single player when I actually get the game. I need to upgrade my computer first. I play at a lan center, so I don't wanna waste my hours there playing single player.
Doesn't seem like you're earning your badge, I mean, you had to come here to ask how to get it...earning implies you are kicking ass and taking names and it comes to you...plus spawn camping for a badge is pretty lame, why not let them take off first and then see how good you are?
Did you miss the part about me not being able to fly yet? And what's the difference between rolling up to a flag with a tank and killing people or me hopping in a helicopter and killing people as they spawn? Atleast peeps are mobile in the tank! I'm a sitting duck being as I can't fly the damn thing.
+17|6944|Dayton, Ohio
Sounds an aweful lot like baseraping/spawncamping. 

I actually got my basic helo badge as an engineer in a b-hawk.  I was sitting in one of the back seats repairing and dropping grenades/AT mines out the door near flags.
thats base raping dude...  Do you have no shame!!

o-and-no,,you just have to be in a chopper, you don't have to be airborn.  version 1.2 isnt smart enough to realize anyway:)
I like engineering in the heli. I was amazed someone ran over the random mines I dropped out of the back on Wake.

To be fair, we only base-raped up until their team started capturing flags. And the server specifically said they encourage spawn camping/base raping. When in Rome...

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