lowing wrote:
1. Comparing WW2 t othe America ncivil war. ooooooooooook
You're having serious difficulty grasping my point. If you are talking about Europe as a whole in terms of a culture of surrender then you would need to cite an example of Europe taking on an outside force; regarding Europe as a whole WW2 would have to be considered as a civil war - a domestic dispute if you like. Sure, one half of Europe surrendered but the other half won, it's two sides of the one coin... get it?
lowing wrote:
2. Yes I think your govt. spies on you. Or is not having cameras that track every square inch of your city NOT spying?
Oh right. I didn't realise you didn't have CCTV in the States... my bad.
lowing wrote:
3. NO you can't, you can not even decide your own health care. Sorry Braddock as much as you hate war, war has beat Nazism, fascism, slavery, opression. Now it fights terrorism. If you are so against war, can you explain to me why you are enjoying your national identity outside Englands rule? People died for you to gain that. IN A WAR!!
Lowing, here's a newsflash for you: If you have enough money you can enjoy private healthcare with all the trimmings here, just like in the US, the only difference is over here if you can't afford private healthcare the Government steps in to help so as you will not die in pain on the sidewalk. It won't be as fast and fancy as private healthcare but at least you won't die.
I'm sorry, I almost forgot I was talking to lowing "King of the absolutes". War was good on at least one occasion so it must be good all the time, no grey areas, right? I'll presume in that case that you supported the Russians victory against Georgia, Hizbollah's ongoing war against Israel, Russia's ongoing war in Chechnya and Sudan's war against the Sudan Liberation Movement.