FEOS wrote:
Have you done the same analysis to Obama's record? Does he even have enough of one for you to analyze?
Or better yet...got anything other than generalities you can point to? As I recall, McCain's the one who pushed the Army to revamp their FM on interrogation to specifically exclude those things that many view as torture. Against Bush and Cheney's objections.
How many times has McCain gone against his party?
How many times has Obama?
It's fine if you want to vote for Obama. I may very well also. But don't say you've "examined his record ", throw out a bunch of generalities, and think you've convinced me one way or the other. It's clear you've bought into the Dem talking points ("class warfare", "taking away basic services", blah blah blah) without even considering the bigger picture of the impact of Obama's tax plan. Yes, it helps the middle class in some ways, but--despite what Obama is saying--Reaganomics worked. It was responsible for the boom from the 80s to today, with the only glitch being excessive deregulation...which McCain can't get away from.
So...do you go for what's best for you or what's best for the country overall when the two aren't necessarily the same? Nevermind. I already know the answer.
McCain's record -
Military - Stayed below deck to watch an accident, caused partially by his own negligence, unfold on cc tv while a few of his fellow sailors burned alive above deck. His own carelessness/incompetence managed to crash 3 other aircraft, not counting the one shot out from under him. Lied about his POW experience and acceptance of special treatment. Has voted no or abstained on every bill designed to increase soldiers' wages, standard of living, or VA benefits. Uses rhetoric designed to cheerlead us into more wars.
Family values - Cheated on his crippled wife that supported him all through his POW experience before finally giving her the boot. The situation got so bad even the Reagans disowned him.
Economy - Actively used his political position to block investigation of Lincoln S+L, costing the taxpayers a few billions. Decided to play "hero" during the current crisis and completely flopped.
Campaign Management - So completely incompetent I'm honestly thinking they're trying to throw this election on purpose.
Senate Record - Happily removed language limiting torture methods when asked to do so by Bush, and then voted yes on the bill. Has consistently shown that he is a Bush team player despite all his bluster about mavericky-ness. That's all I need to know.
Character - Used family ties to get his way into anything, graduated consistently at the bottom of his classes with abysmal disciplinary record.
Reaganomics and "Class Warfare" - Utter failure. By any possible real measure - income disparity has skyrocketed, consumer debt has skyrocketed, real wages have plummeted, consumer price index has skyrocketed, government spending has increased exponentially, tax rates on the wealthiest 10% have been cut and on the bottom 90% have remained steady. If you believe differently, you've been suckered. If you think your life is a currently a success, think how much more you could have had if so much had not been handed to the wealthiest 1% because "they know better what to do with your money."
Obama's record -
Military - Has voted yes on every bill designed to increase VA benefits, standard of living, and soldiers' wages. Doesn't use rhetoric that will incite potentially hostile nations.
Family values - Happily married with kids, never divorced, no record or rumor of philandering.
Economy - Has shown very real plan to reverse the economic situation. Supports fully a "green" economy, wants Americans to be leaders again. Has shown ability overall to put smart people in the right positions (key item).
Campaign management - Slick, modernized, and uses the right people in the right position. Has shown that principles he espouses trumps blind loyalty by firing any rogue idiots that come into his campaign.
Senate record - Moderate leaning by any scale, works well in bipartisan manner, writings and voting record shows deep understanding of constitutional principles and Jeffersonian democracy as it also applies to moderate Roosevelt "New Deal" principles.
Character - Donated much time and money to charitable and community causes. Excellent academic record. Good role-model.
This is what I based my vote on. Feel free to vote instead for the guy/gal you'd rather have a beer with.