+50|6848|Southern California

StickyBombs wrote:

Johnuk wrote:

My God, I used to come on these forums as a guest and just read posts about bf2 and enjoy the odd amusing videos and news etc.

I just signed up a second ago to say Grow up for christs sake you're bickering like five year olds (you know who you are)

Not everyone knows EVERY piece of history, for example I just learned a bit about Wake island, I'll admit I knew it existed but I didn't know the history surrounding it.

There's too many people around these days who expect or think that just because they know about it everyone else should! that's what history books and classes are for so people learn about it.

Basically what I'm trying to say is take a chill pill! Go play Bf2 have some fun and stop whining bitching and bickering like a bunch of idiots!
Congradulations you just won the ignorant person of the day award.  I didn't know that the history of Wake Island was that hard.   But given the teaching of history in today's society, I am really not that suprised that you didn't know the history sorrounding wake island.  That is the main reason for myself to become a history teacher.  To stop producing the pacification and pussification of american kids in schools.   We need to remember our history!!!
name four civil rights leaders, four suffragettes, four women's lib leaders, four abolitionist leaders, and four labor leaders. GO!
and don't use google!
+8|6910|Sacramento, CA (USA)

ComradeWho wrote:

StickyBombs wrote:

Johnuk wrote:

My God, I used to come on these forums as a guest and just read posts about bf2 and enjoy the odd amusing videos and news etc.

I just signed up a second ago to say Grow up for christs sake you're bickering like five year olds (you know who you are)

Not everyone knows EVERY piece of history, for example I just learned a bit about Wake island, I'll admit I knew it existed but I didn't know the history surrounding it.

There's too many people around these days who expect or think that just because they know about it everyone else should! that's what history books and classes are for so people learn about it.

Basically what I'm trying to say is take a chill pill! Go play Bf2 have some fun and stop whining bitching and bickering like a bunch of idiots!
Congradulations you just won the ignorant person of the day award.  I didn't know that the history of Wake Island was that hard.   But given the teaching of history in today's society, I am really not that suprised that you didn't know the history sorrounding wake island.  That is the main reason for myself to become a history teacher.  To stop producing the pacification and pussification of american kids in schools.   We need to remember our history!!!
name four civil rights leaders, four suffragettes, four women's lib leaders, four abolitionist leaders, and four labor leaders. GO!
and don't use google!
you didn't specify what country!!!
Wow never thought it would exist....Well I wanna go there if it's safe and take a look on the things around there.

Also I did not know about it's history nor that it exist. Why you may ask? Because I just hanv't read about it.
+50|6848|Southern California

StickyBombs wrote:

ComradeWho wrote:

StickyBombs wrote:

Congradulations you just won the ignorant person of the day award.  I didn't know that the history of Wake Island was that hard.   But given the teaching of history in today's society, I am really not that suprised that you didn't know the history sorrounding wake island.  That is the main reason for myself to become a history teacher.  To stop producing the pacification and pussification of american kids in schools.   We need to remember our history!!!
name four civil rights leaders, four suffragettes, four women's lib leaders, four abolitionist leaders, and four labor leaders. GO!
and don't use google!
you didn't specify what country!!!
You're in the US and talking about the importance of "teaching american kids to not be pacifist pussies." i didn't think i needed to specify the country.

my point here is that understanding battles in a war doesn't give somebody an understanding of the greatness of a country, they're maybe worth knowing. but what's more important to learn are what lead to the wars, why the wars were fought the way they were fought, who fought them, and the effect the war has had on society since it took place. not "which general landed on which island and established which base." for each battle we learn about in our history classes here we are neglecting important historical milestones which are impossible to attatch a value of significance to because their effects on culture are total. don't try and debate with me that US history courses give as much time to people's movements and what the vast majority of poor and working class people were doing in our history unless you had some extremely enlightened teacher that used "A people's history of the united states" as your standard textbook, you ethnocentric clown.
+165|6788|South Jersey
I'm not sure if anyone has said this yet, because I only bothered to read 1 page but Gulf of Oman is undoubtedly real. … ulfmap.gif

If you deny this, then you must have some disorder.

robertwjr wrote:

Just my 2 cents... First of all, if american lives were lost to help keep Australia free from ANY foe, then its important...If its not that important to any other country that has benefited from our kids and fathers being killed for their freedom, then fuck-em! I am sick and tired of having the U.S.A. send their kids and fathers to die for these ungreatful fucks...It may be that Wake was not important to you, but then again if Wake didn't happen, you ungreatful asses in other countries (example: Australia) might be speaking Japanese right now and have operations on your faces to get slant eyes.

Now let the flaming begin, I don't give a damn! You ungreatful asses don't like it, then go the fuck back to your country.
wow. all i have to say is....fuck you to. ignorant asshole.

P.S i am in my own country and i intend on staying there, what you think we want to come and live in America? yea right thats good for a laugh.
+8|6910|Sacramento, CA (USA)

ComradeWho wrote:

StickyBombs wrote:

ComradeWho wrote:

name four civil rights leaders, four suffragettes, four women's lib leaders, four abolitionist leaders, and four labor leaders. GO!
and don't use google!
you didn't specify what country!!!
You're in the US and talking about the importance of "teaching american kids to not be pacifist pussies." i didn't think i needed to specify the country.

my point here is that understanding battles in a war doesn't give somebody an understanding of the greatness of a country, they're maybe worth knowing. but what's more important to learn are what lead to the wars, why the wars were fought the way they were fought, who fought them, and the effect the war has had on society since it took place. not "which general landed on which island and established which base." for each battle we learn about in our history classes here we are neglecting important historical milestones which are impossible to attatch a value of significance to because their effects on culture are total. don't try and debate with me that US history courses give as much time to people's movements and what the vast majority of poor and working class people were doing in our history unless you had some extremely enlightened teacher that used "A people's history of the united states" as your standard textbook, you ethnocentric clown.
Your classification of civil rights leader is very subjective.  I could call Dennis Kearney a civil rights leader for his importance in stopping the Southern Pacific railroad in California.  But he was also a hardened anti-Chinese labor force but he believed in the equality for workers in California and across the United States.  Malcolm X, MLK jr.,  Stokely Carmichael, Robert Kennedy.  I could list all of those categories you wanted to test me on but I don't have the time to do it.  If you are so smart on your social history then tell me what state was the first to grant women the right to vote in 1869...and don't Google it.  I agree with your theory on the significance of war and its effect on society.  But you must also learn who was there and remember the hero's of those places.  It is also very important to understand and educate people on social leaders in this country.  Over the years I have been in school there has been a dramatic shift from learning about the white male dominance in the USA to different racial / ethic leaders in this country.  No doubt that it is very important to learn about these figures and the lasting impact they have had on our society.   Also I don't appreciate the name calling of calling me "ethnocentric clown"  just because I don't know everything on the social history and apparently you don't either you result to somewhat trivial name calling because you are frustrated at speaking to another intelligent person.  Bad form!!!!
Dogfood Enforcer
when i was on exchange in australia i have to say one thing. their history classes beat the shit out of anything we get in the US or Canada. much more indepth. i loved the modern history class i took there. spent like 3 weeks just talking about how much of a twat hitler

Congratulations, all of you have been awarded:

Whoever said no BF maps is an idiot, I started playing less than two months ago or about that and I already figured out Wake is a real island from some BF related page. The game also mentions a real place in Wake's map briefing, Manchuria, I mean come on, we had troops there in WW2 too I belive.

And that might no be the only one, I mean come on! Think about the maps guys, Gulf of Oman! Oman is a fucking country, I don't know if there's an actual beach in that country but it's not like Oman is some made up name from nowhere. First, it looks like it could be in Oman, and second, it's USMC vs the MIDDLE EASTERN Coalition, where is Oman located, you guessed it the Middle East.

Could be more, who knows, this calls for more googling!

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