Dilbert_X wrote:
Drawings are not an invention.
Yes they are. If you have a working prototype so much the better, but not required.
No, they're not. They're drawings. If you "invent" something that doesn't perform its intended function, the only thing you've "invented" is a paperweight.
Dilbert_X wrote:
You're confusing concepts (ideas) with inventions (things)...similar to your argument about the airplane.
Not really, concepts are inventions and can be patented. Inventions aren't necessarily 'things'. Inventions are usually related to things but a drawing is all that is ever required. Proof that it works or can be made is not needed, only the concept.
Now you're confusing a patent (which can apply to an idea or a thing) with an invention. You're confusing intellectual property with concrete things. You don't "invent" intellectual property.
Webster's Unabridged Dictionary wrote:
2. That which is invented; an original contrivance or construction; a device
Dilbert_X wrote:
He didn't invent the satellite(s) that were subsequently put into that orbit. Those are things.
You're confused between invention and engineering. AC Clarke created the concept of the geosynchronous communications satellite. An engineer would have then engineered one to be made by a technologist.
Taking existing microwave location technology and putting it onto existing satellite technology - might be patentable in the US, probably not elsewhere.
You said he invented the geosynchronous satellite. He didn't. His
idea was inventive, but he didn't invent the geosynchronous communications satellite. The people who built the satellite, put it in geo orbit and proved that it worked did. It's really pretty simple.
And if you buy into the idea that just thinking about it constitutes the invention, then even Clarke
didn't do it first.
wiki wrote:
The concept was first proposed by Herman Potočnik in 1928 and popularised by the science fiction author Arthur C. Clarke in a paper in Wireless World in 1945. Working prior to the advent of solid-state electronics, Clarke envisioned a trio of large, manned space stations arranged in a triangle around the planet. Modern satellites are numerous, unmanned, and often no larger than an automobile.
Dilbert_X wrote:
End of story.
The Wrights certainly didn't 'invent the aeroplane' or 'invent the wing', they succeeded in getting one to work where other engineers had failed. The Wrights were engineers/technologists, not inventors. They did not come up with a new concept or technology, they just repackaged technology which was available and made someone elses concept work.
Actually, they did come up with new technology regarding changing the airflow over the wing--which, when implemented, led to sustained, controlled heavier than air flight. You really need to
read a bit more about that.
wiki wrote:
The Wright brothers, Orville (August 19, 1871 - January 30, 1948) and Wilbur (April 16, 1867 - May 30, 1912), were two Americans who are generally credited[1][2][3] with inventing and building the world's first successful airplane and making the first controlled, powered and sustained heavier-than-air human flight on 17 December 1903. In the two years afterward, the brothers developed their flying machine into the first practical fixed-wing aircraft. Although not the first to build and fly experimental aircraft, the Wright brothers were the first to invent aircraft controls that made fixed wing flight possible.
Again, if you invent something that doesn't perform its intended task (like, say...controlled fixed wing flight), then all you have invented is a paperweight. A large, elaborate, winged...paperweight.
Dilbert_X wrote:
Using your argument, nothing is an invention, because everything is just "a technological development" at some level.
There needs to be an 'inventive step' for there to be an invention. Taking an existing technology and repackaging it or just putting your badge on it isn't necessarily inventive.
Again, if you come up with a concept and you can't make it work, you have invented nothing. If you come up with a concept, test it and prove it works, you have (see definition above). One can be "inventive" without actually inventing anything.