
ghettoperson wrote:

Just humour me here and reply to my questions would you? Thanks.
How about you go back and read through the thread for the answers.

Horseman 77 wrote:

I must find a good translation into English of the  koran [ Sp ] anyone know where to get one ??
Junglist Massive
Should be asleep by now, but I just couldn't help myself...

Let's just look at the flipside of your coin xanthpi:

iphtnax wrote:

Can't you fucking read? I've already said before in this thread that I haven't interpreted the Bible.
As already proven, I do not misunderstand Christianity. I freely admit to being afraid of Christianity and to hating true Christians. And why not? God commands them to do all they can to subvert my society (as they are) and to wage war against my society (which they are). Seems logical to me to be opposed to them.
It is illegal for a Christian to be friends with a Muslim or a Jew and they are commanded to utterly hate Buddhists, Hindus and atheists. So you won't be friends with them, regardless of whether you think you will be or not.
I'll make sure to tell my Muslim and Christian friends to fuck off first thing tomorrow, you've shown me the light.  What was I thinking judging people on their actions and words, not religion or race.  FFS, i really mustn't let myself be fooled again.  I'm such an idiot.  Thankyou so much for your considered and 100% accurate opinion on the subject of every Muslim in existence.
Junglist Massive

iphtnax wrote:

That's right. And a recent study into Christianity (can't remember where I saw it so no link at the mo) showed that 50% of the sample supported terrorist acts against heathens. That's a hell of alot of 'misunderstanders' of their own peaceful religion
Lets just make up anything we want from now on, agreed!

motherdear wrote:

well here in denmark we had a guy that had been caught at a terrorist camp in an african country, well he was sentenced to death down there and he begs denmark to help him since he got state citizenship and therefore we gotta do it. now the interresting thing comes when he get's back after being helped by denmark and has gotten money from denmark to rebuild a proper life, he stands up in a tv program and has a discution with the guys that run the program, after a little while he begins to insult denmark althrough we helped him, later in the program they ask him if he would be ready to attack and kill civil persons with a suircide bomb if he could get hands on it, guess what he says he would be more than happy to bomb the danes without any thought of guild, we just saved his life and gave him money to make a proper life and he want's to bomb us. you can't trust muslims that are raised in muslim countries except for maybe 1/10 of them
True Muslims have absolutely no respect for non-Muslims. Allah hates us, so so must they if they are to be a Muslim. They refer to us as 'najis' which means 'unclean' or 'dirty'. They call us 'kafir' which is to non-Muslims as 'nigger' is to black people. They think that non-Muslims owe them money because traditionally the non-Muslims who  they allowed to live amongst them had to pay them a tax to be allowed to live.

UnOriginalNuttah wrote:

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

LaidBackNinja wrote:

The edit was because of a typo, but whatever.
If you really did read all of it, and still believe what you say here, then there is clearly no point in arguing with you. You must be some kind of paranoid freak for fearing the Islam like that. If you truly choose to interpret the Qur'an that way, then hell, go right ahead. Just seems mighty stupid to me. Enjoy misunderstanding / being afraid of / hating muslims. I'll just be over here, being friends with them, understanding them, and having fun with them. Cheers!
Discuss your beliefs of the peaceful religion of Islam with the cartoonist in Europe.  See if they agree with you.
So, by your definition Christianity and all it's many variations cannot be a peaceful religion because there are people who do violence in it's name.  I suggest wikipedia as a free source of information on the subject


I have read the geneva convention, I posted a link to the relevant part (third) in this very thread.  Offering a muslim p.o.w. a plate or pork or letting them starve would not be within the limits of the geneva convention, neither would any method of torture (psych or otherwise) to extract information on enemy military activity.  FYI.
Muhammad himself commanded his followers to kill anyone who mocked him, hence it is Islamic law to kill anyone who mocks Muhammad. I'm no fan of Christianity, but I'm pretty sure Jesus never ordered the execution of those who mocked him.

Friluftshund wrote:


I'm still looking forward to the post where you don't pull everything out of context, but try to answer with a respectful tone...

You seem to think you own someone (or pwn), but as you pass youself of as a scholar - you must know that's not how it works...
It works how I want it to work.

Don't make me own you, dude

UnOriginalNuttah wrote:

Should be asleep by now, but I just couldn't help myself...

Let's just look at the flipside of your coin xanthpi:

iphtnax wrote:

Can't you fucking read? I've already said before in this thread that I haven't interpreted the Bible.
As already proven, I do not misunderstand Christianity. I freely admit to being afraid of Christianity and to hating true Christians. And why not? God commands them to do all they can to subvert my society (as they are) and to wage war against my society (which they are). Seems logical to me to be opposed to them.
It is illegal for a Christian to be friends with a Muslim or a Jew and they are commanded to utterly hate Buddhists, Hindus and atheists. So you won't be friends with them, regardless of whether you think you will be or not.
How is that the flipside? Christianity is in no way capable of being responsible for the violence which Islam is capable of. Bloody idiot. Get some sleep.

UnOriginalNuttah wrote:

I'll make sure to tell my Muslim and Christian friends to fuck off first thing tomorrow, you've shown me the light.
You haven't got any Muslim friends. As already explained twice in this thread, Muslims are not allowed to be your friend. If your friend says he is a Muslim then he is not a Muslim, just someone with 'some form of Islamic identity'. That point was made clear in this thread already.

UnOriginalNuttah wrote:

What was I thinking judging people on their actions and words, not religion or race.
Islam is not a race. It is an ideology. And since the ideology of a person is responsible for their actions and words, it is entirely reasonable to judge them by such. We KNOW what Muslims believe, so we KNOW what their aims are.

UnOriginalNuttah wrote:

FFS, i really mustn't let myself be fooled again.  I'm such an idiot.
You said it.

UnOriginalNuttah wrote:

Thankyou so much for your considered and 100% accurate opinion on the subject of every Muslim in existence.
I'd say I was more like 99.99% accurate, actually.
Junglist Massive

xanthpi wrote:

UnOriginalNuttah wrote:

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

Discuss your beliefs of the peaceful religion of Islam with the cartoonist in Europe.  See if they agree with you.
So, by your definition Christianity and all it's many variations cannot be a peaceful religion because there are people who do violence in it's name.  I suggest wikipedia as a free source of information on the subject


I have read the geneva convention, I posted a link to the relevant part (third) in this very thread.  Offering a muslim p.o.w. a plate or pork or letting them starve would not be within the limits of the geneva convention, neither would any method of torture (psych or otherwise) to extract information on enemy military activity.  FYI.
Muhammad himself commanded his followers to kill anyone who mocked him, hence it is Islamic law to kill anyone who mocks Muhammad. I'm no fan of Christianity, but I'm pretty sure Jesus never ordered the execution of those who mocked him.
If someone suggests you switch faith your hand must strike the first blow and not stop until he is dead though.

UnOriginalNuttah wrote:

iphtnax wrote:

That's right. And a recent study into Christianity (can't remember where I saw it so no link at the mo) showed that 50% of the sample supported terrorist acts against heathens. That's a hell of alot of 'misunderstanders' of their own peaceful religion
Lets just make up anything we want from now on, agreed!
Oh noes. I forgot where I read the report. That means it can't be true. You bloody idiot.

UnOriginalNuttah wrote:

xanthpi wrote:

UnOriginalNuttah wrote:

So, by your definition Christianity and all it's many variations cannot be a peaceful religion because there are people who do violence in it's name.  I suggest wikipedia as a free source of information on the subject


I have read the geneva convention, I posted a link to the relevant part (third) in this very thread.  Offering a muslim p.o.w. a plate or pork or letting them starve would not be within the limits of the geneva convention, neither would any method of torture (psych or otherwise) to extract information on enemy military activity.  FYI.
Muhammad himself commanded his followers to kill anyone who mocked him, hence it is Islamic law to kill anyone who mocks Muhammad. I'm no fan of Christianity, but I'm pretty sure Jesus never ordered the execution of those who mocked him.
If someone suggests you switch faith your hand must strike the first blow and not stop until he is dead though.
How convenient then for us that the Vatican stated last year that the Bible is not to be taken literally since is it not the word of god. Now, if only the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia would say the same about the Qur'an. Oh but he can't, because since the Qur'an is the word of god, it can never be changed. Oh well, looks like we're stuck with all the head-chopping.
Junglist Massive

xanthpi wrote:

Christianity is in no way capable of being responsible for the violence which Islam is capable of. Bloody idiot. Get some sleep.
Did you look at wikipedia like I told you:


Now, I'll be back in 23 hours so you can have plenty of time to get some facts into your brain.

UnOriginalNuttah wrote:

xanthpi wrote:

Christianity is in no way capable of being responsible for the violence which Islam is capable of. Bloody idiot. Get some sleep.
Did you look at wikipedia like I told you:


Now, I'll be back in 23 hours so you can have plenty of time to get some facts into your brain.
Always funny how people think that by pointing out Christianity's failings they can somehow validate Islam. It doesn't work like that. Kind of like if someone says 'HIV is a terrible virus' then someone says 'yeah, but influenza is bad too!', as if by pointing out influenza's badness the HIV virus can be made to look 'less bad'.

I agree that those Christian extremists are really dangerous though. When they destroyed the Twin Towers and bombed Bali, Madrid and London........... hang on, that was the Muslims wasn't it!
I pwn n00bs on BF2. I pwn n00bs here.

I cnat slpel!!!

xanthpi wrote:

I pwn n00bs on BF2. I pwn n00bs here.

Hehe - in your little illusion-world? probably not

Keep pwning people in BF2 all you like - hope you one day bother to wake up and smell reality...

Friluftshund wrote:

xanthpi wrote:

I pwn n00bs on BF2. I pwn n00bs here.

Hehe - in your little illusion-world? probably not

Keep pwning people in BF2 all you like - hope you one day bother to wake up and smell reality...
Since you can offer no evidence that I live in an 'illusion-world' or that I cannot 'smell reality' I consider you pooned. Next!

Oh, and Norway has taken a step closer to Sharia http://www.brucebawer.com/blog.htm
+240|6921|Austin, TX

LaidBackNinja wrote:

Okay, just so you know, you ignorant fool, the Lesser Jihad was only meant a brief specific time, to DEFEND the faith from attackers, AT THAT TIME. It was never meant to be an ongoing thing. You should know this.

I suggest you stop trying to portray Muslims as this evil empire. You twist the truth around to fit your strange ideas. I really hope you die in an unfortunate car accident, as it is people like you who start religious conflicts.

Stop misinterpreting excerpts from the Qur'an when you know better. You KNOW why that was written, and you KNOW it was not meant for any other period of time, and CERTAINLY not as an excuse for terrorism.
You sound intelligent, so you should know this. If you don't, you are downright stupid.

And don't call me a liar, when it is you that is spewing dangerous and blatant lies.
Okay, there is something that a lot of you are really not understanding.  I mean no offense, but it may not occur to you until you get to spend some time outside a muslim culture looking in.

Your average muslim in your average villiage is about as seriously religious as your average christian in your average villiage.  Which is to say, only as convinient to his daily life.  I have seen muslims happily eating bacon, even knowing what it is.  I have seen muslims drinking alchohol.  A lot of muslims sound very religious while keeping their heart quite secular.  Just like a lot of Sunday morning christians.

Know how we found a goodly amount of our bad guys in Iraq? We knocked down their door during morning prayer when all good muslims were at the mosque, and found our bad bad boy asleep in bed.

Islam is not a homogenous society any more than Christianity is.  Human nature still applies.  People have different ideas and different goals. 

In my observations, I have discovered four different types of terrorist/insurgant.
type 1 (innocent dupe):  This is the poor farmer who is either bribed or blackmailed into doing something for a cause.  Examples are giving a dirt-poor farmer 100 dollars U.S. if he takes an AK-47 and fires a magazine at a passing convoy, or pressing the button on this device when THAT vehicle is right THERE.  Blackmail is usually accomplished by holding the mans wife and children hostage.  This happens in Iraq a LOT.

type 2 (holy warrior): This is your classic terrorist.  Found in refugee camps, taught in religious schools that basically brainwash the poor fools.  Teach only the violent portions of the Qur'an, telling them that every bad thing in their life is the fault of the Great Satan and their jewish dogs.  These are the boys sent out as suicide bombers.  It is very similar to the way Hitler motivated Germany after WWI.  Blame your problems on a target, give the subject the moral permission to attack his target, then give him the means and offer him the eternal reward.  Add this to the natural enthusiasm of a man's late teen- early 20s, and it makes for a potent wapon.  This happens all over the world.

type 3 (doing a job): These tend to be 'holy warriors' that manage to survive to gain some experience.  IT is also people  who just needed food and a paycheck, and maybe a feelinga  power that comes with belonging to something larger.  These guys, however, are very interested in staying alive, if they can.  These are your middle management.  These are the ones who find the innocent dupes.

type 4 (ringleader):  These guys are the TRUE evil scum I wish a short and painful life to.  They may or may not believe in the religion they sprout.  What they do understand is the power and prestige of their position.  These are the ones who send out all the others.  They are the ones who recruit the holy warriors.  They are usually very charismatic.  Quoets of the Qur'an come trippingly off their tounge to announce how glorious they all are.  These are the ones raking in the money from the onations of sympathetic people.  Think tele-evanglists crossed with mafia bosses.

I actually think that the real Muslim faith would be a peaceful one.  They have allowed their faith to be co-opted and used for the purposes of evil men.  They allow children to be brainwashed with only a portion of their own faith.  I think it is the leaders of Islam who should be trying to reign in this misuse of their faith.

To be fair, I also blame Christian leaders for the christians who bomb abortion clinics and kill abortion doctors.  I think that it is the responsibility of ALL religious leaders to reign in people who perpetrate violent actions in the name of their religion.

imortal wrote:

LaidBackNinja wrote:

Okay, just so you know, you ignorant fool, the Lesser Jihad was only meant a brief specific time, to DEFEND the faith from attackers, AT THAT TIME. It was never meant to be an ongoing thing. You should know this.

I suggest you stop trying to portray Muslims as this evil empire. You twist the truth around to fit your strange ideas. I really hope you die in an unfortunate car accident, as it is people like you who start religious conflicts.

Stop misinterpreting excerpts from the Qur'an when you know better. You KNOW why that was written, and you KNOW it was not meant for any other period of time, and CERTAINLY not as an excuse for terrorism.
You sound intelligent, so you should know this. If you don't, you are downright stupid.

And don't call me a liar, when it is you that is spewing dangerous and blatant lies.
Okay, there is something that a lot of you are really not understanding.  I mean no offense, but it may not occur to you until you get to spend some time outside a muslim culture looking in.

Your average muslim in your average villiage is about as seriously religious as your average christian in your average villiage.  Which is to say, only as convinient to his daily life.  I have seen muslims happily eating bacon, even knowing what it is.  I have seen muslims drinking alchohol.  A lot of muslims sound very religious while keeping their heart quite secular.  Just like a lot of Sunday morning christians.

Know how we found a goodly amount of our bad guys in Iraq? We knocked down their door during morning prayer when all good muslims were at the mosque, and found our bad bad boy asleep in bed.

Islam is not a homogenous society any more than Christianity is.  Human nature still applies.  People have different ideas and different goals. 

In my observations, I have discovered four different types of terrorist/insurgant.
type 1 (innocent dupe):  This is the poor farmer who is either bribed or blackmailed into doing something for a cause.  Examples are giving a dirt-poor farmer 100 dollars U.S. if he takes an AK-47 and fires a magazine at a passing convoy, or pressing the button on this device when THAT vehicle is right THERE.  Blackmail is usually accomplished by holding the mans wife and children hostage.  This happens in Iraq a LOT.

type 2 (holy warrior): This is your classic terrorist.  Found in refugee camps, taught in religious schools that basically brainwash the poor fools.  Teach only the violent portions of the Qur'an, telling them that every bad thing in their life is the fault of the Great Satan and their jewish dogs.  These are the boys sent out as suicide bombers.  It is very similar to the way Hitler motivated Germany after WWI.  Blame your problems on a target, give the subject the moral permission to attack his target, then give him the means and offer him the eternal reward.  Add this to the natural enthusiasm of a man's late teen- early 20s, and it makes for a potent wapon.  This happens all over the world.

type 3 (doing a job): These tend to be 'holy warriors' that manage to survive to gain some experience.  IT is also people  who just needed food and a paycheck, and maybe a feelinga  power that comes with belonging to something larger.  These guys, however, are very interested in staying alive, if they can.  These are your middle management.  These are the ones who find the innocent dupes.

type 4 (ringleader):  These guys are the TRUE evil scum I wish a short and painful life to.  They may or may not believe in the religion they sprout.  What they do understand is the power and prestige of their position.  These are the ones who send out all the others.  They are the ones who recruit the holy warriors.  They are usually very charismatic.  Quoets of the Qur'an come trippingly off their tounge to announce how glorious they all are.  These are the ones raking in the money from the onations of sympathetic people.  Think tele-evanglists crossed with mafia bosses.

I actually think that the real Muslim faith would be a peaceful one.  They have allowed their faith to be co-opted and used for the purposes of evil men.  They allow children to be brainwashed with only a portion of their own faith.  I think it is the leaders of Islam who should be trying to reign in this misuse of their faith.

To be fair, I also blame Christian leaders for the christians who bomb abortion clinics and kill abortion doctors.  I think that it is the responsibility of ALL religious leaders to reign in people who perpetrate violent actions in the name of their religion.
Dude, go and read through the thread. You would have saved yourself alot of time.
Pony Slaystation
+343|6966|Charlie One Alpha
He DOES have some very good points though.

And seriously xanthpi, you can say whatever you want at this point but I've stopped taking you seriously. I'm not going to try and offend you because it's simply not worth it. If you still feel like insulting me like you've done all along, and if you think an e-insult from someone like you actually hurts me, then by all means go and waste your time. It's just that all your talk about how good you are and how you own makes you sound kind of... well... retarded. No offense intended, of course. You've lost all credibility to me and I now look upon you as a scared and mentally deranged person, if not very paranoïd. No offense intended, it's simply the only reason I can think of for a person to act like you just did. You managed to turn the Islam into one giant conspiracy theory. Props to you. Please, spend another half hour of your life dissecting my post and replying to every sentence seperately, while it took me about two minutes to type this.

You may 'own' on the forums, but I think that the rest of us win at life. I wish you a good night sir.

Last edited by LaidBackNinja (2006-03-08 18:35:27)

"If you want a vision of the future, imagine SecuROM slapping your face with its dick -- forever." -George Orwell

LaidBackNinja wrote:

He DOES have some very good points though.
And seriously xanthpi, you can say whatever you want at this point but I've stopped taking you seriously.
Whether or not you take me seriously is neither here nor there.

LaidBackNinja wrote:

I'm not going to try and offend you because it's simply not worth it.
I doubt you could offend me even if you tried.

LaidBackNinja wrote:

If you still feel like insulting me like you've done all along, and if you think an e-insult from someone like you actually hurts me, then by all means go and waste your time.
Calling you an idiot or whatever is not designed to hurt. It is just a statement of fact. You are an idiot. Don't be offended by that. It means you are 'diverse' And it gives you a great opportunity for self improvement.

LaidBackNinja wrote:

It's just that all your talk about how good you are and how you own makes you sound kind of... well... retarded.
If it makes me sound retarded then fine. I will rejoice in my retardedness.

LaidBackNinja wrote:

No offense intended, of course.
None taken.

LaidBackNinja wrote:

You've lost all credibility to me and I now look upon you as a scared and mentally deranged person, if not very paranoïd.
That's neither here nor there.

LaidBackNinja wrote:

No offense intended, it's simply the only reason I can think of for a person to act like you just did.
None taken.

LaidBackNinja wrote:

You managed to turn the Islam into one giant conspiracy theory.
Neither I, nor you, nor anyone else can turn Islam into anything other than what it is itself.

LaidBackNinja wrote:

Props to you.
Why thank you.

LaidBackNinja wrote:

Please, spend another half hour of your life dissecting my post and replying to every sentence seperately, while it took me about two minutes to type this.
Snap! It took two minutes for me too.

LaidBackNinja wrote:

You may 'own' on the forums, but I think that the rest of us win at life.
I own at life too. After beating cancer I went on to achieve a masters and now I run several successful businesses, built up from nothing. Born in poverty, live in luxury. I'd call that a success.

LaidBackNinja wrote:

I wish you a good night sir.
Why thank you.

You do seem to keep coming back for more though after saying you wouldn't. I'm not into internet relationships. Just so you know before you become obsessed.
The Microwave Man
Wow , i never seen a non muslim so determined to defend a religion he dosen't belong to . I smell bullshit .
Weather people here know what they are talking about when it comes to the Quoran and it's teachings why have you spent the better part of your day trying to correct people and defend Islam ? What the hell do you care ? Gonna save the world or something ?

Anyhwo I will agree that not all Muslims are hell bent on destroying all the infidels but what really gripes my ass is that the United States has saved more Muslims from genocide then any other country in the 20th century . We saved the Kroats from the Serbs . We save the Somalies from civil war , or at least tried to .
We save the Muslims in Afghanistan from the Soviets and save the Muslims in Quwait from Saddam . We give aid to the survivers of a nasty earthquwake in Iran and send tons of aid to the survivers of the sunami in Asia , and yet the streets are full of thousands of people calling for the destruction of the United States burning effigees of my President .
I say from here on out cut off all trade to any muslim state . Cut off all ties and all kinds of contact . Next time we hear a call for aid we will just look the other way . Next time Muslims are getting genocided we should just look the other way as well . Because after all we are indiels and we don't want to tread on holy ground . I don't think we should ever give into terroism but what is the cost and what is the benifit of doing so when terrorism is at hand ? There is no way to beat an insurgency when it is so fanatic and the funds are so great the mercenaries can't resist in such poor countries . Especially when Imams and Mosques teach , recruit and brainwash thier children openly and outwardly to kill us in the society of our closest allies . I'm sorry but most children say in Pakistan are actually taught that if they see a womans face they will go to hell . Don't believe me ? Watch an episode called " Children of terror " .
I know not every muslim isn't a " terorrist " but I'll be honest . I don't trust them . And if it is only 1 - 2 percent that are bad , then it's too much . I don't think one life is worth keeping ties to muslims states when spies , terror cells and the like can enter the US and kill thousands just because they have a gripe with us being allies with Muslim states . I say Stay away from them and wait till they drop the lil fantacy book and then give'm a call . Otherwise fuck'em - I'm not in the biz of forcing people to like me or be my friends . And when some idiots in a cave feel the same way and are ready to blow hundreds of people up over it .....well catch my drift ?
You with the face!
I really hate usupported, unsubstantiated, incomplete quotes.
So here are some of mine!

From the USC site
[22:39] Permission (to fight) is given to those upon whom war is made because they are oppressed, and most surely Allah is well able to assist them;
(I'm sure xanthpi will just call this a lie to misdirect the infidels)

From xanthpi
"I will rejoice in my retardedness."

From the Bible
"Happy shall he be that taketh and smasheth thy children against the stones."

On a more serious note, xanthpi, how do you claim to know the Qur'an if it is "illegal to interpret it" ??? Are you fluent in its original language and dialect? 

I will now sink to a personal attack! ooohhhh!! low blow!!!
Xanthpi, nice job in owning your intelect. Oh, wait, pwning your intelect.  Bonus points for flaming, ranting, using circular logic, calling your own sources lies, spreading lies (err...unique facts), and being an ass to everyone who debates you.  GET OUT OF THE SERIOUS TALK FORUM, since you cannot debate reasonably with a cool head.


Last edited by RAIMIUS (2006-03-08 20:14:24)

+276|6911|United States of America
If Bush was a Muslim would he attack himself???? Would Chirac critize him for doing it???? Why don't more Jews vacation in Saudia Arabia, Iraq, Iran, and Pakistan???? Why do Mormoms, Chathaholics, and Babtits continually fight among themselves instead of embracing their differences like the Sunnis, Sheits, and Kurds???? Why don't the Gidions put the Quaran in hotel dressers???? Are the Hindus behind my missing socks everytime I do the Laundry????

These are just a few deep thoughts inspired by reading this crappy thread.

Last edited by Major_Spittle (2006-03-08 20:24:12)

GunSlinger OIF II
+276|6911|United States of America

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

Actually I am not very athletic at all.

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