Selective reasoning? Am I sticking up for Obama or saying he's perfect? I am venting on McCain. It's just sad so many of his supporters are actually thinking "At least McCain put his country first 'again' while Obama put his campaign first." Like Obama doesn't care, isn't voting, or isn't doing what a presidential candidate should do where possible (a photo op, no doubt...but at least it was a non-partisan photo-op).
Honestly, the situation is bi-partisan. Pelosi and Boners, Reids and Presidents are all working together..there's a general consensus on the 700 billion in loan cash they wish to waste...or not waste. There's good, solid negotiating going on..much better than other important senatorial or congressional decision making where McCain's debating and voting or even good ideas would warrant a visit. But no, he picks now..SOLELY as a political stunt, to show up to Washington (the guy who's been napping there for 22 years), and somehow blow everyone's mind with a NEW idea on the doubt, an idea his staff figured out would poll well. Letterman, I can't stop ripping on this loser.
You know, when I liked McCain - back when he did have principle, defied politics as usual, and represented lots of my views - I could see him doing something like this....AND making his debate (which recent news says he may still doubt he got alot of bad press which soured his polling a little less). But the McCain he's become in the last 5 years or a shameless, politics-as-usual, pathetic sell-out. He's returning to his lackluster polling after the RNC bump, and he's doing desperate measures to save face and not lose in a total landslide....I could be mistaken, but if I were to picture a proud, stubborn, angry old man, I'd be picturing McCain.
RAIMIUS wrote:
Wow, this one is nicely divided along party lines!
Why can't people see that the candidates always try to do what is best for them? They are both Senators, which means it is their job to pass good legislation. They postpone a debate to DO THEIR JOBS, and all we do is argue about them being "empty suits," dodging debates, being persons other than themself, etc...all based on OUR party affiliation...
You're right. But as for me, I belong to no party, nor do I support the idea of a political party and the blind cohesion voters give to them. I give credit where it's due, and I (more commonly) rip into any politician where it's due. I'm as politically neutral as any person I know...i regard myself as a true independent/moderate. I have a few leanings left, a few (probably more than the left) leanings right. Some Authoritarian, some (more than authoritarian) libertarian. I vote for individuals...and the individuals I have to choose from are not perfect, and one is downright pathetic..we know which one that is.
Last edited by IRONCHEF (2008-09-25 10:47:04)