lowing wrote:
The only thing relevent here is this, if not for PC and the fear of offending, why would anyone even bother renaming a calandar? They would not. I am sorry if you hate the source because they did not sugar coat what happened. Regardless if you like the Daily Mail or not. The story was true. The college did do what was claimed and they admit that they are following a trend already established in the UK. A trend to erase Chrisitan holidays off of calandars because they might offend.
The story was blatantly exaggerated and cynically blown out of proportion, that is true. The article claimed that the college tried to "ban" Easter and Christmas when in fact this was never the case. I couldn't give a shit if Christian references are removed from calendars, as long as they're not replaced with alternative religious references.
lowing wrote:
Contrary to popular belief here in the forum, I do not write the articles I post as references, so I did not invent Eurabia, nor did I coin the phrase the "Islamification of Europe". Like it or not, there are plenty of Europeans that seem to feel Islam is a threat to Europes identity. That, or more people read my posts and I am more influential than I thought, but I highly doubt that. It never fails though, no matter what is posted to the contrary of an argument from the left, it is always dimissed as biased or a rag, etc....These arguments are made as if what is posted by you all is somehow, UN-biased and carries a neutral point of view.
The term "Eurabia" was coined by
Bat Ye'or, a well-known, Zionist writer known for writing books about apocalyptical views of Islam... hardly a balanced touchstone. In the 1930's and 40's the same phobia and suspicion existed in relation to the Jewish community, many people bought into it back then too... and look how that one played out. Also, don't play the victim with the old argument that 'lefties' always dismiss your sources just because they disagree with them, if I quoted Michael Moore in a debate I'd be dismissed by the 'righties' - it happens all the time on both sides. Your source in this instance was attacked legitimately, I even posted sources for you that outlined the Daily Mail's biased habits.
Pug wrote:
My point was the news outlets are providing stories that people want to read. So in other words, somebody over there is concerned about it...you might not be concerned, but someone is. You dismiss the source instead of discussing the issue. My question was indirectly stated: if the muslim population is so small, why is the UK concerned with being so politically correct? And why is there a great deal of coverage in the new media in this area?
Because ever since 9/11 Muslims have been the new Communists and trashy news outlets are making a lot of money off the back of this. Hitler used ardent nationalism to unite his people against the 'Jewish menace' back in the days of the third Reich, Karadzic did the same thing in the former Yugoslavia; if you push the right buttons in this way you can find yourself with a scenario where you can get away with things that ordinarily you would not get away with... and there have always been rag newspapers that are willing to make a buck off of this phenomenon.
SharkyMcshark wrote:
I might have missed something but where in the articles does it mention Islam or offended Muslims? Or that it was done avoid and Islam outcry? Or was that just a convenient conclusion that we all jumped to in lieu of the article pinpointing someone to blame?
Excellent point, the Daily Mail inferred entirely on its own that it would be Muslims that would be offended... and lowing and all the other 'anti-appeasement' lobby completely bought into this. The latent Islamophia of the reader makes it a Muslim issue. Furthermore, no Muslims were actually offended or complained about the naming of the holidays after Christmas... Muslims pretty much have nothing to do with this story, one can presume or assert that they
may have been offended but we'll never know, you could have ran the whole story and replaced the Muslim angle with a Jewish one and it would have been essentially the same story as no religious community actually complained or campaigned for the name change.