Ecilop Murof
+167|5932|loves Stimey <3 |
I can't seem to find out howmuch 5'10'' is..
sup g

Ecilop Murof wrote:

Update on 9/15/08

I haven't been working out at all to be fucking honest. I've read some articles about having a few pounds to much and working out and I realized that it makes it look only worse.

I've also been jogging for only 5 mins a day (at least that) because it gets cold outside and everything fucking hurts after running in the cold.
The thing that makes me happy is that I reduced my meals. I don't eat that much anymore, today I had a piece of bread for breakfast, a croissant for lunch and a soup for dinner
I'm trying to lose weight with that.
(I drew a =X on my wrist to remind me that I shouldn't eat much. I swear, if I'm 18, I'll get that fucking tatoo somewhere just to remind me of what I've been through =X)

7 kilos to go untill I'm 60kg and ~174cm

After I reached that goal I'll start working out again. Next update will follow when something spectacular (weightloss) happens.
the best way to lose weight is to eat the main meals and eat a small health snack in between meals to keep your metabolism stable. if you are not eating at all your metabolism slows a lot down
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|5941|Catherine Black
Fission Mailed

Ecilop Murof wrote:

I can't seem to find out howmuch 5'10'' is..
12 inches in a foot. Multiply 12 by 5 (feet) and add 10 inches on top of that.


Use Google translator to do the rest. Type:  70 inches in cm

Last edited by ebug9 (2008-09-15 12:57:29)

Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|5941|Catherine Black
12" = 30cm.
1" = 2.5cm
5x30 = 150cm
10x2.5 = 25cm

First year stuff, but thanks for the karma.
+2,382|6831|The North, beyond the wall.
Yeah you shouldn't starve yourself. I wish I weighed as much as you so I could have something to turn into muscle. If you lose your muscle and fat by eating soup for dinner then you will no doubt be working to put on weight when you find your muscle mass is that of a 7 year old girls and you can't screw the top off a water bottle. Eat as much as you are of healthy food, and do cardio as well as weights.
+1,352|6646|N. Ireland
6'1 @ 57kg ... I'm light
+2,382|6831|The North, beyond the wall.
118 pounds at about 5 foot 8/9

+1,352|6646|N. Ireland

jord wrote:

118 pounds at about 5 foot 8/9

I think that's roughly comparable to me? 10lb for 4"?
+2,382|6831|The North, beyond the wall.

kylef wrote:

jord wrote:

118 pounds at about 5 foot 8/9

I think that's roughly comparable to me? 10lb for 4"?
Yep I believe so.
+75|6635|Birmingham UK
6"3 85kg
sorry you feel that way
6'3, 75kg here. I grew freakishly much in the past two years though so my weigth isn't quite right yet, do work out 3 times a week.

I don't use weights, just running / pushups / pullups / crunches. If you really wish to get some muscle quick just get yourself some weights and work with that, also go eat alot of proteins. (meat) It's for muscle growth. Not much to add on to that.

I'm doing conditioning training mostly so I eat alot of carbs and proteins, if you want to grow muscles though, you won't really need carbs that much. (pasta, bread etc.) Just alot of proteins.

Last edited by dayarath (2008-09-15 13:32:15)

inane little opines
+75|6635|Birmingham UK

dayarath wrote:

6'3, 75kg here. I grew freakishly much in the past two years though so my weigth isn't quite right yet, do work out 3 times a week.

I don't use weights, just running / pushups / pullups / crunches. If you really wish to get some muscle quick just get yourself some weights and work with that, also go eat alot of proteins. (meat) It's for muscle growth. Not much to add on to that.

I'm doing conditioning training mostly so I eat alot of carbs and proteins, if you want to grow muscles though, you won't really need carbs that much. (pasta, bread etc.) Just alot of proteins.
i train for stamina 3 times a week exactli the same as what you seem to do ...but have introduced a lot of weight recently.
sorry you feel that way

02fxnmaurer wrote:

dayarath wrote:

6'3, 75kg here. I grew freakishly much in the past two years though so my weigth isn't quite right yet, do work out 3 times a week.

I don't use weights, just running / pushups / pullups / crunches. If you really wish to get some muscle quick just get yourself some weights and work with that, also go eat alot of proteins. (meat) It's for muscle growth. Not much to add on to that.

I'm doing conditioning training mostly so I eat alot of carbs and proteins, if you want to grow muscles though, you won't really need carbs that much. (pasta, bread etc.) Just alot of proteins.
i train for stamina 3 times a week exactli the same as what you seem to do ...but have introduced a lot of weight recently.
yea you get some weigth on to it pretty quickly, as I said my weight isn't quite right. I am getting pretty strong now though :p.
inane little opines
+2,382|6831|The North, beyond the wall.
Go gym 3-5 days a week and usually do weights and a 10-15 min cardio warm down to finish up. Though I need to start preparing stamina for selection, so I'll do alternate weights/cardio days soon.
sorry you feel that way

jord wrote:

Go gym 3-5 days a week and usually do weights and a 10-15 min cardio warm down to finish up. Though I need to start preparing stamina for selection, so I'll do alternate weights/cardio days soon.
inane little opines
+2,382|6831|The North, beyond the wall.

dayarath wrote:

jord wrote:

Go gym 3-5 days a week and usually do weights and a 10-15 min cardio warm down to finish up. Though I need to start preparing stamina for selection, so I'll do alternate weights/cardio days soon.
Lol my will was starting to fail at home, I just got distracted.
Ecilop Murof
+167|5932|loves Stimey <3 |
Meh. I thought about it. Today I had risotto for lunch and just some time ago for dinner.

I'm going jogging now, even put on my training stuff. Amen that I won't collaps, amen that I'll break my running record.

iPhone for music ftw.

It's just really cold outside

I'll report back
Ecilop Murof
+167|5932|loves Stimey <3 |

Yesterday I beat everything I did before. I ran the first 10 minutes straight, walked for one minute, ran for another 4 mins and so on untill I stopped at 40 minutes. I know that you all are much better than I am, I don't care though. FUCK YEAH!

Today I had sports class and I was doing well too. Can't wait for sunday, just hope I will have lost another kilo till then. (I weight my weight every sunday =X)

Going to jog tomorrow methinks too.

Fuck. I'm doing this all for this girl. I know that it might sound stupid, I know that there's no chance for a happy ending. But I try.
Start pumping the weights bro..
Ecilop Murof
+167|5932|loves Stimey <3 |

..teddy..jimmy wrote:

Start pumping the weights bro..
I don't have weights... =X
Un Moderador

Ecilop Murof wrote:


Yesterday I beat everything I did before. I ran the first 10 minutes straight, walked for one minute, ran for another 4 mins and so on untill I stopped at 40 minutes. I know that you all are much better than I am, I don't care though. FUCK YEAH!

Today I had sports class and I was doing well too. Can't wait for sunday, just hope I will have lost another kilo till then. (I weight my weight every sunday =X)

Going to jog tomorrow methinks too.

Fuck. I'm doing this all for this girl. I know that it might sound stupid, I know that there's no chance for a happy ending. But I try.
When is she going to see you naked BEFORE you ask her out?
+2,382|6831|The North, beyond the wall.
You might be doing it for a girl but it doesn't matter, there is no downside to getting fit. You can't give the bullies a good shoeing, you can get the girl, get mates from being good at sport and get respected.

Yay fitness.
be nice
+2,646|6606|The Twilight Zone
Just go out running or swimming in a swamp.
less busy
+586|6988|Kubra, Damn it!

Ecilop Murof wrote:

..teddy..jimmy wrote:

Start pumping the weights bro..
I don't have weights... =X
No problem. Try out dynamic tension. If you've ever read a comic book, you've surely seen the Charles Atlas ads in the back. His method actually works. A weightroom may give you better results, but this requires no equipment, no gym membership and no money.

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