lowing wrote:
1. Who are YOU or I to decide what disposible income is for anyone?
The government influences that, according to the common will, as decided by society as a whole at election time.
lowing wrote:
It is THEIR money, NOT OURS to decide what it should be spent on.
Not true, see first comment above. Part of that money, whether you like it or not, belongs to the government in accordance with the wishes of the democratically elected representatives of the people.
lowing wrote:
Anyway, it would appear my analogy is spot on. It SHOULD cost them more because they can AFFORD more....But this isn't punishment..get real.
Also not true. The price of commodities is completely decoupled from income taxation (except perhaps from income tax reductions fuelling inflation thereby increasing the cost of commodities).
lowing wrote:
2. Nope, my concern is that people should EARN a living not STEAL one, be it from me or anyone else in the social class chain.
Again see first comment above. If you don't like it, leave your country and found another country somewhere else that somehow magically contains no people on the breadline carrying out menial jobs.
lowing wrote:
3. Yeah I am a mercenary, to believe one should EARN their own livlihood over being spoon fed one by me while I try to EARN one for myself..
Your main problem is that you don't understand that people working equally, if not harder, than people further up the chain are struggling to pay for MILK, and other such basic commodities whereas people further up the chain, often laughing it up at an extended coffee break in some air conditioned boardroom, are struggling to pay for the megajumbo yacht as opposed to the giganto yacht. Taxing all equally could be the difference between spending every night in a cardboard box on the side of the road for the former or enabling the latter to buy a yacht with a helipad. At the end of the day the country's bills have to be paid, those whose income goes solely on the necessities for living and perhaps breeding another generation of drone workers trumps the needs of fat cats who may or may not decide to employ their ample capital in the country in which they pay taxes (on the money they forgot to shift to offshore accounts that is). Unless of course you want your nation to dissolve into an anarchic shambles.
Last edited by CameronPoe (2008-09-09 16:16:13)