Kylau wrote:
Is there anyone that plays the assault class more often than any other?
I have been lately, and I find I get my best scores with it. I really like the M16 so I used the medic for a long time but all the healing and reviving only distracted me from killing.
The medic kit is supposed to distract you from the killing side, as is the Engineer kit. These are the kits which have a different purpose from the other kits. As a medic you are suppose to be looking at healing and reviving before you even think about killing, and as an enginner you should be looking to fixing the assets and your armour.
This is why there are soo many bad medics in the game!! you are all too busy thinking how it is affecting your kill / death ratio!!
The game isnt all about killing people! try playing a 64 player Karkand, mashtuur city or sharqi peninsula, and only looking at healing or reviving. I played a 64 mashtuur city map, killed 5 people, got killed 4 times, and won the gold medal at the end of the round because i had 65 team points for doing the medic job.