
If someone TK's you on purpose, what is your responce, if any?

Not bothered, just keep playing17%17% - 27
Remember the name. Don't help out if they are in need32%32% - 51
Respawn, shot them a little to reduce their health7%7% - 12
Eye for an eye, they get hunted down and killed once17%17% - 27
Spend the rest of the round killing and winding them up8%8% - 13
I have done all of the above, and proud of it14%14% - 23
I TK for vehicles etc and I am a smacktard3%3% - 5
Total: 158

Umibozu_IT wrote:

2 minutes later the blackhawk comes back to the helipad... smoking... looking for shelter and repair... but he found nothing but a friendly hummer finishing him off... i got a -16 i think but hell it was worth it. the guy respawned, rushed to the blackhawk but my dao-12 stopped him. got kicked but again, it was really worth it.
So, because hes a lesser person and tk's u for a gunner seat it justifies u to take down the entire blackhawk with inicent team-mates??? No, wonder people press punish all the time when people like u roam the servers... Grow up ffs...
+-2|6738|England, UK

Torin wrote:

As expected, apparently there are a lot of smacktards that play BF2.

Yes, it is possible to be the "bigger person" and not TK back, or exact some kind of revenge. I suggest all of you revenge TKing smacktards visit a server with active admins, so you don't have to return the same childish behavior enacted on you.
Pissoff Torin. Obviously you haven't been on the receiving end of multiple TK's against you in one round. If there is no fucking admin, like on the EA supplied servers, then revenge will be served. I don't do it all the time, proberly 50% maybe, but sometimes I prefer to deal with twat myself rather than sucking the admins dick you cock sucker. Fuck off.

PS. I don't give a fuck whether there's an admin or not on the servers I play on. I'm just looking for a good fair game.

Last edited by General_CoLin_Tassi (2006-03-07 08:36:06)

+557|6771|Oslo, Norway
whenever i tk someone i just say red tag glitch,sorry man
+-2|6738|England, UK

Umibozu_IT wrote:

i was once @ mashtuur, usmc. the round starts and everybody rushes for the blackhawk. i manage to get in as a gunner, a guy approaches the blackhawk and stares at me. i'm thinking "what does he want" when he kills me with an hs, takes my place and even types "thx for the gunner place you moron bwhahawha"

2 minutes later the blackhawk comes back to the helipad... smoking... looking for shelter and repair... but he found nothing but a friendly hummer finishing him off... i got a -16 i think but hell it was worth it. the guy respawned, rushed to the blackhawk but my dao-12 stopped him. got kicked but again, it was really worth it.

yesterday i was playing ghost town, well everybody knows that flying the helo in that map is crazy, very small area, tunguska and linebacker, plus stingers that cover the whole map. well the sas got both the spawnpoint up to the north-west and the one on the southwest where the apaches spawn. so they got 2 apaches flying over us. we spetznatz got the flag near the bridge, where the tunguska spawns. if you enter the tunguska when it spawns, you have a clear sight of one of the apache's helipad. this is crap in this map, i've died so many times because of the stinger @ sas base which can shoot on the southern russian helipad. you enter the hind and immediately hear the lock tone, so you can't take off. but it's the map, everybody knows, so if you wanna fly on that map don't whine if you're shot down over and over. so i was in the tunguska when a sas guy hop in the apache and starts the engine... i fire 2 missiles and finish him with the gun. 2 minutes later, same story: i get in the tunguska, the guy enters the apache, and get killed before he can take off. so this guy was like "stop camping the helo or i swear i'll come to your team and tk you till the end of the world". again he gets in the apache and i kill him before he can take off. he then types something like "i hope you'll see your mother die slowly of cancer", switches to my team and teamkills me. i ask him "how many times do you think you can do that before being kicked?" he answered "5 at least". he teamkills me for the second time and get banned

never laughed that hard
Your revenge was not honourable as you TK'ed innocent soldiers hence -16. Tut tut.

General_CoLin_Tassi wrote:

Torin wrote:

As expected, apparently there are a lot of smacktards that play BF2.

Yes, it is possible to be the "bigger person" and not TK back, or exact some kind of revenge. I suggest all of you revenge TKing smacktards visit a server with active admins, so you don't have to return the same childish behavior enacted on you.
Pissoff Torin. Obviously you haven't been on the receiving end of multiple TK's against you in one round. If there is no fucking admin, like on the EA supplied servers, then revenge will be served. I don't do it all the time, proberly 50% maybe, but sometimes I prefer to deal with twat myself rather than sucking the admins dick you cock sucker. Fuck off.

PS. I don't give a fuck whether there's an admin or not on the servers I play on.
Oh yes I have. Where do you get off knowing what I've experienced anyhow?

If there is no fucking admin, whose fault is that? Did someone force you to play on that server? NO. Go find a new server you revenge tking smacktard. There is no excuse for intentional team-killing, no matter which 12 year old baby started it.

You know why all this TKing happens in the first place? Because of idiots like you that think TKing is some sort of valid punishment for behavior. The same logic you apply to TKers when you "revenge TK" is the same logic those people applied to you when you stole their vehicle, or whatever the hell reason they come up with to TK you. You are doing nothing but contributing to the problem.

Want people to stop TKing you? Stop TKing them! It doesn't matter how validated you think you are, there is no excuse for an intentional teamkill. Why else do you think they give you negative points and allow people to punish for it?

And you not caring about an admin being around is your damn problem. You set yourself up for being TK'd. I for one play on a well admin'd server, where TKers are kicked and possibly banned. They don't put up with that childish bullshit that you insist on contributing to. It doesn't matter if you TK for revenge or not, you're gone. I'm glad I don't have to deal with smacktard 12 year olds like you on a daily basis, I'd go nuts.

Last edited by Torin (2006-03-07 08:44:54)

+-2|6738|England, UK
Torin, you are a fucking tard. If you read the beginning of this thread you'll see that I've stated that I have never TK'd anyone for any reason whatsoever, other than paying the twat back who see's fit to TK for vehicles etc etc and can I add, I don't do this constantly.
You said "you know why all this Tking happens in the first place. Because of idiots like me"
WTF are you on about. Did I ask to be shot in the head for the heli, no.
+-2|6738|England, UK
Torin said "I'm glad I don't have to deal with smacktard 12 year olds like you on a daily basis, I'd go nuts."
Well seeing I've never ever TK'd anyone on purpose you would not have a problem. I think you need to read the thread again you mardy cunt.
And why am I setting myself up to be TK'd if I don't play on admin'd servers. Get over yourself ffs.

Last edited by General_CoLin_Tassi (2006-03-07 08:55:36)

I read your thread, I kept it all in context. And if you read my post, you'd see where I started that TKing, NO MATTER WHAT THE REASON, is wrong. You notice that -4 points you get for your "revenge" TK? You know what that is? Want to stop and think for a second? It sure as hell isn't because your TK is justified.

Obviously you don't understand that it's the logic behind why you TK that causes people to TK in the first place. No matter why most people TK, be it because someone stole a vehicle from them, accidentally killed them, intentionally killed them, etc., the logic behind the revenge TK is the same. Most people, except for the biggest smacktards, don't TK for no reason whatsoever. The same logic you apply when you "revenge" TK someone that killed you, is the same logic they applied when they killed you in the first place?

See how this works? It's a cycle, that you add to. Sure, you may not agree with the reason they decided to TK you for, but it's the same logic you use when you decide to take revenge. Simply disagreeing with what someone decides to do in a video game, is not reason enough to TK them.

Sure, this thread may have meant to be funny, but it isn't. There is no excuse for the bullshit childish behavior that you choose to engage in, short of your pre-pubescent immaturity that you feel needs to have an outlet. Take your TKing, no matter what reason you put behind it, and shove it up your punk ass, bitch. The same goes for all the other 12 year old faggots in this thread that think TKing is justifiable.

Last edited by Torin (2006-03-07 09:02:04)

+-2|6738|England, UK
Torin said
"Want people to stop TKing you? Stop TKing them! It doesn't matter how validated you think you are, there is no excuse for an intentional teamkill. Why else do you think they give you negative points and allow people to punish for it?"
This thread wasn't a complaint, its a laugh.
AND I SAY AGAIN, I DON'T GET TK'D FOR TKing OTHER PEOPLE. YOU WANT TO KNOW WHY? BECAUSE I DON'T TK PEOPLE. OK. I have served revenge on people in the past and that's it. Read this thread again before you start on a wannabe admin post.
Apparently, no matter how many posts I make, you just won't get it. TKing is a logical epidemic. The more people that play the game and think like you, the more TKing there will be. It doesn't matter what reason you have for TKing someone, it does nothing but make whatever server you are on, less enjoyable. It makes the game less enjoyable for everyone involved, directly or indirectly.

Don't TK, it's for 12 year old punk ass bitches.

Got someone that has TK'd you for a helicopter? Get an admin to kick them from the server, or be satisfied with a TK punish. No admin around? Go to another server. Not satisfied with a punish? Learn to be, or again, go to another server with an active admin.

Repeated TKing was meant to be dealt with via the TK punish system and admins, not revenge TKing. If it was, do you really think you would get -4 points for a revenge TK?

If you still don't get the point, you probably just need to grow up.
+-2|6738|England, UK

Torin wrote:

I read your thread, I kept it all in context. And if you read my post, you'd see where I started that TKing, NO MATTER WHAT THE REASON, is wrong. You notice that -4 points you get for your "revenge" TK? You know what that is? Want to stop and think for a second? It sure as hell isn't because your TK is justified.

Obviously you don't understand that it's the logic behind why you TK that causes people to TK in the first place. No matter why most people TK, be it because someone stole a vehicle from them, accidentally killed them, intentionally killed them, etc., the logic behind the revenge TK is the same. Most people, except for the biggest smacktards, don't TK for no reason whatsoever. The same logic you apply when you "revenge" TK someone that killed you, is the same logic they applied when they killed you in the first place?

See how this works? It's a cycle, that you add to. Sure, you may not agree with the reason they decided to TK you for, but it's the same logic you use when you decide to take revenge. Simply disagreeing with what someone decides to do in a video game, is not reason enough to TK them.

Sure, this thread may have meant to be funny, but it isn't. There is no excuse for the bullshit childish behavior that you choose to engage in, short of your pre-pubescent immaturity that you feel needs to have an outlet. Take your TKing, no matter what reason you put behind it, and shove it up your punk ass, bitch. The same goes for all the other 12 year old faggots in this thread that think TKing is justifiable.
Torin, you are a dork, and are proberly a silly teenaged dork. I'm 31 so fuck you.
Revenge for a TK is completely different to TKing someone for a heli, for example. Intentional TK's for whatever reason are the worst kind of anti-social gaming behaviour next to lying on the runway etc etc.
Just because I decide to teach the twat lesson, it doesn't make me one them. If I don't get in a heli, I'll go fight. I won't snipe them out. I won't AT them when they come back. Both of which has happened to me. I think you are taking BF2 too seriously and you need to chill. Its a game. And I bet your about 15 and need to grow up.
+-2|6738|England, UK

Torin wrote:

Apparently, no matter how many posts I make, you just won't get it. TKing is a logical epidemic. The more people that play the game and think like you, the more TKing there will be. It doesn't matter what reason you have for TKing someone, it does nothing but make whatever server you are on, less enjoyable. It makes the game less enjoyable for everyone involved, directly or indirectly.

Don't TK, it's for 12 year old punk ass bitches.

Got someone that has TK'd you for a helicopter? Get an admin to kick them from the server, or be satisfied with a TK punish. No admin around? Go to another server. Not satisfied with a punish? Learn to be, or again, go to another server with an active admin.

Repeated TKing was meant to be dealt with via the TK punish system and admins, not revenge TKing. If it was, do you really think you would get -4 points for a revenge TK?

If you still don't get the point, you probably just need to grow up.
Torin says
"The more people that play the game and think like you, the more TKing there will be"
Why. Did I asked to be shot for the chopper. And stop with the grow up thing. I'm 31 and a man. And that's how I deal, sometimes, with annoying TKing pricks, man to man.
And I don't change servers unless I want to. Not because some prick is trying to spoil the game.
+-2|6738|England, UK
And like TKing someone back once later in the game is like ruining the game for everyone. Over the top or what. I'd understand your responce, TORIN, if i said I constantly TK all the time. wtf. lol.
31? Wow, could have fooled me. You completely came across as some angsty teenager. Well, just goes to show that even though people grow up physically, they hit a brick wall mentally and emotionally.

No, revenge for a TK is NO different than TKing someone for a heli. Same logic, different reason. You both feel it is justified to TK, you are both equally wrong in your decisions, and you both contribute to the on-going problem with Teamkilling.

Don't fool yourself, you aren't teaching anyone a lesson. You think that 10 year old that just teamkilled you for a helicopter is going to learn a lesson because you killed him back? No, it will just irritate him further, causing him to TK you back, etc., continuing the cycle. People that intentionally TK like this are either psychotic (the psychological definition) or immature and are not fully aware of the consequences of their behavior.

No, and for the record, I'm 26, and obviously a bit more emotionally and mentally developed. It's not a matter of me taking BF2 seriously, it's a matter of treating people in a mature manner, regardless of whether you meet them in a professional business environment or a game played for fun. You simply don't have sufficient respect for people in general, and feel that you have to stoop to their level to get some reprieve from the anguish you feel as a result of being teamkilled. There is always a mature response to teamkillers, and it doesnt involve killing them back. You may be 31, but you have the emotional responses of a teenager.
I want my money, or my bud!
If some fucktard is TKing  I usually dont bother.  Im usually on TS with a few people so if they start TKing me or one of the people im playing with,  they get camped until they log off. 

  I find that if someone TK's me more than once and is doing it intentionally,  I will spawn as medic,  kill him,  then revive and knife the guy until he leaves the server loses his kit.  At which point I will stop knifing him and let him run around like a faggot with his arms flailing about.

   Or I jsut load up a humvee or something with some teammates in it,  crash into said homo and get him banned for tking.

  Actually quite fun making fucktards lives miserable.  Once had a guy switch teams to TK me after I teabagged him after I knifed him.  He didnt take it so well.  So me and a guy on TS kept knifing and reviving him then jumped in his squad to yell at him on voice. 


   That right there was worth the money for BF2 and SF.
+-2|6738|England, UK

Torin wrote:

31? Wow, could have fooled me. You completely came across as some angsty teenager. Well, just goes to show that even though people grow up physically, they hit a brick wall mentally and emotionally.

No, revenge for a TK is NO different than TKing someone for a heli. Same logic, different reason. You both feel it is justified to TK, you are both equally wrong in your decisions, and you both contribute to the on-going problem with Teamkilling.

Don't fool yourself, you aren't teaching anyone a lesson. You think that 10 year old that just teamkilled you for a helicopter is going to learn a lesson because you killed him back? No, it will just irritate him further, causing him to TK you back, etc., continuing the cycle. People that intentionally TK like this are either psychotic (the psychological definition) or immature and are not fully aware of the consequences of their behavior.

No, and for the record, I'm 26, and obviously a bit more emotionally and mentally developed. It's not a matter of me taking BF2 seriously, it's a matter of treating people in a mature manner, regardless of whether you meet them in a professional business environment or a game played for fun. You simply don't have sufficient respect for people in general, and feel that you have to stoop to their level to get some reprieve from the anguish you feel as a result of being teamkilled. There is always a mature response to teamkillers, and it doesnt involve killing them back. You may be 31, but you have the emotional responses of a teenager.
Torin, who the fuck do you think you are. Wannabe admin? You would be a crap one.
We'll have to disagree on revenge TK's. I think that if my game has just been ruined by someone TKing me then there's a 50-50 chance they are going to die. Whether you think this is right or not, I don't care. And like I've said earlier, I do go for a admin first cus getting the teamkilling fecker banned is all good. Obviously you are so far up your own arse you think that anyone that disagrees with you is either 12 or not fully developed. LOL. You've just made youself look like a complete and utter pompus twat.

Last edited by General_CoLin_Tassi (2006-03-07 12:27:56)

Kniven Gaffeln Skeden

General_CoLin_Tassi wrote:

I'm 31 so fuck you.
31! uuuhuuuu....

(shouldnt you be old enough not to use curse-words anyway?)
+-2|6738|England, UK

spacepelle wrote:

General_CoLin_Tassi wrote:

I'm 31 so fuck you.
31! uuuhuuuu....

(shouldnt you be old enough not to use curse-words anyway?)
Curse words are part of the English language and should be used where necessary. Jesus christ. Its like I'm taking to some christian do-gooders or something. Fuck off. lol.
No, I do not want to be an admin, I enjoy playing the game without being responsible for the actions of others. I have no relationship or affiliation with any admins of any servers. I simply use them for what they are there for, to administrate the server. Someone needs to be reported for teamkilling and kicked? I do, especially if I was the victim. It's called a mature response to an immature situation, something I am honestly very surprised you do not have a mental grasp on quite yet.

Yes, it's a game. Some of us, being good at the game and all, and enjoying it for what it is, do not want our time spent in the game ruined by some smacktards, no matter what reason they decide to TK for. I work hard, I have a family to support, and at the end of the day when I'm opening up a beer and sitting down for a few relaxing hours of BF2, the last thing I want to do is have my time ruined by people who think teamkilling is justified. I take the game as serious as I need to, in order to be good at it, in order to enjoy it. Yes, it is a leisure activity, but one that I enjoy enough to take somewhat seriously.

I may be somewhat pompous, but it is for good reason. When on a forum filled with a bunch of whiny children, angsty teenagers and under-developed adults, it is not uncommon for someone like me to develop a sense of self-importance when compared to people like this, like you, like the guy posting above you.

Speaking of which, compare your ideas on TKing to the guy above you. Perhaps he is actually 12 years old and that is a genuine immature response represented by his post. True, you both posted the same logic in different ways, but it is the same logic. You both agree that TKing is justified as a form of revenge, and you are both wrong.

I am able to admit when I am wrong, but I am backed up by the game developers on this one. TKing is wrong, no matter what the reason. Why do you think you get -4 points for it? No matter what the reason? People can disagree with me, and I can argue as to why I think they are wrong. Not everyone is going to be open-minded enough to realize they are wrong, but hey, I can try. You apparently are one of those people, but that's fine.

I'll make this my last post in this thread, because I'd rather not argue on and on all day on an issue it is apparent neither of us are going to budge on. I'm not trying to get the last word in, it's just become apparent that there is no sense in continuing this particular debate. I've posted my 2 cents, represented how I feel about this, and people can take it for what it's worth. After all, I am only offering 1 opinion in a huge mass of opinions, and mine is no more valid than anyone else's. So, take it for what you will.

Last edited by Torin (2006-03-07 09:42:38)


Zorken wrote:

Umibozu_IT wrote:

2 minutes later the blackhawk comes back to the helipad... smoking... looking for shelter and repair... but he found nothing but a friendly hummer finishing him off... i got a -16 i think but hell it was worth it. the guy respawned, rushed to the blackhawk but my dao-12 stopped him. got kicked but again, it was really worth it.
So, because hes a lesser person and tk's u for a gunner seat it justifies u to take down the entire blackhawk with inicent team-mates??? No, wonder people press punish all the time when people like u roam the servers... Grow up ffs...
yes. and i've done the same with a guy who hshotted me with a m95 to get the gunner seat on the cobra, and dared to say "now go on feet buddie bwahaha". i shot the helo down with the tow when he came back to the helipad to repair. i apologized with the pilot of course, like i apologized with the ppl on the blackhawk, but to revenge upon a moron i'm ready to get a -20.

General_CoLin_Tassi wrote:

Umibozu_IT wrote:

i was once @ mashtuur, usmc. the round starts and everybody rushes for the blackhawk. i manage to get in as a gunner, a guy approaches the blackhawk and stares at me. i'm thinking "what does he want" when he kills me with an hs, takes my place and even types "thx for the gunner place you moron bwhahawha"

2 minutes later the blackhawk comes back to the helipad... smoking... looking for shelter and repair... but he found nothing but a friendly hummer finishing him off... i got a -16 i think but hell it was worth it. the guy respawned, rushed to the blackhawk but my dao-12 stopped him. got kicked but again, it was really worth it.

yesterday i was playing ghost town, well everybody knows that flying the helo in that map is crazy, very small area, tunguska and linebacker, plus stingers that cover the whole map. well the sas got both the spawnpoint up to the north-west and the one on the southwest where the apaches spawn. so they got 2 apaches flying over us. we spetznatz got the flag near the bridge, where the tunguska spawns. if you enter the tunguska when it spawns, you have a clear sight of one of the apache's helipad. this is crap in this map, i've died so many times because of the stinger @ sas base which can shoot on the southern russian helipad. you enter the hind and immediately hear the lock tone, so you can't take off. but it's the map, everybody knows, so if you wanna fly on that map don't whine if you're shot down over and over. so i was in the tunguska when a sas guy hop in the apache and starts the engine... i fire 2 missiles and finish him with the gun. 2 minutes later, same story: i get in the tunguska, the guy enters the apache, and get killed before he can take off. so this guy was like "stop camping the helo or i swear i'll come to your team and tk you till the end of the world". again he gets in the apache and i kill him before he can take off. he then types something like "i hope you'll see your mother die slowly of cancer", switches to my team and teamkills me. i ask him "how many times do you think you can do that before being kicked?" he answered "5 at least". he teamkills me for the second time and get banned

never laughed that hard
Your revenge was not honourable as you TK'ed innocent soldiers hence -16. Tut tut.
well they died to let me revenge upon an idiot, if there would have been a medal for that kind of sacrifice i'd have awarded them

Kniven Gaffeln Skeden

General_CoLin_Tassi wrote:

spacepelle wrote:

General_CoLin_Tassi wrote:

I'm 31 so fuck you.
31! uuuhuuuu....

(shouldnt you be old enough not to use curse-words anyway?)
Curse words are part of the English language and should be used where necessary. Jesus christ. Its like I'm taking to some christian do-gooders or something. Fuck off. lol.
yes used where necessary indeed...lol...
my usualy reaction to everyone that's obviously tk'd me deliberately (ie for vehicles or whatever) is to warn everyone else on the team to keep an eye out for em,so if they tk someone else for a plane or something after that they know they aint the first person they've done it to & usualy end up having a kick vote for being a tard.
Resident M-14 fanatic
+59|6693|Lancaster Ohio, USA
Generally if I'm intentionally TK'd I will punish...but if it gets extreme...for example I was on Sharqi once with a buddy of mine on the MEC side over at the chopper spawn point and my buddy somehow got into a TK fest with some other guy and his friend...so what happens when I spawn and walk up to the pad...ya guessed it TK'd...repeatedly...it sucked so bad we just both left the server...nothing like being caught in the middle of a TK fest ya never started...
+-2|6738|England, UK
Torin, I proberly get revenge for a TK maybe once a week or maybe once every two weeks. Your going on like an idiot.
You said
"I may be somewhat pompous, but it is for good reason. When on a forum filled with a bunch of whiny children, angsty teenagers and under-developed adults, it is not uncommon for someone like me to develop a sense of self-importance when compared to people like this, like you, like the guy posting above you."

You sir, are a self induldged twat. Me TKing someone as payback for a repeated TK against me has been seen by admins and THE ORIGINAL TKer who was acting like an idiot(and note Torin that I am against TK's) gets kicked or banned. Glad your not an admin on any servers I've played on because you going on like your some type of saint.
Sorting out someone who has seriously and purposely Tk'd you, man to man, is needed sometimes as it will make them realise that they won't be getting the heli or whatever for the rest of round and alot of the time they will go away. Your going on like some of the people, who don't have your view and have posted on this thread, go around constantly TKing. If they are like me, they'll proberly end up getting revenge maybe once a week, if that.
All this being underdeveloped etc etc. What a dick head! And you have actually admitted to being a twat aswell(see your quote above). And one more thing, this forums is not filled with and I quote "filled with a bunch of whiny children, angsty teenagers and under-developed adults". Sure, some people fall into this category but if you think its full of them, then I put it to you that you are a self indulged, pompus, arrogant, uptight prick fuck. You categorically stated that because I have revenged a few serious team killing incidents, then I'm underdeveloped. LOL. Terd!

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