Jestar wrote:
To be honest, as brilliant as Yahtzee is, you can't base the most expansive MMO out on just a 14 day trial (most likely 1 or 2 days), without meeting any players in the game. That's the flaw involved in reviewing MMO's. It's like playing an FPS but not shooting a gun. I laughed at a lot of it anyway but .
No, that's the flaw with EVE nowadays.
You can pick up an FPS and start shooting (and subsequently having fun) immediately. You may not be any 'good' at it but FPS skill comes with experience, practice and general game orientation. It's the complete opposite with EVE. I'm sure EVE is a great game for all the people that have been playing it for years and now have trillionaire-corporation accounts with 17 different types of ship for each day of the 2-weeks-and-a-bit, but to a newcomer the immediate impression is:
"Welcome to the EVE 14 day trial, please queue skills for the next 30 days until you're semi-competent at anything. In the meanwhile enjoy our right-click-and-mine-random-rocks and rudimentary-insipid-repeatable-quest mini-games until you are nearer this goal. Enjoy your day. P.S. Don't forget to pay your subscription."
I thought the review was spot-on. People's criticism of Yahtzee is that he doesn't get "into" the game enough. Well no reviewer can practically spend 6 months completing / mastering a game before he writes a critical analysis, and equally no consumer or potential buyer is actually interested in knowing the game inside-out from a
video review- as opposed to actually playing it and learning/finding out for yourself. He approaches games as a new player and gives a first impressions review which is really all a curious gamer needs to know. Of course he has some biases and throws smoe stuff in there for comic effect but really, the general jist of things, he hit the nail on the head.
Last edited by Uzique (16 years, 5 months ago)