+10|7038|Kirkland, WA

Mobius_One1021 wrote:

Easy_4TH wrote:

do it on karkand with one of the kits that has body armor.  NEVER pull out anything but your knife.  force yourself to use your knife.  be cautious, be a little sneaky, and you should have it in a few rounds.
Do you really think the body armor has enough of an advantage?  I was thinking that the longer sprint would help me to get behind people easier (or at least catch up to some guy with body armor running away from me).  I'll give it a try, at least, though.  I'm almost up to a 1 k/d ratio with medic so I guess my anti tank will have to be fed to the fire :p
Personally, I'd have to agree that a longer sprint distance is more important than body armor. Often a good knife fighter doesn't even let the enemy know where they came from until their dead so having body armor isn't that great of an asset. I aslo have to disagree with Mobius about the statement, "NEVER pull out anything but your knife." If you see someone 200 feet from you and they know where you're at it's pointless to pull out your knife. Shoot them and wait for a better opportunity for a knife kill. When I got my veteran knife badge I also got my basic pistol in the same round and still made silver on the server because I used my gun when I had to (I was medic BTW). I also ended the round with a KD above 2. Just because you're going for your knife badge doesn't mean you can't use your gun when a knife kill only has a 5% chance of success. Play smart and go for the knife kills that have the highest probability of success.

As far as advice for levels goes I'd have to agree that Sharqi and Karkand are best. I've actually got my veteran knife badge twice. Once on Karkand and the other on Sharqi (I had an old clan account that I don't play anymore). On Sharqi I've found that the best flags to hang around are the City Entrance, Surveillance Post, and the Alley. On Karkand I've found that the best flags are not actually the Hotel and Square, but the Market and Train Accident. I got 13 kills on my way to my expert once just hanging around the train station and market flags.
+37|6955|Chicago, Il
GOt mine the other day.  64 Player Karkand map but only 18 SLots.....    Playes Spec Ops and between blowing up Armor and APCs and running around Knifing people I accumulated not only Basic Knife, but Basic Exposices as well! (Same Round)

Basic Aviator is my Last Basic badge to get.....    Guess I'm gonna have to actually get in a plane for that one.....  lol...  At least I got some time before I have to worry about it.
Congrats , in the end!

Got mine the old 64 plyr Sharqi, that was only half full. I was using the Assult kit. Ended up with 14 kills but only had 44 kills to begin with,so no Veteran. Its a matter of luck/timing/perseverance, as previously said.

When I'm ready, I will go for the Vet  the same way. The best bit was the number of players who wanted knife fights, now that was fun! Shame about the twats who shot me, even tho they could see I was in a knife fight!
+18|6965|Baton Rouge, LA, USA
I'm just thankful that I've got it...and I don't have to put up with the frustraton of having to fight for it anymore...

I got expert after only 3 rounds of actually TRYING to get it...

and I got pretty lucky too...got it on ghost town JUST before the round ended...I mean it was so close I didn't even have enough time to take a screenshot of my getting it...X(
+-2|7018|England, UK

Mobius_One1021 wrote:

Alright, I worked for about 3 or 4 hours today toward my basic knife badge to no dice....all I ended up with was a complete ownage of my K/D ratio.  Does anyone have any techniques to use, suggestions on maps and map sizes or whatever?  Any advice whatsoever would be appreciated as I'm getting this in order to get first seargent.
64 player manchur server(sry if I've mispelled). Hang around the flag with the 2 jeeps next to each other plus it has two large buildings which you can climb up(sry don't know the name of the flag). Don't take the flag but hide and walk about with only the knife and kill away. This is how I got my basic knife and I even followed people to the top of the buildings near the flag, then killed them. 2 of the kills were spawncamp kills but that's life in BF2. You can really hang around a number of flags on different maps but the key is not to be tempted to go for the guns. Stealth is the key. Firing guns will give your postition away. Got my basic on my third attempt

Last edited by General_CoLin_Tassi (2006-03-06 12:13:34)

lol.. the knife combat badge is one of the easiest expert badges to gain

expert knife combat kill limit should be at least 25 kills IAR

my hints are:
-be medic
-use uav to locate enemys
-SURPRISE your enemy from the back
-don't let your enemy see you

Last edited by ZimiZuhu (2006-03-06 12:15:30)

+9|7020|North Kackalaka
I think that being a sniper helps because the gili suit looks the same for both sides, since i takes a moment for the your name and color to pop up, it gives you a window of oppertunity to knofe them.  Once I ran up to a squad of four and they didn't know I was an enemy until I had knofe the first three, that last one shot me but I still go a 3 for 1.
https://x10.putfile.com/3/6413441128-thumb.jpg need tips.....
+-2|7018|England, UK

ZimiZuhu wrote:

lol.. the knife combat badge is one of the easiest expert badges to gain

expert knife combat kill limit should be at least 25 kills IAR

my hints are:
-be medic
-use uav to locate enemys
-SURPRISE your enemy from the back
-don't let your enemy see you
Yep. I forgot to say, be a medic and run and heal when needed. UAV is good tip too. Use the radar at maximum zoom.
+-2|7018|England, UK

[DR2nd]Dr.Smoov wrote:

I think that being a sniper helps because the gili suit looks the same for both sides, since i takes a moment for the your name and color to pop up, it gives you a window of oppertunity to knofe them.  Once I ran up to a squad of four and they didn't know I was an enemy until I had knofe the first three, that last one shot me but I still go a 3 for 1.
Nice. I'll remember that for my vet badge. Cool. May not work all the time but god willing, it may help to get them extra knifings!
+18|6965|Baton Rouge, LA, USA
I got mine with assault, because most of the time once you're seen....you're dead...not even enough time to whip out your meds before you're dead...not to mention a flash bang in a crowded area can mean 5-6 kills just like that
+-2|7018|England, UK

jjrp02 wrote:

I got mine with assault, because most of the time once you're seen....you're dead...not even enough time to whip out your meds before you're dead...not to mention a flash bang in a crowded area can mean 5-6 kills just like that
Flash bang. Knife. Good combo. This is a good thread.
+18|6965|Baton Rouge, LA, USA

General_CoLin_Tassi wrote:

jjrp02 wrote:

I got mine with assault, because most of the time once you're seen....you're dead...not even enough time to whip out your meds before you're dead...not to mention a flash bang in a crowded area can mean 5-6 kills just like that
Flash bang. Knife. Good combo. This is a good thread.
but most of the time I get multiple kills is from a dumb medic who doesn't even notice that I'm right there and just keeps on reviving that poor soul that I just keep killing...LOL
Cool member
sniper - karkand - UAV

i went sniper as i have realised that a lot of newbs sometimes dont realise who is a friendly or enemy sniper as they have a very similar uniform.

Stay in the UAV and try to pick off the guys who are hiding round a corner from action. A lot of these enemy soldiers will be other snipers looing through their scope. they will not see you coming.

Watch out for supply creates aswell. A lot of injured enemy soldiers hang around the supply crate facing to where the action is. sneak up behind them and take them out.

also a good technique on karkand is to watch for who the commander is spotting. a lot f the time he will spot someone making a break for a distant base where there is little fighting. if you can hop into a vehicle then get to the flag as the enemy soldier is capturing it, then u might just be able to get to him without him spotting you.
Horseman 77
Dude I did it I got Basic knife and pistol in Same game
Than Vet knife and pistol in same game.

Stay in Karkand hotel alley in 32 slot server as a Mec Medic.
Stand on a bag of health in corners.
turn flag but dont cap so they come to re cap.

oh and curse at the enemy players so they want to try and knife you back.
ok, i'm going to change my strategy for you guys.  to get your knife badge, you want to be a medic on karkand.  that's basically it.  being a medic lets you sprint longer and be able to heal yourself.  go with your knife and pistol, too.  have your knife out when youre running around, but if it's obvious that guy in front of you isn't going to be knifed anytime soon, pull out that pistol and go for your basic/vet/expert pistol badge while you're at it. 

you have to be sneaky too.  also, know the spawn points on karkand (i'm sure we've all played it enough to know most, if not all, of them).  hang out outside bases your compadres are capturing and wait for defenders to spawn.  then knife their ass.  you'll have the badge in no time.
Teh forum ghey!
+172|6954|Wigan. Manchester. England.
does it matter where you knife someone? i mean like in the head, body, legs or does it not matter ?

i find it really hard to get my knife kills.
+3|6946|Candy Land
You want to get this badge on a small map, like Karkand, Wake, Mashtur, or Shargi.  These maps are good because there are many places to hide.  Never run with just your knife out, you could die and lose a chance for a knife kill.
I just got my vet knife badge this week.  I never even got my basic, I just kept getting kills one by one til I had 50 because I only wanted to have to get 7 once. 
I was on Sharqi as Mec and came in in the middle of the round where the US was down to one spawn point but with a good amount of tickets left.  The single spawn point made it pretty easy, the UAV was always right where I needed it and I just hung around at a corner where the US could only be coming from one direction.  There were a couple other people with me which was nice to draw their fire.  I played medic to heal myself and have a nice sprint.  I just sprinted in and got my stabby on.

At one point I followed a guy down some stairs to stab him from behind and walked right into a full squad coming up the stairs.  I went into action stabbing, going prone, then running a bit, stabbing, etc.  I killed a couple there before they got me and finished the 7 needed for the badge.  It never announced the basic badge, only announced the vet badge.

After I got the badge my score was about 30 with 7 kills, 6 deaths.  (I healed/revived in between stabs.)
I'm not fearing the expert badge nearly as much as I was fearing the basic/vet.

BTW, reading all the other knife threads on here gave me the ideas of how to do it.  Thanks!
Zulu son, what!?!
+79|7103|Anaheim, CA

Thanks for some of your guys hints, thanks to them I got my veteran knife!

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