less busy
+586|6988|Kubra, Damn it!

The US started as a group of English colonies. We spoke English because we were, by blood, English. We now are the descendants of a large group of Englishmen, still speaking the language of our forefathers. A lot of us, myself included, have English blood in our veins. Why do we have less claim to the language than anyone else? Does physical location invalidate our heritage or our genetics? We're now also the largest group of native English speakers in the world. So large, in fact, that there are twice as many native English speakers in the US than in the rest of the world combined. There are over 300 million of us here now, more than the combined populations of the UK, Jamaica, Ireland, Canada, Australia, Singapore and New Zealand. Forgive me if I've forgotten any other English speaking countries, but I don't think they'd add any appreciable numbers; definitely not enough to add up to the population of the US.

Since the English like to use the argument that it's their language (forgetting that we're an offshoot of them) and the only possible point they may have is that they live in England (weak), they apparently believe that geographic location means something. Continuing in that spirit, it's time for us to stake claim to our language and rename it to "American". Since location is apparently so important, and most native speakers of this common language are in America, it's a very sensible answer.

For those of you who don't get the numbers, I've broken it all down below. My thanks to the CIA World Factbook. I came to these numbers by starting with total population and factoring in native speakers of English American when it was provided. You can find all this under the People section on each country's page. Before you complain about me adjusting the numbers, keep in mind that we took the biggest hit and lost over 50 million.

Australia - 16,295,277
Canada - 19,695,128
Ireland - 4,156,119
Jamaica - 2,804,332
New Zealand - 4,173,460
Singapore - 4,608,167
U.K. - 60,943,912

Grand Total = 112,676,395
U.S.A. - 249,440,034

Look at that, of a total of 362,116,429 speakers, we have 68.8% of them. Feel free to suggest any other native American speaking countries I may have forgotten. I can factor them in here, but don't believe you'll find the missing 136,763,640 speakers required to knock us off the throne.

Before anyone mentions India, I left them out on purpose. Yes, it is an official language there and the CIA Factbook says it "enjoys associate status" but is not learned until school age, and the amount of native speakers are negligible. There are also 40 or so other countries who list English as an official language, but I omitted them all for the same reason.

EDIT: I didn't realize people would be so passionate about this. We all know this will never happen. Let's have a friendly discussion.

Last edited by chittydog (2008-08-19 09:33:09)

+2,382|6831|The North, beyond the wall.
So like.. You're serious or what?
+3,611|6774|London, England
It still originates from England so it's still gonna be called English. If the language significantly changed in the USA, then you could call it American, it's still more or less the same as English so it's not going to have it's own status just yet. Also according to wikipedia only 8.7% of the population of the US are descendants of English people. It's just that English was the ruling language so that any other ethnic group that immigrated took it up as the primary language.

Last edited by Mek-Stizzle (2008-08-19 09:12:32)

less busy
+586|6988|Kubra, Damn it!

jord wrote:

So like.. You're serious or what?
Not totally. I'm just tired of everyone, not just England, giving us grief over the way we speak and write.
+2,382|6831|The North, beyond the wall.
Why would a language that pre-dates you by hundreds of years suddenly change name because you wanted it to for reasons unknown? If you don't like telling people you speak "English" then make your own unique language.

chittydog wrote:

jord wrote:

So like.. You're serious or what?
Not totally. I'm just tired of everyone, not just England, giving us grief over the way we speak and write.
You don't spell words right. It's a bit of friendly debate, how are you tired of it?

Last edited by jord (2008-08-19 09:14:35)

less busy
+586|6988|Kubra, Damn it!

jord wrote:

Why would a language that pre-dates you by hundreds of years suddenly change name because you wanted it to for reasons unknown? If you don't like telling people you speak "English" then make your own unique language.

chittydog wrote:

jord wrote:

So like.. You're serious or what?
Not totally. I'm just tired of everyone, not just England, giving us grief over the way we speak and write.
You don't spell words right. It's a bit of friendly debate, how are you tired of it?
How does it pre-date me anymore than you? I live in an ex-English colony and am >50% English.

You're right, it is a friendly debate. I intended for this to be one, too.

Last edited by chittydog (2008-08-19 09:17:01)

Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6754|132 and Bush

I am not of English descent. Language is usually based on origin. Mexicans, Cubans, etc.. speak variations of Spanish.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
+2,382|6831|The North, beyond the wall.

chittydog wrote:

jord wrote:

Why would a language that pre-dates you by hundreds of years suddenly change name because you wanted it to for reasons unknown? If you don't like telling people you speak "English" then make your own unique language.
How does it predate me anymore than you? I live in an ex-English colony and am >50% English.
England is older than it's colonies...?
less busy
+586|6988|Kubra, Damn it!

Kmarion wrote:

I am not of English descent. Language is usually based on origin. Mexicans, Cubans, etc.. speak variations of Spanish.
That's debatable too. How many Spanish speaking Latinos are really of Spanish descent? If anyone has a number, it would helpful to post it.
less busy
+586|6988|Kubra, Damn it!

jord wrote:

chittydog wrote:

jord wrote:

Why would a language that pre-dates you by hundreds of years suddenly change name because you wanted it to for reasons unknown? If you don't like telling people you speak "English" then make your own unique language.
How does it predate me anymore than you? I live in an ex-English colony and am >50% English.
England is older than it's colonies...?
Would you become less English if you moved to a new English colony? Would that invalidate your claim to the language? How about your kids?
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6754|132 and Bush

chittydog wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

I am not of English descent. Language is usually based on origin. Mexicans, Cubans, etc.. speak variations of Spanish.
That's debatable too. How many Spanish speaking Latinos are really of Spanish descent? If anyone has a number, it would helpful to post it.
It's the accepted standard. I think you are in the minority of people who think it's debatable.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
What about the many millions of other people that speak English as their second language?

Afterthought: There are probably many millions of people that speak Americanised English as their second language, or "American" if you like.

So all in all, this post is pointless.
You're welcome to have your own 'American' language; it's a fucking travesty and I'd be glad to offload all of you mispronunciating, grammatically erroneous Yanks from the realms of 'English' speakers. There's nothing particularly applaudable about your language, your writing or the cultural literature associated with it... so have it back, please by all means do .

Please make sure you keep translating your T.S. Eliot, Ezra Pound, Edgar Allen Poe and Mark Twain into proper English though.

That way I really don't care!
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
less busy
+586|6988|Kubra, Damn it!

Kmarion wrote:

chittydog wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

I am not of English descent. Language is usually based on origin. Mexicans, Cubans, etc.. speak variations of Spanish.
That's debatable too. How many Spanish speaking Latinos are really of Spanish descent? If anyone has a number, it would helpful to post it.
It's the accepted standard. I think you are in the minority of people who think it's debatable.
I'm not denying it, just asking for some backup. I honestly have no idea how much of a genetic influence there is in Central and South America.
+3,611|6774|London, England

chittydog wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

I am not of English descent. Language is usually based on origin. Mexicans, Cubans, etc.. speak variations of Spanish.
That's debatable too. How many Spanish speaking Latinos are really of Spanish descent? If anyone has a number, it would helpful to post it.
Quite alot. There are very few 100% Native Americans in Central/South America, the majority of people in those areas have a bit of both in them (Mestizo, mixture of Native American and Spanish). With how much of both varying from country to country.

Last edited by Mek-Stizzle (2008-08-19 09:27:16)

less busy
+586|6988|Kubra, Damn it!

Uzique wrote:

There's nothing particularly applaudable about your language, your writing or the cultural literature associated with it.

Uzique wrote:

Please make sure you keep translating your T.S. Eliot, Ezra Pound, Edgar Allen Poe and Mark Twain into proper English though.
Which is it?
+2,382|6831|The North, beyond the wall.

chittydog wrote:

jord wrote:

chittydog wrote:

How does it predate me anymore than you? I live in an ex-English colony and am >50% English.
England is older than it's colonies...?
Would you become less English if you moved to a new English colony? Would that invalidate your claim to the language? How about your kids?
If I moved to an English colony and had kids with someone from Spain. Then the English heritage would drift further and further away as time progresses.

It's not practical to rename a whole language just for the sake of what. Patriotism? The American dialect isn't distant enough. Soon enough you'd have people from all over asking for their own language because of their accent.

The place where I live, I could tell you 30 words that are unique to this county. Words that don't make sense to anyone else. So you'd have to rename it to Lancastrian too.
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6691|Long Island, New York
everyone in America should just speak ebonics
less busy
+586|6988|Kubra, Damn it!

Mek-Stizzle wrote:

chittydog wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

I am not of English descent. Language is usually based on origin. Mexicans, Cubans, etc.. speak variations of Spanish.
That's debatable too. How many Spanish speaking Latinos are really of Spanish descent? If anyone has a number, it would helpful to post it.
Quite alot. There are very few 100% Native Americans in Central/South America, the majority of people in those areas have a bit of both in them (Mestizo, mixture of Native American and Spanish). With how much of both varying from country to country.
OK, I concede on this one. wiki gave me some numbers but it's too much to post here. Like I said, I wasn't denying it, I didn't have any idea of what the ratio was. I should have said it "may" be debatable rather than it "is".

chittydog wrote:

Uzique wrote:

There's nothing particularly applaudable about your language, your writing or the cultural literature associated with it.

Uzique wrote:

Please make sure you keep translating your T.S. Eliot, Ezra Pound, Edgar Allen Poe and Mark Twain into proper English though.
Which is it?
There are notable exceptions, all of the rest could be burnt on Nazi-style bonfires for all I care. It sure would be hard to find any culture with several centuries of literary history that contained absolutely nothing of worth-- but then again the average American citizen is nowhere near their level of literary genius so the entire language is a good candidate for verbal abortion in my opinion!
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6754|132 and Bush

Uzique wrote:

You're welcome to have your own 'American' language; it's a fucking travesty and I'd be glad to offload all of you mispronunciating, grammatically erroneous Yanks from the realms of 'English' speakers. There's nothing particularly applaudable about your language, your writing or the cultural literature associated with it... so have it back, please by all means do .

Please make sure you keep translating your T.S. Eliot, Ezra Pound, Edgar Allen Poe and Mark Twain into proper English though.

That way I really don't care!
It's a product of diversity and it's not something to be ashamed about. There was no consorted effort to "butcher" a language. When you have Italians, Spanish, French (like me), Germans, Africans, Chinese, etc.. rapidly coming together by the tens of millions it is to be expected.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
I'm moving to Brazil

jord wrote:

Why would a language that pre-dates you by hundreds of years suddenly change name because you wanted it to for reasons unknown? If you don't like telling people you speak "English" then make your own unique language.

chittydog wrote:

jord wrote:

So like.. You're serious or what?
Not totally. I'm just tired of everyone, not just England, giving us grief over the way we speak and write.
You don't spell words right. It's a bit of friendly debate, how are you tired of it?
America was founded by England so we speak English (otherwise if we want we can create our own language something between spanish and english aka spanglish)
less busy
+586|6988|Kubra, Damn it!

Uzique wrote:

chittydog wrote:

Uzique wrote:

There's nothing particularly applaudable about your language, your writing or the cultural literature associated with it.

Uzique wrote:

Please make sure you keep translating your T.S. Eliot, Ezra Pound, Edgar Allen Poe and Mark Twain into proper English though.
Which is it?
There are notable exceptions, all of the rest could be burnt on Nazi-style bonfires for all I care. It sure would be hard to find any culture with several centuries of literary history that contained absolutely nothing of worth-- but then again the average American citizen is nowhere near their level of literary genius so the entire language is a good candidate for verbal abortion in my opinion!
I'm sure the same could be said for any country in the world. No need to be hateful about it. Let's see the volumes of award winning literature the average British citizen is producing if you're so advanced. Anyway, we speak the same language, fool. So what are you aborting exactly?
+2,382|6831|The North, beyond the wall.
Uzique was agate yank's can't speak english mate and chitty was agate lets rename it.

There, that's some local dialect right there.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6754|132 and Bush

blademaster wrote:

jord wrote:

Why would a language that pre-dates you by hundreds of years suddenly change name because you wanted it to for reasons unknown? If you don't like telling people you speak "English" then make your own unique language.

chittydog wrote:

Not totally. I'm just tired of everyone, not just England, giving us grief over the way we speak and write.
You don't spell words right. It's a bit of friendly debate, how are you tired of it?
America was founded by England so we speak English (otherwise if we want we can create our own language something between spanish and english aka spanglish)
I've got places all around me where English isn't spoken (First).

For example.
Xbone Stormsurgezz

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