Well no shit, but this is 2008 and the Civil Rights Movement have already passed into the history books...

So why are we discussing inequalities when it comes to citizens paying tax and having input into the society/state?
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6838|United States of America
Score! Hopefully my kids will get more money for college around that time.
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6691|Long Island, New York
You know, Italians. Jews, Irish, Germans...they were all considered "non-white" back when Ellis Island was strong.

Just food for thought.
+3,611|6774|London, England

Poseidon wrote:

You know, Italians. Jews, Irish, Germans...they were all considered "non-white" back when Ellis Island was strong.

Just food for thought.
Not so much Germans. But they set up a law in 1924 restricting immigration of Southern/Eastern Europeans and also outright banning East and South Asians.

Also the USA had something akin to the White Australia Policy from 1924 to 1965

The law was aimed at further restricting the Southern and Eastern Europeans who were immigrating in large numbers starting in the 1890s, as well as prohibiting the immigration of East Asians and Asian Indians.
Over the succeeding four decades, Celler made the repeal of the Act into a personal crusade. Some of the law's strongest supporters were influenced by Madison Grant and his 1916 book, The Passing of the Great Race. Grant was a eugenicist and an advocate of the racial hygiene theory. His data purported to show the superiority of the founding Northern European races
America was quite a fucked up place when it came to race (and I'm talking on a government level) until recently.

Also it's funny how they more or less banned East and South Asians until 1965, and how now Asian Americans are the "model minority" of the USA with alot of the top careers.

Last edited by Mek-Stizzle (2008-08-14 11:21:41)


DesertFox- wrote:

Score! Hopefully my kids will get more money for college around that time.
i too am looking for some handouts

CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

The US will become a welfare state and soon after we will collapse onto ourselves.
Europe hasn't collapsed yet and doesn't look like doing so anytime in the next couple of centuries having been a welfare state for the past 63 years...
Isn't it somewhat dishonest to apply the outcome of a situation in one group of societies to a prediction of what the same situation would bring about in a society radically different from these?

lowing wrote:

Braddock wrote:

US whites 'to be minority sooner'

"White people are projected to no longer be in the majority in the United States by the year 2042 - eight years sooner than previous projections. The US Census Bureau's latest figures - based on birth, death and immigration rates - suggest that minorities will soon make up 55% of the population.

Okay lowing, you're going to need duck tape, bottled water, batteries, canned foods and lots of ammo in that bunker...only joking. But seriously what does white America think about the prospect of being an ethnic minority?
The US will become a welfare state and soon after we will collapse onto ourselves. The downfall of the USA as it is known is well underway. The rise of social welfare and the catering and rewards bestowed upon the non-productive through PC through liberal idiology is the beginning of the end. Or do you honestly see the illegal aliens and the ghetto trash stepping up to the plate and producing jobs for the US economic engine? Nope, what is happening is the non-productive has succeeded, with the help of the Democrats who cater to them for votes via PC, in sucking the US dry without the care or intention of replenishing what has been taken. The US will be bled dry until it dies and all of the non-productive trash will find another country to consume.
Well you want to blame the white fore fathers in the 17th-19th century and current white politicians for bringing in and allowing so many minorities in the US. This so called issue would have happened much later.

does this mean i can bitch and moan about the brown man keeping me down?
+3,611|6774|London, England

usmarine wrote:

does this mean i can bitch and moan about the brown man keeping me down?

But you'll be so old in 2042 you'll be bitching about everything

Imagine how awesome shit will be in 2042. Look at how fast the world has progressed in these 8 years alone.
I'm moving to Brazil

The#1Spot wrote:

lowing wrote:

Braddock wrote:

US whites 'to be minority sooner'

"White people are projected to no longer be in the majority in the United States by the year 2042 - eight years sooner than previous projections. The US Census Bureau's latest figures - based on birth, death and immigration rates - suggest that minorities will soon make up 55% of the population.

Okay lowing, you're going to need duck tape, bottled water, batteries, canned foods and lots of ammo in that bunker...only joking. But seriously what does white America think about the prospect of being an ethnic minority?
The US will become a welfare state and soon after we will collapse onto ourselves. The downfall of the USA as it is known is well underway. The rise of social welfare and the catering and rewards bestowed upon the non-productive through PC through liberal idiology is the beginning of the end. Or do you honestly see the illegal aliens and the ghetto trash stepping up to the plate and producing jobs for the US economic engine? Nope, what is happening is the non-productive has succeeded, with the help of the Democrats who cater to them for votes via PC, in sucking the US dry without the care or intention of replenishing what has been taken. The US will be bled dry until it dies and all of the non-productive trash will find another country to consume.
Well you want to blame the white fore fathers in the 17th-19th century and current white politicians for bringing in and allowing so many minorities in the US. This so called issue would have happened much later.
the best thing  to do is  create a time machine and go back time and warn them hehehe

Last edited by blademaster (2008-08-14 12:24:30)

Dropped on request

DesertFox- wrote:

Score! Hopefully my kids will get more money for college around that time.
Police brutality lawsuit is my retirement plan.

JahManRed wrote:

Braddock wrote:

Lotta_Drool wrote:

Drunk Leprechaun's and Lucky Charms are not the kind of defense I was thinking of.
I actually don't know one single person who eats lucky charms.
Only Americans are stupid enough to start their day with that shite. I start mine with Irish Soda or wheaten bread.
Shows on your waist lines. All the river dancing, Guinness and chasing Leprechauns keeps the Irish trimmer that you yanks.
I have forgotten to put an " e " at the end of shit for all these years.  So that is where all the extra " e "s came from.

Irish Soda = Whiskey
wheaten bread = ???

Lucky Charms = Colorful Marshmellowy Goodness, without the hangover you get from most Irish products.
wheaten bread = ???

Are there any colored marshmellows in wheaten bread?

lowing wrote:

Braddock wrote:

US whites 'to be minority sooner'

"White people are projected to no longer be in the majority in the United States by the year 2042 - eight years sooner than previous projections. The US Census Bureau's latest figures - based on birth, death and immigration rates - suggest that minorities will soon make up 55% of the population.

Okay lowing, you're going to need duck tape, bottled water, batteries, canned foods and lots of ammo in that bunker...only joking. But seriously what does white America think about the prospect of being an ethnic minority?
The US will become a welfare state and soon after we will collapse onto ourselves. The downfall of the USA as it is known is well underway. The rise of social welfare and the catering and rewards bestowed upon the non-productive through PC through liberal idiology is the beginning of the end. Or do you honestly see the illegal aliens and the ghetto trash stepping up to the plate and producing jobs for the US economic engine? Nope, what is happening is the non-productive has succeeded, with the help of the Democrats who cater to them for votes via PC, in sucking the US dry without the care or intention of replenishing what has been taken. The US will be bled dry until it dies and all of the non-productive trash will find another country to consume.
I was under the impression that over the last 30 or so years the welfare state has been being dismantled in the US. American welfare is a pale shadow of the 'new deal' era. If you want to blame the current problems on welfare, they you can only attribute it to the lack of it. Welfare payments today are lower than they've ever been since the big depression.
+59|6799|The United States of America
Anyone watched "Idiocracy"? 

Sorry folks, but thats where were heading in America, and its everyone's fault.  Well, everyone that's retarded.  And everyone who's smart but doesn't have a bunch of progeny.  Come on my fellow nerds, we have a nation to save!  Make smart babies!

lowing wrote:

Braddock wrote:

US whites 'to be minority sooner'

"White people are projected to no longer be in the majority in the United States by the year 2042 - eight years sooner than previous projections. The US Census Bureau's latest figures - based on birth, death and immigration rates - suggest that minorities will soon make up 55% of the population.

Okay lowing, you're going to need duck tape, bottled water, batteries, canned foods and lots of ammo in that bunker...only joking. But seriously what does white America think about the prospect of being an ethnic minority?
The US will become a welfare state and soon after we will collapse onto ourselves. The downfall of the USA as it is known is well underway. The rise of social welfare and the catering and rewards bestowed upon the non-productive through PC through liberal idiology is the beginning of the end. Or do you honestly see the illegal aliens and the ghetto trash stepping up to the plate and producing jobs for the US economic engine? Nope, what is happening is the non-productive has succeeded, with the help of the Democrats who cater to them for votes via PC, in sucking the US dry without the care or intention of replenishing what has been taken. The US will be bled dry until it dies and all of the non-productive trash will find another country to consume.
I know, bringing back an old post, but you do realize that the majority of people on welfare are white, right?

Uzique wrote:

Well no shit, but this is 2008 and the Civil Rights Movement have already passed into the history books...

So why are we discussing inequalities when it comes to citizens paying tax and having input into the society/state?
Some people dont want to forget about it unfortunately
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6754|132 and Bush

Not soon enough. I'll need my daughter to get a minority scholarship before then.
Xbone Stormsurgezz

CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

Hmmmmm, you just told me France was doing fine, and now they are incompentant. Which is it?
I said they weren't bankrupt. They're about as bankrupt as America - i.e., not very.

lowing wrote:

In the context of the OP Cam, how will the walfare states of Europe fair when the minorities become majorities and the tax base falls while the govt. tries to continue to shoulder all of the responsibilities of its citzens?
The minorities will never become majorities because we don't have as much of an open door policy as you guys and existing minorities are so small. Where does your assumption that minorities don't attempt to better themselves and make a decent living come from? Weren't Irish-Americans hard working? Did they not prosper? Weren't Polish immigrants hard working? Did they not prosper? Weren't Italian-Americans hard working? Did they not prosper? Weren't Jewish people hard working? Did they not prosper? Aren't Mexicans hard working? Are they not prospering? Are white anglo-saxon protestants the only people who pay tax in America or something?

I thought America was supposed to be 'the melting pot'? Are hispanic, black and asian people not allowed to procreate anymore or something? Have you got something against white people becoming an overall minority?
Hold on Cam, you are taking away Braddocks excuse for failure in America. Yeah those immigrants did prosper. They also learned the language and became citizens. They did not come here with intent of exploitation. They came here to prosper or fail on their own. Todays immigrants have no such loyalties.

Now like it or not, minorites make up the majority of welfare claims and prison. This is pretty much a fact.   Given this, I can make the assumption that even MORE of them will do MORE harm and less good to our society.

lowing wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

Hmmmmm, you just told me France was doing fine, and now they are incompentant. Which is it?
I said they weren't bankrupt. They're about as bankrupt as America - i.e., not very.

lowing wrote:

In the context of the OP Cam, how will the walfare states of Europe fair when the minorities become majorities and the tax base falls while the govt. tries to continue to shoulder all of the responsibilities of its citzens?
The minorities will never become majorities because we don't have as much of an open door policy as you guys and existing minorities are so small. Where does your assumption that minorities don't attempt to better themselves and make a decent living come from? Weren't Irish-Americans hard working? Did they not prosper? Weren't Polish immigrants hard working? Did they not prosper? Weren't Italian-Americans hard working? Did they not prosper? Weren't Jewish people hard working? Did they not prosper? Aren't Mexicans hard working? Are they not prospering? Are white anglo-saxon protestants the only people who pay tax in America or something?

I thought America was supposed to be 'the melting pot'? Are hispanic, black and asian people not allowed to procreate anymore or something? Have you got something against white people becoming an overall minority?
Hold on Cam, you are taking away Braddocks excuse for failure in America. Yeah those immigrants did prosper. They also learned the language and became citizens. They did not come here with intent of exploitation. They came here to prosper or fail on their own. Todays immigrants have no such loyalties.

Now like it or not, minorites make up the majority of welfare claims and prison. This is pretty much a fact.   Given this, I can make the assumption that even MORE of them will do MORE harm and less good to our society.
Wrong.  Whites make up the majority on welfare.  "According to the statistics, whites form the largest racial group on welfare; half of all welfare recipients leave in the first two years; and teenagers form less than 8 percent of all welfare mothers."

Take one look at sentencing averages based on race, and I think you'll see why there are more blacks in prison.  They are often sentenced longer, faster, and have a higher chance of getting arrested in the first place.

Last edited by oChaos.Haze (2008-08-14 15:17:44)


oChaos.Haze wrote:

lowing wrote:

Braddock wrote:

US whites 'to be minority sooner'

"White people are projected to no longer be in the majority in the United States by the year 2042 - eight years sooner than previous projections. The US Census Bureau's latest figures - based on birth, death and immigration rates - suggest that minorities will soon make up 55% of the population.

Okay lowing, you're going to need duck tape, bottled water, batteries, canned foods and lots of ammo in that bunker...only joking. But seriously what does white America think about the prospect of being an ethnic minority?
The US will become a welfare state and soon after we will collapse onto ourselves. The downfall of the USA as it is known is well underway. The rise of social welfare and the catering and rewards bestowed upon the non-productive through PC through liberal idiology is the beginning of the end. Or do you honestly see the illegal aliens and the ghetto trash stepping up to the plate and producing jobs for the US economic engine? Nope, what is happening is the non-productive has succeeded, with the help of the Democrats who cater to them for votes via PC, in sucking the US dry without the care or intention of replenishing what has been taken. The US will be bled dry until it dies and all of the non-productive trash will find another country to consume.
I know, bringing back an old post, but you do realize that the majority of people on welfare are white, right?
Uhhhhhh stats please, and it better be per capita to be a legit argument. I however seriously doubt you have one

oChaos.Haze wrote:

lowing wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

Hmmmmm, you just told me France was doing fine, and now they are incompentant. Which is it?
I said they weren't bankrupt. They're about as bankrupt as America - i.e., not very.

The minorities will never become majorities because we don't have as much of an open door policy as you guys and existing minorities are so small. Where does your assumption that minorities don't attempt to better themselves and make a decent living come from? Weren't Irish-Americans hard working? Did they not prosper? Weren't Polish immigrants hard working? Did they not prosper? Weren't Italian-Americans hard working? Did they not prosper? Weren't Jewish people hard working? Did they not prosper? Aren't Mexicans hard working? Are they not prospering? Are white anglo-saxon protestants the only people who pay tax in America or something?

I thought America was supposed to be 'the melting pot'? Are hispanic, black and asian people not allowed to procreate anymore or something? Have you got something against white people becoming an overall minority?
Hold on Cam, you are taking away Braddocks excuse for failure in America. Yeah those immigrants did prosper. They also learned the language and became citizens. They did not come here with intent of exploitation. They came here to prosper or fail on their own. Todays immigrants have no such loyalties.

Now like it or not, minorites make up the majority of welfare claims and prison. This is pretty much a fact.   Given this, I can make the assumption that even MORE of them will do MORE harm and less good to our society.
Wrong.  Whites make up the majority on welfare.  "According to the statistics, whites form the largest racial group on welfare; half of all welfare recipients leave in the first two years; and teenagers form less than 8 percent of all welfare mothers."
see above

I can make a claim that out of 100 white people 20 are on welfare and out of 20 black people 15 are on welfare then say that more whites are on welfare than blacks. You need to put your stats in a per captita bases to be a legit argument.
Per capita means nothing based off what you said.  You merely stated that the majority of welfare recipients are minorities, which is wrong.  Don't try to change your wording after the fact.  Per capita has just as much to do with social prejudices, as it does with anything else.  I for one, refuse to believe that a person's character is decided by the color of their skin.  Evolve please...

oChaos.Haze wrote:

Per capita means nothing based off what you said.  You merely stated that the majority of welfare recipients are minorities, which is wrong.  Don't try to change your wording after the fact.  Per capita has just as much to do with social prejudices, as it does with anything else.  I for one, refuse to believe that a person's character is decided by the color of their skin.  Evolve please...
Sorry, per capita has everything to do with it, based on what I described above.

I do not believe that a persons skin decides charactor either. A persons actions and behavior. The fact that most people in prison are black is not the same as saying most people are in prison because they are black..Big difference so do not try and your "evolve" you racist bullshit on me

Last edited by lowing (2008-08-14 15:25:36)


lowing wrote:

Now like it or not, minorites make up the majority of welfare claims and prison. This is pretty much a fact.
Oh because you made it so clear you were talking about per capita.  You got caught, just admit it.  Really I'd love to see you think once, just once.

Last edited by oChaos.Haze (2008-08-14 15:25:01)

O Canada
+1,596|6558|North Carolina

Braddock wrote:

US whites 'to be minority sooner'

"White people are projected to no longer be in the majority in the United States by the year 2042 - eight years sooner than previous projections. The US Census Bureau's latest figures - based on birth, death and immigration rates - suggest that minorities will soon make up 55% of the population."

Okay lowing, you're going to need duck tape, bottled water, batteries, canned foods and lots of ammo in that bunker...only joking. But seriously what does white America think about the prospect of being an ethnic minority?
This is fine with me as long as English remains somewhat dominant.  I think we'll inevitably have a multilingual country by the end of all this, but English should remain one of our primary languages.

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