i do that every chance i get to be alone in a chopper its more efficient then most of the gunners i had
haha... everyones onto the trick... lol... Did you guys also know if your flying solo and you get locked up from AA, you can swap from pilot to gunner fast, and if your only in the gunners seat, you cant get locked up... and so if you get locked you can swap between the 2 fast and prevent a solid tone....  la tee da...  F helos...  they used to be fun, a couple hundred more kills and i get my helo combat medal, then its no more helos for me... Sorry to anyone thats played me on ghost town.... only doing it for the kills.... not the global or the gold i keep rackin up.... just the kills
my buddy can do it .......... he rotates too far to the left  and swithces to gunner seat real quick , then he fires a tv missle  . remeber the helicopter starts swinging to the right because there is no pilot.......... he simply timesit . he knows how far left to swing it to compensate for the rightward swing when he leaves the pilot deat ........ when he fires the missle he is now guiding it the chopper continues to spin and gain altititude . when the missle hits  he toggles back to pilot seat ............... it taks alot of skill , and great timing. i have seen him do it to me a few times and it is frustrating but is is a fair and legitamate tactic
Phst, im not gonna read this, but i can do it to... and i know a great glitch for Sharqi with the chopper to... i can kill people on the stairs of the TV station with my chopper
Dropped on request

1sfg-ronln wrote:

haha... everyones onto the trick... lol... Did you guys also know if your flying solo and you get locked up from AA, you can swap from pilot to gunner fast, and if your only in the gunners seat, you cant get locked up... and so if you get locked you can swap between the 2 fast and prevent a solid tone....  la tee da...  F helos...  they used to be fun, a couple hundred more kills and i get my helo combat medal, then its no more helos for me... Sorry to anyone thats played me on ghost town.... only doing it for the kills.... not the global or the gold i keep rackin up.... just the kills
I remember playing with you guys on your server. I was flying with you too. I was like finally, somebody I can gun for. Then later I ended up on the other team and I got in a flame fight with somebody because you guys were spawn killing me at my pad and getting cocky. I remember this because it was my first ban.
+0|7044|Almere, Holland
I do it myselve all the time.. u take the chopper and when i see the enemy one I hop in the gunners seat and fire the tv missle
[KNTL] uber - pwner
+5|6938| Scotland !

Locoloki wrote:

Hey, just wondering if there was a possible cheat in the game. I was playing the other day, and this guy was flying around in the attack chopper, absolutely devasting people with the tv-guided missle. I was thinking, man this guy is really lucky. He keeps nailing me with the tv guided missle from far away, and im not hovering, im accelerating forward and moving side to side. He shot me down maybe four times, so im thinking this guy is really, really lucky. After he killed me, i ended up being a co-pilot, so im scanning around trying to spot the guy, and i see him out of the corner of my screen... spinning outta control, and outta no where i see the tvguided missle coming right after us boom killing us. The guy was the only person in the chopper.... i tried replicating this feat on single player, and i couldnt even hit ground targets, let alone a moving chopper with an experienced pilot in multiplayer, has anyone else seen this? is there possibly an exploit in the game.. by the way, the guy ended up with three times as many kills and hardly any deaths for the next couple rounds. i questioned him on it, and he called me a noob... just wondering if this has happened to anyone else
it happened to me except it was a guy in a black hawk shooting a SRAW from a passenger position and i was in a jet THIS GAME IS SO SAD
i love doing that im really good at using TV missle and flying at the same time i got about 29 kills one round doing that, its really fun too.

I thought i was the only one who did it? i've been doing it for about a month or two.
when ever i can i fly off and leave the other guy behind if hes a bad flyer because im a gunner, i can fly too but im better by myself than with most other ppl. few weeks ago i was on a server and i was the highest rank by far no one could fly so i go in the chopper and started to fly and gun at the same time. by then i was really good at it and i got heaps of kills

Last edited by PKEROWNAGE (2006-03-04 04:52:08)

I have been doing this a lot in the past week. I can easily shoot anything down as well as when I'm the gunner for a good pilot. I'm still not a complete ace with the tv missile though, as I probably average 2 tries per hit on moving air targets. The best part about it is the communication factor is gone. You see what you need to see and take care of it. You don't get twisted up in trying to hit what your pilot is looking at.

But yeah, last monday some guy was owning our team doing this. I'm a pilot and had tried this before, but not much thinking it was too hard. This guy being so good at it made me try again. So I spent about 3 hours in single player getting it down and then took it to relatively empty servers where I could try it on real folk.

It's not that hard at all. It looks really impressive though and gets a lot of comments in game. Not to mention your fragrate can be quite high if the other team doesn't have any good jet pilots.

As far as "putting it to the left and timing it". It's not as far left as you might think. Firstly, you can just point your nose right at the target, rotate left about 1/4", and then F2, right click, left click all really fast. That's all the timing you need. Once the missile is airborn your chopper doesn't matter until you're on the target. If you are moving foward and decending, you  almost don't spin at all. This is how I get away from AA. I get going in the right direction, flare, and jump in the gunner as my heli floats to a safe distance. They can still sometimes hit you though even when you're in the gunner seat, so it's not like it makes you invincible. But it pisses jets off as they lose their lock and their missiles fly right past you, lol.

Last edited by Jawful (2006-03-04 05:01:26)

don't know why you all think its impressive, its really easy especially when ur a good gunner, you dont even have to be a good pilot. shot down 4 blackhawks, 6 attack choppers and 4 tanks doing this in one game. i find its easiest on Wake Island 2007 which is my favourite map for doing this " trick ".

Last edited by PKEROWNAGE (2006-03-04 05:11:16)

no matter how you look at it,  it is an exploit there are alot in this game i doubt it will ever be fixed.   So its something we all will have to deal with
Dropped on request

cisyakyak wrote:

no matter how you look at it,  it is an exploit there are alot in this game i doubt it will ever be fixed.   So its something we all will have to deal with
How is it an exploit? Are you that dumb? It's harder to tv missle someone by yourself than it is with a pilot. I'd much rather tv for a good pilot than do it myself.
I tried it on a dragon valley server with only one other person in it. Go up fairly high, switch to gunner then tv - chopper will spin but ignore it, when the spin reaches roughly the direction you want to face launch missile. The view is from the missile, so you don't notice the spinning as you guide it.  Switch back before you fly out of bounds.

It took me 4 or 5 goes to hit the radar thing in the US base, but thats only cos I don't get much chopper time  :-/

keep trying 

ps i'd only do this in the last few ticks of the round or on a server that isnt full/has no planes cos you're a sitting duck. But sometimes you can be out of range of AA 

Ajax_the_Great1 wrote:

cisyakyak wrote:

no matter how you look at it,  it is an exploit there are alot in this game i doubt it will ever be fixed.   So its something we all will have to deal with
How is it an exploit? Are you that dumb? It's harder to tv missle someone by yourself than it is with a pilot. I'd much rather tv for a good pilot than do it myself.
It's an exploit because AA loses lock.  If the AA is supposedly heat seeking missles from the way it behaves with flares then it should stay locked onto the heat signature of the chopper regardless of which seat someone is in.
Dropped on request

DSRTurtle wrote:

Ajax_the_Great1 wrote:

cisyakyak wrote:

no matter how you look at it,  it is an exploit there are alot in this game i doubt it will ever be fixed.   So its something we all will have to deal with
How is it an exploit? Are you that dumb? It's harder to tv missle someone by yourself than it is with a pilot. I'd much rather tv for a good pilot than do it myself.
It's an exploit because AA loses lock.  If the AA is supposedly heat seeking missles from the way it behaves with flares then it should stay locked onto the heat signature of the chopper regardless of which seat someone is in.
Question, why do heat seeking missles lock onto choppers in the first place? Don't know much about choppers in RL personally but they don't emit much of a heat signiture. Granted I don't know the mechnics of air to air missles.
+190|6933|Home of the Escalade Herds

DSRTurtle wrote:

It's an exploit because AA loses lock.  If the AA is supposedly heat seeking missles from the way it behaves with flares then it should stay locked onto the heat signature of the chopper regardless of which seat someone is in.
That and it looks stupid as hell. I wish they would make it so that you can only switch once so if your pilot gets shot out you can take over. I wouldn't mind if they got rid of switching in air completely.

It's more gay then bunny hopping and dolphin diving combined

On the same note, i wish they made the gunners cannon much more powerfull and nerfed the TV missile forcing attack copters to move in closer and for the pilot to actually...GASP...use his rocket pods.

I think it would make things more fun

Last edited by PRiMACORD (2006-04-18 20:51:49)


name1ess wrote:

i see absolutly nothing wrong with what has been explained, there are some chopper gunners out there who will almost never miss, he spins, sees you, fires, hits, just a matter of practice but i really dont see what all the fuss is about...
How about that fact that this wouldn't happen in RL? I think that's what EA missed out on, they were too busy trying to capture the 12 year old CS:S playing market (read: l33t bunny hopping dolphin diving CQB wh0res) that they completely bypassed the REAL WORLD.

I can't say that I've ever seen a Cobra pilot try to jump seats mid flight, let alone fire missiles while doing it.

Maybe someone in the armed services can prove me wrong but I believe they put 2 seats there for a reason.

I think tanks, LAVs etc should have a driver and gunner too, might makes things a bit more interesting.

Realism is what the game needs... instead of the arcade b.s. Oh, 'scuse me while i pre-emptively block my ears cos all the care-bears will start whining now.
Seriously though, if everything produced realistic results... then there would be no need to "balance" things because at the end of the day it's run-what-you-brung. Here's an M16, it does everything an M16 will do. None of this oh each bullet does 20 something points of damage but maybe if you hit them in the head you can kill them with one... blah enuff from me, have fun kiddies.

Ajax_the_Great1 wrote:

Question, why do heat seeking missles lock onto choppers in the first place? Don't know much about choppers in RL personally but they don't emit much of a heat signiture. Granted I don't know the mechnics of air to air missles.
The short answer to your question is that all engines create friction from the moving parts and burning fuel.  That generates the heat which can be seen by infra red scanners such as those used in heat seeking missles.

DSRTurtle wrote:

It's an exploit because AA loses lock.  If the AA is supposedly heat seeking missles from the way it behaves with flares then it should stay locked onto the heat signature of the chopper regardless of which seat someone is in.
Perhaps I should have given some more detail as to my opinion.  When the pilot jumps seats, the motor is still running and generating lift because of the game mechanics.  Now if they patched it so that the motor shut off and the chopper started to fall instead of rise then I wouldn't have as a big a problem with missles losing the lock on.  There is still the residual heat dissapating from the motor at that point in time.

I went out and actually tried this yesterday.  My chopper rose about 50 ft or so from the time I switched to the gunner's seat to the time I switched back to the pilots seat to line the chopper up for another shot.  While I can perform this kind of shooting, I don't like it because I would rather have a pilot I trust flying for me.  2 sets of eyes are better than 1 imho.

Last edited by DSRTurtle (2006-04-19 04:35:04)

Dropped on request

DSRTurtle wrote:

Ajax_the_Great1 wrote:

Question, why do heat seeking missles lock onto choppers in the first place? Don't know much about choppers in RL personally but they don't emit much of a heat signiture. Granted I don't know the mechnics of air to air missles.
The short answer to your question is that all engines create friction from the moving parts and burning fuel.  That generates the heat which can be seen by infra red scanners such as those used in heat seeking missles.
Ok, well another thing to ponder. Jets have emit a lot more heat than choppers do. Wouldn't this make missles less likely to hit choppers as it would jets?
I am all that is MOD!

=GOD=-{BosS}- wrote:

How about that fact that this wouldn't happen in RL? I think that's what EA missed out on, they were too busy trying to capture the 12 year old CS:S playing market (read: l33t bunny hopping dolphin diving CQB wh0res) that they completely bypassed the REAL WORLD.

I can't say that I've ever seen a Cobra pilot try to jump seats mid flight, let alone fire missiles while doing it.

Maybe someone in the armed services can prove me wrong but I believe they put 2 seats there for a reason.

I think tanks, LAVs etc should have a driver and gunner too, might makes things a bit more interesting.

Realism is what the game needs... instead of the arcade b.s. Oh, 'scuse me while i pre-emptively block my ears cos all the care-bears will start whining now.
Seriously though, if everything produced realistic results... then there would be no need to "balance" things because at the end of the day it's run-what-you-brung. Here's an M16, it does everything an M16 will do. None of this oh each bullet does 20 something points of damage but maybe if you hit them in the head you can kill them with one... blah enuff from me, have fun kiddies.
In real life you only have one life too, you want to put that in?  It's a VIDEO GAME its not supposed to be a simulation of life.  If you don't like it, don't play it.
Easy to do, only miss once in a while.
oh hai :D
+156|6960|The Netherlands
it isnt that hard to do it. you fligh straight push f2 and shoot. its the trick to do it quick before your helo hits the ground first.. need to practice first

Ajax_the_Great1 wrote:

DSRTurtle wrote:

Ajax_the_Great1 wrote:

Question, why do heat seeking missles lock onto choppers in the first place? Don't know much about choppers in RL personally but they don't emit much of a heat signiture. Granted I don't know the mechnics of air to air missles.
The short answer to your question is that all engines create friction from the moving parts and burning fuel.  That generates the heat which can be seen by infra red scanners such as those used in heat seeking missles.
Ok, well another thing to ponder. Jets have emit a lot more heat than choppers do. Wouldn't this make missles less likely to hit choppers as it would jets?
You are correct that jets have a bigger heat signature than choppers.  but flares have a bigger signature than jets.  What happens is that the missle chases the flare when it doesn't explode it locks on to the next biggest heat source it can find.  Usually your friendly chopper that just took off fully loaded from the carrier.
Say Hello to My 11-87

Shadow893 wrote:

Easy to do, only miss once in a while.
seen it done as well.  Solution: dont fly

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