ok. so i got ANOTHER virus. this time i wasnt even doing anything bad, just looking around online for cool pics to use as wallpaper. on site got all laggy and freezy, i restarted the computer, and then it began. all it was is just the same kind i got as last time, when the virus creates popups saying that im not protected, and opens up a webpage to where i can download their free programs to protect my computer, which is obvioulsy just going to give me more viruses.
so right when i realized i had the virus i unplugged my internet, so basically it cant get any worse than it is. i have also gotten help from my friend. he gave me linix and i used linix to move all our documents to our external harddrive. so basically the virus cant get worse, and everything is backed up. i know i can just reinstall windows, but thats a huge pain and id rather see if there are any other ways to get rid of it.

having that said, iv tried a number of programs that my computer-smart friend recommended, and while most have found things and deleted them, the virus is still there. one program, which is free, has detected what the virus is and the path. of course, to use the removal feature, one must buy the full version.  ARGH! so i thought i could just look at the path and go to there and delete it. BUTTT look at the path:

i dont know how to find and delete that. my friend also said that i can just start up my computer so its just the command line or something, nothing else is running, and i can somehow delete it from there. but i thought that before i tried that i would ask around here and see if anyone had any advice.

oh yea also, last time this happened, i just got advice from here, and did that msconfig thing and set it so the virus would not start up with the computer.  i have found the virus there too, but i cant unselect it, it says i must be and administrater. but i am, and i even went to the administrater user in safe mode and it said that same thing. so i know its the virus protecting itself there. 

so im kinda stuck
any ideas?
Herman is a warmaphrodite
+1,027|6591|King Of The Islands

This works a treat on rogues (fake spyware programs).

If you can't install it, then Combofix the cunt first.

Also why is AVG yelling at you?
My state was founded by Batman. Your opinion is invalid.

Cheez wrote:

This works a treat on rogues (fake spyware programs).

If you can't install it, then Combofix the cunt first.

Also why is AVG yelling at you?
Yeah that a pretty good program there.  I used to remove some crap my wife got off limewire a few years ago that none of my usual methods worked on.
debug and reformat after you save all your files.
Should have ducked
+394|6640|Ham Lake, MN (Fucking Cold)
i have symantic corporate on both my computers and I have never had a problem
Either reformat or stop going on porn sites or stop downloading from stuff like limewire or get like me pay 2000€ and get a mac
The Mas
+311|6841|NYC, a place to live
That screen shot appears to be showing registry entries, not files.

This is free and gets rid of just about anything: … 04572.html

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