+102|6748|New York
I would like to thank EA On behalf of the casual gamers Out there for making ranks and weapons so hard to achieve. Just think about it, A Working man goes out and Buys the game plus expansion for say $80. He comes home Installs it and sits down to Play. WOW he thinks to himself, Where did he get that gun? Hmmmm Then he goes to apply for comander on a Public server and gets out ranked for the job. Hmmmmm he says. So after some searching on the internet he finds the info about BF2 multiplayer ranked server at lets say BF2s, he then sees what the requiremants are for him to be able to play the game he paid $80 the way he wants to. Now were not talking about a guy who can sit and play for 6 hours, were talking about the average Guy who comes home from work and does the dinner and family thing then wants to play his game for an hour or 2. So Said guy says Screw this rank crap(Ill never get those unlocks) and decides to find himself a privately run,Unranked server that allows him to play his game the way he sees fit. But with no luck, because you see EA Will DELIST any server that even thinks of haveing all the weapons unlocked for all to use and enjoy.

Honestly, Why would EA care if an unranked server has weapons unlocked? I mean you cant take em with you. Also, alot of players wont visit your private server if you dont allow them to use there unlocks. Kind of a catch 22 right? Now mind you, the play style is almost 100% different in non ranked servers than it is in ranked. this means to me personally, that in the unranked servers its about the FUN of the game, and not being judged by peeps and the game itself on how good you are by your rank. I personally think (and dont care if anyone agrees) That EA Lied when they said that BF2 would be Modder friendly, and that Private servers(Unranked) would have total control over the game and how its run.

Wouldnt it be nice if the ranked server play was like it is in unranked? I mean you wouldnt have so many pissy people bitching and moaning all the time in game and out. This rant has nothing to do with me personally, But its been something thats been bothering me for a bit and thought id write it down someplace, and this seemed like the right place LOL.

And whats with a Ranked server running Karkand2? Seen it in the list lastnight.

Carry on!

agreed. Especially about mods, how are mods supposed to take off now when everyone is so wrapped up in stats?
I think the rank targets are a bit harsh tbh, were not all hardcore gamers... some of us have families to feed heh.
I mostly only play at weekends now, Im too tired in the week usually.

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

I would like to thank EA On behalf of the casual gamers Out there for making ranks and weapons so hard to achieve. Just think about it, A Working man goes out and Buys the game plus expansion for say $80. He comes home Installs it and sits down to Play. WOW he thinks to himself, Where did he get that gun? Hmmmm Then he goes to apply for comander on a Public server and gets out ranked for the job. Hmmmmm he says. So after some searching on the internet he finds the info about BF2 multiplayer ranked server at lets say BF2s, he then sees what the requiremants are for him to be able to play the game he paid $80 the way he wants to. Now were not talking about a guy who can sit and play for 6 hours, were talking about the average Guy who comes home from work and does the dinner and family thing then wants to play his game for an hour or 2. So Said guy says Screw this rank crap(Ill never get those unlocks) and decides to find himself a privately run,Unranked server that allows him to play his game the way he sees fit. But with no luck, because you see EA Will DELIST any server that even thinks of haveing all the weapons unlocked for all to use and enjoy.

Honestly, Why would EA care if an unranked server has weapons unlocked? I mean you cant take em with you. Also, alot of players wont visit your private server if you dont allow them to use there unlocks. Kind of a catch 22 right? Now mind you, the play style is almost 100% different in non ranked servers than it is in ranked. this means to me personally, that in the unranked servers its about the FUN of the game, and not being judged by peeps and the game itself on how good you are by your rank. I personally think (and dont care if anyone agrees) That EA Lied when they said that BF2 would be Modder friendly, and that Private servers(Unranked) would have total control over the game and how its run.

Wouldnt it be nice if the ranked server play was like it is in unranked? I mean you wouldnt have so many pissy people bitching and moaning all the time in game and out. This rant has nothing to do with me personally, But its been something thats been bothering me for a bit and thought id write it down someplace, and this seemed like the right place LOL.

And whats with a Ranked server running Karkand2? Seen it in the list lastnight.

Carry on!

Life is about choices, some of us are not interested in the family, wife and baby thing and so we can do more of what we want ( i.e play games for 8 hours after we finnish work).  Why should games be nerfed for the casual gamer, he/she made their life choice, and for the rest of us to suffer.  THE CASUAL GAMERS are NOT the main TARGET of the gamming industry as the money is NOT THERE.
Personally I would like to see casual gamers PISS OFF from BF2, it would improve the game play.
+102|6748|New York
DUAGAIN  What the fuck is your malfunction? Life choices? PISSOFF? From a game we Fucking bought? You Know what? Its Fucks Like you that ruin the game for MANY folks. Probably run in a server take it over with your clan buddies Take all the flags in 5 minutes and call it a good game.

FFS Man, It so happens that We Older folk MADE IT POSSIBLE FOR YOUR ASS TO PLAY THESE FUCKING GAMES. So why Not cut the folks some slack? Anyways Im glad you made your choice, I wouldnt want Another you running around on this earth Anyways. HAPPY GAMEING PHYCO!

I think it's stupid because FUCK THE casual gamers. If the can work hard to get there ranks like every body else then dont play. It's going to take you longer but who the fuck cares? every one else had the time and skill to rank up.
Aspiring Objectivist
I think you should have control of an unranked server, have fun with the game.
TaNk WhOrE
+1|6682|Charlotte N.C.
personally i am a casual gamer and i play for about 2/3 hours a day maybe six on the weekend and i can rank up and get points pretty quickly so i don't see what the fucking deal is, and i don't care wether you are a pro/casual gamer, most play for the love of the game

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

DUAGAIN  What the fuck is your malfunction? Life choices? PISSOFF? From a game we Fucking bought? You Know what? Its Fucks Like you that ruin the game for MANY folks. Probably run in a server take it over with your clan buddies Take all the flags in 5 minutes and call it a good game.

FFS Man, It so happens that We Older folk MADE IT POSSIBLE FOR YOUR ASS TO PLAY THESE FUCKING GAMES. So why Not cut the folks some slack? Anyways Im glad you made your choice, I wouldnt want Another you running around on this earth Anyways. HAPPY GAMEING PHYCO!

Stopped reading after "Its Fucks Like you that ruin the game for MANY folks." I swear to God if I hear that one more time I'm gonna crap my pants. The people who play bf2 more often then you are ruining your game? If someone goes in a server and does better than you it ruins your game, also? Give me a freaking break, sir. I can't stand complainers like you.

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

DUAGAIN  What the fuck is your malfunction? Life choices? PISSOFF? From a game we Fucking bought? You Know what? Its Fucks Like you that ruin the game for MANY folks. Probably run in a server take it over with your clan buddies Take all the flags in 5 minutes and call it a good game.

FFS Man, It so happens that We Older folk MADE IT POSSIBLE FOR YOUR ASS TO PLAY THESE FUCKING GAMES. So why Not cut the folks some slack? Anyways Im glad you made your choice, I wouldnt want Another you running around on this earth Anyways. HAPPY GAMEING PHYCO!

Man you complain a lot. So what if he has friends and dominates the map.. Should he think to him self, man I sure am making it miserable for the other team..Lets quit guys so these casual gamers can have fun.... Thats just retarded logic. So when you play bf2 do you not cap flags and try to win because it makes it less fun for the other team? 

And we older folk( I didn't know every old person took part in making bf2, I need to go thank my parents)..Umm unless you did programming or work for EA/Dice or made some good processor/ video card you can take no credit for this. Some other people and who is to say they are older..Old is a subjective word..Are we talking 40+ or 20+ Either way you still lose and need to quit complaining.
Play Play Play, that is what EA wants and you want heheh..
wow you ppl are jerks. the guy, headstone, posted in a reasonable calm manner and then you just flame him. i am a hardcore gamer. i play about 3-5 hours a day but i completely agree and didnt realize that this was an issue. if the game is unranked then WHY THE HELL shouldnt they get all the weapons. they payed for the game just like us and thats what matters. i dont know how much ea gets for ranked servers if anything but i would say that just as many casuall gamers bought bf2 as hardcore ones. they payed for a product in full so they should have an option that is easily available to be able to enjoy everything they payed for. most of us "hardcore gamers" are leeches using server bandwidth and resources for free that someone else pays for.

well i just hope ppl dont go around selling BF2 account on ebay just so that other ppl can buy the unlocks and badges.
+69|6692|Nova Scotia
Yeah...I think headstone's point is why can't an unranked server have the unlocks unlocked for people to frig around with.  I don't know why the flamers took it so personally, he didn't say anything harsh (in his original post, anyway) about the people who spend a lot of time on the maps.  So yeah, while he should be able to host a goof-off unranked server with nothing locked if he wants to, he should be able to, and if someone and their buddies want to kick the living daylights out of the opposite team on a ranked server...um, that's the point...good job boys.
And of course, after that it all degenerated into cursing and nonsense

Last edited by Rygar (2006-03-03 09:01:08)

unranked servers should have more control.... at the same time if you are a casual gamer relax have fun. I will never be the top dog i can only play a few hours every other day. My stats Suck compared to the "pro gamer" But i have a hell of a good time sucking and never having a K/D of  1.  find some people wh play like you play and laugh at the over uptight pain in the buts how only worry about stats..
+0|6683|Medford, OR USA
amen..  good game, fun times.  I only get to play for a few hours a week but still have a hell of a time while doing so.  I see both sides of the story.  Even though I only get to play a little bit I still like to see the stats go up..  guess that's the prior military in me!  always trying to get that rank!  enjoy the game, see you on the battlefield.
Hard Case
+11|6728|S.E. United States

DU AGAIN wrote:

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

I would like to thank EA On behalf of the casual gamers Out there for making ranks and weapons so hard to achieve. Just think about it, A Working man goes out and Buys the game plus expansion for say $80. He comes home Installs it and sits down to Play. WOW he thinks to himself, Where did he get that gun? Hmmmm Then he goes to apply for comander on a Public server and gets out ranked for the job. Hmmmmm he says. So after some searching on the internet he finds the info about BF2 multiplayer ranked server at lets say BF2s, he then sees what the requiremants are for him to be able to play the game he paid $80 the way he wants to. Now were not talking about a guy who can sit and play for 6 hours, were talking about the average Guy who comes home from work and does the dinner and family thing then wants to play his game for an hour or 2. So Said guy says Screw this rank crap(Ill never get those unlocks) and decides to find himself a privately run,Unranked server that allows him to play his game the way he sees fit. But with no luck, because you see EA Will DELIST any server that even thinks of haveing all the weapons unlocked for all to use and enjoy.

Honestly, Why would EA care if an unranked server has weapons unlocked? I mean you cant take em with you. Also, alot of players wont visit your private server if you dont allow them to use there unlocks. Kind of a catch 22 right? Now mind you, the play style is almost 100% different in non ranked servers than it is in ranked. this means to me personally, that in the unranked servers its about the FUN of the game, and not being judged by peeps and the game itself on how good you are by your rank. I personally think (and dont care if anyone agrees) That EA Lied when they said that BF2 would be Modder friendly, and that Private servers(Unranked) would have total control over the game and how its run.

Wouldnt it be nice if the ranked server play was like it is in unranked? I mean you wouldnt have so many pissy people bitching and moaning all the time in game and out. This rant has nothing to do with me personally, But its been something thats been bothering me for a bit and thought id write it down someplace, and this seemed like the right place LOL.

And whats with a Ranked server running Karkand2? Seen it in the list lastnight.

Carry on!

Life is about choices, some of us are not interested in the family, wife and baby thing and so we can do more of what we want ( i.e play games for 8 hours after we finnish work).  Why should games be nerfed for the casual gamer, he/she made their life choice, and for the rest of us to suffer.  THE CASUAL GAMERS are NOT the main TARGET of the gamming industry as the money is NOT THERE.
Personally I would like to see casual gamers PISS OFF from BF2, it would improve the game play.
Ive got something to say to your reply
first off I could be considered a "casual" gamer
I have a life that includes work and family
and since your lard ass chooses not to have family,wife,baby thing as you said, choice,thats your choice
personally I think your choice sucks,you go ahead and you "piss off"
another thing
go fuck yourself and the little dickless pony you rode in on...
+0|6718|Where politics is not needed

KillerYaNk wrote:

go fuck yourself and the little dickless pony you rode in on...

And I agree, let the unranked servers do what they wanna do. We have the choice to play on the server we want, be it ranked or unranked.
+6|6780|In a van down by the river
That's why DC is so great.  If you want an extra weapon that isn't standard, you can take it out of a box!  Oh I love you Mr. Desert Combat.

KillerYaNk wrote:

DU AGAIN wrote:

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

I would like to thank EA On behalf of the casual gamers Out there for making ranks and weapons so hard to achieve. Just think about it, A Working man goes out and Buys the game plus expansion for say $80. He comes home Installs it and sits down to Play. WOW he thinks to himself, Where did he get that gun? Hmmmm Then he goes to apply for comander on a Public server and gets out ranked for the job. Hmmmmm he says. So after some searching on the internet he finds the info about BF2 multiplayer ranked server at lets say BF2s, he then sees what the requiremants are for him to be able to play the game he paid $80 the way he wants to. Now were not talking about a guy who can sit and play for 6 hours, were talking about the average Guy who comes home from work and does the dinner and family thing then wants to play his game for an hour or 2. So Said guy says Screw this rank crap(Ill never get those unlocks) and decides to find himself a privately run,Unranked server that allows him to play his game the way he sees fit. But with no luck, because you see EA Will DELIST any server that even thinks of haveing all the weapons unlocked for all to use and enjoy.

Honestly, Why would EA care if an unranked server has weapons unlocked? I mean you cant take em with you. Also, alot of players wont visit your private server if you dont allow them to use there unlocks. Kind of a catch 22 right? Now mind you, the play style is almost 100% different in non ranked servers than it is in ranked. this means to me personally, that in the unranked servers its about the FUN of the game, and not being judged by peeps and the game itself on how good you are by your rank. I personally think (and dont care if anyone agrees) That EA Lied when they said that BF2 would be Modder friendly, and that Private servers(Unranked) would have total control over the game and how its run.

Wouldnt it be nice if the ranked server play was like it is in unranked? I mean you wouldnt have so many pissy people bitching and moaning all the time in game and out. This rant has nothing to do with me personally, But its been something thats been bothering me for a bit and thought id write it down someplace, and this seemed like the right place LOL.

And whats with a Ranked server running Karkand2? Seen it in the list lastnight.

Carry on!

Life is about choices, some of us are not interested in the family, wife and baby thing and so we can do more of what we want ( i.e play games for 8 hours after we finnish work).  Why should games be nerfed for the casual gamer, he/she made their life choice, and for the rest of us to suffer.  THE CASUAL GAMERS are NOT the main TARGET of the gamming industry as the money is NOT THERE.
Personally I would like to see casual gamers PISS OFF from BF2, it would improve the game play.
Ive got something to say to your reply
first off I could be considered a "casual" gamer
I have a life that includes work and family
and since your lard ass chooses not to have family,wife,baby thing as you said, choice,thats your choice
personally I think your choice sucks,you go ahead and you "piss off"
another thing
go fuck yourself and the little dickless pony you rode in on...
Just so you know, I am over 30.  Also I notice that many of these so called men that have families blah blah
seem only able to reply with insults ( shows your intelligence and emotional level), I thought doing the family/married things made people grow up.

You just need to understand that in the grand scheme of game developers that you don't count.  It's not an insult but a fact of market research.
+50|6741|Southern California
the original post was good
when headstone started talkin about who ruins the game and why i thought he was speaking dumbly.

really, i don't owe anybody older than me anything what so ever except the basic respect i would accord anybody at any time at any age any place and would in turn expect. that doesn't include playing a game that i also paid for in a way that takes into consideration the development of others, ill play it the way i want. people that want others to change their play style are morons. anyways, the lowered the rank requirements quite a bit - you should have seen it before. 11,000 to get corporal, 50,000 to get sergeant.. i think the ranks are reasonable now. some are gonna be excluded but that is assumed in a ranking system. but it does suck that some people who bought the game may never be able to use features that they may have purchased the game for.

Last edited by ComradeWho (2006-03-03 20:45:29)

ranks should be harder to get
Hard Case
+11|6728|S.E. United States

DU AGAIN wrote:

KillerYaNk wrote:

DU AGAIN wrote:

Life is about choices, some of us are not interested in the family, wife and baby thing and so we can do more of what we want ( i.e play games for 8 hours after we finnish work).  Why should games be nerfed for the casual gamer, he/she made their life choice, and for the rest of us to suffer.  THE CASUAL GAMERS are NOT the main TARGET of the gamming industry as the money is NOT THERE.
Personally I would like to see casual gamers PISS OFF from BF2, it would improve the game play.
Ive got something to say to your reply
first off I could be considered a "casual" gamer
I have a life that includes work and family
and since your lard ass chooses not to have family,wife,baby thing as you said, choice,thats your choice
personally I think your choice sucks,you go ahead and you "piss off"
another thing
go fuck yourself and the little dickless pony you rode in on...
Just so you know, I am over 30.  Also I notice that many of these so called men that have families blah blah
seem only able to reply with insults ( shows your intelligence and emotional level), I thought doing the family/married things made people grow up.

You just need to understand that in the grand scheme of game developers that you don't count.  It's not an insult but a fact of market research.
"Personally I would like to see casual gamers PISS OFF from BF2, it would improve the game play'

you dont call that an insult ?
I didnt studder
and dont go judging someone elses intelligence when its obvious  you havent any yourself
if I were standing before you the man I am,I woulld again say without hesitation
FUCK YOU  and the dickless pony you rode in on !!!
nuff said
Aspiring Objectivist
I like casual gamers they are easier kills
was his name-o
+0|6750|SE Pennsylvania
This clearly isn't the game for casual gamers.  No game that keeps stats is.  It requires a certain amount of dedication to advance and do decently.  If you want to play a game and be on the same "level" as everyone else, go play Counter-Strike.  You'll still probably suck compared to the dweebs who glue themselves to their computers and play all the time, but at least you won't be comlaining about ranks or guns.
Hard Case
+11|6728|S.E. United States
I guess my rant at the other so called hardcore gamer wasnt so
much from being called a casual gamer as it was to be told to piss off
why does there have to be a label
casual gamer-hardcore gamer
what is casual what is hardcore
a gamer is a gamer
and then I see these people thinking the casual gamer is easier to kill then the hardcore
bullshit,Im willing to bet there's some so called casual gamers out there that would lay it to your ass
so what is casual?an hr a day,week or month
whats a hardcore?8 hrs a day,24 hrs a day
alls I know is I paid 50 bucks for a game and I cant add up what I spent in hardware to upgrade my pc
I play 2hrs most everyday,not everyday,but most everyday
yet I still consider myself a casual gamer
I dont think ea/dice or any other game developer/company's going to say
hey dont buy my product if your a casual gamer
no,theyll just take my hard earned 50 bucks
just the same as they would take the hardcore gamers 50 bucks

label me what you will,but dont go telling me to piss off and not expect me to tell you where to go...

Last edited by KillerYaNk (2006-03-04 06:19:24)

Death StatPadder
+228|6815|Human Meat Shield
Scroll, Scroll, Scroll...damn my eyes hurt. Anyway I feel your last post KillaYawker, I am a casual-gamer, I don't take it serious like some of these bozo's, saying certain people don't belong in a tank because they suck at it.. eh.. next.. I like this game and people say certain things and I don't really care. To me they are just Internet Jelly Bellies, everyone is the same but have different attitudes.

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