Thanks for the pics and the reply, Monsieur Porlier.  I know exactly where you're positioned on that ledge [and I'll be sure to make a close scan of that area the next time I'm in Kubra and notice you're on the server ].  Personally I never frequent that spot as I'm of the opinion that it's too exposed, but I've taken down many targets that have positioned themselves there.  The location where I typically take shots at that ledge is about 340 meters out, and on unmoving targets there I'd estimate I have about a 75% accuracy.  But I can understand why you and so many others do take up station there--it affords a great view of the valley, and of at least three bases.  Can you really see individual soldiers at the Supervisor Base from there?  I'll have to check  that out.  I know that from the hill with the 3-4 trees right beside the crane at the Refueling Station, I can't see individual soldiers at the Supervisor Base flag (a distance of about 450 meters), but again, that might be due to the settings I'm using.  Does anyone know what the optimal settings are for maximum viewing in BF2?

BTW, mporlier, Montreal is a wonderful city.  Lots of history there, and some great architecture.  I've always enjoyed visiting there.

Last edited by Books_DCDF (2006-03-03 09:19:13)

Books, I normally run everything on low except for geometry and texture. I'll leave the view distance at 100%. No dynamic light/shadows, and effects on low.

It normally does wonders for your fragrate being that you aren't bogged down and stuck worrying about how pretty everything is. AA/AF on 2X.
Got Whiskey?
+63|6827|Meiriceá - frm 'Real Capital'

WormGuts wrote:

So can you fellas tell me the distance i'm looking at on this shot. …

A good part of my hunting comes at these distances.  This turned out to be a one shot headkill.
Worm, It should be about ~170m...The construction site flag is in your scope just to the left of your target, it's away 186m, you victim is about ~15m from that flag.
+17|6834|Dayton, Ohio

[GDC]SinnFein wrote:

WormGuts wrote:

So can you fellas tell me the distance i'm looking at on this shot. …

A good part of my hunting comes at these distances.  This turned out to be a one shot headkill.
Worm, It should be about ~170m...The construction site flag is in your scope just to the left of your target, it's away 186m, you victim is about ~15m from that flag.
thank you for the response SinnFein. i will have to look into my graphics then, as this is about as far as i am able to see people.  fog of war seems to take over around 200m then, judging by your calculation of this distance, on my computer.  i will certainly have to fix that.
+42|6681|Montreal, Canada

Books_DCDF wrote:

Thanks for the pics and the reply, Monsieur Porlier.  I know exactly where you're positioned on that ledge [and I'll be sure to make a close scan of that area the next time I'm in Kubra and notice you're on the server ].  Personally I never frequent that spot as I'm of the opinion that it's too exposed, but I've taken down many targets that have positioned themselves there.  The location where I typically take shots at that ledge is about 340 meters out, and on unmoving targets there I'd estimate I have about a 75% accuracy.  But I can understand why you and so many others do take up station there--it affords a great view of the valley, and of at least three bases.  Can you really see individual soldiers at the Supervisor Base from there?  I'll have to check  that out.  I know that from the hill with the 3-4 trees right beside the crane at the Refueling Station, I can't see individual soldiers at the Supervisor Base flag (a distance of about 450 meters), but again, that might be due to the settings I'm using.  Does anyone know what the optimal settings are for maximum viewing in BF2?

BTW, mporlier, Montreal is a wonderful city.  Lots of history there, and some great architecture.  I've always enjoyed visiting there.
Obviously I related to that spot simply becuse this is where I made one of my best shot. I usualy play from different locations... Hope I cross your path some day! As for Montreal it is a very nice...but cold! city.  Now you know why me english is not so great since I am French speaking.

Bonne journée et au plaisir!
+17|6834|Dayton, Ohio

trog wrote:

Books, I normally run everything on low except for geometry and texture. I'll leave the view distance at 100%. No dynamic light/shadows, and effects on low.

It normally does wonders for your fragrate being that you aren't bogged down and stuck worrying about how pretty everything is. AA/AF on 2X.
OH HELLO!!!  I'll be honest i really hadn't paid much attention to my graphics setup.  After making some of the changes mentioned here i was spotting targets much further than i had ever been able to see.  300m and further targets shall now have a new hunter to fear.  Can't wait to learn to use my rifle at these new and longer ranges.
mantisboy sniper

trog wrote:

Books, I normally run everything on low except for geometry and texture. I'll leave the view distance at 100%. No dynamic light/shadows, and effects on low.

It normally does wonders for your fragrate being that you aren't bogged down and stuck worrying about how pretty everything is. AA/AF on 2X.
Obviously the graphical settings of your game have effects on your ability to make out objects and view them from further distances.  So now the question becomes, is it better to run the game at low graphical settings and earn more points (that is, at least call out enemies from further distances…as 540M might be tough to hit repeatedly) or to run at high settings and limit your visual acuity?

I’ve just opened another thread for this entitles “SNIPER OPINIONS » Graphical Detail v. Visual Acuity”.  Personally I have my machine running at pretty high settings and enjoy the ambiance quite a bit.  I don’t mind not seeing enemies 500M+ off.  Typically if I don’t see them, they won’t see me.  Trog - your settings are tempting as I wouldn’t mind having the opportunity of dropping someone at that distance (for bragging rights of course – besides the challenge of trying to hit regularly at that distance).

I saw quite a few of the names in this post show up on the server I was playing last night…I think there were at least 5 of us there.  Keep up the good work snipers!
isnt that the way it is in Delta Force: BHD? You shoot someone with a sniper rifle and it tells you the range. Btw, how high did you have to aim to get a shot like that, 450 meters, i could only imagine you had your scope aiming completely off

Torin wrote:

I think it would be a nice feature for the game to report the distance on all successful sniper rifle kills.

Something like:

"You killed soandso. (439 meters)"

I've pulled off a lot of shots slightly outside of fog range by aiming with the help of tracer rounds/muzzle flash, but I never really know exactly how far away it is.
Wondering how this will take in the forum.

I killed some enemies with a few shots using non-M95 methods, 1 shot kills. My M95 shots are past my viewing distance on a number of occasions but I aam using an x600 video card on a laptop. I bet its max'd in the 280-300 range for me. Distance doesnt matter when its outside of viewing range/drawing Same for all in that category.

I used a TOW at the Suburb in Karkand to kill an APC that was at the fountain down towards the square. Yes... he was not in view range since its...downhill. I shot the TOW and approximately judged verse the tracer rounds I saw shooting. I had no idea what was firing but the snipers on the hill informed me of the shot. I'm good but..damn. Lucky shot I hit and seconds later it exploded from the fire. I was quite giddy about the results.

I am an effective sniper, but I love sniping snipers with non-sniper classes. AntiTank. From the TV stations cement wall to the crane. I can only guess the amazment of the sniper as he suddenly died by a rocket.

Reverse the shot. Unsure how this occurred and I can only guess that their is a glitch in the Cobra's windshield. Medic with the upgraded L85A1 laying in the road between the construction sites chain fence and the wood fence. I saw the Cobra at the Flag for the TV Station and decided to distract it from the friendlies inside the room. I aimed at the cockpit and fired.  Next thing that occurred shocked the crap out of me.
Dezwartemaan kills insertname.
Choppers flops iratically and smashes into wall.
insertname is no more.

Damn I wished my screencaptures worked correctly. My program either doesnt capture or it captures like minutes after the fact on things that couldnt possibly help. I have a capture in my folder of walls.. wtf? .

I have been trying to simulate this again but heck if I can figure out how the Medic weapon sniped the pilot out of the Cobra. There has to be a specific angle.

Anyway... Odd methods of sniping and at extreme edges of views... albiet some are HIGH caliber weapons.. TOWs.. etc
A stranger in the dark


Now that was a very interesting read.

I greatly enjoyed your summary of what the key elements are in the decision making events of the game.

I can only say that I am looking forward to read more.

As a side note, I am delighted to read that a professor enjoys a computer game. Let me rephrase that at length; I’d prefer a good game with my colleagues, since a good team-play oriented squad is often hard to find, but my fellow gamers, and friends, are from the technical staff. There is not a lot of appreciation among the “higher” educated, if there is such a thing. They can’t comprehend the escapism this medium allows.

Just one other thought; I sincerely hope you don’t take out to much of your students, or they might place some claymore in the classroom.


Ps.: If your scope would ever pass over my virtual representation… Pick another target, I die enough as it is
My longest shot... in Warlord, from the roof of the building across the way from the Hotel... to the Crane at the SAS spawn point, while practising one-on-ones with another sniper. He thought I was cheating cause he couldn't see that far. Little does he know the crane tends to cast more of a shadow in the fog than anything else... one shot, one kill with an M24. His, actually.

I still haven't seen SinnFein ingame, but if I ever do, I pray to God that I'll get a kill in on him. Just one. I'll be happy with one.

Last edited by TigrisJK (2006-03-03 18:21:49)


mporlier wrote:

For you info:

"The longest-ever confirmed sniper kill was made by Master Cpl. Arron Perry of the Canadian Armed Forces in Afghanistan during combat in 2003. Using a .50-caliber MacMillan TAC-50 rifle, Perry shot and killed an Afghan soldier from a distance of 2,430 metres.

The record was set during Operation Anaconda when a Canadian three-man sniper team from the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, (PPCLI), set the new record with a shot on a Taliban fighter

That's about 1.5 miles That, my friends, is a truly amazing feat. The bullet was in the air for four seconds and dropped 146 feet. About 250 meters longer than Carlos Hathcock's famous shot. I'm happy if I hit something at 250 meters total distance.

Hat's off to a well trained soldier from up north. I hope the record stands forever."

Now that is for real world. In my post I obviously mean in game kill.
Bit of a difference though, Hathcock was in deep  and under enemy lines with no hope of getting in or out alive.

This bloke would have been evacuated easily than Hathcock's day.

Just respect for them both, but when your looking at the elements of war, today's solider has it easier than what happened in Vietnam.

Both Shots would have been hard both deserve recognition, though Carlos Hathcock will ever remain the legend as he was in a real war scenerio with soliders alive and hunting for him no UAV no help nothing vs some thought up Terror Campaign.

My Vote goes for Carlos Hathcock.

God Bless Whitefeather.
By the way... SinnFein and Books... where do you guys play? I'd like to play with you guys.
Horseman 77
I have killed guys by shooting into fog at a flag that turned, Couldnt even see the guy, just luck
longest sniping kill was maybe 180 meters, most shots i take occur from 70m which is maybe different than other snipers but is just the way i play

books dcdf: well said, dont think i have played with either of u but would like to as i have alot to learn about sniping
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Poncho wrote:

this wont work. you will get stats padders. someone wil tell the other were he is and shoot some lucky shots...

the kill with meter message would work if you ask me
What the fuck for? For a useless stat that doesn't bring you anything? (Not that all your shiny awards will)
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|6811|AUS, Canberra
not the same but i have a confirmed kill on a roo at 620 meters with a 30-06.
Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|6762|Sydney, Australia
The best I have done is made a moving kill from across the water in wake island. And no, its not from the USA island to the shoreline...

The guy was running towards the airfield. I scored a headshot, i think... or he was wounded.
Got Whiskey?
+63|6827|Meiriceá - frm 'Real Capital'
Mcminty, the few times I've actually sniped on Wake, I've tried and looked for targets to do that exact this day I have been unsucessful at finding a suitable victim.. I, sir, am quite jealous of your feat. I want to point out a keyword that you used, "moving".

Moving targets have become both the lifeblood/endorphine rush of BF2 for me and at the same time my downfall.  I find meself far too frequently searching for THAT shot, the 250m buggy 12.7 gunner while driving fast and straight, the 200m+ tank gunner moving fast left to right steadily. The sprinting 175m-300m footsoldier and lastly the sprinting 175m-300m footsoldier sprinting while going l/r and up/downhill. My accuracy has suffered and my kdr for those very same reasons. BUT man what a rush when you do it egh?

I salute you sir, for making a moving shot that I've been waiting to make but havent been afforded the opportunity.


Dirtracer90 wrote:

longest sniping kill was maybe 180 meters, most shots i take occur from 70m which is maybe different than other snipers but is just the way i play

books dcdf: well said, dont think i have played with either of u but would like to as i have alot to learn about sniping
Good to finally hear from you, Dirtracer.  I know well who you are; though we never met on the field, we waged a fierce battle for 6th on the sniper rifle leaderboard for some weeks, chasing each other back and forth (but mostly me chasing you).  Your stats are impressive, so I doubt you've got much to learn from me.  Now from Sinny, on the other hand . . . well, probably everyone can learn a lot from him.  But I'd enjoy getting together with you sometime and watching you work.  As I said, your stats are impressive, and I'm always eager to learn something new.

Good hunting (so long as you're not stalking me ).
Got Whiskey?
+63|6827|Meiriceá - frm 'Real Capital'
geez, Books....I'm not that good, I just enjoy being able to drink while shooting every now and then:) I still feel you sir, have the edge on me for quality.

MAN I love this game:)

Dirt, I know you as well, you've been top 20 for a bit, nice k/d by the way.
hats off to those lucy soldiers but one has to remberthey areworking with 16 pwoer scopers and 20-24 power spotting scopes, in bf2 we dont have that power wich we should but ea and dice are speds ans alo ther is not spotter soo its a lot harder
yeah i  would like to play with u guys be good to learn a new map in Kubra Dam and from people that know it well

what servers do u play on? just like to know so when my bf2 starts working again i can go there

i think u won that battle for 6th though
This is a bit off-topic, but Guarnere brings up something I've been quietly lamenting for a long time--the lack of a spotter subclass for the sniper in BF2. 

I don't know how the military of other nations implement snipers in the field, but in the past (and probably to this present day) the U.S. Army and Marine Corps typically deployed snipers in a team of at least two individuals.  Both men were outfitted with ghillies, and one man carried the long gun while the other carried a weapon with a higher rate of fire.  I'm not sure how it's handled nowadays, but in the early '80s, U.S. Army sniper teams deployed in Central America were typically kitted out with an M21/M25 (usually) or a milspec Model 70 Winchester in .300 Win. Magnum (rarely) for the shooter; the spotter typically carried an M16/M203, but on rare occasions he might be equipped with a Stoner or even an M60E3 (a short-barreled and lighter version of the standard M60 GPMG).  Both men carried a light load-out of grenades, and sidearms that had been modified to accept silencers--Smith & Wesson Hushpuppies, Browning Hi-Powers, and Colt M1911s were all pretty common.  The spotter's lone piece of unique equipment was a spotting scope.  The shooter handled the long gun and was responsible for dealing with the primary long-range targets while the spotter was responsible for establishing/maintaining security in the immediate surroundings of the team and spotting/ranging targets for the shooter.  Both men could and would trade off duties, as being positioned behind the scope of the long gun for extended periods of time was stressful and tiring; however, one man was typically designated the primary and was the "ideal" shooter for taking down high value targets.

But back to my initial point: I don't know about the rest of you, but ideally when I'm sniping, I like to be paired up with another sniper that I know and trust.  The fact that we're both equipped with primary weapons that have a low rate of fire, however, can pose problems when a group of enemies stumbles upon us or when we're spotted and they actively seek us out.  This problem could be alleviated by pairing up with a different class--a medic or spec ops trooper, for example--but in my experience their lack of a ghillie suit makes them much more easy to spot and thus can alert the enemy to the presence of a threat and compromise both the sniper's security and his ability to effectively perform his role.  So how about establishing a subclass for the sniper--the spotter?  Like the sniper, he would be outfitted in a ghillie and carry the standard silenced sidearm, combat knife, and (maybe) grenades.  But his primary weapon would be something with a higher ROF and a much lower zoom.  (An M14 with an ACOG sight or an FN-FAL Para with a red dot would be ideal, but these might present game balance issues--both are powerful 7.62 x 51 mm weapons with 20-round box mags, extremely similar to the Assault class' G3--so a lower-damage silenced SMG like the 9 mm MP5SD might prove a better solution).  And rather than claymores, his kit would include a spotting scope or a pair of range-finding binoculars.  When paired with a sniper in a 2-person team, his principal duties would be to pick out targets at range and continue surveiling the area while the primary took the shot.  But he would also provide perimeter security and more effectively  deal with multiple threats when an enemy squad closed on the team.  And above all, he would be better able to avoid compromising the team's position and mission because his uniform/camoflage would be identical to the sniper's.

Finally, in a last desperate attempt to link this post to the original thread, the spotter's range-finding binoculars could provide the sort of confirmation that many of you have expressed interest in, as well as increase the sniper's long-range accuracy.  Most of the better snipers have become pretty good at determining range based upon the target's body size when on scope, and they adjust for drop accordingly.  I can do this fairly well, but I have better success when I can estimate the distance by referencing it to a fixed location with a known range (a flag, for instance).  If the flag is 300 meters away and the target is laying on the ground about 30 meters in front of it--270 meters out--that makes adjusting sight elevation a lot more accurate than guessing by body size.  But the problem is that not all targets are in line with a fixed, measured point when you've got them under scope, so you don't always have the luxury of this assistance.  The spotter could provide this.  Engaging a target, then, might proceed something like this (on VOIP):

Spotter: "Target, enemy sniper.  SSE.  On Temple steps."

Shooter: "Acquired.  Range?"

Spotter:  "385 meters."

Shooter:  "385 meters, roger."


Shooter:  "Target down."

Spotter:  "Confirmed.  Target down, 385 meters."

These are just some thoughts I've been mulling over for the past few months.  I'm sure there are problems and issues with this idea that I haven't considered, so feel free to chime in and share your perspectives, criticisms, and suggestions.

Last edited by Books_DCDF (2006-03-04 13:53:05)

i agree completely books. i too have found it troublesome to be by yourself and then be caught and have little to retaliate with. A spotter could help with sniper hide defense and pick out those hard to see guys. A definite would be a silenced weapon for the spotter so he can take down targets without anybody in the vicinity discovering your location...A+ idea

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