
yogi_is_bare wrote:

Mint Sauce wrote:

If you want to dodge the missiles, nose dive into the ground and die. There. Dodged.
Whenever I play jets, I just piss around, I hate them so much, and I suck at them loool.
me too i hate them. just bail before the missile is going to hit you. that always pisses off those jet guys.
'cause it's not like they're going to bail and get the jet you've just ejected from. :l
100% Irishpride
Whats with all the hate directed at me? What have I done?

100% Irishpride wrote:

Whats with all the hate directed at me? What have I done?
you are just a fine pilot XD
Mint Sauce
Frighteningly average

100% Irishpride wrote:

Whats with all the hate directed at me? What have I done?
People tend to hate the best at any one activity. Basically, people are jealous.
100% Irishpride

Mint Sauce wrote:

100% Irishpride wrote:

Whats with all the hate directed at me? What have I done?
People tend to hate the best at any one activity. Basically, people are jealous.
Zeqtr is currently in my point of view by far the best pilot in the world , I don't think hes jealous :DDD... But Oakleaves was just joking
+183|6766|Newcastle UK

100% Irishpride wrote:

Mint Sauce wrote:

100% Irishpride wrote:

Whats with all the hate directed at me? What have I done?
People tend to hate the best at any one activity. Basically, people are jealous.
Zeqtr is currently in my point of view by far the best pilot in the world , I don't think hes jealous :DDD... But Oakleaves was just joking
was i ? hehe jus learned i cant fly for shit anymore j-10s kept getting me tho , wheres my car
You have to learn the rules of the game and then you have to play better than anyone else.

100% Irishpride wrote:

Mint Sauce wrote:

100% Irishpride wrote:

Whats with all the hate directed at me? What have I done?
People tend to hate the best at any one activity. Basically, people are jealous.
Zeqtr is currently in my point of view by far the best pilot in the world , I don't think hes jealous :DDD... But Oakleaves was just joking

Hakei wrote:

yogi_is_bare wrote:

Mint Sauce wrote:

If you want to dodge the missiles, nose dive into the ground and die. There. Dodged.
Whenever I play jets, I just piss around, I hate them so much, and I suck at them loool.
me too i hate them. just bail before the missile is going to hit you. that always pisses off those jet guys.
'cause it's not like they're going to bail and get the jet you've just ejected from. :l
I've bailed from a j10 to have a f35 many times <3....and if you hate jet pilots so much why don't you just leave em alone doing their shit. And you doing yours, being infwhore or whatever you're good at instead of just ruining the game for others?

Mint Sauce wrote:

Pea....Tear.....Griffen wrote:

thepilot91 wrote:

um....why exactely am I a nub Mr. Medic Inf whore?
Mint baited.....

....thepilot bit.

It makes me all tingly inside
Me and a clan mate were recently dominating a Karkand server, and pilot joined on the other team. He tried and failed to kill me about 4 times.
well ofc when you have a bout 5 medpacks underneith your ass and 5 other mediwhores ready to revive you at anytime... i didn't ask you to say that you're a total infwhore I asked if it's possible to dodge missiles in f35b...and if you aren't even in to planes don't bother awnsering please...
Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd
+169|6899|Mexico City

100% Irishpride wrote:

Whats with all the hate directed at me? What have I done?
are you new at these forums?
That´s typical here, if you are good at something, they will hate you for it.
just go along with the flow....

Last edited by Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd (2008-07-30 12:18:21)


Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd wrote:

100% Irishpride wrote:

Whats with all the hate directed at me? What have I done?
are you new at these forums?
That´s typical here, if you are good at something, they will hate you for it.
just go along with the flow....
Bennet, that's such a backward statement. You're hated by everyone, and your bad at everything.
Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd
+169|6899|Mexico City

Guy.Buddy.Friend wrote:

Bennet, that's such a backward statement. You're hated by everyone, and your bad at everything.
oh, the irony....
french canadians suck

Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd wrote:

Guy.Buddy.Friend wrote:

Bennet, that's such a backward statement. You're hated by everyone, and your bad at everything.
oh, the irony....

Guy.Buddy.Friend wrote:

Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd wrote:

100% Irishpride wrote:

Whats with all the hate directed at me? What have I done?
are you new at these forums?
That´s typical here, if you are good at something, they will hate you for it.
just go along with the flow....
Bennet, that's such a backward statement. You're hated by everyone, and your bad at everything.
I love you.

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