this question is proabably more aimed at server admins who deal with their own bf2 servers but any suggestions or comments are welcome.

basically i want to buy or rent a server for a month unranked as cheap as possible.
the server i would need would have to be able to play special forces and vanilla bf2 maps. also it would have to be UK based. it would also be the minimum amount of slots (16)

i would like help pointing me in the right direction of where to go or if some were to allow me to use their server for this i would pay for using it. for example you may have a match server or something like this and at the moment your not doing clan wars or trains and maybe i could rent it for 1 month.

also i hear rackage and multiplay servers are quite good but i looked at multiplay and for a ranked server and unranked server it is the same price thats why i am slightly confused here.

thanks for the help