Oh, so now that it's not "illegal", you're going to change the requirement?
The UNSC did not approve the invasion, it was never put to a vote.
Its highly arguable whether any existing resolutions could be used to allow an invasion
A single, unsubstantiated, third-hand account? That's really reaching.
Its a first hand account. And sometimes thats how people get their information out, a comment here or there, off the record briefings etc.
The Christian Evangelist Extremists are happy as Duhbya is doing their work, Duhbya is happy as he can just ignore any blowback. Politicians have done this for millenia.
I was talking about whether the "real" reason ended up being correct or not.
Me too.
A better analogy -
You think your neighbour is making bombs in his garage, so you go round and shoot him only to find out he was making beer.
Hard luck, you're a murderer, you go to prison.
And if you don't think the consequences of that are being borne, you're on crack.
So where is the picture of Bush hanging upside down from a lampost?
He'll be out of office soon, making $100m a year reading speeches written by someone else. Hardly bearing the consequences.
So now you're using Bush's public speaking "challenges" to "prove" that he changed the reason for going into Iraq?
Its called a Freudian slip. As I said, liars catch themsleves out by blurting out exactly what they don't want to say.
Last edited by Dilbert_X (2008-07-19 21:34:26)