+252|6854|Sextupling in Empire

latinolink wrote:

so how much applauding at the bad ass parts of the movie did you guys get in your theaters.
Spoiler (highlight to read):
Are you talking about when the bike popped out of the wrecked batmo-tank? Or the part where he flips the semi with the bike?

No obnoxious clapping here. Fortunately my theater is new, so it was only 18% full, most of which were older people.

blademaster wrote:

I heard Christian Bale uses whats his name Clint Eastwood technique where he would change his voice whenever he would act as batman and then go back to his normal voice when he acted as Bruce Wayne. not sure if its true still have to see the movie
It sounded like they digitally altered his voice with more bass. It thought it was unnecessary and annoying.
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6688|Long Island, New York
Seeing it tomorrow at 11 AM. Can't wait.

Terminator Salvation and The Watchmen's trailers are attatched to it, yes?
plop plop flop flop
+11|6807|west liberty IA

Volatile wrote:

latinolink wrote:

so how much applauding at the bad ass parts of the movie did you guys get in your theaters.
Spoiler (highlight to read):
Are you talking about when the bike popped out of the wrecked batmo-tank? Or the part where he flips the semi with the bike?
No obnoxious clapping here. Fortunately my theater is new, so it was only 18% full, most of which were older people.
I just meant any bad ass parts there lots of them i had to be very vague, but I do agree that part was epically awesome.
for me I had the University of Iowa campus in the theater so clapping to any part was going to happen.

Poseidon wrote:

Seeing it tomorrow at 11 AM. Can't wait.
Terminator Salvation and The Watchmen's trailers are attached to it, yes?
yeah those trailers were there and there was much clapping and also that Keanu Reeves movie where everyone ended up laughing cause its Keanu Reeves you can't take him seriously.

Last edited by latinolink (2008-07-18 18:56:35)

Yeah it was okay but nothing too special. I'm not sure if I feel let down or not.
my sigs worse than yours

Home wrote:

blademaster wrote:

I heard Christian Bale uses whats his name Clint Eastwood technique where he would change his voice whenever he would act as batman and then go back to his normal voice when he acted as Bruce Wayne. not sure if its true still have to see the movie
Well he did that in Batman Begins. It sounded really lame in that one, I'm hoping he's got under control a little better this time.
Not really. But the whole movie really is made by the Joker. Every time he's on screen you'll be amazed not only by how incredibly nuts he is, but how well acted he was. Even the way he moves his eyes around from place to place is amazing, and the way he delivers lines. The Joker makes the movie so badass, and when he's not on screen you'll be thinking about the last time he was.

Volatile wrote:

latinolink wrote:

so how much applauding at the bad ass parts of the movie did you guys get in your theaters.
Spoiler (highlight to read):
Are you talking about when the bike popped out of the wrecked batmo-tank? Or the part where he flips the semi with the bike?

No obnoxious clapping here. Fortunately my theater is new, so it was only 18% full, most of which were older people.

blademaster wrote:

I heard Christian Bale uses whats his name Clint Eastwood technique where he would change his voice whenever he would act as batman and then go back to his normal voice when he acted as Bruce Wayne. not sure if its true still have to see the movie
It sounded like they digitally altered his voice with more bass. It thought it was unnecessary and annoying.
@ 2nd part of the spoiler, I was not expecting that, that was the shit!!!! sooo awesomeeeee

Last edited by =NHB=Shadow (2008-07-18 19:25:16)

Helping you help yourself
+34|6628| Texas
I heard there was a tribute to heath ledger at the end of the credits, but I didnt stay?

anybody see if there was/what it was?
Respekct dad i love u always
+946|6959|Marathon, Florida Keys
I just saw it....super long and super awsm
+1,106|6439|Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk

it was great

i loved the part with the pencil

Darkfire wrote:

I heard there was a tribute to heath ledger at the end of the credits, but I didnt stay?

anybody see if there was/what it was?
i stayed but i didnt see it so wtf?!?!?

=NHB=Shadow wrote:

Darkfire wrote:

I heard there was a tribute to heath ledger at the end of the credits, but I didnt stay?

anybody see if there was/what it was?
i stayed but i didnt see it so wtf?!?!?
Yeah that's what a lot of people heard. I stayed too and saw nothing.

The lies! Oh the humanity!
+447|6998|Seattle, Washington, USA

NateWiese wrote:

Home wrote:

blademaster wrote:

I heard Christian Bale uses whats his name Clint Eastwood technique where he would change his voice whenever he would act as batman and then go back to his normal voice when he acted as Bruce Wayne. not sure if its true still have to see the movie
Well he did that in Batman Begins. It sounded really lame in that one, I'm hoping he's got under control a little better this time.
Not really. But the whole movie really is made by the Joker. Every time he's on screen you'll be amazed not only by how incredibly nuts he is, but how well acted he was. Even the way he moves his eyes around from place to place is amazing, and the way he delivers lines. The Joker makes the movie so badass, and when he's not on screen you'll be thinking about the last time he was.
Just got back. You were right. The Joker was effing awesome. Everytime he wasn't on screen, I was just looking forward to the next time he would be. All the subtleties (sp?) such as the eye rolling, lip licking, the odd chomping and smacking he did with his mouth while he was talking. Flawless performance. At the end of the movie everyone felt sad because Heath is dead and he'll never reprise the role.

This one was a lot deeper too I thought. The Joker, Harvey Dent, etc. were all excellent foils and reflections of Batman's character.

I think they're going to have a hard time topping this one. I'm not too familiar with the Batman universe, who else is there to be the villain? The Riddler? It doesn't seem like he could match the Joker.
my sigs worse than yours

Home wrote:

I think they're going to have a hard time topping this one. I'm not too familiar with the Batman universe, who else is there to be the villain? The Riddler? It doesn't seem like he could match the Joker.
A friend of mine thinks it might be the Penguin. The thing about batman is a lot of the villians would be hard to translate into serious characters.
+1,411|6892|FUCK UBISOFT

NateWiese wrote:

Home wrote:

I think they're going to have a hard time topping this one. I'm not too familiar with the Batman universe, who else is there to be the villain? The Riddler? It doesn't seem like he could match the Joker.
A friend of mine thinks it might be the Penguin. The thing about batman is a lot of the villians would be hard to translate into serious characters.
they could probably do penguin well.

I would like two face tbh.

Miggle wrote:

NateWiese wrote:

Home wrote:

I think they're going to have a hard time topping this one. I'm not too familiar with the Batman universe, who else is there to be the villain? The Riddler? It doesn't seem like he could match the Joker.
A friend of mine thinks it might be the Penguin. The thing about batman is a lot of the villians would be hard to translate into serious characters.
they could probably do penguin well.

I would like two face tbh.
to bad he didnt make it

=NHB=Shadow wrote:

Miggle wrote:

NateWiese wrote:

A friend of mine thinks it might be the Penguin. The thing about batman is a lot of the villians would be hard to translate into serious characters.
they could probably do penguin well.

I would like two face tbh.
to bad he didnt make it
Spoiler (highlight to read):
We don't know if he's dead or not.

You saw the way that they covered up Gordon's death, so it would be possible to do the same with Dent's.  Probably just leaving him there, so they can go either way with it in the next movie - dead or alive.

Incredible fucking movie though.
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6688|Long Island, New York
Okay, just got back. A few things.

Spoiler (highlight to read):
Ledger was fucking incredible. Fucking. Incredible. Hilarious, sadistic, and just an all out character that you love to hate. Bale was great again...wasn't expecting Rachel to die either. When Gordon came back, everyone cheered...I almost did too. I was really kinda shocked when he "died" and was really glad he came back. Also, it felt like Two Face played such a minor role in this movie...he was major yes, but it was all really about the Joker. Hopefully he comes back for the second one, because honestly, I doubt that high of a fall would kill him...remember Batman saying to that italian mobster guy (forgot his name) that he knew a fall from that height wouldn't kill him? Well, there ya go. Might be foreshadowing. Overall, I loved it. Didn't live up to the hype though, but that's only because it was hyped beyond belief after Ledger's death. "Hey guys, let's go see a dead actor, we never cared about Batman to begin with, but now he's dead and important suddenly!" Fucking media. But yeah, great movie...9.5/10 from me.

For the next movie, I'd love to see Mr. Freeze, The Riddler and the Mad Hatter.
Go Cards !!
+196|6844|The Ville
That movie ruled. The movie theater I worked at sucked so bad last night. At one point we had 300 people waiting in line while we cleaned the theater. Man that blew. On the other hand I had a lot of fun working because I had like 14 people working with me. This movie pulled in 66.4 million last night. Let's help make this movie number 1 all time and help it surpass a 150 million dollar weekend. Tonight we will have 3 theaters with one starting time. We are actually adding 2 more theaters to help with the lines so people can see it without being turned away. I love busy weekends.
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
Here's where I would ask how Ledger's Joker compares to Nicklson's Joker but I think I already know what all the responses would be.

I fucking need to see this movie.

DoctaStrangelove wrote:

Here's where I would ask how Ledger's Joker compares to Nicklson's Joker but I think I already know what all the responses would be.

I fucking need to see this movie.
wow you noob why haven't you see it already? ITS SATURDAY NIGHT!!
No Thursday midnight showings? all of friday? all of today?? you suck!!

=NHB=Shadow wrote:

DoctaStrangelove wrote:

Here's where I would ask how Ledger's Joker compares to Nicklson's Joker but I think I already know what all the responses would be.

I fucking need to see this movie.
wow you noob why haven't you see it already? ITS SATURDAY NIGHT!!
No Thursday midnight showings? all of friday? all of today?? you suck!!
STFU, it's only coming here next week...

NooBesT wrote:

=NHB=Shadow wrote:

DoctaStrangelove wrote:

Here's where I would ask how Ledger's Joker compares to Nicklson's Joker but I think I already know what all the responses would be.

I fucking need to see this movie.
wow you noob why haven't you see it already? ITS SATURDAY NIGHT!!
No Thursday midnight showings? all of friday? all of today?? you suck!!
STFU, it's only coming here next week...
it was really good
my sigs worse than yours

DoctaStrangelove wrote:

Here's where I would ask how Ledger's Joker compares to Nicklson's Joker but I think I already know what all the responses would be.

I fucking need to see this movie.
Go see it. Give it a boost for opening weekend.
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6688|Long Island, New York
Wow, this movie's breaking all the records...already beat Spiderman 3's opening weekend amount by 4 million, and today's not over yet.
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6835|United States of America
That was great. It seemed to diverge a lot (in a good way, though) from Batman Begins. This was so much darker.

Spoiler (highlight to read):
I was surpised at how many people died, though. Very little of the movie was obvious though, the only things that I knew were that Dent would be Two-Face (from the comics and previous shows) and that Batman wouldn't have been sent to Rachel. I sure as hell did not see it coming that she would actually die though! I thought "Naw, they wouldn't fake two deaths in one movie." The Joker is really fucked up and those are hard decisions to make when you think what could you do in those situations. My favorite line had to have been:
"A fall from this height wouldn't kill me."
"I'm counting on it." *thud/snap/crackle/pop*

In short, it was epic, although I had this one bastard in the theater who kept saying obvious shit like "it's Two-Face" or "the driver"

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