Well black people are no more a family than white people lowing. You can't just direct a load of criticism at a huge group of people and not expect some of them to get annoyed.lowing wrote:
I feel he directed his comments to every black person that is guilty of his words. That or he is speaking to the black community as a family, and this family has a problem, and this problem is hurting the image of the family and it can not be ignored any longer.Braddock wrote:
But he directed his comments at the entire black race in America...are you saying that doesn't reinforce stereotypes in the mind of racists and detract from the achievements of successful, socially responsible African Americans?lowing wrote:
Tell it to Obama Braddock, not me.
All he was doing is acknowledging the truth about the problems in that community. Problems that everyone knows exists. Nothing more and nothing less. You call him a racist for it and you call me a racist for agreeing with him.
Either one or both, it still is the truth and maybe racial, for the sole reason he is speaking to a race, but it certainly is not racist per the context you are using.
If my Taoiseach bundled me in with every chav in the country just because we share the same skin colour I would not be best pleased either.