
CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

1, not really, you just proved my point, a cartoon affected them deeply, yet violence in their name,,,,,,,nehhhhhhhh why bother....Image over action..My point.
Do I really have to reprint my PIRA/Al Qaeda analogy again? It is really necessary? Has it come to this? Are you really incapable of comprehending the logic of the analogy? I never protested PIRA atrocities yet I wuold have been and would be prepared to protest an Orange march through my neighbourhood. Is it really so difficult to understand?

lowing wrote:

2. Noooooooo Cam, when I have posted about Islam immigration into Europe, you are one of the FIRST to point out the small numbers and the insignificance of it, yet you turn to these same people as PROOF and significance in one of your arguments.
Small numbers in terms of ACTUAL QUANTIFIABLE THINGS LIKE POPULATION. You cannot correlate that with presuming general opinion - you would have to put the entire mass to a poll on the matter. Again, you continue to avoid the 'violent muslim horde' refraining from 'slaying' the millions of western holidaymakers in the middle east. That is a verifiable and quantifiable truth.
1. No it is not difficult to understand......What I get from this is................you haven't protested them.

2. No I answered this with the corrolation that YOU will claim, because of our gun laws that we are a nation of cowboys, shoot from the hip and ask questions later, gun toting fanatical gun slingers, yet millions come to the US every year and go home without being shot....So, tell me the difference if we are gunna sling generalizations.

lowing wrote:

1. No it is not difficult to understand......What I get from this is................you haven't protested them.
No what you don't get is that I didn't protest them and that Muslims wouldn't either for the exact same reason. You're beginning to just troll at this stage.

lowing wrote:

2. No I answered this with the corrolation that YOU will claim, because of our gun laws that we are a nation of cowboys, shoot from the hip and ask questions later, gun toting fanatical gun slingers, yet millions come to the US every year and go home without being shot....So, tell me the difference if we are gunna sling generalizations.
Thank you. I myself go to the US frequently without being shot and will hopefully return home in August without having been shot either. It goes to show that gun crime isn't as massive an issue as people make out. The safe transit of millions into and out of the US each year verifies this. Similarly, the safe transit of millions of westerners into and out of the middle east each year verifies that this 'Islamic reign of terror' and violent anti-westernism amongst Muslims is massively exaggerated: much like US gun crime.

CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

1. No it is not difficult to understand......What I get from this is................you haven't protested them.
No what you don't get is that I didn't protest them and that Muslims wouldn't either for the exact same reason. You're beginning to just troll at this stage.

lowing wrote:

2. No I answered this with the corrolation that YOU will claim, because of our gun laws that we are a nation of cowboys, shoot from the hip and ask questions later, gun toting fanatical gun slingers, yet millions come to the US every year and go home without being shot....So, tell me the difference if we are gunna sling generalizations.
Thank you. I myself go to the US frequently without being shot and will hopefully return home in August without having been shot either. It goes to show that gun crime isn't as massive an issue as people make out. The safe transit of millions into and out of the US each year verifies this. Similarly, the safe transit of millions of westerners into and out of the middle east each year verifies that this 'Islamic reign of terror' and violent anti-westernism amongst Muslims is massively exaggerated: much like US gun crime.
Wear a tee shirt with the cross on it or the star of david next time you visit Saudi Arabia, Iran, Syria...... maybe carry the bible around with you.

Lotta_Drool wrote:

Wear a tee shirt with the cross on it or the star of david next time you visit Saudi Arabia, Iran, Syria...... maybe carry the bible around with you.
Sorry lotta - I'm not very religious. And when I go places I tend to respect local customs. I won't go walking around Boston wearing a T-shirt saying 'Fuck America' for instance. On that note however - when I was in Petra in Jordan at the hotel dinner table beside me were a bunch of Jews, complete with kippahs. Why were they not instantly slayed?

Last edited by CameronPoe (2008-07-11 11:31:15)


CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

1. No it is not difficult to understand......What I get from this is................you haven't protested them.
No what you don't get is that I didn't protest them and that Muslims wouldn't either for the exact same reason. You're beginning to just troll at this stage.

lowing wrote:

2. No I answered this with the corrolation that YOU will claim, because of our gun laws that we are a nation of cowboys, shoot from the hip and ask questions later, gun toting fanatical gun slingers, yet millions come to the US every year and go home without being shot....So, tell me the difference if we are gunna sling generalizations.
Thank you. I myself go to the US frequently without being shot and will hopefully return home in August without having been shot either. It goes to show that gun crime isn't as massive an issue as people make out. The safe transit of millions into and out of the US each year verifies this. Similarly, the safe transit of millions of westerners into and out of the middle east each year verifies that this 'Islamic reign of terror' and violent anti-westernism amongst Muslims is massively exaggerated: much like US gun crime.
1. Nope I don't troll,................much.............My observation was/is, the protests over a cartoon were rediculous......The lack of protest over violence is loud and clear.

2. Yet you and people like you think we are all a bunch of crazy gun fanatics ready to shoot down everyone we see? Do I need to go pull posts? Or are you against gun control in the US? Maybe I am not remembering correctly.

lowing wrote:

1. Nope I don't troll,................much.............My observation was/is, the protests over a cartoon were rediculous......The lack of protest over violence is loud and clear.
And I said, about a fucking million times, that there should be no compulsion to protest the violence as they are not to blame and that if someone feels aggrieved about a cartoon then by all means exercise your 'right to assemble'.

lowing wrote:

2. Yet you and people like you think we are all a bunch of crazy gun fanatics ready to shoot down everyone we see? Do I need to go pull posts? Or are you against gun control in the US? Maybe I am not remembering correctly.
Why must you always assume peoples views? Your just pulling 'opinions of mine' out of your ass. I have always stated that gun control in the US is an internal US issue and even if they wanted to enforce gun control it's too late and it's unconstitutional. Quit making shit up. You just seem to lump all opinions contrary to yours into one big 'liberal' pot and assign them to anyone you're arguing with.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2008-07-11 11:34:55)


CameronPoe wrote:

Lotta_Drool wrote:

Wear a tee shirt with the cross on it or the star of david next time you visit Saudi Arabia, Iran, Syria...... maybe carry the bible around with you.
Sorry lotta - I'm not very religious. And when I go places I tend to respect local customs. I won't go walking around Boston wearing a T-shirt saying 'Fuck America' for instance. On that note however - when I was in Petra in Jordan at the hotel dinner table beside me were a bunch of Jews, complete with kippahs. Why were they not instantly slayed?
So it is a local custom to arrest people for religious subversion in Saudi Arabia for displaying nonIslamic religious symbols?  Pull your head out of your arse, it is radical Islam.  You are fucking blind.

Lotta_Drool wrote:

So it is a local custom to arrest people for religious subversion in Saudi Arabia for displaying nonIslamic religious symbols?  Pull your head out of your arse, it is radical Islam.  You are fucking blind.
In Saudi Arabia you can't just go as a tourist Lotta, in case you need enlightening. You are confined to western 'compounds', in which anything goes. Given that you cannot under any circumstances venture out into Saudi Arabia proper unless you happen to be a Muslim then the whole 'displaying religious symbols' thing is a little irrelevant isn't it? Having said that, Saudi Arabia is a complete cocksucker regime that, even though it owns 30% of America and is one of America's stauncher allies, has instituted Wahabi Islam as the state religion - a sect I deplore - which happens to foster anti-American sentiment.

PS Syria is a secular Ba'athist regime. Religious symbols aren't a problem. They have churches and shit. You are free to practice whatever religion you want to there.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2008-07-11 11:48:49)


CameronPoe wrote:

Lotta_Drool wrote:

So it is a local custom to arrest people for religious subversion in Saudi Arabia for displaying nonIslamic religious symbols?  Pull your head out of your arse, it is radical Islam.  You are fucking blind.
In Saudi Arabia you can't just go as a tourist Lotta, in case you need enlightening. You are confined to western 'compounds', in which anything goes. Given that you cannot under any circumstances venture out into Saudi Arabia proper unless you happen to be a Muslim then the whole 'displaying religious symbols' thing is a little irrelevant isn't it? Having said that, Saudi Arabia is a complete cocksucker regime that, even though it owns 30% of America and is one of America's stauncher allies, has instituted Wahabi Islam as the state religion - a sect I deplore - which happens to foster anti-American sentiment.
But at least they are not radically Islamic, because as you said it is just a misperception of the Middle East.

Lotta_Drool wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Lotta_Drool wrote:

So it is a local custom to arrest people for religious subversion in Saudi Arabia for displaying nonIslamic religious symbols?  Pull your head out of your arse, it is radical Islam.  You are fucking blind.
In Saudi Arabia you can't just go as a tourist Lotta, in case you need enlightening. You are confined to western 'compounds', in which anything goes. Given that you cannot under any circumstances venture out into Saudi Arabia proper unless you happen to be a Muslim then the whole 'displaying religious symbols' thing is a little irrelevant isn't it? Having said that, Saudi Arabia is a complete cocksucker regime that, even though it owns 30% of America and is one of America's stauncher allies, has instituted Wahabi Islam as the state religion - a sect I deplore - which happens to foster anti-American sentiment.
But at least they are not radically Islamic, because as you said it is just a misperception of the Middle East.
Is Saudi Arabia and Iran 'the middle east'? Look at a fucking map dipshit.

Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Turkey, Kazhakstan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Oman, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar not count or something?

Last edited by CameronPoe (2008-07-11 11:52:00)


CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

1. Nope I don't troll,................much.............My observation was/is, the protests over a cartoon were ridiculous......The lack of protest over violence is loud and clear.
And I said, about a fucking million times, that there should be no compulsion to protest the violence as they are not to blame and that if someone feels aggrieved about a cartoon then by all means exercise your 'right to assemble'.

lowing wrote:

2. Yet you and people like you think we are all a bunch of crazy gun fanatics ready to shoot down everyone we see? Do I need to go pull posts? Or are you against gun control in the US? Maybe I am not remembering correctly.
Why must you always assume peoples views? Your just pulling 'opinions of mine' out of your ass. I have always stated that gun control in the US is an internal US issue and even if they wanted to enforce gun control it's too late and it's unconstitutional. Quit making shit up. You just seem to lump all opinions contrary to yours into one big 'liberal' pot and assign them to anyone you're arguing with.
1, I agree, completely, just pardon my laughter if I think it is hysterically ridiculous to preach to the world about the most horrific thing imaginable ( cartoons) and let the blood letting slide.

2. Well hell, Cam, and asked ya if I was remembering correctly, stop being such an arrogant hot head. I do not seem to remember you correcting your liberal companions on this forum as to the absurdity of their generalizations about the US.

Also, if you agree with me that image is more important to Islam than action, then just say so then advise me that it is their prerogative to do so.

That would be better than just saying it isn't true.

Last edited by lowing (2008-07-11 12:39:10)


lowing wrote:

Also, if you agree with me that image is more important to Islam than action, then just say so then advise me that it is their prerogative to do so.

That would be better than just saying it isn't true.
Not being an asshat here but what do you mean by your question?

Image = what.
Action = what.

I'm unclear as to what you're asking.

CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

Also, if you agree with me that image is more important to Islam than action, then just say so then advise me that it is their prerogative to do so.

That would be better than just saying it isn't true.
Not being an asshat here but what do you mean by your question?

Image = what.
Action = what.

I'm unclear as to what you're asking.
I take it that you agree with me that Islam has shown a lot more open outrage over its image in the world, and a lot less open outrage over the actions committed in its name. If we agree on this then simply tell me it is their prerogative to do so. It is their prerogative to protest anything they want. This seems to be your point.

If so, I will just simple laugh at the priority Islam has as to what it deems important enough to protest and what it will let slide because " it does not involve them directly".

lowing wrote:

I take it that you agree with me that Islam has shown a lot more open outrage over its image in the world, and a lot less open outrage over the actions committed in its name. If we agree on this then simply tell me it is their prerogative to do so. It is their prerogative to protest anything they want. This seems to be your point.

If so, I will just simple laugh at the priority Islam has as to what it deems important enough to protest and what it will let slide because " it does not involve them directly".
It is not protesting at 'its image in the world'. Some Muslims protested at contraventions of the Q'uran that state that graphical depictions of the Prophet are forbidden. Much like how Orthodox Jews protested to succesfully shut a national line of 7-11 type stores throughout Israel on the Sabbath because it contravened scripture. It doesn't have anything to do with image, it is actually to do with piety and religious observance.

You can call it 'letting it slide' but as the analogy goes - I let nothing 'slide' as regards the PIRA because I refuse to share responsibility for their actions, much as most Muslims should not feel compelled to share blame for the actions of some nutters who purport to act in their name. We already went over this several times.

CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

I take it that you agree with me that Islam has shown a lot more open outrage over its image in the world, and a lot less open outrage over the actions committed in its name. If we agree on this then simply tell me it is their prerogative to do so. It is their prerogative to protest anything they want. This seems to be your point.

If so, I will just simple laugh at the priority Islam has as to what it deems important enough to protest and what it will let slide because " it does not involve them directly".
It is not protesting at 'its image in the world'. Some Muslims protested at contraventions of the Q'uran that state that graphical depictions of the Prophet are forbidden. Much like how Orthodox Jews protested to succesfully shut a national line of 7-11 type stores throughout Israel on the Sabbath because it contravened scripture. It doesn't have anything to do with image, it is actually to do with piety and religious observance.

You can call it 'letting it slide' but as the analogy goes - I let nothing 'slide' as regards the PIRA because I refuse to share responsibility for their actions, much as most Muslims should not feel compelled to share blame for the actions of some nutters who purport to act in their name. We already went over this several times.
Yes we did, then why do the feel compelled to protest something a hellova lot more benign than terrorism in their name..........., cartoons. This is my point. If do not feel compelled to protest ACTUAL terror in your name, then why protest cartoons depicting it?

lowing wrote:

Yes we did, then why do the feel compelled to protest something a hellova lot more benign than terrorism in their name..........., cartoons. This is my point. If do not feel compelled to protest ACTUAL terror in your name, then why protest cartoons depicting it?
I think you misunderstand their protests lowing. They were actually a lot simpler than you imagine. They protested the fact that any image at all whatsoever was depicted of Mohammed. The nature of the depiction itself was largely irrelevant. A small number of the protestors made various threats - how does that mesh with a complaint about the cartoons depicting Islam as violent? The fact was that they were protesting the fact someone had the audacity to draw/depict the prophet, not particularly about the image implications. In Islam any graven image at all whatsoever of the prophet is forbidden full stop. It's like the Jews protesting the 7-11 issue while being content not to protest the Israeli army bulldozers detroying the property of innocent relatives of those who attack Israel.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2008-07-12 10:46:51)


CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

Yes we did, then why do the feel compelled to protest something a hellova lot more benign than terrorism in their name..........., cartoons. This is my point. If do not feel compelled to protest ACTUAL terror in your name, then why protest cartoons depicting it?
I think you misunderstand their protests lowing. They were actually a lot simpler than you imagine. They protested the fact that any image at all whatsoever was depicted of Mohammed. The nature of the depiction itself was largely irrelevant. A small number of the protestors made various threats - how does that mesh with a complaint about the cartoons depicting Islam as violent? The fact was that they were protesting the fact someone had the audacity to draw/depict the prophet, not particularly about the image implications. In Islam any graven image at all whatsoever of the prophet is forbidden full stop. It's like the Jews protesting the 7-11 issue while being content not to protest the Israeli army bulldozers detroying the property of innocent relatives of those who attack Israel.
But no need to protest the audacity to commit terrorism on behalf of Islam. I get whatyou are saying Cam, I really do, and always have. But com'on. you gotta see how this comparison makes Islam look. ................and I didn't make it up

lowing wrote:

But no need to protest the audacity to commit terrorism on behalf of Islam. I get whatyou are saying Cam, I really do, and always have. But com'on. you gotta see how this comparison makes Islam look. ................and I didn't make it up
I never contended that you made it up. We're going to have to agree to disagree if you persist. I think you understand what I am saying though.

CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

But no need to protest the audacity to commit terrorism on behalf of Islam. I get whatyou are saying Cam, I really do, and always have. But com'on. you gotta see how this comparison makes Islam look. ................and I didn't make it up
I never contended that you made it up. We're going to have to agree to disagree if you persist. I think you understand what I am saying though.
lol, yup I do.............do you agree that Islam does not do much to portrait itself in a mor epositive light considering all that happens in its name?

lowing wrote:

lol, yup I do.............do you agree that Islam does not do much to portrait itself in a mor epositive light considering all that happens in its name?
All relevant governments and Muslim councils and organisations release condemnatory statements frequently but I don't really think anyone is listening. When I was in London a year ago Muslims were handing out pamphlets during an Ashura parade, condemning terror and trying to show the true Islam as they put it. Some are trying their best on the PR front but others are becoming disillusioned because every little incident is used by the likes of the Daily Mail, etc., to smear the entire religion in quite a degrading and insipient manner. If you can get hold of the last episode of Dispatches on the internet somewhere it is worth a watch. You may cry 'bias' on the program but you must remember that these are the same guys who broke the story of radical Islam within the Brick Lane Mosque. The feelings that the press are probably generating in a lot of Muslims right now is one of 'fuck you' following relentless insults, smears, generalisations and false accusations. The disillusionment probably doesn't exactly compel one to make much of an effort to go protesting. In the 80s we used to always get harassed travelling to the UK because we were Irish. Many Brits took a generalised view and smeared all Irish as potential terrorists despite the total fraction of Irish people being engaged in terrorism was miniscule. It bred disillusionment and sentiments of 'fuck the Brits' in even the most mild-mannered of Irish people.
+5,233|6572|Global Command

lowing wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

But no need to protest the audacity to commit terrorism on behalf of Islam. I get whatyou are saying Cam, I really do, and always have. But com'on. you gotta see how this comparison makes Islam look. ................and I didn't make it up
I never contended that you made it up. We're going to have to agree to disagree if you persist. I think you understand what I am saying though.
lol, yup I do.............do you agree that Islam does not do much to portrait itself in a mor epositive light considering all that happens in its name?
You typing this from your laptop, or a computer supplied by the U.S. government.

Oh wait...same difference when it comes to you.

CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

lol, yup I do.............do you agree that Islam does not do much to portrait itself in a mor epositive light considering all that happens in its name?
All relevant governments and Muslim councils and organisations release condemnatory statements frequently but I don't really think anyone is listening. When I was in London a year ago Muslims were handing out pamphlets during an Ashura parade, condemning terror and trying to show the true Islam as they put it. Some are trying their best on the PR front but others are becoming disillusioned because every little incident is used by the likes of the Daily Mail, etc., to smear the entire religion in quite a degrading and insipient manner. If you can get hold of the last episode of Dispatches on the internet somewhere it is worth a watch. You may cry 'bias' on the program but you must remember that these are the same guys who broke the story of radical Islam within the Brick Lane Mosque. The feelings that the press are probably generating in a lot of Muslims right now is one of 'fuck you' following relentless insults, smears, generalisations and false accusations. The disillusionment probably doesn't exactly compel one to make much of an effort to go protesting. In the 80s we used to always get harassed travelling to the UK because we were Irish. Many Brits took a generalised view and smeared all Irish as potential terrorists despite the total fraction of Irish people being engaged in terrorism was miniscule. It bred disillusionment and sentiments of 'fuck the Brits' in even the most mild-mannered of Irish people.
OK Cam, I will lighten up on the criticism.

ATG wrote:

lowing wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

I never contended that you made it up. We're going to have to agree to disagree if you persist. I think you understand what I am saying though.
lol, yup I do.............do you agree that Islam does not do much to portrait itself in a mor epositive light considering all that happens in its name?
You typing this from your laptop, or a computer supplied by the U.S. government.

Oh wait...same difference when it comes to you.
Well, since I have no internet in my room, I am using the MWR computers. So yeah, govt. PC's

lowing wrote:

Braddock wrote:

lowing wrote:

YOUR argument was 200 people protested, I clearly blew that out of the water.
I was originally arguing specifically about Indonesia (the most populous Muslim country in the world) and your source actually said there were less than 200 people protesting there - an infinitesimal percentage of the Muslim population. When I looked at the numbers of protesters across the other Muslim nations that your article mentioned it turned out that not one country had even as much as 5% of their Muslim populations out protesting so quite frankly the violent outrage that you describe was once again the actions of a small unrepresentative minority. Reality sucks when it doesn't back up your stereotype I guess.

lowing wrote:

There was violence and murder attached to these protests and their voices were heard loud enough to sway worldwide public opinion about a cartoon. Now, if that can be done by influential Muslims, there is no excuse why "a few" radicals, can not be curtailed as well. The fact is, ISLAM was more outraged over a cartoon ( Islams image) than they were  over the violence that takes place in its name.
Your a smart guy lowing and I'd like to think you have a realistic view of the modern media...I'm afraid peace loving Muslims don't sell papers or guarantee ratings. Cam has posted several links in this thread and others that have shown leaders speaking out against violence, condemning beheadings, advocating integration and disagreeing with extremist interpretations of Islam and yet the major news stations never carry the stories. Funnily enough two plebs talking about a Shariah revolution in Scotland gets headlines in America and yet 10'000 Muslims marching to protest against extremism doesn't warrant a blip on the radar of the major networks (That's 10'000 lowing, more than your precious cartoon protest).

lowing wrote:

I protest nothing, I really can't be bothered with any of it, but I will say, if I were a protester, I would protest the bombing and killing of a bus load of school children in the name of my beliefs before I would protest the cartoon depicting it.
"If I were a protester"...lol. Totally hypocritical, so you can't be bothered to protest at anything done in your name (like that wedding bomb in the news today) and yet you expect that all Muslims should drop everything else in their everyday lives and march in the street to protest something done by somebody they don't identify with in the slightest but has been done in the name of a warped interpretation of their faith. Once again lowing you are holding people to standards you can't apply to yourself. Hypocritical.
1...yer right, protests like these would certainly be a warm change to what has been shown............nothing

2. I was not talking about politicans wh owill say what he thinks wants to be heard.

3. Never said, "ALL Muslims" should do anything. I said if there is to be protesting, how about protesting something a little more outragous than a cartoon.
1. Just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean it's not happening. Muslims speak out against extremism all the time but positive stories about Islam aren't in vogue at the moment according to the mainstream media. You should check out that Dispatches documentary Cam mentioned a few days ago if you can find it online, quite telling stuff.

2. Okay, so if Muslim leaders say stuff that is extremist they mean it wholeheartedly but if they speak out against extremism they are only doing it to curry favour with the public? Looks like they just can't win in your book lowing; if you are going to be that blinkered and ignorant in your attitudes then no amount of debating with you will be worthwhile.

3. Errr lowing, roughly the same amount of people turned up at that protest in London against extremism as at your precious cartoon protests but yet again you are filtering this reality out because it goes against your viewpoint.

Muslim Summit Looks At Ways To Fight Radicalism
Muslims Against Extremism & Terror
UAE Scholars Speak Out Against Fatwas
Muslim Scholars Denounce Beheadings
U.S. Islamic Leaders Call on Faithful to Denounce Terrorism
CAIR Condemns Bin Laden's Praise Of 9/11 Hijacker
Muslim Summit Condemning Extremism In Moscow
MPAC & MWL Condemn 'Honour Killing' In Pakistan
30'000 Muslims & Christians March For Peace In The Phillipines
I am all that is MOD!

You don't understand.  Lowing has set a certain bar for how much Muslims should express outrage over the actions of extremists.  Until they reach that Lowing Bar of Value Judgement they have done nothing.

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