has joined the GOP

nukchebi0 wrote:

Wait, Ender, did you take geometry in 8th grade?
9th, but who's counting?
Пушкин, наше всё
+387|6470|New Haven, CT
Oh, that makes more sense.
conservative hatemonger
i took geometry before 9th grade

ah well
i'll retake the SATs and take the ACTs and hopefully they wn't be so pitifully low next time
has joined the GOP

nukchebi0 wrote:

Oh, that makes more sense.
yeah lol. no repeat maths for me.
+877|6107|Washington DC

Ender2309 wrote:

nukchebi0 wrote:

Oh, that makes more sense.
yeah lol. no repeat maths for me.
I'm not repeating it though

At my school's middle school it goes: 5th grade math, 6th grade math, 7th grade math, then either pre-algebra or algebra (I got put in pre-algebra cause I never did any work in 7th grade... sorta biting me in the ass now, fuck stupid middle school).

In high school you either have: Alg 1, Alg 2, Geometry, Alg 3 / Alg 2, Geometry, Alg 3, Introductory calc / Math 1, Math 2, Math 3, some form of calc. That last set is the 'accelerated' course.
Пушкин, наше всё
+387|6470|New Haven, CT
Hurri, I asked because he took Calculus as a senior, which would have meant he repeated something between geomtery and that had he taken geometry as an 8th grader.
has joined the GOP

nukchebi0 wrote:

Hurri, I asked because he took Calculus as a senior, which would have meant he repeated something between geomtery and that had he taken geometry as an 8th grader.
I like that you remember what grade i'm in...stalker. lol jk.

i went pre algebra, algebra I, geometry, algebra 2, Advanced math (precalc/trig), AP calc AB.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6863|Riva, MD

kylef wrote:

_j5689_ wrote:

I don't take any AP myself

kylef wrote:

I wrote about women and jews in my German History papers here in the UK ... although I don't get my results until late August
You have to take German history in the UK?
My history course revolved around:

- Weimar Republic
- Nazi Germany
- 1919-1941 European Foreign Policy

... and some mandatory Irish course. For my test I had to choose two out of the three sections above, and I chose the first two. In the Nazi Germany section, the majority of the test was about jews and women. (fairly easy stuff ... Nurembourg Laws, restrictions etc)
That seems strange that you learned the history of a country that doesn't even touch yours anywhere but you probably went to some sort of private school though didn't you.  I go to a public school, and a very ghetto one at that.
Not really a Brit

_j5689_ wrote:

kylef wrote:

_j5689_ wrote:

I don't take any AP myself

You have to take German history in the UK?
My history course revolved around:

- Weimar Republic
- Nazi Germany
- 1919-1941 European Foreign Policy

... and some mandatory Irish course. For my test I had to choose two out of the three sections above, and I chose the first two. In the Nazi Germany section, the majority of the test was about jews and women. (fairly easy stuff ... Nurembourg Laws, restrictions etc)
That seems strange that you learned the history of a country that doesn't even touch yours anywhere but you probably went to some sort of private school though didn't you.  I go to a public school, and a very ghetto one at that.
Wait.. are you actually suggesting that German history isn't significant in the UK?
+36|6307|United States Of Hamerica
Woo! I got U.S. History 5 and Chemistry 4!!!! It's great cause I really thought I sucked at chemistry.
Пушкин, наше всё
+387|6470|New Haven, CT

Ender2309 wrote:

nukchebi0 wrote:

Hurri, I asked because he took Calculus as a senior, which would have meant he repeated something between geomtery and that had he taken geometry as an 8th grader.
I like that you remember what grade i'm in...stalker. lol jk.

i went pre algebra, algebra I, geometry, algebra 2, Advanced math (precalc/trig), AP calc AB.
Exact same for me.
+877|6107|Washington DC
Sigh, still no scores in the mail. CollegeBoard fails

HurricaИe wrote:

Sigh, still no scores in the mail. CollegeBoard fails
its funny my brother got his scores a day before mine.

Anyway I got a 4 on Stat and Biology
5 on Calc AB

3 on Computer science which I took the year before.

HurricaИe wrote:

Sigh, still no scores in the mail. CollegeBoard fails
Same. That's such bullshit.
Got my AP Euro test score, a 4! I was so happy, I completely bullshitted the thematic essays and I was hoping for at most a 3.
+9|6344|San Clemente(best city ever)
two 5's for me.

AP US i expected but the AP comp score surprised the hell out of me, guess that reader must have liked my essays
+877|6107|Washington DC

HurricaИe wrote:

Sigh, still no scores in the mail. CollegeBoard fails

HurricaИe wrote:

HurricaИe wrote:

Sigh, still no scores in the mail. CollegeBoard fails
I got a 3 on music theory (stupid aural skills)  a 4 on APUSH, which is what i was expecting, and a 5 on AP Lang. That was completely unexpected, because I hated every moment of that class, and every time we took a practice AP test, I never got higher than a 60%. The day before I got these scores back, I got my ACT score back, and I got a 30, so yeah, I'm a happy camper
+877|6107|Washington DC
AP English Lit: 4

da twinkster biatches
+13|6597|Chuck Town, SC
AP Physics B - 1
has joined the GOP

twinke228 wrote:

AP Physics B - 1
sorry to hear that man, i heard that test was a bitch.

twinke228 wrote:

AP Physics B - 1
Sorry. Oh shit, I want to take AP Physics B in 12th grade. I don't know if I should take AP Physics B or AP Bio
+53|6655|Los Angeles, California
3 on Bio and Lang...

Didn't do so well on APUSH. They must've not liked my sparta crap... Oh well. Take it again next year. They are so damn expensive though... I paid 240 Dollars to take 3 goddamn tests.
+1,106|6436|Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk

AP Physics B - 5
AP Calculus AB - 5


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