What Constitutes Racism In The Modern World?
I would like to begin this with a little preamble. This not a retaliatory thread, although it follows on from topics covered in other threads, and although I am using quotes by my good friend Thorax it is not designed as a specific attack on him himself. Many posters have voiced similar attitudes and opinions to him on this subject i.e. that prejudices do not equate to racism. At least Thorax is brave enough to admit that the definition of the two are not a million miles away; but what does constitute racism in that case? Posters like usmarine have implied that to be a racist you have to be a card carrying KKK member or engage in overt verbal or physical attacks on ethnic groups, what do you have to do to be a racist these days?
An example of one person who believes he is prejudiced but not racist...
I would like to begin this with a little preamble. This not a retaliatory thread, although it follows on from topics covered in other threads, and although I am using quotes by my good friend Thorax it is not designed as a specific attack on him himself. Many posters have voiced similar attitudes and opinions to him on this subject i.e. that prejudices do not equate to racism. At least Thorax is brave enough to admit that the definition of the two are not a million miles away; but what does constitute racism in that case? Posters like usmarine have implied that to be a racist you have to be a card carrying KKK member or engage in overt verbal or physical attacks on ethnic groups, what do you have to do to be a racist these days?
An example of one person who believes he is prejudiced but not racist...
Thorax wrote:
Because white people are the only race smart enough to commit a crime and get away with it multiple times. When we go out, we go ALL OUT, none of this petty liquor store bullshit.
Thorax wrote:
All the mainstream famous white serial killers were people with incredibly high IQ's, Kazinsky(sp), Bundy, BTK, Zodiac, etc. Show me a black serial killer genius and I'll be more than happy to retract that statement.
Thorax wrote:
Perhaps if they weren't so worried about becoming fathers and mothers in the eighth grade and buying the latest Sean Jean designer clothes and rap albums and payed more attention in school, they wouldn't have so many problems now. Either way, they still aren't as bad as native americans.
Thorax wrote:
I just admitted I have a prejudice. Everyone does, including you. Only thing is who has the cojones to admit they aren't perfect?
Thorax wrote:
Look asshole, if you just want to sit here and go back and forth on who is or isn't a racist, I will politely tell you to go get your self bent. We ALL have prejudices. Everyone. Am I a racist? Probably. The definition of racism and prejudice aren't that different. However, I say prejudice because the "racist" you refer to is a completely different term than the definition I abide too. You want me to admit that I am a racist so that you can counter any argument I provide with a "but you're a white trash KKK Nazi racist, you said so yourself so what do you know about anything" type of ad hominem comment. Well, I'm not a redneck KKK Nazi racist who hates everyone but white people, so no, I will not tell you that I am a racist, because I am not.
Thorax wrote:
I am prejudiced against certain people, yes. Everyone is and if you so otherwise you're a damn liar. Whether it be the shady looking black person at a bus stop, a stinky middle eastern cab driver, an Asian store clerk, a drunk native American in a bar or Indian guy on dells tech support line, everyone has someone that makes them feel uncomfortable, angry, apathetic or just plain old annoyed.
Is this racism or human nature prejudice?Thorax wrote:
These people were given everything. EVERYTHING. Not a single Indian I met growing up ever made anything of themselves. Not one. None. Zip. Nada. They sit in their government built houses sucking down McDonald burgers and firewater paid for by their welfare checks. This is why I hate these people. This is why I am prejudiced towards them. Do not misconceive this as some blind redneck agenda of hatred because you know nothing on the matter. If you want to call me a racist, then do it.