lowing wrote:
No shit Cam, tell that to your brother and others who insist that slavery and pre-civil rights issues are the reason for the lack of personal responsibilty with individuals within the black community today, instead of laying the blame at their feet, where it belongs.....the "shirking" of responsibilities is being done by your camp. I blame individuals for their actions
lol. I never shirk my responsibilities. We explain the reality of the situation - the reasons. We do not make defences. Your inability to comprehend the cycle of poverty is your downfall. Also, congrats - you finally made a distinction - you used the word 'individuals', unfortunately you proceeded to make the racial reference again... oh well.
lowing wrote:
The black social issues have been discussed at length, and you know it, if you do not know what they are, then you are not as worldly as you like to pretend you are. If you feel you need a recap, go back and hit those threads.
Are you telling me that these people of which you speak suffer these issues by virtue of their skin colour? Yes or no.
lowing wrote:
Also to remind you, I didn't start any of those threads, I commented in them. When a thread is started about white trash, I will comment on white trash and not black social issues. As it is, when a thread is started about black social issues, I will comment on black social issues.
You started this one. That was enough. I don't see any difference between white trash, black trash, yellow trash, green trash. Why the need to differentiate lowing, eh?