all i know is if you got skillz with the barret 82 in real life then expect to have your head blowen off
Playdough! Nope C4...
+6|6869|Toronto, ON, CAN
Master Cpl. Arron Perry will have a coin named after him, don't you worry.. It'll replace the 5 dollar bill. Making it a looney, tooney, and a brassy (the usual animal on the front, and a blown out head on the back).

That was a long way for a joke.

Longest shot, from the dock at the river fort, to the Essex Deck... It was a shot in the dark, as I couldn't even see the deck. I just saw the guy on the UAV, aimed high, and I got the kill... He screamed Hack, until he was kicked for verbal abuse. I just hid in the hut, and stepped away from the computer, I was laughing so hard!
I am to much of a rambo stile person, i like to run into a cap point and blow heads off from 10 feet as people spawn... "SPAWNER!!", "BOOM HEADSHOT"... I just added a guy last night to my favorite victims list cause i camped his spawn with my .50 cal... he couldnt believe i was taking him down with headshots so fast, i got him 8 times total, pretty good for me, oo and i got my Expert sniper badge for SF that round
Got Whiskey?
+63|6933|Meiriceá - frm 'Real Capital'

Books_DCDF wrote:

My longest single-shot kill on an unwounded soldier is 399 meters on Kubra Dam, from the cliff above the Refueling Station to the Supervisor's Base.  A headshot on the 12.7  gunner in an FAV.  He'd just spawned at the Materials Station and drove up the trail to cap the flag, then jumped to the 12.7 to shoot at a Blackhawk.  One shot with an M24. ([GDC]SinnFein can testify to this incident.)

I've taken down a target at over 450 meters on Kubra, too, but I don't know his previous health condition and I couldn't see the individual soldier because of draw distance limitations.  Again, he was in an FAV on the 12.7 firing at something, and all I could see were the tracer rounds going out.  I could see the rear machine gun's pintel mount on the FAV and fired at it, hitting him (or the FAV) on the second shot.  I missed with the next two rounds, but finally scored another hit with my fifth shot and received the kill message.
I actually thought the FAV gunner was 400-420m Books, he could just see the 12.7 firing and guessed it was manned. absolutely mind blowing shot. While i missed your 450m personally I certainly wouldnt doubt it, as I know your skill and w/out question you own Kubra map hands down by Kubra hours alone:)
+3|6856|Coeur D' Alene, ID
I'm of the belief that it isn't the distance, but the impact of the game.  If you snap a guy from 60 m out as he is capping the last flag on your team and then are able to save the game, it's a lot more important that snapping some lone wolf just running around in circles on an island somewhere.  Thats just me. 

I shot an elk from 513 meters out (rangefinder) across a glade with my 300 SM this last shot in the vitals...I'm not trying to brag, but I don't really don't think I've done much with a rifle that tops that and I try to say something about it every chance i get hahahahaha.
+17|6940|Dayton, Ohio
the longest in game kill i've had was on karkand.  i saw a marine about 170 meters out from me and put a round into his chest while he was approaching my position after i took down his comrade in front of him from about 150 meters.  when i hit the second guy in the chest he stopped turned and ran the other way with a medic bag in hand.  my rifle was target was getting away...grrr

i got my reload finished sighted my target and sinec he was in a sprint i waited.  just as i was aiming above him to lead my target some, he was running directly away from my position, he went into fog of war.  i waited about one second and let it fly.  i hit and killed him.  i have no idea if he was fully healed again or not.  i'ld like to think that it was a fog of war headshot though.

how far out is the fog of war?  seems i'm getting people alot who are on the edges of it on some maps, especially mashtuur city.

edit [oh yeah i forgot to state that i would certainly be for a distance measurement on kills for snipers.  that would be fun.  though why just snipers getting it?  i've had some pretty good snipes with the L85A1 medic rifle too.]

Last edited by WormGuts (2006-02-28 21:05:39)

I believe the sniper that does the best job don't have to make the longest shots.
Here is the records of the better known snipers.
Sniper's Log Book

Now here is the stories you belive to be the longset shots and at the end the story of the current longest comfirmed shot by Army Staff Sgt. Jim Gilliland

August 7, 2002; A Canadian sniper in Afghanistan has been confirmed as hitting an enemy soldier at a range of 2,310 meters, the longest recorded and confirmed sniper shot in history. The previous record of 2,250 meters was set by US Marine sniper Carlos Hathcock in Vietnam in 1967. The Canadian sniper was at an altitude of 8,500 feet and the target, across a valley, was at 9,000 feet. Canadian sniper units often operated in support of US infantry units, which were grateful for their help. The record lasted only one day, until a second Canadian sniper hit an enemy soldier at 2,400 meters. The Canadian snipers were firing special ..50-caliber McMillan tactical rifles, which are bolt-action weapons with five-round magazines. The Canadian snipers were the only Canadian troops operating without helmets or flak jackets as they had too much other equipment to carry. Each three-man team had one sniper rifle, three standard rifles (Canadian C7s), one of them with a 203mm grenade launcher.

Marine reservist makes longest shot

Fallujah, Iraq, Nov. 11, 2004. Seen through a 20X spotting scope, terrorists scrambled to deliver another mortar round into the tube. Across the Euphrates River from a concealed rooftop, Marine sniper Sgt. Herbert B. Hancock breathed gently and squeezed the trigger of his 7.62mm M40A3 rifle. The spotter, Cpl. Geoffrey L. Flowers, confirmed the terrorist went down from the shot mere seconds before the next crack of the rifle dropped another. It wasn't the sniper's first kill in Iraq, but it was one for the history books.
"From the information we have, our chief scout sniper has the longest con firmed kill in Iraq so far," said Capt. Shayne McGinty, weapons platoon commander for Company B, 1st Battalion, 23rd Marine Regiment, 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit. "In Fallujah there were some bad guys firing mortars at us and he took them out from more than 1,000 yards."

"We moved south some more and linked up with the rear elements of our first platoon," remembered Sgt. Hancock USMCR. chief scout sniper, 1/23, and a 35-year-old police officer from Texas. "Then we got up on a building and scanned across the river. We looked out of the spot scope and saw about three to five insurgents manning a 120mm mortar. We got the coordinates for their position and set up a fire mission. We decided that when the rounds came in that I would engage them with the sniper rifle. We got the splash and there were two standing up looking right at us. One had a black (outfit) on. I shot and he dropped. Right in front of him another got up on his knees looking to try and find out where we were so I dropped him too. After that our mortars just hammered the position, so we moved around in on them."

"After we had called in indirect fire and after all the adjustments from our mortars, I got the final 8-digit grid coordinates for the enemy mortar position, looked at our own position using GPS and figured out the distance to the targets we dropped to be 1,050 yards," said, Cpl. Flowers, a May 2004 graduate of Scout Sniper School and a college student from Texas. "This time we were killing terrorism from more than 1,000 yards."

U.S. Army sniper nails record shot
By Toby Harnden
January 16, 2006

RAMADI, Iraq -- Gazing through the telescopic sight of his M-24 rifle, Army Staff Sgt. Jim Gilliland, leader of Shadow sniper team, fixed his eye on the Iraqi insurgent who had just killed an American soldier.
His quarry stood nonchalantly in the fourth-floor bay window of a hospital in battle-torn Ramadi, still clasping a long-barreled Kalashnikov. Instinctively allowing for wind speed and bullet drop, Shadow's commander aimed 12 feet high.
A single shot hit the Iraqi in the chest and killed him instantly. It had been fired from a range of more than three-quarters of a mile, well beyond the capacity of the powerful Leupold sight, accurate to 3,300 feet.
"I believe it is the longest confirmed kill in Iraq with a 7.62mm rifle," said Sgt. Gilliland, 28, who hunted squirrels in Double Springs, Ala., from the age of 5 before progressing to deer -- and then to insurgents and terrorists.
"He was visible only from the waist up. It was a one-in-a-million shot. I could probably shoot a whole box of ammunition and never hit him again."
Later that day, Sgt. Gilliland found out that the American soldier who had been killed by the Iraqi was Staff Sgt. Jason Benford, 30, a good friend.
The insurgent was one of between 55 and 65 Sgt. Gilliland estimates that he has shot dead in less than five months, putting him within striking distance of sniper legends such as Carlos Hathcock, a Marine who recorded 93 confirmed kills in Vietnam.
One of his men,Spc. Aaron Arnold, 22, of Medway, Ohio, has chalked up a similar tally.
"It was elating, but only afterwards," said Sgt. Gilliland, recalling the Sept. 27 shot. "At the time, there was no high-fiving. You've got troops under fire, taking casualties, and you're not thinking about anything other than finding a target and putting it down. Every shot is for the betterment of our cause."
All told, the 10-strong Shadow sniper team, attached to Task Force 2-69, has killed just under 200 in the same period and emerged as the U.S. Army's secret weapon in Ramadi against the threat of hidden improvised explosive devices or roadside bombs.
Above the spot from which Sgt. Gilliland took his record shot, in a room at the top of a bombed-out observation post that is code-named Hotel and known jokingly to soldiers as the Ramadi Inn, are painted the words, "Kill Them All" and "Kill Like You Mean It."

On another wall are scrawled the words of Sen. John McCain, Arizona Republican and a former prisoner of war in Vietnam:
"America is great not because of what she has done for herself, but because of what she has done for others."
The juxtaposition of macho slogans and noble political ideals encapsulates the dirty, dangerous and often callous job the sniper has to carry out as an integral part of a campaign ultimately being waged to help the Iraqi people.
With masterful understatement, Lt. Col. Robert Roggeman, the Task Force 2-69 commander, conceded: "The romantic in me is disappointed with the reception we've received in Ramadi," a city of 400,000 on the banks of the Euphrates, where graffiti boasts, with more than a degree of accuracy: "This is the graveyard of the Americans."
"We're the outsiders, the infidels," Col. Roggeman said. "Every time somebody goes out that main gate, he might not come back. It's still a running gunbattle."
Highly effective though they are, he worries about the burden his snipers have to bear. "It's a very godlike role. They have the power of life and death that, if not held in check, can run out of control. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
"Every shot has to be measured against the rules of engagement, positive identification and proportionality," Col. Roggeman said.
Sgt. Gilliland explains that his Shadow team operates at the "borderlines" of the rules of engagement, making snap judgments about whether a figure in the cross hairs is an insurgent or not.
"Hunters give their animals respect," he said, spitting out a mouthful of chewing tobacco. "If you have no respect for what you do, you're not going to be very good, or you're going to make a mistake. We try to give the benefit of the doubt.
"You've got to live with it. It's on your conscience," he said. "It's something you've got to carry away with you."
+53|6791|Calgary, Alberta
Whenever I think of those Cdn snipers in Afghanistan, I think of how satisfying it would be to give those terrorist bastards who murdered 3,000 innocent people in the Twin Towers, the Pentagon and Pennsylvania some fifty caliber 'critical feedback'.  9/11 was about decisions: deciding whether or not it was better to jump from the WTC or stay in the flames; about firefighters charging up the stairs knowing very well it might be their last fire; or the passengers of Flight 93 who decided to counterattack even though the chance of success was virtually non-existant.  Compared to that, shooting a terrorist is comparatively easy. 

But imagine for a second being among the terrorists in that sniper's sights.  You're walking along the path headed towards the infidel Americans.  All of a sudden - BOOM - Abdul explodes.  Now that has to suck.  Unfortunately for you, Osama already convinced you that this was God's will. 

More and more information is coming out about Op Anaconda and its effects on the War on Terror.  It seems to me that the battle was a success in destroying a large body of Taliban and Al Qaeda which made a huge tactical mistake of getting into a pitched battle with Coalition troops.  I think that the terrorists believed they could fight the Coalition just like they had the Soviets - in fact, the Shah-i-kot valley had been a battleground in the 1980s.  But this time, the combination of US airpower and excellent light infantry units was able to overwhelm and destroy a large enemy force with relatively light casualties.   Like any military operation it was far from perfect, suffering from bad intelligence and poor coordination of forces, but like always the American soldier prevailed by improvising.  Good show.  The enemy never made the mistake of trying a full-out battle with Coalition troops, mainly because they knew it was a death sentence.
As I've noted in other posts, [GDC]SinnFein is a modest fellow and probably wouldn't mention this himself, but the rest of you might be interested in knowing that he's made the longest one-shot sniper kill I'm aware of--from the ridge above the Bridge Base on Kubra to the high crane above the Lower Dam.  The commander had a UAV up and spotted an enemy sniper on the end of the crane boom.  Two seconds later, I heard the crack of an M24, saw the kill message "[GDC]SinnFein (M24) {some poor surprised bastard}, and heard Sinny gushing "Oh my God, Books, I got him!"  We weren't sure of the distance at the time, so I logged on and checked last night.  Sinny, from where you were at to the flag at the dam is 502 meters.  It's at least that distance to the crane boom.  Now that's a long shot in BF2.
+42|6786|Montreal, Canada
I managed a shot from the Power station to the supervisor base. The guy was just standing doing nothing. If he is like me it was probably initial lag when you join a game. I was on the ledge on the dam side all the way to the end. You have a nice view of averithing in the valley.
Aslan the Creator
Welcome to duty
I bet you on BF2 so far the farthest away kill was with A PKM. Lol
Spanish Sniper-Wh0re
+199|6890|Malaga, España
LoL , i think like in Call of Duty , you should see ur own death from the person who shot you when ur in Que for respawning like a 10 second flashback? handy to take out some camping bitches
one time i shot a guy in mashtuur,
i was in Hill-flag and the guy was in mec base, i just aimed and popped right into his head with G3
Got Whiskey?
+63|6933|Meiriceá - frm 'Real Capital'
Your kidding me Books! 502m lol my old friend, That certainly put a smile on my face this morning. That has to be the longest I've ever heard of a witnessed/confirmed kill. Seriously though, it twas luck of the Irish I'm guessing:)

*ps, Professor, what are you doing on the forums at this time? Don't you have young college minds to be molding into literary genius's in some lecture or other......heh

Last edited by [GDC]SinnFein (2006-03-01 10:22:39)

I had a few nice shots the past few nights on Gulf of Oman. Proned on the 3rd floor NW corner of the construction site, sniping guys off of the stinger pod on the Southeastern-most beach base. I dropped three different guys before they gave up. At last check, I think it was in the 390m range. Gotta love the l96.. well, I do anyway.
+1|6824|Columbus, Ohio USA
I dont remember what my longest was but I have had some good shots with some distance on them like one last night I was on sharique penninsela and I was sniping at the tv station  from the construction site and from across the street at the building between the construction site and the tv station well anyways one guy was up there and I hit him and he ducked and then popped up and on a run to the helio I popped him. I have had shots like that about a handful of times but I think my longest shot with the M25 would have to be about 275m to 300m on dalian plant I was on the crane closest to the main entrance for the chinese and there was a guy at the reactor towers on the lower part by the docks/water running up to a jeep and I shot him and killed him.

sgt_mango333 wrote:

Carlos Hathcock had a shot recorded at over 1.25 miles using a .50 cal machine gun with one round chambered.  Let me know when you get close to that and we'll talk.
dude i read his book. he has 2 of them. He shot people from like a mile regularly with his winchester. and with the .50 he shot several from that range. Crazy man. He doesnt have officially the most kills but because he was a sniper alot of the were never confirmed. 97 though damn
AKA: badhq
+937|6778|Derby, England

I personaly always wanted 1 Thing with this online gaming

I.E when u fire a shot I wouldent mind if u could press the Button and it will take u to Bullet Mode so u cansee your Targets face Bifore He gets his head poped off If u Knowwhat I mean Peace Boris

sgt_mango333 wrote:

Carlos Hathcock had a shot recorded at over 1.25 miles using a .50 cal machine gun with one round chambered.  Let me know when you get close to that and we'll talk.
carlos hathcock is a legend, you guys need to read one shot one kill damn when he pins down a whole squad of vc and kills nearly half od them. to bad he passed away

monkeyhunkeytunkey wrote:

all i know is if you got skillz with the barret 82 in real life then expect to have your head blowen off
What are you trying to say? If you're skillful with it you're more likely to get shot? Or does the gun explode when a really skillful operator is using it? Or did you mean the bullet will travel the whole way round the world and hit you in the back of the head?

Books_DCDF wrote:

As I've noted in other posts, [GDC]SinnFein is a modest fellow and probably wouldn't mention this himself, but the rest of you might be interested in knowing that he's made the longest one-shot sniper kill I'm aware of--from the ridge above the Bridge Base on Kubra to the high crane above the Lower Dam.  The commander had a UAV up and spotted an enemy sniper on the end of the crane boom.  Two seconds later, I heard the crack of an M24, saw the kill message "[GDC]SinnFein (M24) {some poor surprised bastard}, and heard Sinny gushing "Oh my God, Books, I got him!"  We weren't sure of the distance at the time, so I logged on and checked last night.  Sinny, from where you were at to the flag at the dam is 502 meters.  It's at least that distance to the crane boom.  Now that's a long shot in BF2.
I HATE THAT GUY!!!!  I consider myself a very good/expert sniper. Last week he got me 2-3 times and I started tracking him from 4 different bases. by the end of the round I HAVE to be on his kill list got me 11 times, most full health 1 shot kills. I all chated "what hacks u got man?" he wrote back "thanks, i appreciate the compliment". My G/F was in the room because I was yelling soo much and pissed. Later, I checked the boards and realized he was like #4 sniper in the game. I felt ALOT better then, but c'mon all full time snipe? hardly any other kits? whatever, stick with what your good at I guess... GDC.sinnfien, if you read this tell me when ur in a server and i'm on your team or leaving. bastard.
Dogfood Enforcer

mporlier wrote:

For you info:

"The longest-ever confirmed sniper kill was made by Master Cpl. Arron Perry of the Canadian Armed Forces in Afghanistan during combat in 2003. Using a .50-caliber MacMillan TAC-50 rifle, Perry shot and killed an Afghan soldier from a distance of 2,430 metres.

The record was set during Operation Anaconda when a Canadian three-man sniper team from the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, (PPCLI), set the new record with a shot on a Taliban fighter

That's about 1.5 miles That, my friends, is a truly amazing feat. The bullet was in the air for four seconds and dropped 146 feet. About 250 meters longer than Carlos Hathcock's famous shot. I'm happy if I hit something at 250 meters total distance.

Hat's off to a well trained soldier from up north. I hope the record stands forever."

Now that is for real world. In my post I obviously mean in game kill.
you would be surprised at how many people refuse to believe that one of us Canadians holds the distance record for the longest kill. sure our army is vastly underfunded, but we have some great soldiers up here. and our snipers are among the best in the world.

ive always been very proud of that record. i remember hearing about it when it happened then tracking off the distance in my car. i looked back and went, "holy sh*t!! that is bloody crazy!!!!"

imagine what the guys said to eachother they were probably all in disbelief.

as for my longest sniper kill in BF2. i think it was 405m. i was on the crane at Kubra Dam and some guy was near the dam running away from me. it wasnt a one shot kill. but i definitely finished him with the second shot. i couldnt believe it. i didnt think the gun shot that

Last edited by Dogfood Enforcer (2006-03-01 18:05:54)

mantisboy sniper

UTVols wrote:

I HATE THAT GUY!!!!  I consider myself a very good/expert sniper. Last week he got me 2-3 times and I started tracking him from 4 different bases. by the end of the round I HAVE to be on his kill list got me 11 times, most full health 1 shot kills. I all chated "what hacks u got man?" he wrote back "thanks, i appreciate the compliment". My G/F was in the room because I was yelling soo much and pissed. Later, I checked the boards and realized he was like #4 sniper in the game. I felt ALOT better then, but c'mon all full time snipe? hardly any other kits? whatever, stick with what your good at I guess... GDC.sinnfien, if you read this tell me when ur in a server and i'm on your team or leaving. bastard.
Haha...Sounds like Books and SinnFien have themselve a new memeber of the fan club.  I haven't been able to track down Sinn yet but am looking forward to playing with him one of these days.  (BTW Sinn, how do you like BF2C?  Seen you on their servers the few times I've caught you online).  Both of these guys are definately masters of their craft.  I finally got to play with Books and one of his mates the other day and I have to say that I haven't seen such an active sniper before.  Most of his shooting is done in the open where he leaves himself open to arty and helos.  That's definately not reflected in his score or k/d.  I imagine most of his sniper deaths come by the hands of commanders.

I don't think I can keep up with you long shot boys, but I'm hoping to pick up some tips next time I see you guys out there.  I think I got some of my furthest kills while I was running around with Books (≈350M)
+17|6940|Dayton, Ohio
So can you fellas tell me the distance i'm looking at on this shot.

A good part of my hunting comes at these distances.  This turned out to be a one shot headkill.

Last edited by WormGuts (2006-03-01 18:56:09)

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