lowing wrote:
A supermarket is not as personal as someones home. If a criminal gets killed in an attempt to commit a crime..................good ridance.
So you
would approve of running down a jaywalker?
lowing wrote:
Uhhhh the argument mainly has been that these guys were shot in the back, and that no property is worth killing over, also they were running away and no longer a threat.....This leads me to believe that they should not have been shot at all, by anyone, including the owner......Or, am I wrong here..You would condone the owner shooting them under these conditions......I doubt I am wrong however, but if so please correct me.
Under those conditions, no. Because there's not threat to the owner, therefore how can you justify lethal force?
lowing wrote:
Taking food away from someone elses kids to feed yours is not acceptable and could get you killed.
What if you know they can afford to get more?
lowing wrote:
Nope, all I am saying is, you all are making this guy out ot be a coiled spring itching t oshoot someone, the fact that he has never done anything like this before pretty much dilutes that theory.
No, it doesn't. It just says he never had an excuse he felt good enough to get away with it.
Having said that, that isn't what we're suggesting he is. Any more than the robbers were coiled springs itching to gain ill-gotten goods. What we're suggesting is that the situation could have been resolved much better if he had:
a) Used common sense
b) Listen to the fucking operator