Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6910|132 and Bush

Ryan wrote:

Opportunity and sister robot Spirit have been probing the red planet since early 2004,
That was of course after the loss of the Mars Climate orbiter, Mars Observer, Deep Space 2 (to Mars), and the Mars Polar Lander . … =1&c=y … oloss.html … ?MCode=DS2

It makes you appreciate Phoenix and the rovers a little more.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
i g

Kmarion wrote:

Ryan wrote:

Opportunity and sister robot Spirit have been probing the red planet since early 2004,
That was of course after the loss of the Mars Climate orbiter, Mars Observer, Deep Space 2 (to Mars), and the Mars Polar Lander . … =1&c=y … oloss.html … ?MCode=DS2

It makes you appreciate Phoenix and the rovers a little more.
Failure to convert English measures to metric values was the root cause of the loss of the Mars Climate Orbiter, a spacecraft that smashed into the planet instead of reaching a safe orbit, a NASA investigation concluded Wednesday.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6910|132 and Bush

Eye-GiZzLe wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

Ryan wrote:

Opportunity and sister robot Spirit have been probing the red planet since early 2004,
That was of course after the loss of the Mars Climate orbiter, Mars Observer, Deep Space 2 (to Mars), and the Mars Polar Lander . … =1&c=y … oloss.html … ?MCode=DS2

It makes you appreciate Phoenix and the rovers a little more.
Failure to convert English measures to metric values was the root cause of the loss of the Mars Climate Orbiter, a spacecraft that smashed into the planet instead of reaching a safe orbit, a NASA investigation concluded Wednesday. … CEPALM.jpg
Naaa .. . it was the the Galactic Ghoul don't ya know?
Xbone Stormsurgezz
+488|6879|Portland, OR, USA
This thread reminds me of the book "Cosmos" by Carl Sagan, which is the greatest book ever.
+1,230|7152|Alberta, Canada

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Clouds of glowing gas mingle with lanes of dark dust in the Trifid Nebula, a star forming region toward the constellation of Sagittarius. In the center, the three huge dark dust lanes that give the Trifid its name all come together. Mountains of opaque dust appear on the right, while filaments of dust are visible threaded throughout the nebula. A single massive star visible near the center causes much of the Trifid's glow. The Trifid, also known as M20, is only about 300,000 years old, making it among the youngest emission nebula known. The nebula lies about 9,000 light years away and part pictured above spans about 10 light years. The above image was created by the 0.8-meter IAC80 telescope on the Canary Islands of Spain.
Damn, I... had something for this
+725|6748|Brisbane, Australia

CommieChipmunk wrote:

This thread reminds me of the book "Cosmos" by Carl Sagan, which is the greatest book ever.
Mountain Dew is the best soda ever made.

(+1 to whoever gets the reference) :p
+1,230|7152|Alberta, Canada

TimmmmaaaaH wrote:

CommieChipmunk wrote:

This thread reminds me of the book "Cosmos" by Carl Sagan, which is the greatest book ever.
Mountain Dew is the best soda ever made.

(+1 to whoever gets the reference) :p
Carl Sagan's Cosmos for Rednecks
Family Guy
+1,230|7152|Alberta, Canada

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Wisps like this are all that remain visible of a Milky Way star. About 7,500 years ago that star exploded in a supernova leaving the Veil Nebula, also known as the Cygnus Loop. At the time, the expanding cloud was likely as bright as a crescent Moon, remaining visible for weeks to people living at the dawn of recorded history. Today, the resulting supernova remnant has faded and is now visible only through a small telescope directed toward the constellation of Cygnus. The remaining Veil Nebula is physically huge, however, and even though it lies about 1,400 light-years distant, it covers over five times the size of the full Moon. In images of the complete Veil Nebula, studious readers should be able to identify the Pickering's Triangle component pictured above, a component named for a famous astronomer and the wisp's approximate shape. The above image is a mosaic from the 4-meter Mayall telescope at the Kitt Peak National Observatory located in Arizona, USA.
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In the early morning hours of June 30th, ghostly clouds hovered in the east in this view of near dawn skies over western France. The noctilucent or night-shining clouds lie near the edge of space, reflecting sunlight from about 80 kilometers above Earth's surface. Usually spotted above the poles in summer, they are now seen with increasing frequency farther from the poles, in this case extending to the photographer's latitude of about 48 degrees north. The trend could be a telltale sign of global changes in the atmosphere. Another 400,000 kilometers away, the Moon's sunlit crescent shines brightly, its night side illuminated by Earthshine. Of course, as a bonus for early risers June's old crescent Moon was followed closely across the sky by the lovely Pleiades star cluster, surrounded by cosmic dust clouds and shining from a mere 400 light-years away.

Sorry ryan I needed to do it.
+1,230|7152|Alberta, Canada

That's fine. I slept in, and I didn't get on the computer until just now
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6910|132 and Bush

This is the NASA image of the day, not the APOD. Still cool enough to share .
An adult bald eagle rests near a pond at NASA's Kennedy Space Center. Natural fishermen, bald eagles live near large bodies of open water such as lakes, marshes, seacoasts and rivers, where fish are plentiful, as are tall trees for nesting and roosting. While the eagles feed primarily on fish, they also eat small animals and occasional carrion.

As of 2007, there were a dozen eagle nests both in KSC and in the Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge, which surrounds the center. The refuge includes several wading bird rookeries, many osprey nests, up to 400 manatees during the spring, and approximately 2,500 Florida scrub jays. It also is a major wintering area for migratory birds. More than 500 species of wildlife inhabit the refuge, with 15 considered federally threatened or endangered.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
+3,611|6930|London, England
Holy shit that nebulae looks just like a bald eagle!

Mek-Stizzle wrote:

Holy shit that nebulae looks just like a bald eagle!
That is no nebulae, thats the Death Star with the bald eagle skin.
+3,611|6930|London, England

MGS3_GrayFox wrote:

Mek-Stizzle wrote:

Holy shit that nebulae looks just like a bald eagle!
That is no nebulae, thats the Death Star with the bald eagle skin.
+1,230|7152|Alberta, Canada

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The strange-looking rock formations in the foreground of this skyscape are called hoodoos. Towers of weathered, eroded sedimentary rock, hoodoos are found in arid regions of planet Earth and are particularly abundant in an area known as Bryce Canyon National Park in southern Utah, USA. The more familiar night sky pictured here was recorded early Monday morning and includes bright star Capella, alpha star of the constellation Auriga, left of center. On the far right, a very over exposed crescent Moon dominates the sky in close conjunction with the sister stars of the Pleiades cluster. The curious shapes of the two tall, illuminated hoodoos suggest their popular monikers; Thor's Hammer (right) and The Temple of Osiris.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6910|132 and Bush

MGS3_GrayFox wrote:

Mek-Stizzle wrote:

Holy shit that nebulae looks just like a bald eagle!
That is no nebulae, thats the Death Star with the bald eagle skin.
Did you ever see what I captured last Lunar eclipse?
Xbone Stormsurgezz
+1,230|7152|Alberta, Canada

A giant booby.
Holy shit a death star!

Ryan wrote:

A giant booby.
With an inward nipple.
+1,230|7152|Alberta, Canada

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A new star, likely the brightest supernova in recorded human history, lit up planet Earth's sky in the year 1006 AD. The expanding debris cloud from the stellar explosion, found in the southerly constellation of Lupus, still puts on a cosmic light show across the electromagnetic spectrum. In fact, this composite view includes X-ray data in blue from the Chandra Observatory, optical data in yellowish hues, and radio image data in red. Now known as the SN 1006 supernova remnant, the debris cloud appears to be about 60 light-years across and is understood to represent the remains of a white dwarf star. Part of a binary star system, the compact white dwarf gradually captured material from its companion star. The buildup in mass finally triggered a thermonuclear explosion that destroyed the dwarf star. Because the distance to the supernova remnant is about 7,000 light-years, that explosion actually happened 7,000 years before the light reached Earth in 1006. Shockwaves in the remnant accelerate particles to extreme energies and are thought to be a source of the mysterious cosmic rays.
+3,611|6930|London, England
I wonder what it looked like to humans in the night sky in 1006. They probably went apeshit (moreso than was the norm at the time)
+1,230|7152|Alberta, Canada

Mek-Stizzle wrote:

I wonder what it looked like to humans in the night sky in 1006. They probably went apeshit (moreso than was the norm at the time)
It just mean's that it took 7000 years for the light to be visible from earth. When it finally arrived in the year 1006, that meant that it was now visible to humans. They probably couldn't have even seen it anyways.
+3,611|6930|London, England

Ryan wrote:

Mek-Stizzle wrote:

I wonder what it looked like to humans in the night sky in 1006. They probably went apeshit (moreso than was the norm at the time)
It just mean's that it took 7000 years for the light to be visible from earth. When it finally arrived in the year 1006, that meant that it was now visible to humans. They probably couldn't have even seen it anyways.

Wiki says they could
+1,230|7152|Alberta, Canada

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ometimes the sky itself is the best show in town. Last January, people from Perth, Australia gathered on a local beach to watch a sky light up with delights near and far. Nearby, fireworks exploded as part of Australia Day celebrations. On the far right, lightning from a thunderstorm flashed in the distance. Near the image center, though, seen through clouds, was the most unusual sight of all: Comet McNaught. The photogenic comet was so bright that it even remained visible though the din of Earthly flashes. Comet McNaught has now returned to the outer Solar System and is now only visible with a large telescope. The above image is actually a three photograph panorama digitally processed to reduce red reflections from the exploding firework.
+3,611|6930|London, England
holy shit fireworks, comets and lightning

that picture, is incredibly awesome

almost as awesome as a T-rex flying an F-14

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