CameronPoe wrote:
It's like this. To understand the world we live in today we have to look at how we arrived here. In the US, 40-50 years ago, black people were a subclass of American society. They were oppressed and did not have the same civil liberties and opportunities as white people. White people in America, as such, had a three century head start on black people in terms of wealth creation, education, politics and various other aspects of life (especially when for a portion of this time blacks were held in bondage for the benefit of whites). The state of the black community of America at the point of their emancipation was one where black people were the poorest people in the nation, lived predominantly in ghettos, were poorly educated and had little or no middle class and had no political sway whatsoever. Population density (ghettos), lack of education and poverty breed crime. As such, the black community were hampered from the offset with a heavy cross to bear, especially when compared against the advantages (the head start) the white community had over them. It takes more than a few paltry decades to reverse the social and political flaws that perpetuated for centuries. It is not the colour of their skin that leads some of them to crime more the fact that, given their starting point of disadvantage vis a vis whites, they are more likely than whites to be the perpetrators of crime owing to their social circumstance. As usual, lowing would rather just tkae the easy option and point to 'ghetto' music and other such tosh because he doesn't have the desire nor the wherewithall to analyse the situation in terms of drivers and causation.
Black emancipation didn't magically transform ghettos into suburban idylls, which is perhaps what lowing presumes to have happened given his vacuous musings.
Good post........finally
However I will argue that TODAY the majority of the black population has never seen a world with whites only water fountains or colored bathrooms only.
TODAY a young person, black white or brown, has no excuse, not to achieve in life....I refuse to accept that I am poor because my GGG Grandfather was a slave, or my Grnadfather had to sit in the back of a bus......Opportunity is there for all who are willing to apply themselves. Period.
Something has got to change and American society has done its part to do so, now it is up to the black community to either forgive the "sins of our fathers" and join us in equality, or self destruct and continue to blame white people for it, but I will not accept a past that you were not a part of, as an excuse for failure today. It is bullshit.
Not to even mention that there are plenty of poor white trash Cam. So your theory of priviledged whites just doesn't hold water.