This map could be balanced fairly easily with a quick fix with a patch. All they need to do is make most of the flags neutral, and force the americans to all spawn inside the ship, away from the neutral flags. The MEC would always be able to get a foothold, and make the map play a lot better.

The other simple fix would be to remove the AT launcher for that map. The MEC boats are a suicide trap as it is. Every single round there are a few AT guys on deck, killing any boat that even thinks about entering the back.

Most games I play, a lot of the players don't even bother with the boats and jetski's. Only the noob's are willing to go 0-10 before the game starts proper.  It's apc, helicopter or fi you can't get a place in either of these........ hang around the helipad annoying your team-mates with flashbangs and gas.

Its such a great map on the odd occasion the MEC get a foothold straight away...... but this so rarely happens I end up quitting a lot of the time.

Last edited by monkeyboy (2006-02-27 19:34:10)

Over the line!
+70|7057|Mark it zero.
it is balanced, just learn how to get on board. i never have a problem with it. just load up the transport and head on over. its so easy to get inside.
No.... it really is not balanced at all.

Go to a public server that runs it, and you'll see the win/loss ratio is often several hundred to zero.

If I can get the chopper myself, then fine..... I just fly in through the hangar doors......... but sooooo many games on this map are unplayable because the chopper gets piloted by a noob, and the rest of the team are left to either die in the boats, or stat-pad on the helipad.
Jackass of all Trades
+62|6990|Dayton, Ohio
I think Monkey Boy is on to something.  They claim that the MEC suprise the USMC.  Then why are they all on deck ready to defend.  Make them start inside or give the mec's the ability to graple the side of the ship.  There is no suprise to the way they set it up.  A good USMC team can completely dominate and never let the other side on board.  Especially now that the AA is acccurate, the choppers should never even get close.
Press 1 to Kill
+81|6962|Westminster, Colorado
Another way to possibly improve this map is allow the use of grappling hooks.  I posted this a while back:

just an idea.
+-2|7009|England, UK

monkeyboy wrote:

This map could be balanced fairly easily with a quick fix with a patch. All they need to do is make most of the flags neutral, and force the americans to all spawn inside the ship, away from the neutral flags. The MEC would always be able to get a foothold, and make the map play a lot better.

The other simple fix would be to remove the AT launcher for that map. The MEC boats are a suicide trap as it is. Every single round there are a few AT guys on deck, killing any boat that even thinks about entering the back.

Most games I play, a lot of the players don't even bother with the boats and jetski's. Only the noob's are willing to go 0-10 before the game starts proper.  It's apc, helicopter or fi you can't get a place in either of these........ hang around the helipad annoying your team-mates with flashbangs and gas.

Its such a great map on the odd occasion the MEC get a foothold straight away...... but this so rarely happens I end up quitting a lot of the time.
Adapt. You know the problem so find a tactic around it. Asking for the game to be changed is not the way forward. Asking for the AT class to be removed is nothing short of noobism. Use the force!

PS. Am I the first person to use the word "noobism"

"Don't whine. Its a waste of good complaining"

Last edited by General_CoLin_Tassi (2006-02-28 12:32:21)

I agree, if you take all the maps that run iron gator and you look at the US MEC win ratio it would most likely be something like 85% US  15%MEC (thats being generous).  I think all the ideas here would work (expecially the grappling hooks).  I also think that if you remove the AA gun and both attack choppers it would be more fair.  I think it would add a whole lot more to the map without the assualt choppers.

General_CoLin_Tassi wrote:

Adapt. You know the problem so find a tactic around it. Asking for the game to be changed is not the way forward. Asking for the AT class to be removed is nothing short of noobism. Use the force!

PS. Am I the first person to use the word "noobism"

"Don't whine. Its a waste of good complaining"
I have.... I take a boat out.... get it in just the right position so I can see shadowy shilouettes on the carrier deck.. and sit in seat number 3 getting plenty of kills with a sniper rifle.

I always get plenty of kills.... but it does fuck all to help the team.

Its a situation you can't really adapt to. I can get points for myself, but when the chopper is in use.... theres not a single thing I can do to help my team capture flags.
Platinum Star whore
+365|6986|Middle of nowhere
yeah, i've also noticed that, i can't usually do anything as MEC because i suck at flying choppers and i never reach the boat in time, so most of the time if i'm on MEC, i just wait until we gain a flag on the carrier before i even spawn once

General_CoLin_Tassi wrote:

Adapt. You know the problem so find a tactic around it. Asking for the game to be changed is not the way forward. Asking for the AT class to be removed is nothing short of noobism. Use the force!
Asking for the game to be changed is the only way forward ... for that map.

Last edited by rlh68 (2006-03-25 12:24:48)


KnowMeByTrailOfDead wrote:

...They claim that the MEC suprise the USMC.  Then why are they all on deck ready to defend.  Make them start inside or give the mec's the ability to graple the side of the ship.  There is no suprise to the way they set it up...
I agree.

The designers should compensate for the fact that they can in no way create suprise in a multiplayer game like BF2. We all know what the deal is before we start playing it, there is no suprise at all; we know they are coming and they know we are coming.
I just played this map and we won as MEC this morning.

MEC has one thing going for it on this map.  The Tunguska.  Having someone good or bad in the Tunguska can make or break you.  You need someone who will keep the Tung on the beach to take out the Apache every time it takes off.  The pilot of the Hind needs to take out the AA gun in the mid section of the ship.  At this point the US is screwed.  The Hind can lay waste to the carrier and the US will bleed tickets like crazy.  So much that it doesn't even matter if MEC has more than a couple of flags.  It also helps if the commander will drop a supply crate for the guy in the Tunguska as it has very limited ammo.  My commander this morning wouldn't drop me shit so every time it ran out of ammo I drove it into the sea and ran back to get it when it respawned.

The AA placements for the MEC outweigh what the US gets.  MEC gets 2 static placements + Tunguska.  US has 1 static placement.  The AT guys aren't very effective against choppers unless they are flying slow and low.
+190|6933|Home of the Escalade Herds
The Apache in the right hands can completely dominate MEC forces if used properly. The Hind can do the same and if used properly, can be used to steal the Apache giving the MEC the power of both Heli's.

I went 84/0 today with MEC by stealing the Apache and raping them back to allah whallakbar with it.
One interesting tactic I figured out on this map is that if you are playing as the US and can get over to the MEC base you can use the stinger sites to take out the Hind when it comes back to refuel\reload.  Just make sure you alternate between the two in case the guys in the Hind figure it out and come for you.  Then you can also wait for the APC to spawn and take it for a spin if you want.
I played mec last night/this morning twice and won.  It was sweet.  We capped every base except for the top ones.  Being an alright pilot with a gunner I knew we literally cleared out everything.

As reference to the topic: Don't take out the AT class.  There's a balance to this game (not that I help it much by chopper whoring on that level)- don't fuck it up.

You gotta admit though- once MEC is inside with enough time... ONE BIG BATTLE

being a pilot knowing what to do on that level is nothing short of awesome.  I literally rake in kills.  My K/D ratio would boost because of those nubs who can't shoot the rockets camping on the side of the carrier.

One fell swoop guys, one fell swoop

Last edited by xbrandomx (2006-04-15 13:13:50)

As a MEC it is most important to work as a team:
- Take the APC into the water, take out the AA on the Essex (if anyone is inside), then clear the deck off the AntiTanks. The AA on the Essex can easily be downed with two AT-shots from MEC side as well.
- One teammate takes the Tunguska and goes to the beach (as mentioned before) and constantly clears the air.

If the MEC team plays as a team the way I described the choppers and boats won't have many problems to get over there and enter the ship. I have won quite a lot of rounds as MEC by playing exactly that way.

I totally agree with you, those flashbang and gas spammers on the MEC helipad are a real pain in the ass.
+45|7102|South Cybertown, Texas

Kamikaze17 wrote:

it is balanced, just learn how to get on board. i never have a problem with it. just load up the transport and head on over. its so easy to get inside.
+1 4 U!

I love I.G. and love to play on the MEC side. A person needs to take the time a learn the ships layout (go 2 an empty server and run around awhile) and used the transport heli to get a "team" "into" the ship at the begaining of the map! Its very important not to wait too long to get onboard as the tickets bleed fast!
Airborne Clan
Sigh... this is nothing. Getting on board is easy, you can just hop into the Hip (MEC transport helo) and fly up to 350 meters before moving towards the carrier and bailing out with your squad into a HALO parachute insertion.

If you want to know unbalanced... 5v5 infantry-only (non-ranked clan match, of course) as PLA VS. USMC on Daqing Oilfields. Try to get to the Oil Cisterns first as China on foot... go on, I dare you. And then try to win against the USMC when they're camping on top of a cistern with a squad leader and a whole mess of claymores.

I'm just saying that the only way to board the carrier is firm teamwork; anything short of it gets you killed.
Over the line!
+70|7057|Mark it zero.
i usually take the MEC transport, fly wide where the essex cant hit you, and then fly straight into the hangor bay or down by the boats. parachuting can be fun too, but then guys get scattered all over and usually land at different times. and some people just suck and completely miss the carrier... which is pretty funny.
+8|7058|Newcastle, Aus.
its easy to get onboard, the choppers can drop them either on the top of the carrier (not the deck, i think its viewing platform or something) they can cap that flag or even forget that flag, go strait inside and start capping in there.
i have also seen the attack chopper land inside the carrier, the side entrence with the moving platform, the gunner sprays, the pilot can get out, ppl can spawn on him, easily cap flags.
Get the attack chopper and APC at the front enterence, even engy's on jetskies if you want. if you actually have teamwork there is nothing stopping you.
The AT are fine, the thing that would make it better would be if there was still grapling hooks, it would be great, getting boats along side, throwing ur hooks up, climbing onboard.
Canada's French Frog
+123|6934|Quebec city, Canada
Sure there is a way to board it with some tactics but guys, we are talking about general cases, where teams have 1/3 - 1/2 of noobs. If you have to find tactics like that to try to board a boat while the other team stands on the deck with AT as well as in the hanger destroying every boat coming, that means its not balanced. Yeah sometimes MEC team will get 2-3 bright ppl, bright enough to board it but in general, MEC stays on their island during the whole game.

And what says that there is not gonna be any bright ppl on the USMC side ? All you need to do to protect the carrier is : a group of ppl lets say 3 (2 AT and 1 support) at the boat hanger to rocket every boat/jetski coming and another group on the deck watching for transport and attack choppers and killing paratroopers. If the MEC team has got bright enough ppl to manage tactics like the ones above, USMC will maybe get bright ppl as well and they will win because at even strenght, USMC has an enormous advantage. When you have to analyse a map about the balance, you can't say "oh ok the mec team is fucked up on their island but IF they play together, with good tactics and IF they got some bright ppl, they wil be able to cap a flag..."

Same thing with j-10 against F35.. if the F35 pilot is fucking good, he will take down the j10 but at even skills, j10 win..

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