has joined the GOP

Deadmonkiefart wrote:

Nappy wrote:


all my teachers loved me too
one teacher even lied about all my marks and marked me up a fair bit

i think your overreacting a bit
I think you have no business posting here.  Your personal experiences are not a reflection of reality.  On another note, I can't stand dishonest people.  Especially when they flaunt what they've gotten away with.  You shouldn't be proud of that.
yes they are, i've been in the same situation. its not dishonest seeing as there's no rule about what constitutes an A or a B etc. the teacher can grade you based on how hard you try, how enthusiastic you are, whatever. its ultimately only the teacher's decision.
my sigs worse than yours
Grow up and realize there will be people who don't like you, and sometimes no matter what you do it will stay that way.
+47|6511|Hong Kong

NateWiese wrote:

Grow up and realize there will be people who don't like you, and sometimes no matter what you do it will stay that way.
QFT, I understand this alot, but is sure does happen to everyone and pisses everyone off at some point or another.
I'll take two
+132|6831|Perth, Western Australia
I've read all of the above. I can certainly understand the whole 'no girls in boys rooms' - there are duty of care issues at play. That said I don't really understand the whole holding hands thing, but whatever.

So far I'm on his side.
Goodbye :)
+399|6526|Somewhere else

First, He's a teacher and gets flack all day.  So he's probably on edge as far as dealing with disruptive students anyway.

Plus, you said yourself, you have been disruptive before.  You probably got labeled as disruptive from then on out.  It also sounds like he needs to learn a little patience, especially for the field he chose to make a career of.   On top of that,  he sounds a little high strung, and slightely strange individual.  No where in the world does it state that every school teacher is the epitome of logic and understanding.  There are a few crappy, even down right immoral piece of shit teachers out there.  The best you can do is create as little waves as possibly, stand up for yourself, but still realise he is a flawed human being.

Hell, I had 3 older brothers.  I was screwed from day one. HATED by teachers,  but I just tried to keep it down, push back if they decided to push on me.  But just enough to say I wasn't gonna take their crap, but I'll behave if we don't speak.  I have been called names by teachers.  I was called "fag" once in the middle of a full classroom by a teacher. 

Over a few years, the teachers let me be, as I was actually not that bad a kid, they just were overly guarded, and ready for the crap my brothers pulled, and treated me like shit cause of it.

I just learned that teachers are just like everybody else, and I kept myself in line enough to stay out of trouble.  It's hard to reason with teachers that have let themselves get into "all kids are bastard disrespectful good for nothing immature and unreasonable brats" mentality, and alot of them have, in my experience turned that way.

As for the disrespect thing, anytime you rub someone the wrong way, it can be percieved as disrespect to some people.

There is no use creating too much shit with a teacher, they'll be right when the shit hits the fan, and you'll be wrong.  Very rarely is a student right in any teacher/student situation.

It was probably good you talked to him, AND kept a level head.  As for the holding hands thing.  Who knows.  maybe he's some religoeus fundie who thinks it's wrong it hold hands.  Maybe he's bitter that he can't get any action.  Hell, maybe he doesn't like you cause your peers like you.

What I think it comes down to is, he's not ready for his job,  he cant handle dealing with kids, has no idea how,  the strees is too much for him to remain calm, and isntead of really trying to work on it, he shells up and acts like an asshole.  Pretty typical really.  Plus, his insulting of bad grades just shows what a person he is.  He's not worth getting in trouble over.

For your own sake, stay off his radar and only pipe up when he is TRUELLY out of line. being asshole is one thing, out of line is another.

As for the trip,  Maybe he sees holding hands as rude, keep it to a minimum when there's nothing going on, and don't do it when you guys are mid tour, or during a speech or such.

Last edited by RoosterCantrell (2008-06-14 00:26:43)

Pheasant Plucker
+440|6730|West Yorkshire, U.K
That guy sounds like he's got problems, seriously just try and stay away from him where possible
Support fanatic :-)

JaMrulezass wrote:

Are there ways I can confront a teacher in front of other teachers so I can at least get some opinion on how I am being personally attacked?
Best way is to talk to parents and then get a meeting with the principal, parents and you ... confronting him infront of other teachers could make it worse ...
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
+47|6511|Hong Kong

RoosterCantrell wrote:

First, He's a teacher and gets flack all day.  So he's probably on edge as far as dealing with disruptive students anyway.

Plus, you said yourself, you have been disruptive before.  You probably got labeled as disruptive from then on out.  It also sounds like he needs to learn a little patience, especially for the field he chose to make a career of.   On top of that,  he sounds a little high strung, and slightely strange individual.  No where in the world does it state that every school teacher is the epitome of logic and understanding.  There are a few crappy, even down right immoral piece of shit teachers out there.  The best you can do is create as little waves as possibly, stand up for yourself, but still realise he is a flawed human being.

Hell, I had 3 older brothers.  I was screwed from day one. HATED by teachers,  but I just tried to keep it down, push back if they decided to push on me.  But just enough to say I wasn't gonna take their crap, but I'll behave if we don't speak.  I have been called names by teachers.  I was called "fag" once in the middle of a full classroom by a teacher. 

Over a few years, the teachers let me be, as I was actually not that bad a kid, they just were overly guarded, and ready for the crap my brothers pulled, and treated me like shit cause of it.

I just learned that teachers are just like everybody else, and I kept myself in line enough to stay out of trouble.  It's hard to reason with teachers that have let themselves get into "all kids are bastard disrespectful good for nothing immature and unreasonable brats" mentality, and alot of them have, in my experience turned that way.

As for the disrespect thing, anytime you rub someone the wrong way, it can be percieved as disrespect to some people.

There is no use creating too much shit with a teacher, they'll be right when the shit hits the fan, and you'll be wrong.  Very rarely is a student right in any teacher/student situation.

It was probably good you talked to him, AND kept a level head.  As for the holding hands thing.  Who knows.  maybe he's some religoeus fundie who thinks it's wrong it hold hands.  Maybe he's bitter that he can't get any action.  Hell, maybe he doesn't like you cause your peers like you.

What I think it comes down to is, he's not ready for his job,  he cant handle dealing with kids, has no idea how,  the strees is too much for him to remain calm, and isntead of really trying to work on it, he shells up and acts like an asshole.  Pretty typical really.  Plus, his insulting of bad grades just shows what a person he is.  He's not worth getting in trouble over.

For your own sake, stay off his radar and only pipe up when he is TRUELLY out of line. being asshole is one thing, out of line is another.

As for the trip,  Maybe he sees holding hands as rude, keep it to a minimum when there's nothing going on, and don't do it when you guys are mid tour, or during a speech or such.
Very useful Rooster, +1 to you, I shall start to understand the amount of stress in a teacher, your right, I should definitely avoid being within his radar and I'm glad I had a talk with him, hopefully, things will be fine and your right, whenever an argument happens, the teacher always wins, I should definitely try to just do whatever he tells me too, although, at times, it can be really hard when you know your on someone's personal shit-list.
The Power of Two
+188|6540|Sydney, Australia
OK, firstly as a teacher myself (I take classes at a tuition college) I've seen some very rowdy and annoying kids, and I've got to tell you, it's so easy to pick on them because they're so damn annoying. I don't know what you're like in class, but if you're as annoying as some of the kids I teach then I have to sympathise with your teacher. However, I'm good at hiding my anger at the kids, and I don't like teaching with a strict rule, in fact I've only sent this kid to the principle once in my entire time working there.

That said, it doesn't sound like you're that disruptive, and that your teacher is just not really good dealing with students. I think you made the right decision to proactively engage in dialogue with your teacher.

2 more things:

1. Being a teacher is not easy. Your aim is to teach the kids and get them to like learning, students often don't cooperate with you.
2. By the by, I've noticed your two teachers are asian. Where abouts are you?
Upper Decker Expert

There's no reason for a teacher to act the way he has. I'd go straight to the principal or maybe the Board of Education & complain in person. Tell them in entirety the problems you've been experiencing & the witnesses who can attest to it. Maybe that will get the ball rolling on getting that m'fer of a teacher out of the school.

I've had a few problems with my 7th grade math teacher, but they never got like this. One time she kept the entire class after school for the actions of a few students & refused to let anyone of us out of class until the 3pm bell. My older bro knocked on the classroom door & asked to speak with me. I went out of class & told him what was ghoing on. He & his girlfriend wwere there to take me home as they always did after school. Well, I told my mother about what happened after we finally got dismissed & she in turn, called my guidance counselor. Never had a problem again after that.  One other icident prior to this where she made me stay in class for 5 minutes after ther final bell. I asked why & she said u wanna make it 10 minutes? I said all I asked was a simple question & the least you could do was give me a simple answer.
Go postal.

+47|6511|Hong Kong

Ultimatrox wrote:

Go postal.

No, seriously XD

comments like SGT Eraser really help, +1 to you man, weve all had our share of annoyances with people who are senior to us, its good to share solutions and workaroudnds.
+14|5988|California, USA
just a reminder that posting things about your teachers on the internet could ruin your career someday.
+47|6511|Hong Kong

No/Yes wrote:

just a reminder that posting things about your teachers on the internet could ruin your career someday.
And how is that? I'm just sharing my feelings about how I'm being attacked.
+47|6511|Hong Kong
I edited the post to remain anonymous. If you mentioned his/her name in your posts, please change it to X and Y accordingly please, would help.
Fantasma Parastasie

JaMrulezass wrote:

I edited the post to remain anonymous. If you mentioned his/her name in your posts, please change it to X and Y accordingly please, would help.
Even though I disagree with this, I've changed mr. X in my posts to Mr. Gendelflex (X is just too boring)
+14|5988|California, USA

JaMrulezass wrote:

No/Yes wrote:

just a reminder that posting things about your teachers on the internet could ruin your career someday.
And how is that? I'm just sharing my feelings about how I'm being attacked.
even though you changed the teachers name, i'll tell you the danger of remarking important people in your life

Anything posted on the internet is saved forever, unless the internet dies some how.

When your applying for a job, the people who hire you check the internet for things you said, then use it against you.

My friend wanted a job in chemistry.  Before, he had a blog in college about his chemistry teacher.  He didn't like him, and he said that chemistry would be more enjoyable without him.  He applied for a job and was turned down because of what he posted in the internet.

Just keep that in mind whenever your posting anything.

Last edited by No/Yes (2008-06-14 13:00:35)


JaMrulezass wrote:

Are there ways I can confront a teacher in front of other teachers so I can at least get some opinion on how I am being personally attacked?
If your school has a reception, ask for him, and talk to him in front of the reception people, or ask whether you can have a word with another teacher, talk to them about it, then get the certain teacher you are talking about out as well. That way you have another person there, and he cant say anything that she/he/you disagree with, and someone will know how you feel about him acting the way he has been.

Had a bit of a problem myself, she really didn't like me, mainly because i wasn't too good at English, and decided barely ever to do work. Decided this because she was a bit sexist, the only time she would come and help me and the guys would be if their were no girls asking for help. If their were girls with hands up she'd specifically go to those people first, she'd ignore me and the guys until all the girls had been seen too, and then she'd ask us, me inparticular, why we hadn't done any work.
Decided too do nothing and just start working and try to improve, notice the word "try", it didn't help, or work. lol.

But all the other teachers i really got along with. Three people inparticular, my old Woodwork teacher, Mr Hoare, my old Religious Education teacher, Mr Abbas, played BF2 and games too , and my Media Studes teacher, My Sadler, all legends in their own right really.

But yeah, just stick it out mate, what year/grade you in?

And good luck and have fun on trip when it comes around.
The Power of Two
+188|6540|Sydney, Australia

No/Yes wrote:

just a reminder that posting things about your teachers on the internet could ruin your career someday.
Yes but his name isn't JaMrulezass in real life, and unless his profile has his real name in it, then I wouldn't tend to worry about it. The problem with blogs is that there is far more personal information on blogs than there are on forums.
I agree with some other other posters - people in power and in life will harass and dislike you for the rest of your life.  At some point, you may catch yourself doing the same to someone else.

Also, you'll see why people are annoyed by High Schoolers once your out.  It's nothing personal its just that High School kids don't know the "rules" to life - public displays of affection are a big thing I constantly see teenagers do that irks me.  I simply hate seeing people making out in the super market.  Its really inconsiderate.

Those rules he makes are for a reason.  Should something go wrong on the trip, the school gets sues and he could lose his job.  He doesn't give a crap about whether you can do what you want.  He is protecting his own ass and his income.  Maybe he has a family to feed. 

I'm not saying your completely wrong, but mostly, "get used to it."  I'm 25 and I've noticed I am getting meaner towards teenagers with each passing year.  A lot of teens do things without considering others - I certainly did when I was 14 -17.  I was a terror. 

So that being said, stay off my lawn.
+47|6511|Hong Kong
The misunderstanding between me and the teacher has been cleraed, thanks to a very helpful form tutor, I manage to reverse the situationa dn get along fine with him, as a lesson to everyone, take this as a reference, and remeber that in life, someone will alwyas hate you, like it or not, your seniors will always be control. However, there are ways you can solve things and seek those you are comfortable to speak to and ask for help.

Last edited by JaMrulezass (2008-06-16 07:07:10)

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