Respekct dad i love u always
+946|7122|Marathon, Florida Keys
To vet. gamers........you havent wasted your time playing, those above 50K i think i remember hearing will have master sergeant or sergeant major, that rank will show people who you truly are, and you will have all the respect you had when you were Sgts, Staff Sgts, and gunnery sgts.

-xDookiex- wrote:

I just don't want the hours upon hours I've played gone to waste
OR how about you look at the ranks as, really what they are: an extra, fun bonus.

Ranks ARE NOT important in this game with the exception of a very few minor things. They are a perk. A fun little extra. A way of saying to the world, "Look, I'm so leet, my epenis is thiiiiis big!"

You could, possibly, play the game because it's fucking fun. Believe me, I am into stats just as much as anyone here (duh), but I don't dote over them all day thinking "woa is me for mine stats are to be less significant due to the niegh release of yonder patch".

-xDookiex- wrote:

Not to mention, EA would of deleted is account if he had first sergeant on the main leaderboards. Thats what they did with that guy who had major of the corps.
No, not really. They would only delete it if his account came up from one of their exploit detection systems, he was reported, or he was on the top of the leader boards (high visibility == more reports of his account).

I've seen a few gunnery sargents with less than 100 points, so there is some kind of hack (or something) out there, and this could be the same thing.

Regardless, we'll know once the patch comes out.
Sniper Cat

chuyskywalker wrote:

You could, possibly, play the game because it's fucking fun. Believe me, I am into stats just as much as anyone here (duh), but I don't dote over them all day thinking "woa is me for mine stats are to be less significant due to the niegh release of yonder patch".
Couldn't have said it better myself.
If you searce around on the Total Battlefield and IGN forums, they have also located some more testers with those kinda ranks and more. I think that by lowering them, it kinda does mess up the ranking system in a way. I have 60000 points right now, and I don't really want to be given an up in rank, because it is nice to have a higher rank then someone, rather than everyone be the same. If 50% of the players can make it to the highest rank after 1 month, then imagine that. No one would stand out at all, and take a guess about the unlocks. All the snipers will be using the M95, so partly the game could turn into a sniping fest since it is better than 2/3 of the other sniper rifles and even the USMC bolt action one in a way. Everyone running around with Dao-12s, and G36s, which should have to be worked for. Some of the unlocks actually do upgrade the class in a way, and where is the variety. Noobs who spend just a few times on the game shouldn't be able to get promoted because they don't know the game as much and they shouldn't get an unlock either. I think if the unlock system comes out to be this low, it may discourage people from playing after they unlock everyor almost every unlock. I mean, I can't imagine how far I am going to rank up, and I was looking forward to making it to Gunnery Sergeant on my own and with a challenge. I also mostly play infantry, and it would be a huge rariety to see even a Staff Sergeant or above that has made it using the games infantry weapons, instead of tank whoring on Karkand or blackhawk whoring on Mastuur.

00SoldierofFortune00 wrote:

I have 60000 points right now, and I don't really want to be given an up in rank, because it is nice to have a higher rank then someone, rather than everyone be the same.
Hmm, i have 3,000 points... and nearly EVERYONE is MY rank.

00SoldierofFortune00 wrote:

If 50% of the players can make it to the highest rank after 1 month, then imagine that.
No, that wouldn't happen, that would just be stupid.  Even if they lower SOME of the ranks... there will Still be TOP RANKS, it's not as if.. O we'll cap it off at 50k points.  No.  It'll still be high, and things will still be achieved.  This is just a way of creating more diverse ranks, istead of EVERYONE being lance corporal, with the odd Corporal, and the even less common Sergeants etc.

See what i'm getting at here.  They aren't just going to cater for n00bs, such as myself, they will cater for the vets too, don't fret!
bunny killer
i think thats too easy people would be done with the game in 2 weeks lol
I think the patch being released would be a very suprising feature on its own

{75A}Desertstorm wrote:

i think thats too easy people would be done with the game in 2 weeks lol
I refere you all back to my earlier posts.  Ranks have taken away the fun and the POINT of the entire game!
In good 'ole BattleField 1942, there was no ranks to care about, so it was all just about persona satisfaction, pwning noobs and FUN!

Don't let ranks consume you, and try to remember what it was like before the release of MMO style ranks.  And remember, there will always be someone out there, better than you.
50k and above with that top rank...i think ill go play FEAR

r00fus wrote:

50k and above with that top rank...i think ill go play FEAR
At no point, has any person, at any time said, the top rank will be 50k.  This was just a COMPLETELY random number, picked out by some random.  Lets all keep our hair/wigs/bald patch on and wait for the release.  You never know, they might not chance it at all... They might lower the LOW ranks, they might add in some new ranks such as lance sergeant.  The possibilities are endless.

In the end of the day, i trust them with their judgement.
And so do all of you, or you wouldn't have forked out the money for it.

EDIT : mmm fear.. Looks good, only played the demo and it PWNED my graphics card.  Then again, BF2 pwns my graphics card.  Everything is set to low/off... Sucks.  Anyways, I digress...

Last edited by Locarno (2005-10-03 15:34:08)

+17|7107|Dayton, Ohio
yes yes johnny butane seems to have the high rank at low points and he has the good conduct medal...noone seems to have noticed his veteran command badge though.  that thing requires a command score of 15k and he only has 4k.

you know what i have an idea.  why not lower all the rank, medal and badge requirements so low that everyone can attain all the goodies and top rank in 2 weeks.  that sounds like fun...then we'll have nomore goals to attain except being the Sergeant Major of the marine corps.
I'll take two
+132|7099|Perth, Western Australia
I think that they are adding new ranks, and like that other guys said, lowering the requirements for some medals. 4500hrs, i worled that out a few weeks ago to be about 250 days!!. I think that they should have new weapons for each of the kits so that u can sort of, like personalise your soldier, a class within a class if u know what i mean. Like spec ops could have the g36, which is friendly to people that bust in, or something more stealthy.

Actually what im confused about is this:

Most people are lance corporal, and 95 percent of players are above l.cpl, so how come i see so few unlocked weapons being bashed about. Ever since i got my unlock (SA80) ive gone exclusively as medic, and used my prize, but i see no on else doing this. Is there something wrong with me??

Last edited by SharkyMcshark (2005-10-03 17:51:24)

when the hell is this patch coming?
Another German Mod
+6|7121|Lake Constanze, Germany

-xDookiex- wrote:

when the hell is this patch coming?
As far as i know, EA didn't confirm any date yet.
Since Monday is a not a typical EA release day, i would suggest Friday.
Anyway, i'm in doubt about it....
Plz be patient...thx!

Pew Pew!
+216|7161|San Francisco

And people wondered why I was opposed to all the rumor threads... too many noobs seem to think anything written is absolute fact. The patch has no official release date, everyone whining about it needs to stfu.
i just want to know when the hell this patch is coming out... so i can truly put all of these rumours and speculations to rest and laugh at the total stupidity of EA if need be.
will frag for food
+11|7153|Pittsburgh, PA, USA
i like the fact that people are now talking about 'working' for their stats. don't get me wrong, i think it sucks if they really changed the ranking system, but work? has pc gaming really become work? if so than bf2 just revolutionized the gaming industry. anyway, it just became Tues and no patch so i'm gonna go with fri or sat.

bluehavoc8686 wrote:

i like the fact that people are now talking about 'working' for their stats. don't get me wrong, i think it sucks if they really changed the ranking system, but work? has pc gaming really become work? if so than bf2 just revolutionized the gaming industry. anyway, it just became Tues and no patch so i'm gonna go with fri or sat.
by work, people mean, devote a crapload of time to this game

i for one dont like the new ranks if the unlocks stay with each rank; i spent a long time to get my 26000 points, got 3 unlocks, and suddenly, im gonna get 3 more?  itd be nice if EA added more unlocks as has been said before, like the G36 for assault to improve on the G3 and stuff, but that can't be, bc there isn't a better sniper rifle in the world than the M95
+0|7105|Omaha, Nebraska

.:ronin:.|Patton wrote:

Ok i was playing on a server today and this guy came on, his name is johnnybutane, and i saw he had this weird rank

http://img138.imageshack.us/img138/5949 … 0321br.jpg

He is a first sergeant but not near first place on the leaderboards. 

1st sergeant is what you get at 150,000 if you have a certain amount of badges.

He has 24,000 points.


Turns out hes demonstrating a new part of the patch. EA thought that most players would be in the 60,000's right now (yea not everyone who has this game is gonna spend that much time playing it in such a short period). Ea is fixing this by lowering the points to ranks enormusly........first sergeant is achived at 20,000 points, thats all he told us.
OK here is my guess at the new rank structure:
This is based from some of the testers ranks/points.

500-lance cpl  --unlock
1500-cpl  --unlock
3000-sgt  --unlock
5000-staff sgt  --unlock
10000-gunnery sgt  --unlock
20000-master sgt/ 1st sgt  --unlock

No idea above Master Sgt

Last edited by DakotaDoc64 (2005-10-03 23:53:39)

+0|7105|Omaha, Nebraska

WildFire_1478 wrote:

i just want to know when the hell this patch is coming out... so i can truly put all of these rumours and speculations to rest and laugh at the total stupidity of EA if need be.

SharkyMcshark wrote:

Most people are lance corporal, and 95 percent of players are above l.cpl, so how come i see so few unlocked weapons being bashed about. Ever since i got my unlock (SA80) ive gone exclusively as medic, and used my prize, but i see no on else doing this. Is there something wrong with me??
Nope, when I have unlocked the DAO-12 for anti tank, i have near enough exclusivley played as that class.

Oh and Dakota, how could you POSSIBLY know this?
Did someone say play this game for 'fun'. Hell yeah, that's all it is, fun. I'm not bothered about the patch or how many stripes I get (or not in my case). But for those that have played non stop, I hear the pain ... Now that I've calmed down and the pills are working, my 3rd KB will last forever (Agression thread)
The new ranks could be to do with the special forces expansion, easier ranks could mean u get bored of bf2 and move onto special forces
Nikola Bathory
Karkand T-90 0wnage
lol, that's interesting! I am Coproral right now and it looks like this new patch will give me a new rank! Not bad...
"It's Recharging!"

Locarno wrote:

SharkyMcshark wrote:

Most people are lance corporal, and 95 percent of players are above l.cpl, so how come i see so few unlocked weapons being bashed about. Ever since i got my unlock (SA80) ive gone exclusively as medic, and used my prize, but i see no on else doing this. Is there something wrong with me??
Nope, when I have unlocked the DAO-12 for anti tank, i have near enough exclusivley played as that class.

Oh and Dakota, how could you POSSIBLY know this?
Whether it's bull shit or not, I don't know about you, but one day I was in a server where it said I was a private, as if the server didn't load my stats correctly... no biggie I thought, happens sometimes.

So as a Medic since I didnt have access to my LA85A1, I was stuck with the crappy M16.. or so I used to think. As I played some games I was very surprized to find out that it didnt suck, it was only because I was a noob back then before I got my first unlock.

The M16 seems to be way more accurate than the medic unlock, because of it's 3 round burst instead of full auto. Seems to do more damage too but I don't know for sure, alls I know now is I perfer the M16A2 over the unlock.

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