Today I was playing on wake as USMC, the PLA were defending really well and we were getting rinsed everytime we got near the island. Finally we managed to take a spawn point. A tank rocked up so i called it in...At this point our commander decided to drop his arty on us, presumably thinking it would help...which it didnt...we lost the spawn point as most of us were TK'd by our dumbass commander. Obviously I wasnt too impressed (who would be), so i pointed out that dropping arty on his own team on our only spawn point was the actions of a f* this point punkbuster kicked me for swearing....WTF????
I had a coffee and calmed down a little...rejoined, this time on karkand playing as MEC... all was going well until i kept getting killed by the near constant barrage of arty from the USMC commander...OMG cheating b*stard using a commander cheat...unable to vote the cheating scum sucker off the server....the asshats set punkbuster to kick for swearing but let knobheads run hacks.

So there you have it....PunkBuster sucks ass....we play a game which is rated as 16+, so the people who play it should be old enough to handle reading curses and bad language, they probably do it themselves, most kids do. The game is a simulation of mans most brutal act...WAR, we are allowed to shoot, stab, bomb and run over people; yet we are not allowed to curse when confronted with stupidity or cheating. If anyone is likely to swear it is soldiers who put themselves in harms way for their country.

I think PunkBuster ought to try doing their f*cking jobs and concentrate on stopping the people who really spoil online games...the cheating little f*ckers, not the people who play the game properly but get pissed when others dont.

Rant over.

Last edited by gandlers (2006-02-26 13:13:02)

The Microwave Man
WTF are you even complaing about ? At least you can play the game . Since I got the patch I have yet to even complete one god damn round before I'm kicked due to connetion loss . Nice coding in this pos game let me tell you .
Say Hello to My 11-87

jonnykill wrote:

WTF are you even complaing about ? At least you can play the game . Since I got the patch I have yet to even complete one god damn round before I'm kicked due to connetion loss . Nice coding in this pos game let me tell you .
aint have that problem yet.  I would call your cable operator and complain that their internet sucks.

BTW to the original poster, if you cuss expect to get kicked.  Dont be a noob

why contradict yourself? your sigs on your post say you support freedom of speech....If I want to curse (yeah thats how its spelt, not cuss....asswipe) I should be able to. Oh and by the way, why does swearing make me a noob??? There is absolutely no logic in your statement, but I guess kiddies calling everyone noobs have no concept of the word comming out of thier mouths. Think before you make a bigger ass of yourself.

Besides you are missing the point.... PunkBuster is meant to stop people cheating if they spent half as long programming anticheat code instead of anti swearing code I wouldnt swear half as much because there wouldn't be as many asswipes cheating.
+69|6691|Nova Scotia
As an impartial third party, I would like to draw attention to the fact that 'cuss' is used in the right context here. 'Spelt', however, is not.
I do agree that PB is giving more attention to cursing then necessary, when there's real cheating going on.

Last edited by Rygar (2006-02-27 08:52:48)

+-2|6831|U.K DURHAM
lolol gandlers how very true

gandlers wrote:

Today I was playing on wake as USMC, the PLA were defending really well and we were getting rinsed everytime we got near the island. Finally we managed to take a spawn point. A tank rocked up so i called it in...At this point our commander decided to drop his arty on us, presumably thinking it would help...which it didnt...we lost the spawn point as most of us were TK'd by our dumbass commander. Obviously I wasnt too impressed (who would be), so i pointed out that dropping arty on his own team on our only spawn point was the actions of a f* this point punkbuster kicked me for swearing....WTF????
I had a coffee and calmed down a little...rejoined, this time on karkand playing as MEC... all was going well until i kept getting killed by the near constant barrage of arty from the USMC commander...OMG cheating b*stard using a commander cheat...unable to vote the cheating scum sucker off the server....the asshats set punkbuster to kick for swearing but let knobheads run hacks.

So there you have it....PunkBuster sucks ass....we play a game which is rated as 16+, so the people who play it should be old enough to handle reading curses and bad language, they probably do it themselves, most kids do. The game is a simulation of mans most brutal act...WAR, we are allowed to shoot, stab, bomb and run over people; yet we are not allowed to curse when confronted with stupidity or cheating. If anyone is likely to swear it is soldiers who put themselves in harms way for their country.

I think PunkBuster ought to try doing their f*cking jobs and concentrate on stopping the people who really spoil online games...the cheating little f*ckers, not the people who play the game properly but get pissed when others dont.

Rant over.
i couldnt of said it better myself.....fuck punkbuster...hes right....its a war simulation....FUCK the SHITTY punkbuster ASSHOLES who BITCH about DAMN cusswords
+24|6733|Computer Chair
PB works, you just encountered an retarted admin that thinks swearing is worse than cheating.
it might have been an admin... and not PB... there are a lot of retarded admins... lol
and PB does suck overall... EA pays them and PB doesnt even stop hacks... it just sucks
Love is the answer
+302|6780|Salt Lake City

Look you whiny fucking asshats.  They pay for the server, not you, so they have the right to enable whatever rules they want that don't conflict with the TOS of a ranked server.  If they have a language filter or language rules on the server, follow them or get the fuck off their server and go play on one that doesn't care.  Better yet, start shelling out your fucking money to rent you own server.  That way you get to the set the rules, and if people complain about swearing, you can tell them it's your server, you set the rules, and if they don't like they can get the fuck out.

[sarcastm]Oh, and can we please have at least one more fucking thread about some one getting pissed because they got kicked for swearing.[/sarcasm]

Last edited by Agent_Dung_Bomb (2006-02-27 13:10:51)

Punkbuster has nothing to do with the swearing filtration, its only used for the kicking.  The swearing filters are due to whatever server managment system is in operation.

Once what the server percieves as swearing has been encountered, the managment system then tells Punkbuster to kick the offending player.
Playdough! Nope C4...
+6|6767|Toronto, ON, CAN

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

...follow them or get the fuck on their server ...
I believe this same server would have kicked for that too...

Punkbuster: You have been kicked for Teabagging a Dead man's corpse.

Let's leave the necrophylia out of the game please. Or at least save it for another EA game, the SIMs...
+302|6780|Salt Lake City

SunTzu wrote:

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

...follow them or get the fuck on their server ...
I believe this same server would have kicked for that too...

Punkbuster: You have been kicked for Teabagging a Dead man's corpse.

Let's leave the necrophylia out of the game please. Or at least save it for another EA game, the SIMs...
LOL...ooops.  Corrected my post for thinking faster than I can type. 
I think getting kicked for swearing is the biggest load of crap ever... The game is rated for Teens, and if there is a teen out there that dosn't drop the F bomb then something is FUCKED up... ya i said it.  going to kick me? hookers.... deal with it. this is not a game for 10 year olds....
Mod Incarnate
When will people get this through their heads? The EA rules state that swearing filters are optional, meaning the people who pay for the server can kick you for swearing if they feel like it. The same applies for any private property in real life, if you walk into a bank and start yelling profanity at everyone, you can expect to get your ass thrown out.

Now stop bitching about it, how hard is it to not swear? Unless you have keyboard Tourette's it should be pretty simple.
+302|6780|Salt Lake City

TeronF wrote:

I think getting kicked for swearing is the biggest load of crap ever... The game is rated for Teens, and if there is a teen out there that dosn't drop the F bomb then something is FUCKED up... ya i said it.  going to kick me? hookers.... deal with it. this is not a game for 10 year olds....
That's what you people don't understand.  It's not just about kids.  Some people just don't like swearing, regardless of how old they are.  This is not a real war, it is not life or death, and if people are paying big bucks to host a server to play, and they don't want swearing, that is their right...get it through your head!!!

There are plenty of servers without language filters, so people need to just STFU about getting kicked for failing to follow a servers rules!!!!!!!!!!!

Last edited by Agent_Dung_Bomb (2006-02-27 14:19:01)

Can this thread just be closed? 

This isn't even a PunkBuster issue, this is a server admin issue, and yet it's title is "PunkBuster is ****".  It gets old hearing people whine about how crappy PB is, when (as is the case in this instance) PB isn't the source of their problem.
Jeepers Creepers
+136|6776|Peoria, Illinois

gandlers wrote:


why contradict yourself? your sigs on your post say you support freedom of speech....If I want to curse (yeah thats how its spelt, not cuss....asswipe) I should be able to.
Freedom of Speech applies to public domain, not private domain.

Oh and by the way, why does swearing make me a noob??? There is absolutely no logic in your statement, but I guess kiddies calling everyone noobs have no concept of the word comming out of thier mouths. Think before you make a bigger ass of yourself.
Swearing often sounds unintelligent, as does namecalling. They give most older people the impression that the specified person is young and immature. Whether or not that's "noobish" I don't know and could care less.

Besides you are missing the point.... PunkBuster is meant to stop people cheating if they spent half as long programming anticheat code instead of anti swearing code I wouldnt swear half as much because there wouldn't be as many asswipes cheating.
How much time in manhours did Punkbuster spend creating the language filter and how many hours were put towards catching hacks?
Say Hello to My 11-87

gandlers wrote:


why contradict yourself? your sigs on your post say you support freedom of speech....If I want to curse (yeah thats how its spelt, not cuss....asswipe) I should be able to. Oh and by the way, why does swearing make me a noob??? There is absolutely no logic in your statement, but I guess kiddies calling everyone noobs have no concept of the word comming out of thier mouths. Think before you make a bigger ass of yourself.

Besides you are missing the point.... PunkBuster is meant to stop people cheating if they spent half as long programming anticheat code instead of anti swearing code I wouldnt swear half as much because there wouldn't be as many asswipes cheating.
*sigh*  I dont know where to start in my response. 

Private server admins have the right to dictate communication in their forum, just like parents have the right to punish their kids for speaking out, just like a school can punish someone for being insubordinate and violating rules.  A newspaper has the right to dictate its content.

On the broader scale, anyone with intelligence realizes that the 1st amendment applies to the federal government, and to state governments under the 14th amendment incorporation doctrine.  In some circumstances, the state has the ability to extend the right to private citizens in the case of a public forum (like in california where they allowed speech in a shopping mall see PruneYard Shopping Center v. Robins).  But unbelievably, that right has yet to be extended to BF2 servers.

In this case, the government is not compelling him to not speak, nor are they censoring him.  Thus the freedom of speech does not exist in the private forum.  In the case of BF2, he who chooses to use vulgar language, when the MAJORITY OF SERVERS DONT ALLOW IT, he should not be surprised if he is kicked or warned.  Thus someone who doesn’t realize that they could be kicked for foul language, is hence a noob.  But I digress.

I know this is above your head, my feeble minded friend, but to resolve your claimed contradiction, in Denmark and around the world, muslims are killing people and being complete douchebags for rioting about certain depictions about the inherent contradictions within their religion.  In the jihad cartoon case, supporting Denmark's freedom of speech IN THEIR OWN FORUM, against the intimidation of the muslim faithful is in line with the 1st amendment free speech doctrine.  Editors of newspapers, OWNING THEIR OWN FORUM, have the right to prohibit their writers from publishing an article and for taking certain views.  If the forum, i.e. newspaper, decides to ALLOW THE SPEECH (jihad pictures, or in our case, a server allowing cursing, cussing, racist speak, or whatever), they should not be compelled by those whiners and should not be intimidated with terroristic threats to stop the speech is taking place.  Thus, when someone is compelled through threats of violence to not speak, essentially forcing self censure, then there comes a freedom of speech issue.  In case I need to spell it out for you, by me supporting Denmark in free speech in their media HAS NO CORRELATION TO MY POSIITON THAT BF2 SERVERS HAVE THE RIGHT TO NOT SPEAK.

I know it likely is above your feeble mind to understand the difference, but then again, your the one that doesn’t realize the cuss is slang and a synonym for cursing.

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