
DaTruth wrote:

Rocketmonkey. Don't even think about taking a jet or helicopter, or you can expect to either be TK'd or kicked by the admins.
I have been kicked for taking a chopper for an familiar (agwood69), and so has my brother (rocklordcable) for taking selected vehicles from certain players.

So what?  I didn't whine about it.  As a matter of fact, if you are new to the server you should learn who is who before you start taking stuff...  I still play with these guys and think that it is one of the best servers hands down.  If there are dumbasses ruining the game, these guys do take care of it and keep it fun for everyone.  You probably got booted for not playing the team concept, i.e. work together to win and have fun.  Leave the lone wolf stuff in the past and join a squad- you might learn something.  Not all the dudes with the rank got it by cheating- in fact on this server, you have to earn it the ole' fashion way.  The guys with the experience will actually teach you stuff, help you along, and ensure that it is a fun damn game-

The only real whiner on the whole server is CombatRsq who will only play on Rocketmonkey's team and hide behind the experienced players.  He whines if he is not on the "in" team.  They even TK him to prove the point.  In fact, he whines if he is killed at all and seems to have some sort of weird foot fetish.  He was checking out my boots on the game and wouldn't explain why.  He just keep saying "hop in", but he wasn't in a vehicle.  He bunny hops a lot, but nobody was shooting at him.  He also says "pet my bunny" on team speak and sounds like he is drooling or something.

Anyway - great server. The best that I have seen out there!  Good job Rocketmonkey!

dogkiller814u wrote:

The only real whiner on the whole server is CombatRsq who will only play on Rocketmonkey's team and hide behind the experienced players.  He whines if he is not on the "in" team.  They even TK him to prove the point.  In fact, he whines if he is killed at all and seems to have some sort of weird foot fetish.  He was checking out my boots on the game and wouldn't explain why.  He just keep saying "hop in", but he wasn't in a vehicle.  He bunny hops a lot, but nobody was shooting at him.  He also says "pet my bunny" on team speak and sounds like he is drooling or something.
LMAO!!! He try to lick your boots?
The only real whiner on the whole server is CombatRsq who will only play on Rocketmonkey's team and hide behind the experienced players.  He whines if he is not on the "in" team.  They even TK him to prove the point.  In fact, he whines if he is killed at all and seems to have some sort of weird foot fetish.  He was checking out my boots on the game and wouldn't explain why.  He just keep saying "hop in", but he wasn't in a vehicle.  He bunny hops a lot, but nobody was shooting at him.  He also says "pet my bunny" on team speak and sounds like he is drooling or something.

Hey!  This is a great server and I play it a lot... 
All the players are very cool.   
Well, maybe one might have issues...  CombatRsq.

I agree that this guy has something wrong with him though.  I saw him crawling around my feet and thought he was taking cover or something.  I think he was checking out my boots also.  I havent heard of an easter egg, but I don't think that was what he was look at. 

On a second occasion,  I did see him "hopping" along the street and it seemed weird because we had all the flags in that area and weren't under fire.  He seemed to hop around, come up to me and stop, then just hold still and check out my boots.  What gives with this anyway?  I am not on team speak, but I don't want to know what he had in mind.
+18|6788|I Fight for Bush !!
LOL.... my gut hurts..

I know all of the involved parties.. ^

TOO funny

DaTruth wrote:

Rocketmonkey. Don't even think about taking a jet or helicopter, or you can expect to either be TK'd or kicked by the admins.
With a name like Datruth it might be nice if you actually lived up to it and told Datruth. If I recall you were kicked for taking a vehicle when someone else was standing there waiting for it and not just once. So if you do ever frequent our server again you may want to make sure there is noone there before you take a vehicle, hasnt anybody told you its rude to jump the line?
As for the TK'ing..... I really dont think that happened, maybe you didnt take your medication that day?

Have a great day.
+6|6785|Arizona, USA
Moders takes the cake for me, I had a bad experience though, I'm hoping all the admins aren't jerks.
ok guys, this happened to me yesterday and it really fucked me off.

I was on EA europe on Wake Island as the PLA.  I got in the J10, then this guy stood in front of the plane.  I took off, teamkilling the fucker.  He was a member of the AC clan (i think it was AC or something like that).  So i started flaming him - then for the rest of the round all of the AC clan were teamkilling me!!   Seriously, for 10 minutes, i was teamkilled about 25 times.  I was punishing and punishing like crazy, but they weren't kicked.  As soon as i said i had screenshots and they'd be on BF2s they stopped.  Fucking losers, i tried to switch to USMC but couldn't. 

I wish i actually had screenshots
Hi Sparxxxed, nice to know you still care sweety
+69|6795|Nova Scotia
The [TARD] clan because they're all fucking idiots....well the ones on EA US Official 20a.  Playing Karkand and every time I spawn near the tank there's one moron named [tard]npurple_nig*** who gets in the jeep and rams me in the tank continually giving team vehicle damage to me, at least 4 times.  Then I'm driving and he jumps in front of me, a TK.  So I back up, wait for him to spawn and kill him just because.  Meanwhile, I'm yelling for an admin to kick the idiot.  Then we go to cap a flag and two more [tard]retards come full tilt into me trying to push me out of the way for the flag capture.
Why do they ruin the good servers??
Useless wankers....

Last edited by Rygar (2006-03-01 05:09:25)

Yes the new [TARD] clan is a bunch of immature people wanting to ruin people's BF2 gaming experience. Here is one of the guys in the "[TARD]" squad.

Check the stats : 100 global ppoints 89 team kills 39 damage and 96 team damage. I don't know about you guys but 100 gloabl points is about 2-3 rounds of play. Come on now 89 team kills.

I recommend if you guys see this clan which was made up of about 5-6 people pls get a screenshot of them TK as my screenshots won't work. These people need to be banned for inapporpiate behavior as well nicknames. This is just terrible.
+4|6814|3 Miles East of Smurf Village
NO |TOP|  yet???

im disappointed in you smurfs today
Dropped on request

[BSF]Nexar wrote:

NO |TOP|  yet???

im disappointed in you smurfs today
Never heard of them. What'd they do?
+69|6795|Nova Scotia
+2|6782|Austin, Tx any1 know the IP address for RocketMonkey?
im gonna give it a try. RAILBAIT is a good server but it has suck ass spam detector.
what i mean is that everytime ur dead and called up medics, by the time u got rez or respawn, u wont be able to use the comlink for a min which is sucks for some reason.
+28|6889|Germany, Berlin
the worst server i ever played on is called "Warriors Of The Rising Sun". When me and one of my clan mates played there, the admins would always bitch at us and after every kill they would call us noobs and hackers. that only motivated us as this kind of behaviour is a sign of lack of skillz on their side. anyway, after sometime, this player called steelchillyboy (or some like that, not so sure about the spelling) would start talking shit about us being gay and our moms being bitches and so on. that pissed us off, obviously. i got him to shut up by telling him that he should show respect to the guys that rapped his mom. however, im not proud of having said that, cuz it shows that i let myself down on his level. anyway, Warriors Of The Rising sun are idiots, their server sux and this steelchilliy boy is the most retarded kid walking the planet........
O-<--< stick man lolololol
this is my worst server serverwhosnameicantremember well this guy voted to kick an admin and then he says  "squeaky did u vote to kick me" i replied "nah" he says "really?" i reply "yup" and then it says at the corner of the screen "KICKING!!!!! squeakyfleece give me a straight answer i sat and laughed its just shit like that,that makes me sick FUCK THEM

Choumichel wrote:

Another one: ![NBK]NaturalBornKillers RANK&RULES!
Kicked and Banned for putting C4 on a flag, detonating and killing an Admin of the server
And i'm the one who banned you noob....

You c4'ed when the flag turned white, which is against the rules. You'r own fault.

F.Rabshaw wrote:

DOF (or dukes of falujia) I don't even know if they are around anymore... But I killed the admin about 5 times in arow and he called me something childish ( I don't even remember what) and I replied "oh, you mean you're mad cause you can't kill me?"  Then he put something to the effect of "F.Rabshaw is teh gay and likes it in the butt" in the server message. I just laughed and told him how ridiculous that made him look to anyone with any sense. Then, they banned me. I thought it was funny cause they would come in another server that I liked and I would own like 3 of them everytime. I would always mock them and say "If you can't kill em'... ban em' - DOF." They would get really mad.
Holy Shit!  There are a lot of people who hate this clan.  Me and maybe 3 other clan members were destroying everyone on the server and the admin kicked one of our guys because he was killing the admin too much.  I asked why he got kicked and they just gave me a bullshit response(it said that he was booted for stealing teamvehicles or something like that in his BF2 menu).  Another clanmember got kicked for mouthing off to the admin and soon after I did too.  I joined back immediately and saw that there were about 3-4 random guys voicing their displeasure at the admin as well.  As soon as he realized I was back, I was booted again.
This clan is a bunch of bitches.
Fuck the DoF
+99|6785|New York

d3x74 wrote:

BC or bamboo commandos or whatever.

They kick you if you get the jet (which they want) and whenever they want, they turn off friendly fire. This allows them to tk people (in the hangars with the c4) without getting an tk punishments. They also kick half the enemy team if they are about to loose. Need to report those fag hats soon.

Bunch of imature gitnicks.
I got kicked by these jackasses as well for being in the jet.
Dropped on request

=FATO=Unleashed2k wrote:

Choumichel wrote:

Another one: ![NBK]NaturalBornKillers RANK&RULES!
Kicked and Banned for putting C4 on a flag, detonating and killing an Admin of the server
And i'm the one who banned you noob....

You c4'ed when the flag turned white, which is against the rules. You'r own fault.
Sorry but if you are in that clan your server sucks and your clan is a bunch of spineless pussies. I've been perma banned from that server for get this, being too good. Least that is the only explaination I could come up with. I got the message excessive teamkilling even though I had not team killed once. No warning about my ban either. No stop doing that, or this is against the rules. Just up and banned outta nowhere. Also when I was in the chopper. First they banned my gunner. Then I got up and banned. It's too bad because I liked the map rotation on that server.

Also I was on their side earlier. Aparently their server means their vehicles and NO SHARING. I wouldn't have minded as much if they hadn't sucked. That's the only reason I went to the other team.
As sad as it may be, Cain's Lair has got to be the worst server I played on, thanks to the admins. Three times almost the same situation happened, I was flying a J10 on wake, not even coming close to the carrier. The other pilot kept attacking the carrier and getting shot down the whole game, I got around 40-0 KD and got kicked when about 30 tickets were left, saying I was abusing an admin...
Yeticus Rex
Destroyer of Penguins

=FATO=Unleashed2k wrote:

Choumichel wrote:

Another one: ![NBK]NaturalBornKillers RANK&RULES!
Kicked and Banned for putting C4 on a flag, detonating and killing an Admin of the server
And i'm the one who banned you noob....

You c4'ed when the flag turned white, which is against the rules. You'r own fault.
Hey, they're your rules and I respect that, no matter how pussified they are....although boobytrapping is part of the game, IMHO.
+244|6837|arica harbour
the majority of clans are a bunch of fools with too much time to waste. and in addition people who are a bunch of idiots trying to find the latest exploits.

lost souls clan.. i played with them.. nothing much from them but a bunch of hackers, noobs , and smacktards. and yes they somewhat hacked strike at karkand map where they were in the roof of the hotel without a ladder.
i got a new one - the =AW= clan or air wankers as they should be called. was on their offical ea server last night and they are crap! they had the cheak to say to me that i was crap as gunner in the attack chopper when i had gained more points in it then 4/5 of their clan members in less time! They constantly go for attack choppers and will base rape to get the enemies and when they have them they treat them like crap and not really taking much time not to die in them and every pilot i went with couldnt actually pilot and help the gunner aim. some fucking clan is all i can say - they call them selves an air squadron or whatever and a) they cant fly b) they only use choppers.
SHIT is the word

oh and whilst im here would just like to praise a member of the TAF clan who was on their and had some very nice plane dogfights with last night - although he was 100% better then i can ever be in the plane

Last edited by iamtheoneneo (2006-04-08 01:12:45)

The New Johnnie Cochran

=FATO=Unleashed2k wrote:

Choumichel wrote:

Another one: ![NBK]NaturalBornKillers RANK&RULES!
Kicked and Banned for putting C4 on a flag, detonating and killing an Admin of the server
And i'm the one who banned you noob....

You c4'ed when the flag turned white, which is against the rules. You'r own fault.
Yknow, no offense, I know you pay for your server and can do what you want with it within reason, but I really think thats sort of a pussy rule. Limiting characters like that really is creating an unfair advantage.

It would be like making a rule that as a sniper I can't shoot people who are standing still.

I really think that some rules like C4ing flags and Airspace over uncapps being protected are really cheap and should be protected against in the global rules.

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