Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6691|Long Island, New York

Reciprocity wrote:

Poseidon wrote:

Reciprocity wrote:

knees?  Trained cops are lucky to get center mass in stress situations.  You're gunna get all Sam Fisher on their ass?

Shoot first, plant the kitchen knife later.
Wouldn't hurt to try. I mean I understand it's unlikely with the tension of the situation, but I'd still try to shoot someone in the knees before in the chest, which would most likely end up killing them.
getting off topic but if someone is an immediate threat to you or your family and you have the means, you kill them.  If you don't they will sue you and your family for battery, assault, or some other ridiculous bullshit.  and even if they don't win, you think lawyers are free?  You're best off making it a case of your word against a dead guys.
I'm a pacifist so I'd prefer not to try to kill them. That's the ultimate last resort imo.
+240|6818|Austin, TX

Poseidon wrote:

Reciprocity wrote:

Poseidon wrote:

Depending on the situation, I could. If I didn't feel my life was truly in danger, I wouldn't...but if someone came in my house and started threatening my family, I'd shoot him in the kneecaps. And if he came for me, in the head.

My mom still thinks I'm gonna go all Cho on my school because I mentioned that I want to buy a gun eventually.
knees?  Trained cops are lucky to get center mass in stress situations.  You're gunna get all Sam Fisher on their ass?

Shoot first, plant the kitchen knife later.
Wouldn't hurt to try. I mean I understand it's unlikely with the tension of the situation, but I'd still try to shoot someone in the knees before in the chest, which would most likely end up killing them.
Don't let reality stand in your way.  Do you know how long it takes a man with a knife to cover 20 feet and deliver a deadly blow?  1.5 seconds.  If you have a pistol, IN YOUR HAND, you have time for one, maybe two shots.  It sounds like a long time, but reaction time and the decsision loop will kill you every time.

Now, you are going to try to shoot at a moving kneecap, while adrenaline floods your system, one of the effects therof is to destroy your fine motor control (used for those little things like aiming a pistol)?

Trick shooting like shooting a gun out of someones hand or kneecapping them sounds really cool, and looks great in the movies.  But when you get in close in the thick of it, aim at the center of the largest mass they have; the chest.  If he moves, if you miss your target, if your aim is off, you are still more likely to land a hit.
+721|6734|the dank(super) side of Oregon
Please don't rape my mom, I'm a pacifist.

I'm not a masochist, I'll pass on the pacifism.

I"m a non-aggressor.  I won't start it but I'll end it.
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6691|Long Island, New York

imortal wrote:

Poseidon wrote:

Reciprocity wrote:

knees?  Trained cops are lucky to get center mass in stress situations.  You're gunna get all Sam Fisher on their ass?

Shoot first, plant the kitchen knife later.
Wouldn't hurt to try. I mean I understand it's unlikely with the tension of the situation, but I'd still try to shoot someone in the knees before in the chest, which would most likely end up killing them.
Don't let reality stand in your way.  Do you know how long it takes a man with a knife to cover 20 feet and deliver a deadly blow?  1.5 seconds.  If you have a pistol, IN YOUR HAND, you have time for one, maybe two shots.  It sounds like a long time, but reaction time and the decsision loop will kill you every time.

Now, you are going to try to shoot at a moving kneecap, while adrenaline floods your system, one of the effects therof is to destroy your fine motor control (used for those little things like aiming a pistol)?

Trick shooting like shooting a gun out of someones hand or kneecapping them sounds really cool, and looks great in the movies.  But when you get in close in the thick of it, aim at the center of the largest mass they have; the chest.  If he moves, if you miss your target, if your aim is off, you are still more likely to land a hit.
Not even necessarily the knees, though. The stomach would work, the shoulders, the thighs, (unless of course you hit the femoral artery, a la Sean Taylor) etc. Could all of those locations be fatal? Of course. But I'd still prefer to attempt to shoot someone in any place besides the heart or the brain. Would I actually? That's debatable and one wouldn't know until I'm actually in that situation. Would I like to? Of course. Is there still a chance that I COULD shoot someone somewhere non-lethal? Yup.
I could shoot someone if they held really still while I did it.
+240|6818|Austin, TX

Poseidon wrote:

Not even necessarily the knees, though. The stomach would work, the shoulders, the thighs, (unless of course you hit the femoral artery, a la Sean Taylor) etc. Could all of those locations be fatal? Of course. But I'd still prefer to attempt to shoot someone in any place besides the heart or the brain. Would I actually? That's debatable and one wouldn't know until I'm actually in that situation. Would I like to? Of course. Is there still a chance that I COULD shoot someone somewhere non-lethal? Yup.
Another misconception.  This thread was titled "could you shoot someone?" and many people (even me, sometimes) automatically assume it means "could you kill someone?" 

If you are in a close range, violent encounter of the lethal kind, your goal is NOT (believe it or not) to kill the attacker.  Your goal is to end the threat.  By that, I mean to have your assailant on the ground, no weapon, and not making a serious attempt to get up or to further harm anyone.  That does not mean they are dead.  In point of fact, it is actually pretty difficult to kill someone with a pistol unless you are trained and knowledgeable of where to aim (and are able to aim, under the circumstances), or are pretty lucky.  It is possible to put someone on the ground, however.

The discussion of terminal ballistics, caliber choices, hollow point bullets, right to stand vs. duty to retreat, automatic vs. revolver, and stance techniques can all wait for another thread.  The details are kind of beyone the scope of this thread.
+42|6005|Flyover country


Yes, if it was me or him.
That's key

Hypothetically, I'd say yeah I could,  under the right circumstances and blah blah

Being a civilian who has only been threatened with a gun once in my life, and never been actively shot at with anything other than  a bb gun, I must admit that I'm a big sheltered wuss when it comes to the idea of shootin calculated military targets with no warning. 

I would probably choke and miss the shot, then have bad dreams about it.

DesertFox- wrote:

I'm fairly certain that I could. Fortunately, I've never experienced that situation, but nonetheless...
same here i hope that i never have too
Support fanatic :-)

That SEREMAKER is a very good question and by the answers i see in this thread not many have ever faced a threatening situation ...

Most people without training will definitely freeze the very first time they encounter such a situation, especially if it involves guns ... even soldiers on their first combat mission tend to do the same and there is very little you can do about it ... that's why soldiers have extensive training ...

You really have to have experience to answer such a question correctly.

I have had my moment of freeze and can say with about 85-90% certainty that i would be able to shoot someone both from a distance and up close if the situation called for it ...
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

m3thod wrote:

FEOS wrote:

you'll get banned if you post less than three words...new anti usmarine rule.  His legacy will remain.  Lest we forget.
OK. I'll fix it.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6776|Little Bentcock
Up close and I had the training then yes, long distance (even with training) I doubt I could do it, it's way too personal.
Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6598|The Land of Scott Walker
If someone was threatening me or my family, yes, I could shoot them close range.  Long distance?  I don't have the training to make a standard sniper shot, but assuming I did have the training, I think I could do it.  One less enemy to fire at my buddies.  However, as many others have said, until one experiences that situation, they can't really say if they'd pull the trigger.
The X stands for
+1,813|6259|eXtreme to the maX
Depends on the situation.

In total war, country vs country:
1. they are in fear and might beg or coward on the floor - No, they've surrendered
2. they welcome it with pleasure and smile at you bc you're about to make a martyr - If they remain a threat then yes.
3. they freeze, like a statue .......  If they remain a threat then yes.
4. anger, its the fight or flight and they are fighting ......... at close I've seen this alot. - Yes

The target has no idea you're there, you're watching this target eating his dinner or enjoying a cig on the back deck or playing domino's with his friends ........ then crack and I disappear. If he's identifiably a soldier then yes.

If its a policing operation of a country which is largely peaceful with a few insurgents.
1. they are in fear and might beg or coward on the floor - No, they've surrendered
2. they welcome it with pleasure and smile at you bc you're about to make a martyr - If they remain a threat then yes.
3. they freeze, like a statue .......  If they remain a threat then yes.
4. anger, its the fight or flight and they are fighting ......... at close I've seen this alot. - Yes

The target has no idea you're there, you're watching this target eating his dinner or enjoying a cig on the back deck or playing domino's with his friends ........ then crack and I disappear. No, extra-judical executions are unlawful. At least he could be misidentified.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
Mint Sauce
Frighteningly average
I need to be in that situation first before I can say anything, but just thinking about it, sitting here, yes.
I don't know, the furthest target I've shot at was only 100 metres away.  I guess if I kept the rifle steady, had no wind, then maybe...

As for close-up, I do play with RAP4 markers for sport but they don't have recoil, so without having a play with something full-auto I honestly couldn't say.

Last edited by Pubic (2008-06-12 06:20:53)

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