+6|6788|Arizona, USA
Okay, so i'm in Moders Wake 24/7, I start out PLA.
The USMC commander is bragging that we're "about to feel lockdown".
Then everyone on PLA runs to a flag, and we secure half the island in a minute and a half or so.
I replied "Lockdown? Looks like we're not the ones feeling it"
He begins talking shit and saying how we're going to feel it next round.
I got switched to USMC, got Commander and started up the UAV and giving out orders and then, all of a sudden, theres about four enemies on the USS Essex.
One jumps in a blackhawk, gets on the gun, mowing down everyone who spawns, another hops into the AA station and starts blowing up jets as they spawn, shooting down our planes coming in for refueling/rearming and the other two hop in our Super Cobra and begin killing anything that moves, and some that doesn't.
I asked them to stop baseraping our uncappable and they continue to do so, I asked if there was an admin in, turns out, the admin was the one in the BH, [M] ZeroHour.
At this point, I can't believe that a member of Moders is baseraping, I've always thought of them to be legit players.
I didn't catch any other names that round except the gunner in the Super Cobra, |TOP|O_Vengence^.
Then, next round, i'm commander again, and I sit next to the AA shooting down their attempts to baserape and they TVed the AA station with their helo, and dropped aboard. Same gunner, I know that much.
Then an admin was on our side and I asked "Are you going to let them continue to do this?" and he replies "It's fine". The admin was [M] Dabba2087.
I can't believe how shitty this was, and I'll probably never go to a Moder's server again.
Sorry for the long rant guys, i'm pissed...

Last edited by DarkObsidian (2006-02-26 21:37:17)

+12|6904|Perth, Western Australia
mm..the one reason I play on Internode (an ISP server host) is that they are ALWAYS fair, baseraping an uncap in a vehicle is banned.
+44|6878|West Berlin!
Raping uncaps/Baseraping its ok, remember its WAR! If you´re a skilled player you will fight back and kill all the baserapers you want to. If you´re a complaining whore you will write a senseless post like this in BF2s ,do you really think anyone cares a shit about this thread?


Last edited by n00b.Worx (2006-02-27 07:26:53)

+67|6835|Tulln, Austria

n00b.Worx wrote:

Raping uncaps/Baseraping its ok, remember its WAR! If you´re a skilled player you will fight back and kill all the baserapers you want to. If you´re a complaining whore you will write a senseless post like this in BF2s ,do you really think anyone cares a shit about this thread?

aaahh.. nice to see anotherone trying to justify his way of playing. Is it just me or do you sound like you're a |TOP| member? anoter one in line to get his stats whiped?
To my knowledge.. you cannot get into the essex unless you're USMC, so your story doesn't fit well.
+1|6877|Savannah GA

CrazeD wrote:

To my knowledge.. you cannot get into the essex unless you're USMC, so your story doesn't fit well.
yeah if by aa gun you talking about your right that part is 100% shit.   CHINA CAN NOT GET IN THE AA GUNS ON THE ESSEX.

that is all.
Just so you know our rules state that there is no such thing as spawn camping.  The enemy had to get there somehow.  It was your team who let them get there and as such allowed them to stay. I understand your fustration, but don't take it out on our admins.  This is a war game.  Suck it up and play.  If you do not like how the server is played then you are more than welcome to play elsewhere.  If you can look past the fact that you where mad that the other team got the upper hand on you, come back, pull up your boot strapsw and go to war.   Instead of posting a complaint, fight back!!!!

Last edited by Firstalert (2006-02-27 08:28:49)

Don't touch the pom-pom!
Heh, about the AA Guns. You know the one on Gator? Yeah, well, once this MEC guy got in to it, and started mowing us all down. I tied, it was impossible. Bloody hacker.

Also, baseraping is absolutely fine in a lot of servers.

tehmoogles wrote:

Heh, about the AA Guns. You know the one on Gator? Yeah, well, once this MEC guy got in to it, and started mowing us all down. I tied, it was impossible. Bloody hacker.

Also, baseraping is absolutely fine in a lot of servers.
That one may be different as it is not an actual carrier like on Wake, where you have planes and such..but I may be wrong.

Teckademics wrote:

CrazeD wrote:

To my knowledge.. you cannot get into the essex unless you're USMC, so your story doesn't fit well.
yeah if by aa gun you talking about your right that part is 100% shit.   CHINA CAN NOT GET IN THE AA GUNS ON THE ESSEX.

that is all.
I meant the phalanx yeah, I always say essex lol.
Don't touch the pom-pom!
No, I mean even I, on the USMC team, could not get in.
¦Tactics Øver Principles¦

DarkObsidian wrote:

Okay, so i'm in Moders Wake 24/7, I start out PLA.
The USMC commander is bragging that we're "about to feel lockdown".
Then everyone on PLA runs to a flag, and we secure half the island in a minute and a half or so.
I replied "Lockdown? Looks like we're not the ones feeling it"
He begins talking shit and saying how we're going to feel it next round.
I got switched to USMC, got Commander and started up the UAV and giving out orders and then, all of a sudden, theres about four enemies on the USS Essex.
One jumps in a blackhawk, gets on the gun, mowing down everyone who spawns, another hops into the AA station and starts blowing up jets as they spawn, shooting down our planes coming in for refueling/rearming and the other two hop in our Super Cobra and begin killing anything that moves, and some that doesn't.
I asked them to stop baseraping our uncappable and they continue to do so, I asked if there was an admin in, turns out, the admin was the one in the BH, [M] ZeroHour.
At this point, I can't believe that a member of Moders is baseraping, I've always thought of them to be legit players.
I didn't catch any other names that round except the gunner in the Super Cobra, |TOP|O_Vengence^.
Then, next round, i'm commander again, and I sit next to the AA shooting down their attempts to baserape and they TVed the AA station with their helo, and dropped aboard. Same gunner, I know that much.
Then an admin was on our side and I asked "Are you going to let them continue to do this?" and he replies "It's fine". The admin was [M] Dabba2087.
I can't believe how shitty this was, and I'll probably never go to a Moder's server again.
Sorry for the long rant guys, i'm pissed...
Wow dude, you must be drunk, "the PLA got in the Essex!" rofl.  Base raping is prefectly legit, remember this is a WAR game if you don't like it go play the sims noob.  I respect moders for not initiating n00b rules like no baserape, its so fun killing all the crying noobs "OMG BASERAPER!!!!!"
+1|6877|Savannah GA
what h^e said.

VeNg3nCe^ wrote:

DarkObsidian wrote:

Okay, so i'm in Moders Wake 24/7, I start out PLA.
The USMC commander is bragging that we're "about to feel lockdown".
Then everyone on PLA runs to a flag, and we secure half the island in a minute and a half or so.
I replied "Lockdown? Looks like we're not the ones feeling it"
He begins talking shit and saying how we're going to feel it next round.
I got switched to USMC, got Commander and started up the UAV and giving out orders and then, all of a sudden, theres about four enemies on the USS Essex.
One jumps in a blackhawk, gets on the gun, mowing down everyone who spawns, another hops into the AA station and starts blowing up jets as they spawn, shooting down our planes coming in for refueling/rearming and the other two hop in our Super Cobra and begin killing anything that moves, and some that doesn't.
I asked them to stop baseraping our uncappable and they continue to do so, I asked if there was an admin in, turns out, the admin was the one in the BH, [M] ZeroHour.
At this point, I can't believe that a member of Moders is baseraping, I've always thought of them to be legit players.
I didn't catch any other names that round except the gunner in the Super Cobra, |TOP|O_Vengence^.
Then, next round, i'm commander again, and I sit next to the AA shooting down their attempts to baserape and they TVed the AA station with their helo, and dropped aboard. Same gunner, I know that much.
Then an admin was on our side and I asked "Are you going to let them continue to do this?" and he replies "It's fine". The admin was [M] Dabba2087.
I can't believe how shitty this was, and I'll probably never go to a Moder's server again.
Sorry for the long rant guys, i'm pissed...
Wow dude, you must be drunk, "the PLA got in the Essex!" rofl.  Base raping is prefectly legit, remember this is a WAR game if you don't like it go play the sims noob.  I respect moders for not initiating n00b rules like no baserape, its so fun killing all the crying noobs "OMG BASERAPER!!!!!"
Lol, the sims!

Why not just use some brains... like, spawn in the boat shed, and sneak up behind and blow up the choppers with an AT missle? Hmmm... that's too hard for a noob though.
I've been playing on this server a lot lately, and I find it quite fun hiding out on the carrier when I'm USMC awaiting the inevitable onslaught of rape, I've clocked up many sniper kills picking PLA out of that blackhawk gun turret, or dropping an AT missile on a jet as they try to steal it :p adds a fun dimension to the game.

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