The Microwave Man
There are few aspects of this movie that make me believe something is being covered up and something is being staged . First off the 5 frames clearly show no air craft . No aircraft at all . Why ? Why don't they release frames with the aircraft in it ? Do you think I'm supposed to believe an aircraft the size of a 747 made that fireball happen and I'm not going to see SOME part of an aircraft in these 5 frames ?  I'm sorry but that just leads me to believe it was a missle . In every plane crash there is debris left over - always . There is none at the pentagon , simply none . I'm not buying it at all . WTF was in the big box and why was it covered up ? because something NEEDS to be covered up ? I want someone here to explain with a resonable cause the need to cover up the parts of the aircraft in a box with blue tarp ? Another thing is there aren't many pilots who can hit a building directly in it's side without hitting the ground . I'm sorry but when people are recorded smelling cordite on more then one occasion it raises douts . Also if the fire to burn an aircraft to the point that 11 tons had melted away the engines , the same engines that didn't make holes in the side of the building , then why were body parts recovered at the scene ? Wouldn't they have burned beyond recognition ? Something is being hidden from us . And we deserve to see what was in that box with blue tarp in it . To deny us that right only tells me one thing - something is being covered up .OH and the Popular science "fact" that the plane liquified upon impact and punched a smaller hole into the deeper level of the Pentagon is just laughable , juuuuuuuust laughable .
The Microwave Man

MajorGeneral wrote:

jonnykill wrote:

MajorGeneral wrote:

Oh, I'm surely going to belive that a documentary done by teenagers(?) and put on the internet is nothing else than true. Oh, and by the way: I have reliable evidence that WW2 never infact took place! For example: Who is this Hitler dude? The fact is that he is a CIA agent working for NNS(an über secret organisation that President Washington started). 1935 december 12, FDR issued the order 76. This order proves that WW2 was just fictional. If you don't belive me read:

www.absolutelyreliableconspiracytheorie … ace&BS
For all intents and purposes people who deny the Holocaust are thrown in jail because it is a crime , not too sure about the laws in the US , so if I were you I would just simply STFU .
Wow, hard to see the irony in my post?
Ahhhhhh I see now . Sarcasm is hard to detect when it isn't tagged sometimes . Also it's hard to detect without " tone of voice " if you know what I mean .
OK well, forgetting about the "opinions" in the video there is some very valid points, the biggest one being 1 fact that I can verify from experience in the field, I worked for a number of years for a company that removed debrie from building demolition sites, I had the opportunity to speak with the demo experts on a daily basis and I know what it takes to make a building just collapse on itself and fall mostly into its own footprint (which is exactly what ALL the wtc towers did ) it takes months of planning using building blueprints and very well timed and placed charges in order for it to work correctly. Skyscrapers DO NOT collapse from fire damage no matter how hot it gets, if they ever did manage to fall over they would do just that fall OVER, the WTC buildings fell into themselves at barely slower than they would fall if they were dropped in freefall, the ONLY way this would be possible is if there are NO supports within the building left to slow the fall, meaning that they were puposely brought down using carefully planned explosive charges, now you will say "how did they put all those charges in without someone seeing?" and here's your answer... in the months leading up to 911 the buildings were emptied several times and the power completely cut (first time in the history of the buildings they had completely cut the power on purpose) this turned off all of the security camera's and left the 80+ "building engineers" free roam of the towers. This was explained as drills, and fire suppressant upgrades, so... the only real questions left are not HOW did they come down because there is really only one way it could have happened, but who? why? those answers are right in front of your nose, and you all know it, Patriotism is not standing behind your leaders when they are not standing behind the country, I think your confusing your blind Nationalism with Patriotism and the two are just not the same.  (BTW asking why they would do it is ridiculous, there are literally 100's of billions of dollars to be made from war and rebuilding contracts in Iraq, as well as the power that was reaped by the current administration from the changes made to your so called "constitution" or whats left of it. For the "Land of the Free" you sure gave up your rights quick...
Horseman 77
I love when europeans look down on Americans, secure in their belief thay they cornerd the market in solemn wisdom and purity, The people who plunge the entire world into War Routinely, Coined words like genocide, ethnic cleasing, death camp, Gulags and the V2 Rocket.

lol please.

1 more odd thing for  the conspiracy people.. ready ? with all the security and survailence camaras in the DC area ( I bet there are many hidden and otherwise around the pentagon ) why is there not one photo of the pentagon plane ?

spooky huh ? ... woooooooooOO000OOoooo ! ^.^  ^.^

                                                                 those are bats
The Microwave Man

Horseman 77 wrote:

I love when europeans look down on Americans, secure in their belief thay they cornerd the market in solemn wisdom and purity, The people who plunge the entire world into War Routinely, Coined words like genocide, ethnic cleasing, death camp, Gulags and the V2 Rocket.

lol please.

1 more odd thing for  the conspiracy people.. ready ? with all the security and survailence camaras in the DC area ( I bet there are many hidden and otherwise around the pentagon ) why is there not one photo of the pentagon plane ?

spooky huh ? ... woooooooooOO000OOoooo ! ^.^  ^.^

                                                                 those are bats
If your refering to Canuk he's Canadian , not European .

As for all the video tapes not showing an aircraft if you watched the movie they were all confiscated .
Also if you watched the movie one of our people in high office wanted to stage attacks in Cuba fomenting a reason to invade Cuba . If they were making plans such as that to goto war why is it so hard to believe the same thing can't be done today for the same reasons ?

  Shit like this has been going on since forever . I bet if you had complete open access to all files of our governemt and the shit we have done you would be speechless and bug eyed with your jaw on the ground . As with any other nation - ALL of our shit stinks - so come down off your high horse Commander canuck In the end we don't know shit but at the very least this movie is nothing but a summary of the events that happened on that day and raises some fucked up questions . Questions that are not addressed - simply ignored by our "government " .

Horseman 77 wrote:

1 more odd thing for  the conspiracy people.. ready ? with all the security and survailence camaras in the DC area ( I bet there are many hidden and otherwise around the pentagon ) why is there not one photo of the pentagon plane ?
I think thats what they were complaining about. The plane that crashed into the Pentagon, that was in full view of video cameras at a nearby gas station but the goverment refuses to release any of the video to the public, not counting the few frames they released which shows for sure that something exploded.
Regarding my last post in this thread about WTC 7.

Here is the clip from the PBS documentary "America Rebuilds" where Silverstein admits that he and the FDNY decided to pull building 7. Pull means they demolished it on purpose. The video is about a quarter of the way down the page. Rebuilding America first aired in September of 2002.

Here is the official FEMA report from their investigation into what collapsed building 7. This is from the official FEMA government website. This report was made in May of 2002. You have to have Adobe Reader to view this.

Here is the Popular Mechanics report another poster linked to in this very thread. This report "debunking" the conspiracy theories appeared in the March 2005 issue of PM. Notice that they make no mention of Silverstein admitting that the building was demolished. … =5&c=y

Seems pretty fishy eh?
Bringer of slight pain and mild discomfort.
It's hard to argue with this one

Last edited by SpanktorTheGreat (2006-02-27 09:28:25)

I guess since these people believe 9/11 was were the bombings in Britain and Spain.
Oh yeah, what about the staged landing on the moon, and Saddam's fake gassing of the Kurds.

*Note- This is purley sarcasim*
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7079|AUS, Canberra
all i know if it was found out to be staged usa would be right royaly fucked for atleast the rest of all our lives, i think you would have nations combining to come get rid of bush much like he did with sadam.

it would prob be the most defining point in usa history and usa would never again be the most powerfull nation on earth.
From the looks of that whit plane
I say- C-5 or AWACs     very good movie thou

I think if u really do care about the USA and your American watch it even if u dont agree with it!
Horseman 77

jonnykill wrote:

Horseman 77 wrote:

I love when europeans look down on Americans, secure in their belief thay they cornerd the market in solemn wisdom and purity, The people who plunge the entire world into War Routinely, Coined words like genocide, ethnic cleasing, death camp, Gulags and the V2 Rocket.

lol please.

1 more odd thing for  the conspiracy people.. ready ? with all the security and survailence camaras in the DC area ( I bet there are many hidden and otherwise around the pentagon ) why is there not one photo of the pentagon plane ?

spooky huh ? ... woooooooooOO000OOoooo ! ^.^  ^.^

                                                                 those are bats
If your refering to Canuk he's Canadian , not European .

As for all the video tapes not showing an aircraft if you watched the movie they were all confiscated .
Also if you watched the movie one of our people in high office wanted to stage attacks in Cuba fomenting a reason to invade Cuba . If they were making plans such as that to goto war why is it so hard to believe the same thing can't be done today for the same reasons ?

  Shit like this has been going on since forever . I bet if you had complete open access to all files of our governemt and the shit we have done you would be speechless and bug eyed with your jaw on the ground . As with any other nation - ALL of our shit stinks - so come down off your high horse Commander canuck In the end we don't know shit but at the very least this movie is nothing but a summary of the events that happened on that day and raises some fucked up questions . Questions that are not addressed - simply ignored by our "government " .
I must agree but the 911 attack was real, I was there for 1/2
their is no way in hell the government would stage this thats complete bull$#&! but i'm betting if you believe this do you believe that elivis is still alive and that JFK story is all wrong and a big cover up?
You with the face!
People, come on!  This is too large of a "conspiracy" to keep secret in today's society.  Oh, I suppose you will say that all dissenters were on the planes too.  COME ON!  **I did not watch the video because I do not have an hour and a half to waste on a crazy idea.

OK to start with a few things.

-metal looses strength when heated that much.  The joints holding the floor trusses (sp?) lost strength and gave.  The structual design of the WTC was almost unique.  The floors actually gave the buildings a large percentage of their stuctural integrity.  Thus, no floors means little strength + damage to the outer columns means the whole thing comes down.

-The WTC (main towers) collapsed from near the top.  Why would they "fall over"?

-You can't see an aircraft from 5 frames of a security tape! Wow, not seeing somthing traveling at over 300mph impacting a building from one-fifth of a second of footage, THAT must be impossible! (sarcasm)
Do you really think you can see much in 5/24ths of a second of film?

-I have to laugh at someone calling a 9/11 conspiracy a planned reason to go into Iraq.  The pretext was a completely different reason.  (WMDs)

-***Let's go through some risk analysis here.  Would killing over 2,000 citizens be the safest way to achieve your economic and political goals?  Unless you want to be killed or destroy your own country, IT IS NOT.***

-Hindsight is 20/20.  IF one person had all the information before 9/11 and NO EXCESS information, they would have been able to figure it out.  That is not how the world works.

To those insulting Americans: We have our problems, but (unless you are from France) when did we call you idiots and discount everything you said? Who is arrogant now?  (If you are from France, I am sorry)

Last edited by RAIMIUS (2006-02-26 20:51:28)

The Microwave Man

the_heart_attack wrote:

all i know if it was found out to be staged usa would be right royaly fucked for atleast the rest of all our lives, i think you would have nations combining to come get rid of bush much like he did with sadam.

it would prob be the most defining point in usa history and usa would never again be the most powerfull nation on earth.
Damn right it would be the most defining moment of US history . Imagine Bush arrestsed for treason and sentenced to death for the 3000 murders of innocent civillians . Imagine what the world would think . No dout plans for countries to join up and attack the US would be in motion . That would be WW3 .

But it won't happen . meh .
The Microwave Man

RAIMIUS wrote:

People, come on!  This is too large of a "conspiracy" to keep secret in today's society.  Oh, I suppose you will say that all dissenters were on the planes too.  COME ON!  **I did not watch the video because I do not have an hour and a half to waste on a crazy idea.

OK to start with a few things.

-metal looses strength when heated that much.  The joints holding the floor trusses (sp?) lost strength and gave.  The structual design of the WTC was almost unique.  The floors actually gave the buildings a large percentage of their stuctural integrity.  Thus, no floors means little strength + damage to the outer columns means the whole thing comes down.

-The WTC (main towers) collapsed from near the top.  Why would they "fall over"?

What do you mean "fall over " ? "falling over " to me means falling sideways , foward as if a person drunk falls over . The WTC buildings fell straight down , perfectly . Are you refering to "pancakeing " where each level of the building falls on top of the other creating a domino effect ? Ok fine . The steel is "weakened" at such and such degrees . The 747 hit one area . Most of the fuel was burned off in the initial exslposion . Even if it wasn't , let's a\say a whole bunch of fule got into a few levels laterally , managed to catch a whole bunch of floors above it on fire it would be distributed  - unevenly . As the fire created more heat and rose upward no matter what it would only weaken in an unevenly distributed area . With that in mind  I can see a section of the WTC getting so hot that it would collapse and kind of slide or even break off and fall to the ground . But the whole building falling down all at once ? First  time ever where 2 buildings fall in this fashion in one day ? Fire fighters talking about mutable exslposions ? Hummmmmmmm . What about the destruction on the lowere floors ? Whay were the heavy slabs of marble bown off ? Why were people getting out of ellevaders with skin blown off thier arms 40 levels below the plane impact ? 

-You can't see an aircraft from 5 frames of a security tape! Wow, not seeing somthing traveling at over 300mph impacting a building from one-fifth of a second of footage, THAT must be impossible! (sarcasm)
Do you really think you can see much in 5/24ths of a second of film?

Your right . Most gas station and motel video security tapes only capture a mear 2 seconds per frame . Ok fine . Why were the tapes confiscated in the first place and why were only 5 frames released to the public . Why not release the whole tape ? Your simply avoiding the question , just like the government officials do on TV .

-I have to laugh at someone calling a 9/11 conspiracy a planned reason to go into Iraq.  The pretext was a completely different reason.  (WMDs)

The movie is suggesting that the President knew about the attacks . It also elledges that the government placed bombs in the building . Think about it . It suggests that not only did we know about the attacks we wanted to make sure they casued the most damage , to create a new "pear harbor " . Get it ? No other building , not even the one that got hit buy a plane that got lost in the fog ( oh , you didn't waste an hour and a half of you'r time ) ever fell like the twin towers did from fire . Not one before and not one ever since . Not even a building cuaght on fir for 24 hours fell in this fashion . And 2 buildings fell like this on one day ? Hummmmmmm .

-***Let's go through some risk analysis here.  Would killing over 2,000 citizens be the safest way to achieve your economic and political goals?  Unless you want to be killed or destroy your own country, IT IS NOT.***

  If you saw the video you would see a report where the secretary of defense drew up plans to stage planes flying over cuba getting shot down and foment a reason to goto war since Cuba was a cominist nation . Sorry to addmit it but if things like that are considered to go to war then nothing is to bizzare - nothing .

-Hindsight is 20/20.  IF one person had all the information before 9/11 and NO EXCESS information, they would have been able to figure it out.  That is not how the world works.

WTF do you mean by this ? Figure what out ?

To those insulting Americans: We have our problems, but (unless you are from France) when did we call you idiots and discount everything you said? Who is arrogant now?  (If you are from France, I am sorry)
Everybodys shit stinks

Last edited by jonnykill (2006-02-26 21:39:26)

The Microwave Man

<{SoE}>Agamemnar wrote:

stryyker wrote:

honest to god, would the president order the killing of 2,000 people JUST to start a war? i
lol... yes? He didn't seem to mind the nearly 2.5k casualties in the Iraq war.
Lol ! Even if our US casualty rate hit 5000 US soldiers killed it doesn't even compair to the 45,000 Taliban we killed in one day ( tora bora ). I'd say they need a lot of catching up to do no ?
want to go heads up?
+11|7043|cairns australia
i dont think anyone doesnt believe 2 jets hit the towers.however if the towers structural integretity failed on or around the the floors where the fires were,why did they collapse?they are already being supported from the bottom of the seems strange to me that they collapsed due to fire as they are the only buildings of its type to do so.a b25 bomber crashed into the empire state building in 1945 and its structural integrity was not compromised.the wtc was well advanced in design and construction,yet failed structurally.was this to do with bad design or construction?if so another coverup.if not how did they collapse?magic?bad luck?or something a lot more sinister.mans greed can drive him to anything.why is there no footage of the pentagon attack?so many questions.just food for thought.
Aussie Outlaw

Taken from a sercurity camera near pentagon … 01_attacks

Anyone see a plane there?

Last edited by Greenie_Beazinie (2006-02-26 23:01:06)

can detect anyone's visible post count...
+691|7075|Cambridge (UK)

imortal wrote:

AGoetzy wrote:

I watched this, and it brings up some undeniable points, like how the cell phone calls on Flight 93 had basically no chance of working (like 0.006% or something). Very interesting.
Cell phones and physics.  Oh, and economics.  Cell phones operate by radio waves.
Imortal, you need to go back to school and learn some more physics.

Planes are big Faraday Cages.

What's a Faraday Cage?

A Faraday cage is an enclosure designed to exclude electromagnetic fields.
What are radio waves?

Radio is the wireless transmission of signals, by modulation of electromagnetic waves
That's why cell phones don't work in 747s.

Anyhoo, back on topic - when I saw this thread I thought "yeah right! yet another conspiracy theory!".

Then, because I'm a true skeptic and so never make up my mind before seeing the evidence, I watched the film.

At first I was still "yeah right!" and "he's clearly an actor!" (the flight school bloke), but then...

OH MY GOD! There's too much real hard evidence here to just dismiss as some crackpot conspiracy theory.

I still don't know whether I fully buy into it, but if you watch the film with mind of a true skeptic it's hard not to.

pokerplaya wrote:

i dont think anyone doesnt believe 2 jets hit the towers.however if the towers structural integretity failed on or around the the floors where the fires were,why did they collapse?they are already being supported from the bottom of the seems strange to me that they collapsed due to fire as they are the only buildings of its type to do so.a b25 bomber crashed into the empire state building in 1945 and its structural integrity was not compromised.the wtc was well advanced in design and construction,yet failed structurally.was this to do with bad design or construction?if so another coverup.if not how did they collapse?magic?bad luck?or something a lot more sinister.mans greed can drive him to anything.why is there no footage of the pentagon attack?so many questions.just food for thought.
The impact shattered the fire proof coating off the beams exposing the un protected steel. That has a lower melting point than the temp of the fire.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6984|Canberra, AUS
Also, I believe that the central steel core inside the towers failed, and collapsed, bringing the rest of the tower with it.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
can detect anyone's visible post count...
+691|7075|Cambridge (UK)

TriggerHappy998 wrote:

One part that I noticed in this documentary was the part about the demolitioning of the buildings. Notice how in a controlled demolition the explosions go up floor by floor.
Not necessarily - sometimes they go up, sometimes they go along, sometimes they go down - it's depends on what pattern of destruction is required to bring the building down in the manner that the demolition team requires. I've seen quite a few demolitions and have seen all sorts of patterns that cause buildings to do all sorts of wierd things. All three building collapses look one hell of a lot like controlled demolitions.

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