
Varegg wrote:

Hakei wrote:

Another question, you go to a party and someone is loud, aggressive and wants a fight. Is he:

A) Drunk
B) Stoned
You can't boil it down to this, that's to simple ... it can be both or a mix between the two ...
Thats just nitpicking.  If you knew it was one of the other, which would you choose?

ZombieVampire! wrote:

I know a guy who's convinced of a higher plane of existence due to his LSD trips.

He's a nice guy, just so long as you don't let him ramble on when he's drug (which can be..........uncomfortable).
I know plenty of people who are just like that, but they don't take LSD.  They do go to church, however.
I support these claims.  Every marijuana-smoker I know is a paranoid conspiracy theorist who's theories make less and less sense whenever I talk to him.  Yes, I only know 3 heavy marijuana-smokers.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6841|Tampa Bay Florida
The only solution to this problem is to legalize all drugs.... then heavily regulate them to make sure that the people who want stuff get it and don't fuck up other peoples lives.

If our gov't took that approach to every problem, the world would be a much better place.
can detect anyone's visible post count...
+691|6917|Cambridge (UK)
Just about everyone I know that smokes cannabis knows that it isn't harmless.

Just as, everyone I know that smokes tobacco, or drinks alcohol, or takes speed, or whatever, knows it isn't harmless.

About the only time I ever hear/see "pot is harmless" is when it's some tabloid/anti-pot article/person saying that "lot's of pot smokers think it's harmless".

We may be pot-heads, but we ain't stupid.
Long-term anything causes brain-damage... To a lesser degree of course.
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

Scorpion0x17 wrote:

About the only time I ever hear/see "pot is harmless" is when it's some tabloid/anti-pot article/person saying that "lot's of pot smokers think it's harmless".

We may be pot-heads, but we ain't stupid.
That's not what this was about.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
The X stands for
+1,813|6257|eXtreme to the maX
I support these claims.  Every marijuana-smoker I know is a paranoid conspiracy theorist who's theories make less and less sense whenever I talk to him.  Yes, I only know 3 heavy marijuana-smokers.
Maybe so, but then I've never smoked anything.
Does that disprove the argument?

But seriously, a toker I used to know freely admitted the more he smoked the more paranoid he became.
From what I've seen it also seems to make people progressively more bitter about their lives, and a stronger feeling its all someone elses fault.
Not sure if there is a medical name for that. Liberalism?
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
When I was a heavy weed smoker I got paranoid that I wasn't doing well in life, and sorted my shit out.

Wasted paranoia can be a good tool, you just have to learn how to apply it.
+632|6767|do not disturb

I wonder what Marinejauana has to say about this
+65|6844|las vegas

Varegg wrote:

Everything can be abused and misused, weed and alcohol are no exceptions ... weed can actually have therapeutic benefit for some ...
So does Booze

in moderation, some of the ingredients in red wine hold the key to longer life..say 80 years. But will need to be in pill form.. i saw this on 60 mins a few months ago..they are on the verge..but it wont be cheap.

pot isnt bad in small amounts either, one can argue though booze in large amounts is worst then weed in large amounts...

but imo they are about equal..legalize it i dont care, but i wont buy it..have allergy to it..and probably to beer and other booze.
The Gecko

RoosterCantrell wrote:

Drinking water in excess is bad for you.. studies show.
alcohol in certain amount are good for you... studies show.
chocolate is good for you... studies show.
All true.

liquix wrote:

right? wrong. If that were the case, then cigarettes and alcohol would be illegal, as both have shown extraordinary levels of danger for the user and non-users.
Cigarettes are only legal because it's diffcult to make them illegal, but the process is slowly proceeding (in Australia, at least).  Alcohol hardly presents extraordinary levels of danger.
Alcohol has long term health risks. In order to demonstrate that pot should be kept banned you'd have to proove that the risks were significantly worse than that of alcohol.
MONDAY, June 2 (HealthDay News) --  cannabis use causes significant brain injury(Ted Kennedy), memory loss( " that would depend on what the meaning of the word "is" is.), difficulties learning new information(Hillary, for the 20th time. Obama has beat you in the Primary), and psychotic symptoms, such as delusions of persecution(Vast Right Wing conspiracy) [paranoia], delusions of mind-reading(Sadam was never a threat), and bizarre social behaviors (Cigar + Intern = Sex)
Strange, these are all the same symptoms of liberalism.  Go Hemp!
Calmer than you are.

Lotta_Drool wrote:

MONDAY, June 2 (HealthDay News) --  cannabis use causes significant brain injury(Ted Kennedy), memory loss( " that would depend on what the meaning of the word "is" is.), difficulties learning new information(Hillary, for the 20th time. Obama has beat you in the Primary), and psychotic symptoms, such as delusions of persecution(Vast Right Wing conspiracy) [paranoia], delusions of mind-reading(Sadam was never a threat), and bizarre social behaviors (Cigar + Intern = Sex)
Strange, these are all the same symptoms of liberalism.  Go Hemp!
I wonder what drug causes that egoistic, sheepish behavior and the "bending over" symptom that republicans seem to suffer from...
O Canada
+1,596|6556|North Carolina

oug wrote:

Lotta_Drool wrote:

MONDAY, June 2 (HealthDay News) --  cannabis use causes significant brain injury(Ted Kennedy), memory loss( " that would depend on what the meaning of the word "is" is.), difficulties learning new information(Hillary, for the 20th time. Obama has beat you in the Primary), and psychotic symptoms, such as delusions of persecution(Vast Right Wing conspiracy) [paranoia], delusions of mind-reading(Sadam was never a threat), and bizarre social behaviors (Cigar + Intern = Sex)
Strange, these are all the same symptoms of liberalism.  Go Hemp!
I wonder what drug causes that egoistic, sheepish behavior and the "bending over" symptom that republicans seem to suffer from...
It's called patriotism...  the most insidious, addictive drug of all.  There's also an alternate form called corporatism.
+240|6816|Austin, TX

oug wrote:

Lotta_Drool wrote:

MONDAY, June 2 (HealthDay News) --  cannabis use causes significant brain injury(Ted Kennedy), memory loss( " that would depend on what the meaning of the word "is" is.), difficulties learning new information(Hillary, for the 20th time. Obama has beat you in the Primary), and psychotic symptoms, such as delusions of persecution(Vast Right Wing conspiracy) [paranoia], delusions of mind-reading(Sadam was never a threat), and bizarre social behaviors (Cigar + Intern = Sex)
Strange, these are all the same symptoms of liberalism.  Go Hemp!
I wonder what drug causes that egoistic, sheepish behavior and the "bending over" symptom that republicans seem to suffer from...
Funny, I find most of the sheeple out there are democrats.  Strange.

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