I have my douts too . Then again all news is bad news these days . You never hear of anything good even if good things are happening . The whole thing that sucks is that if no one attacked us and gave us just one fucking chance to atually do some good then things would be so much better . We spend 200 million evey 2 weeks in Iraq . It's such a shame . All thoes people going to the poles to vote even though sniper fire and mortors are being driopped on them , they still vote and try to develope a new constitution . It's the religious exsreamitst fucking everything up . I really feel sorry for the Iraqis . Today two teenagers were shot to death as they played soccer in a feild . The US troops can only do so much . The people of Iraq need to put old squables aside and quick rebuild their country . God speed to'em . They are no different then you and I .RAIMIUS wrote:
Who are no longer allies, jonnykill?
I am beginning to doubt whether there will be peace in Iraq in my lifetime. There is still a fight for power. Iraq's oil is a major issue to, well, everyone. Mix that with religious intolerance and ethnic violence, well you get the picture.
On second thought, one party will probably oppress the other into insignificance once the US leaves, and major fighting will cease.
Oh and I didn't say we were no longer allies with any of the nations I named . All I was saying is that after we invaded Gemany we became allies and the same goes for Japan . I was hoping that once we leave Iraq we can be allies as well . IMHO dictaorships , communism and tribal systems are nothing but oppresive , brutal and extreme ways to run a country . Although capitalism has it's flaws most dealings are done with money , bribary , law suits and threats - not AK's , mortors and machineguns .
Last edited by jonnykill (18 years, 10 months ago)