I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7145|Cologne, Germany

ZombieVampire! wrote:

FallenMorgan wrote:

ZombieVampire! wrote:

You know, technically that's what freedom of religion means.
The first amendment has no clause that says "Religions have the right to cut off their followers from society, beat women and children into submission, and force a 13 year old to marry a 50 year old man."  How would you feel if you were an FLDS woman, forced into that shit?
Which is irrelevant.  Freedom of religion, by definition, means being allowed to follow any religion, no matter what it requires.
But what if the details of that religion, and what it entails, conflict with other individual rights, or human rights ? Or would you say that, just because it's their religion, someone should be allowed to kill and then drink the blood of a virgin, for example ?

where do you draw the line, Bubs ? Is child abuse suddenly ok, because it's part of a religion ?
Veritas et Scientia
+444|6434|North Tonawanda, NY

B.Schuss wrote:

But what if the details of that religion, and what it entails, conflict with other individual rights, or human rights ? Or would you say that, just because it's their religion, someone should be allowed to kill and then drink the blood of a virgin, for example ?

where do you draw the line, Bubs ? Is child abuse suddenly ok, because it's part of a religion ?
Freedom of religion is about allowing people to practice whatever religion they please, but the point that seems to be missed is that the first amendment does not absolve you of any crimes committed while practicing that religion.  If someone really wanted to kill a virgin and drink the blood, they could...but they would be guilty of murder, and there is nothing about the freedom of religion that would make that OK.

I am not really sure why this is so elusive to some, but the freedom of religion does not protect criminal acts.
The Gecko

B.Schuss wrote:

ZombieVampire! wrote:

FallenMorgan wrote:

The first amendment has no clause that says "Religions have the right to cut off their followers from society, beat women and children into submission, and force a 13 year old to marry a 50 year old man."  How would you feel if you were an FLDS woman, forced into that shit?
Which is irrelevant.  Freedom of religion, by definition, means being allowed to follow any religion, no matter what it requires.
But what if the details of that religion, and what it entails, conflict with other individual rights, or human rights ? Or would you say that, just because it's their religion, someone should be allowed to kill and then drink the blood of a virgin, for example ?

where do you draw the line, Bubs ? Is child abuse suddenly ok, because it's part of a religion ?
I'm not the one defending freedom of religion.

B.Schuss wrote:

paul386 wrote:

And what would the government inspect for? Allowed to continue on as normal otherwise? Guess what buddy, not your or the government has the right to tell someone how to live. The government does not have the right to stop someone from living how they want and raising their children how they want, as long as it is in the legal limits. You do NOT have to prove yourself to be legal, the government has to prove you to be illegal. One does not have to "earn" their freedom or rights. The government has to make a compelling argument to take them away.

You make me sick. Your concept of government has been shaped by the socialist programs in Europe and here in the US. The government has overstepped its boundary, everywhere.
With the way the word socialism is thrown around here, one could think this is the McCarthy era all over again. Jesus.

Let me ask you this then, paul. I realize the burden of proof is on the government, and that's a good thing. But how are you going to find out if laws are actually broken within closed compounds of religious groups such as the FDLS, if you have no way of getting that information ?
How exactly do you know that children aren't abused there, when no one ever leaves the compound, or talks with someone outside ?
How do you adress that problem ?

And guess what, of course the government has the right to tell you how to live. It's called legislation, and the laws set the boundaries for what is acceptable ( i.e. legal ) in society, and what isn't. If that's not the government telling its citizens how to live, then I don't know what is.
You are deluding yourself if you think that's not the case. Every society needs rules to live by. That's not socialism, that's common sense.
The question is not if the government can make rules that regulate the life of its citizens, only to what degree it should be regulated.

paul386 wrote:

All that means is that you are inconsistent and confused with your beliefs. Try thinking about things in generality, not in specific cases. One should always be able to sum up their political beliefs in a few sentences that has NOTHING to do with current events or specifics.
what ?! so you are saying that one should always follow a certain political ideology ( approach ), regardless of the problem that one is facing ?
Conservative for life, so-to-speak ?

That's insane. If history has taught us anything, wouldn't it be that no political ideology has the perfect answer to every question ? Wouldn't it be that sticking to a certain political belief, regardless of the consequences is the recipee for failure ?

Come on, haven't we moved beyond this kind of party indoctrination ? You call it being confused, and inconsistent, I call it keeping an open mind, and chosing the best possible solution to a problem, regardless of the any political ideology. I mean, seriously, why should I limit myself to one specific approach to a specific problem. Life is not a generality. It is a series of specific cases, and therefore each cases should be adressed individually, without regard for political dogma.

And with all respect, paul, this sentence here:

Try thinking about things in generality, not in specific cases

is probably the most backward, closed-minded thing I have heard anyone say here for a long time. It's like you are stuck in the 1950's.

One can have a liberal approach to one issue, and be more conservative with regard to another issue. This is not inconsistency, or confusion, it's called having an opinion of your own, and not letting some kind of ideology or dogma decide for you.


back on topic.

Of course freedom of religion is important. But that freedom should end when the individual rights of the children are being violated because of the religious beliefs of their parents. The state must have an opportunity to check on that, otherwise the laws are useless because they cannot be enforced.

In germany, we adress that problem as follows:

- no homeschooling. This is to ensure that a) all children receive at least a basic education according to unified standards, and b) all children get some exposure to "reality", and society gets to "see" them, and make sure they're ok.

- mandatory check-ups for small children by a state doctor. This was introduced after a series of abuse cases of smaller children, who were not yet in the school system. Parents are asked to visit with state doctors regularly. You may call this invasion of privacy, we call it safety precaution.
Because history has shown that abusive parents will almost always try to hide their child from the rest of the world, and not allow any contacts with the social environment, for example neighbours, or friends.
These mandatory check-ups were introduced to make sure the child at least gets to leave the house from time to time, so authorities can make sure it's ok. You know, the usual stuff. Is the child healthy, are there signs of malnutrition, any signs of physical abuse, what's its emotional state, is it apathic or lively, etc...

We take privacy very serious here in germany, but at the same time, we have had to accept that privacy must have its limitations when it comes to protecting those who cannot protect themselves.
1. In regards to the government having the right to control people through legislation.

Just because the government has the power to create laws, does not mean the scope of those laws are unlimited. The government cannot make a law (although they have and continue to do so) that removes my freedoms. This is the basic principle of our Constitutional Republic, a citizen has rights that are not granted, not permitted, nor tolerated by the government. A citizens rights are only to be protected by the government. No majority can strip the rights of the minority.

Sticking to consistent political philosophy is a good thing. And I am not talking about political parties, which are focused on current events, in much the opposite of what I said. Consistent political philosophy should be able to extend to all circumstance. What is all too common these days is people having specific opinions which generally are in disagreement with each other. For example many people accept socialized healthcare but would reject other socialized components.
+53|6218|Glendale, CA
In general I think radical religions are fucked up.  Honestly, who would you guys support the rights of a cult to rape 13 year olds, force them to have 10 kids, and then beat the children?  Carolyne Jessup said she once saw a mother beat a child younger than 1 year old being beaten with a broom.

I agree that the government shouldn't fuck with people's rights, but this is different.  The root purpose of government is to protect the people, and the FLDS does not deserve religious freedom if they harm others.  All the people who support the position of the FLDS obviously don't understand the words "rape," "child abuse," and "brainwashing."

As for what B.Schuss said, something like the system in Germany would be impossible in the US.  There are approximately 304,000,000 people in the US, compared to Germany's 82,000,000 or so.  Things done in smaller countries would be hard in a big country like this.
+302|7040|Salt Lake City

I haven't read every post, but let me make one thing clear.  The vast majority of polygamists don't live in compounds.  They live in normal neighborhoods, work normal jobs, and their kids may even attend public schools.  What the FLDS are doing is not practicing religion.  They are practicing a form of slavery and pedophilia, and trying to defend it under the guise of religion.

Last edited by Agent_Dung_Bomb (2008-06-03 11:11:17)

I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7145|Cologne, Germany

FallenMorgan wrote:

In general I think radical religions are fucked up.  Honestly, who would you guys support the rights of a cult to rape 13 year olds, force them to have 10 kids, and then beat the children?  Carolyne Jessup said she once saw a mother beat a child younger than 1 year old being beaten with a broom.

I agree that the government shouldn't fuck with people's rights, but this is different.  The root purpose of government is to protect the people, and the FLDS does not deserve religious freedom if they harm others.  All the people who support the position of the FLDS obviously don't understand the words "rape," "child abuse," and "brainwashing."

As for what B.Schuss said, something like the system in Germany would be impossible in the US.  There are approximately 304,000,000 people in the US, compared to Germany's 82,000,000 or so.  Things done in smaller countries would be hard in a big country like this.
really ? I don't think size is the issue here. Organization is the key, and proper structures. You may have three times the citizens than germany, but you also have three times the doctors, the appropriate number of schools, etc...

Also, if you organize the check-ups on state level, the actual number of children that would have to be looked after would be much smaller.
+43|6696|Wollongong, NSW, Australia
My delusion is better than your delusion.....

Just further proof that the species is doomed. Imagine justifying child marriage and polygamy on the basis of "instruction from a higher life form".

"I mean, if I went round saying I was an Emperor, just because some moistened bint lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away."

Monkeys with cars.

All you know is what the news told you about an account of what someone said. What was the evidence of wrong doing by those people?

Last edited by jsnipy (2008-06-03 16:10:34)

God Save the Queen
+628|6648|tropical regions of london
in other news....wedding ceremonies have just seen a sharp increase in el dorado texas.
+5,233|6833|Global Command

jsnipy wrote:

All you know is what the news told you about an account of what someone said. What was the evidence of wrong doing by those people?
And the fact that it all stemmed from prank call to begin with.

My grand mother was Maureen Barlow. She was hit and killed in a crossing walk five years ago, along with her 44 year old daughter who was a mother of 14. A taxi driver from Pakistan hit them.
She was the third wife of my grand father. As a child she was a tomboy and rebellious. The woman I knew was just any other grand mother. She was stern; she would make me sit upright on the couch rather than sprawled on the floor. She made eggs and potatoes and home made wheat bread toast with raw honey. Not all of her children lived the Plural Marriage life but my folks always understood and respected Freewill.
She eventually wrote her life story. I have the book, and she describes herself as a person much like me in their view of the familes religion, but she claims that as a girl of 16 a Being of White Light came into her room and instructed her to go to my grandfather and agree to marry him.

If she hadn't, I wouldn't be here.
Who am I to argue?

But...Freewill dictates to me that I seek my own truth. I suspect that this is what God expects of me, if he exists.
I know that strange things happen to people.
O Canada
+1,596|6709|North Carolina

paul386 wrote:

All that means is that you are inconsistent and confused with your beliefs. Try thinking about things in generality, not in specific cases. One should always be able to sum up their political beliefs in a few sentences that has NOTHING to do with current events or specifics.
Again, you're a radical, and I'm a moderate.  You may think being "consistent" is more important than being practical and judging things on a case by case basis, but most people would probably disagree with you.  Or rather... if the average person agreed with your mindset, the majority of America would be radical in nature.

Milton Friedman was someone who influenced economics an immense amount, but like all other ideologues, he got many things wrong because of his idealism.  Pragmatism and moderation generally outperform idealism.
+53|6218|Glendale, CA
Polygamy and the FLDS don't go hand-in-hand.

jsnipy wrote:

All you know is what the news told you about an account of what someone said. What was the evidence of wrong doing by those people?
Carolyne Jessup, along with many other men and women who escaped from the FLDS, would testify as to what happened there.  We have no physical evidence (other than the pictures of Warren Jeffs kissing a 12 year old) because no formal search has been done at the FYZ ranch, or any of the other FLDS compounds.
+5,233|6833|Global Command

Warren Jeffs daughter spotted at our Thanksgiving. No guns were involved.

Blonde in the white shirt.

She will marry of her own freewill my younger brother Jesse.
All 6'7" of him. Weird, when they all bugged out to texas, she wanted to stay and...( gasp ) nothing happened. Why no pilgrim dress?, you may ask.  You have to remember, the media are a bunch of whores who like to get the sheep riled up.
That's me with the wine. Jesse is to her left, all the younger kids are my siblings.
In fact, only three in this photo are not my brothers and or sisters.
"Re-education camps"...lol.

I have many more " inside the beehive " pictures from my visit to Utah this year. If comments are respectful, more may follow.


Last edited by ATG (2008-12-07 19:15:11)

iPod is broken.
+1,048|6969|NT, like Mick Dundee

That's a hell of a family you have ATG. Lucky to have so many brothers and sisters m8. I don't have any sisters.

Just two brothers.
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.

Nice gaff ATG.

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