
Ive been holding off on this subject, but it cant wait. I keep getting bad gunners so I thought I try and help... This applys to all choppers...

The li'll gizmo in the front of this thing is the 20mm. It is used for "NON-ARMOR" and personal... DO NOT peper tanks, apc's and expect to kill it any time soon. The pilot should line you up for a TV guided shot. If he does take it!!! BTW: learn to use TV guided missles.

You're the gunner. When caping flags (if you dont get out) keep scanning for ground troops. If you see one take him out.

Dont just sit there, you're eyes should ALWAYS be scanning. When caping flags in the chopper, KILL everything in the area that can kill you. Jeeps, tanks, APC's etc... empty or not.

Dont keep telling the pilot to "MOVE IT"! You dont get kills, points, and help the team by flying fast and doing tricks. OR flying around the map mindlessly...

TV guided: Like I said, learn to use the guided missles. Both of you will live longer... DONT waist a guided missle on one ground troop (unless the machine gun is over heated, and it cant wait)

If you have a clear clean shot at another attack chopper, DONT peper it with the machine gun all day long, USE the guided missles.... All pilots / gunners should have the "veiw scale distance to 100%" I dont know if people cant see the targets or what....

Some of us have goals for the choppers / jets. If you cant fly DONT!!! Youre waisting the time of those who can, and NOT helping the team win. If you want to learn to fly, do single player OR go on an empty server, untill you can contribute to the team. If you cant gun well, dont get in the seat with some one thant can fly well. He will be waiting for the guided shot that never happend, and will be killed doing so... NOT COOL
Mod Incarnate
*ahem* http://forums.bf2s.com/viewtopic.php?id=4930

Though I agree. Half the time I dont bother picking someone up unless its someone I know.
site lurkerer
+26|6687|cheshire u.k
you got that right socom ghost,pilot to keep heli and gunner alive,gunner to kill things quickly and efficiently.
I agree with one exception. If you don't have a TV shot at a tank then drill it for a few seconds with the 20mm. If the 50 cal on the turret is occupied it will do a hell of alot of damage to the helo very quickly. Kill the gunner and eliminate the problem. If you have a TV take that shot first.

Last edited by cocoasdad (2006-02-26 05:01:52)

As an experienced chopper pilot I would have to say I totally agree with the original post. Getting a gunner that doesn't know whats going on, isn't paying attention, or is just taking up a seat, is very frusturating. You can only do so much with rockets and a quick stick.

As for shooting armor with the gun on the cobra, don't bother. If your TV missile isnt ready then you're just going to attract unwanted attention, and with the 1.2 patch, that pretty much garuntees you're screwed.

And when a pilot ask you to bail out, don’t take it personnel, he wants his good gunner who is on coms with him.
Had a guy that couldn’t hit a barn from the inside in my cobra, after the 6th  tv miss I flew out to where a squad guy was waiting for me and asked the guy to get out, FU was the reply.

Did he think I was going to give him a shot after that?

Well, here is one possible solution.  Grab a rifle an go lonewolf, that way you don't have to worry about anyone ruining your game.  I am not attacking the helos, I have a lot of time in them, I am just saying why worry about it or spam "hop out" or fly to the edge of the map and kill the gunner, just play and deal with it or hit the ground.
Hey I never thought about the map killing to get rid of a crappy gunner. HAHA thanks for the idea x_x

Typically if I get ticked off, and although it may result in loss of points and hurt the team. Is putting some C4 and letting the chopper have it after its about 50 feet off the ground. Self-gratifying, and extremely entertaining for anyone else that has a sense of humor (not the flight crew obviously) haha
I dont know if this was ever mentioned but.
Htting f9 upon entering helo or jets give you full veiw screen. 
In both seats an all aircraft.
Seems like alot dont know this as i can planely see enemy on ground but gunner dont unless i stand my nose down risking crashing for him to even see the person or jeep or tank or anything i can planely see by flying full veiw.
While looking around.
Im not saying im that great just something to help others.
Voice is also nice as you can comunicate while going to locations an spot something maybe i didnt see or vice versa.
An please react as fast as posibble be it voice or full guns on an instance notice.
Again hit f9 between switching weapons as it snaps back to cockpit veiw when doing that.

Last edited by LostSoul (2006-02-26 08:37:51)

Having the cockpit off is great for both gunner and pilot. As a gunner your field of vision is a hundred times better and you can hit/see targets that are way below the normal view. As a pilot I count on my gunner being able to hit targets in positions that they cant see with the cockpit on, since sometimes thats the best shot terrain or cover permits. Being able to see more is always a plus.
I agree with everyting exept the capping flag.
This should only be used if it is a crittical flag that ur team needs and its about to be overrunned. For an example main mec base on cubra dam. If u are using the chopper for capping "less" imported flags then u are in a very vunerable situation. As u are hovering very low its much easier for the enemy to take u out, with everything from tows to tanks and u have very little chanse to spot enemy choppers coming in from above. I dont know how many times i've been a gunner when the pilot gives chase for flags rather then taking out any threats prior to the low hovering just to score some points.I rather see a chopper supporting the frontline by taking out enemy armor and choppers than have it flying around to take flags. The tvm is there for a reason. To take out threats from a distance. And those distances doesn't appear if ur flying low.If u are very close to an enemy chopper/tank its much harder for the gunner to make those crittical last changes of the tvm in flight.
Well just think about this for a minute. Even in real life combat, flying low in an attack chopper is a commen practice for good reason, especially after the 1.2 patch that gimped the hell out of the armor. Although every gunner wants a 2 minute 1000 yard line up shot to a target that isn't moving, it's not always possible for a pilot to provide that. Typically I set up to "pop out" behind the target, line up for a TVM shot, and allow the gunner about 3 seconds to get his shot out, which if you count off to 3, is a pretty long time, far longer then I'd like to be high and exposed to AA that are all over the freakin place.

I do, however, agree with what you're saying about flag caps. A good chopper pilot - correction - chopper CREW will secure the area first. And even once thats taken care of I can say I only hover cap flags when there isn't a friendly anywhere close by. If someone on foot/vehicle approaches I set up in a covering position to ensure the friendly will capture the flag.

Busa wrote:


And when a pilot ask you to bail out, don’t take it personnel, he wants his good gunner who is on coms with him.
Had a guy that couldn’t hit a barn from the inside in my cobra, after the 6th  tv miss I flew out to where a squad guy was waiting for me and asked the guy to get out, FU was the reply.

Did he think I was going to give him a shot after that?
I hate that.  I had some dumb ass of a chopper pilot purposely fly so that I was OB and he wasn't.  He did that before even giving me a chance as a gunner.  THAT'S A FUCKING TK THAT SHOULD BE GIVEN TO HIM.  YOU DON'T GET TO CHOSE YOUR GUNNER OR PILOT UNLESS YOUR LUCKY AT THE BEGINNING OF THE ROUND.  So work with you have.  Instead of complaining and telling the guy to bail out,  try giving helpful suggestions.  VOIP if you both have it on, or Teamspeak as some servers have public teamspeak channels available. 

I have trouble flying the choppers and as such I generally wait until another person gets in or quick switch to the gunner's seat.  I'm not the best gunner in the game, but i can hold my own most days.

Last edited by DSRTurtle (2006-02-26 09:26:53)

I will always give whoever hops in the front seat a chance before I get ticked off they're wasting my gunners seat. Sometimes I'd rather have someone random over some of my clanmates, but this is the same for pilots. I don't care if someone else bum rushes and chopper jacks me, but at least be a good pilot and making being a....well you know, worth it.
Moderator Emeritus
+76|6816|London UK

You shouldn't be capping flags in choppers.
Nice statement. Support? Explination? Opinion? lol
the thing that i dont get is,  why is there a damn rush to get to the chopper in the first place. if you cant fly/gun than dont even try. its a waste of time for the good players and possibly a suicide/ death for you and or an easy kill for the enemy.
One of the hard things about becoming a good pilot/gunner when your learning the game is the lack of moving targets at times.  Most people can't have more than 2 or 3 people in a "local" server.  The bots on singleplayer absolutely suck. 

That leaves learning in a server the only viable option.  I got my good conduct ribbon in helicopter by a guy who gave me a chance as a gunner.  I had started the round as an engineer on the ground.  I got killed trying to stop a tank.  I decided to respawn on the carrier to get in a jet, but saw the guy go to the cobra and joined him instead. 

Had my game not crashed I problably would have had the gold medal and the combat action ribbon as well.
When I got back in I was teamswitched by the evil server.  lol

Amish_electrition22 wrote:

the thing that i dont get is,  why is there a damn rush to get to the chopper in the first place. if you cant fly/gun than dont even try. its a waste of time for the good players and possibly a suicide/ death for you and or an easy kill for the enemy.
I am not all amazing and stuff but i can fly very well and effectively when needed. The trouble is that you have half a team of noobs on oman and none of the good pilots or gunners get to use it.
And when you do het it you either get tkd or get shot by the noob on the aa.

Lets face it the world hates good players now. 
Mod Incarnate
Almost noone knows this, but if you hold ctrl down as pilot you can look around. Its very helpful for spotting things that are out of your field of vision. Just be careful of where youre flying or you might introduce yourself to the ground very quickly.

KevinB550 wrote:

The other option that doesn't really hurt anyone is practicing in an unranked server, so people can't get too mad if someone makes a mistake. I practiced TV missles alot with a friend on the player-made El Alamein map (lots of tanks there!) and it helped me quite a bit.
The issue with that is you can pick up some modification that gets you kicked from ranked servers even though you didn't knowingly do anything wrong.  I prefer to go into ranked servers where games haven't started and either try to fly by myself without getting clobbered. or say that i'm learning.  It generally helps if you have played in the server and people know that you try to work with your teammates in other roles when you do.
I always give anyone who gets in the gunners seat a chance. For all I know he is the greatest gunner BF2 has ever seen. First time you fire the 20mm at a tank we are going home and you can get the fuck out. Truthfully if you are not on coms or at least in the same squad for VOIP you have no reason to be there but I will give you a chance.

You want to learn to gun and fly do it off line for a start, get a feel for the TV guided.
Land on a roof with the nose hanging off and get in the gunners seat. It is easy to use.

When you get the hang of that fly in an empty server, someone will always join you before long and you can fly for hours.  Unranked servers are also a good place to learn.
If you thought the tv missles in helicopters were hard.  try those on the SU-34.  It's a lot harder to hit targets, moving or not with them.  I kept trying to hit the AA guns on the essex and got them about 1 in 7 or 8 tries.  I think the SU-34 is better than the F-15, and I shot a Mig out of the air with one of those laser guided missles from it. 

Something I haven't tried, but if your the gunner on either the F-15 or SU-34 or maybe the helicopters is to look around to spot targets while your pilot concentrates on flying.  You might be able to keep the those pesky fighters away while he can concentrate on flying.  Just remember you should spend 99% of your time on the TV screen for those missles.

If any of you experienced flyers and chopper gurus know if that works.  Tell me so I can practice it to get better.

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