
Please people im a newbie at making videos if you have negative things to say pls dont say it
this was only my 2nd video.....
Well hopefully enjoy
Shifty's Home Number: 02 9662 8432

Wow, not too hard when your on SP and they have the accuracy of a blind person.
Take those shock paddles and shove em up ur ass. thats the worst movie and song I've ever seen/heard.
Yes the bots hack.

Kiss_my_white_ass wrote:

Take those shock paddles and shove em up ur ass. thats the worst movie and song I've ever seen/heard.
oh hai :D
+156|6803|The Netherlands
YOU can see you're cheater. They enemy don't see you at all. LMAO
You laughin' at me, bitch?
+44|6801|Hong Kong
spelling mistakes - 1. its DYING not dieng
                            2. clear, YOU'RE good to go, not YOUR

just some friendly help:)
lol some funny feed back i thought i said something about no NEGATIVE FEED BACK kiss my white ass that white ass will be red after i shove the paddles RIGHT UP UR FUCKING A HOLE u stupid cunt fucking prick ass homo guess you forgot how to read.

Since im replying to my own post does this count as a NEGATIVE feed back LOL
Moderator Emeritus
+76|6924|London UK

Enemy tank is inbound over!
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6817|NT, like Mick Dundee

Ffs, leave him alone, he is learning...

Go watch the Snoken videos buddy, you could learn from them... Oh, the Smokebomb Production lot deserve a mention too...
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
Cool member
"Enemy Boat Spotted"
Your video production skills are shocking.

The0wner wrote:

lol some funny feed back i thought i said something about no NEGATIVE FEED BACK kiss my white ass that white ass will be red after i shove the paddles RIGHT UP UR FUCKING A HOLE u stupid cunt fucking prick ass homo guess you forgot how to read.

Since im replying to my own post does this count as a NEGATIVE feed back LOL
Since you're so concerned about "reading" and "proper grammar" I see, maybe your should put some fucking periods in your insult. Oh, it was very a very nice one by the way. I mean, I've never heard of a stupid, cunt fucking, prick ass, homo, guess you forget how to read. I will want to meet one soon.
j00baroni w/ l33t sauce

Kiss_my_white_ass wrote:

The0wner wrote:

lol some funny feed back i thought i said something about no NEGATIVE FEED BACK kiss my white ass that white ass will be red after i shove the paddles RIGHT UP UR FUCKING A HOLE u stupid cunt fucking prick ass homo guess you forgot how to read.

Since im replying to my own post does this count as a NEGATIVE feed back LOL
Since you're so concerned about "reading" and "proper grammar" I see, maybe your should put some fucking periods in your insult. Oh, it was very a very nice one by the way. I mean, I've never heard of a stupid, cunt fucking, prick ass, homo, guess you forget how to read. I will want to meet one soon.

But seriously, who the fuck cares? If he wants to make shitty movies with Windows Movie Maker, let him. It's his life he's wasting. The rest of us play the game, and life goes on.
Team NHB
+35|6807|Los Angeles, CA
Please don't make any more videos.
Uses the TV missle too much
uhm..... my Zatar AA video is better then that one, and i made it in 10 mins. … einfo.html

+1|6915|The Netherlands
"TheOwner" gets owned by bots and calls them hackers.
I think you wanted us to say: 0mg y0 0wnz teh n00bs w1th teh sh0ckp4ddys!
Too bad it is too obvious that these are bots and they pretty much destroy you.
+11|6908|Toronto, Canada

The0wner wrote:

Please people im a newbie at making videos if you have negative things to say pls dont say it
this was only my 2nd video.....
Well hopefully enjoy
You bunny hopping bitch
Wow yea, bots.... amazing, how did you kill them all on easy settings, that must have been hard
Heres some hints:
1-You can put text on a video... instead of putting titles after or before each one, which makes video longer..
2-Change the color and text of titles so it doesnt look so damn cheesy
3-You can edit sounds and music to fade in and out with the video... it makes the whole video better..

I didnt know anything about making videos either, i once was a noob at it also, and thats why i didnt post my videos on, all they do is bitch and moan about how that wasted their time.... Well then why are you wasting your time reading forums?... Durka Durka Jihad to you all.... Have some common sense, or the balls to post your own video on forums, Panzis

Trigger_Happy_92 wrote:

uhm..... my Zatar AA video is better then that one, and i made it in 10 mins. … einfo.html

Wow yer gonna make me download a 3.25 MB video?, put it on "waste of my time"

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